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Rated: 13+ · Fiction · Fantasy · #2271331
Skrie and the gang save Garack.

As Skrie, Josie, and Malusk approached the front of the warehouse, the halfling began her prayer. When she ended, the guard at the gate addressed her.

"Hey!," he said. "I ain't seen you in forever! How ya been?"

"I've been good, Skrie replied, "what have you been up to?" the cleric sidled up to the guard like an old friend.

"I got this new job," the guard puffed up, "it pays well."

Josie chose that moment to approach, tuning her lute.

"Hey, this is a great place for a rave. I don't suppose we could go inside and take a look?" the bard sang, ending with a flourish.

"Oh, now ain't a good time. Th' boss just arrived and's 'bout to go into a meetin'. Some hush-hush thing." After a moment of thought, "you know, they probably ain't started yet, and I bet he'd love ta meet you." He looked at Skrie, then hitched his head toward the door, leading the trio into the warehouse. Malusk lifted the halfling onto her perch on his shoulder as they entered.

Several guards came alert when the door opened. Josie strummed a melody as the group walked down the corridor.

"What's this?" demanded one of the guards stalking toward them. "You're not supposed ta let anyone in. Get 'em out of here!"

"Hey," protested the door guard. "You ain't the boss. I don't gotta listen to you. I just wanna introduce my friend."

"You got any idea how much trouble you'll be in if you interrupt the boss?" the argument continued.

"Hey guys!" said Josie when she finished playing. "How about you all head to the north gate? I'll see you there soon."

"Aw," said one of the guards, "can you play us another song first?"

"I promise I'll play you another song at the north gate."

"Oh okay, if you promise." With that, three of the guards headed for the door.

"I promise."

"Why don't you join the others to the north gate?" Skrie asked as she finished her incantation. "It's very important."

The door guard and two others headed for the door and, presumably, the north gate.

"It would be better," Josie said to the remaining guards, "if you all followed your friends."

"Lift me into the rafters," Skrie whispered, tapping Malusk on the head.

The half-orc lifted the halfling as high as he could reach.

"Ready?" he asked.


Malusk tossed Skrie up to the beam overhead. The former urchin landed on the shaft. She looked for a cross-brace to take her to the other side of the warehouse. Creeping to the edge of the wall, she spotted (three? four?) more guards. Turning toward the area where she thought Garack might be held, the cleric hoped she would be able to see him.

Dammit! Planks covered the rafters, enclosing the space below.

Backing out to the previous room, Skrie looked for a place to lower herself. The door to the space below burst open as she looked, spewing another guard into the fray. Tying off another length of rope, the cleric lowered herself into a dark corner and scurried in the open door, praying to Tymora she wouldn't be seen.

Lady Luck was with her as she sneaked into the darkness. A dim lantern glow lit the room on the far side of the crates she now used as cover. Peeking around the boxes, she saw a single guard standing by the closed door.

Here goes nothing.

Taking a deep breath, the cleric prayed to her goddess once more to bring a burst of radiant energy down on the guard, knocking him to the ground. The man tried to rise. Appealing again to Tymora, a spinning red coin slammed into his head. This time, he didn't get up.

That was when she heard a voice yell out, "we're being attacked! We need help out here!"

Looking around and thinking fast, Skrie dove under the desk in the corner just as the door to the enclosed room opened.

The man dressed in dark clothing burst through the opposite door, passing in front of the desk under which the halfling huddled.

"We need you out here," said the man. He wore expensive clothing and was quick and quiet, unexpected for a man of his bulk.

"Come this way in case your man falls," he called to someone in the back room.

"I will," came the reply, "Just one more thing to do."

Skrie heard a soft ~click~ followed by a faint wisp of air on her face. The smell of dust and spices wafted into the room. Ooo, a secret door.

The halfling crept toward the odor, keeping in the corners, watchful of the man with his back to her. Scurrying through the opening, her eyes were met with perfect darkness. Reaching into her pack, she lit her lantern and hooded the light, letting the barest sliver illuminate her path.

"This way," she heard from the room she had just vacated, followed by the faint rasp of the hidden door against the floor.

Finding a stack of boxes to scuttle behind, the halfling shuttered the lantern she carried and held her breath. Dim light preceded the men through the opening as Skrie followed the shadow into the crates to remain hidden. She didn't want to think about what would happen if they found her.

Just one more thing to do.

The thought raced through her mind as the pair headed to a door in the opposite wall. No sooner was the door shut than the diminutive cleric ran to the secret passage, heedless of the possibility of another guard in the room.


The rest of the party joined her in the room as she crept toward the open door and peeked in. Not seeing a guard, Skrie rushed into the room, looking for her friend. What she saw gave her the chills. Those monsters had tortured their companion. Blood oozed from a dozen or more cuts, some deeper than others.

Appealing to her goddess, Skrie laid hands on him and felt his breathing begin to steady. She prayed harder and felt the healing warmth spread from her hands. The first indication that her prayers worked was when the oozing slowed, then halted. The wounds closed, leaving angry red marks on Garack's skin. Her companion had lost a lot of blood.

"We need to get out of here," said Josie, "before the two that escaped bring reinforcements."

"Agreed," said Malusk.

"I want to see what they're hiding here," said Skrie, moving to inspect the outer walls. "Why don't you and Mal check the crates and stuff, I'll look for another way out of here."

A quarter candlemark later, the only thing of interest they found in the warehouse was a half dozen or so crates of weapons, armor, and foodstuffs, all labeled with the Cult of the One symbol.

"I didn't find any other way out," said the halfling.

"I don't think we should be seen leaving this building," said Josie.

"Agreed, but Garack is in no condition to sneak around. Malusk will have to carry him. The only other way out that I know is the roof, and there's no way Mal will fit through there, you maybe, Malusk, no. We need to get to Geordo's without being seen."

"How about this," the bard proposed, "we get on the roof and make sure there's no one watching from the street. I cast an illusion of a horse and delivery cart in front of the door. Malusk carries Garack out while the door appears blocked. That way we only have to worry about anyone watching from the one street."

"I can make myself invisible," said Theren. "That way if anyone is looking, I'm hidden."

"I'll make it look like we's drunk," said the half-orc.

Skrie led Josie to the rope she left dangling, and the two climbed into the rafters. After recovering her cord, the halfling led the way to the far corner and the partially hidden trapdoor. The pair climbed onto the roof, and Skrie again recovered her rope. Moving to the front of the building, they poked their heads over the edge, looking for trouble.

Seeing no indication that reinforcements were forthcoming, the two women made their way to street level. Josie positioned herself at one end of the road while Skrie watched the other. When the illusion was in place, the halfling darted to the door and led her friends to a nearby alley.

Not long later, they were knocking on the door of Geordo's abode.

Next: "RecoveryOpen in new Window.

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