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Rated: E · Monologue · Educational · #2271536
Just imagining talking to my Lord face to face
I had lunch with an VIP today
He was smooth as he seemed to glide inside the restaurant
He was cool,calm and collect like he had been waiting for this
Had he been waiting for this all along
No can’t be why would he want to meet with me
I wasn’t sure who it could he be at first
I just received a letter at my door saying we need to meet talk to you later
The letter had a date ,time and place of course
So I took the bate because I was curious at best
If this dude was a manic this could be quite serious
As he drew nearer I got scared what am I doing here
This dude had kind of a glow about him, what in the world
Just as I was about to bolt I heard him speak my name Natalie
My Lord I turned to say
It was Jesus the sun of man and God
He was looking at me ,No really into me
Shocked I slid into my chair
Still really stunned Jesus sat down and just smiled at me
We need to talk and since you still in shock I will go first my love
My name is Jesus as you know I’m the Savior of the world more importantly your Savior
I shook my head in agreement to that
Glad you agree he said that’s so nice not that I need you too however I glad to know you do
What have you been doing my dear he said with a smile
I looked a little confused and my stomach kinda dropped
Doing I barely got out more stunned than ever
He raised his had to quite me
I noticed you do believe in me he said that much is clear
However the demons believe and are scared so even they do that
I tried to sink down in my seat just a little
No need to hide my dear because I also know you are mines
Anyway you can’t run and hide there’s no where for you to go
Anywhere you could go I already there hon and sit up in that chair don’t slouch
I am here to help you out because as you often say you need all the help you can get
First I love you and have loved you since before time begin
You were on my mind along with all I would ever create
I loved you then I love you now
Most importantly I want you to get to know me and love me with all your heart
That’s how I have loved you from day one you see my sweetheart
However you are easily distracted,can be very disagreeable ,well down right argumentative
That needs to stop not everything need to be argued about even when you right Breathe
Stop stressing and start trusting ,me and you we got this
I smiled a little because I knew who had what
Okay so it’s all me however it’s me in you that makes the difference just so we clear
Natalie I love you my dear and don’t say this things to hurt you
Just so we clear I need you to love deeply
Always play fair even when others are not
Even when the deck is stacked against you
You have me so you are not to worry
Give without wanting and waiting for anything back not even a thank you
Give of yourself fully and freely even when you know others want to hurt you
Natalie I got you truly I do and I love you
Keep your focus on me and never turn back or even look back
If you do you will not be worthy of me
I love you and picked you,I choose you,you are mines forever
Nothing you can do will change that
I want to walk with you,engage with you
Know you in a more personal way
I want to grow closer with you everyday
Look for the miracle all around you everyday
It’s not so bad out here ,it’s not,if your perspective is right
If you look for me in others and creation you will be alright
Search for me in a flower,the trees, in a breeze and mostly in others because I will be there
I’m the miracle all around you look for me and you won’t lose sight or be disappointed nearly so much
Smile and think of me and run your race
I have to go now but to find me you only need look inside
I live in you Natalie
Please don’t leave me I stared to say I need you here with me and with skin on
I’m in you and my dear my grace is enough to keep you and lead you all along the way
I felt a breeze a look away just for a minute and he was gone
No not really too far away because he’s in me

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Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/2271536-I-had-a-little-talk-with-Jesus-today