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by alexmp
Rated: E · Fiction · Action/Adventure · #2271046
part four!
Chapter 6 Wisteria: learning the new ways
When I pulled away from Blaze I can honestly say I was the happiest I had ever been. The memory of his lips implanted in my brain. I smiled and sighed, my eyes closed not wanting to come back to reality after that heavenly kiss.
I had to though so I opened my eyes slowly, my eyes landing on Zelda. She looked sad and helpless and I almost felt bad for her. But Not much- I wanted to make her angry- she could never be as good as me.
I cleared my throat and said, “Well guys, I guess we better get going if we want to leave here alive.”
“Yeah, right, great idea Wisteria,” said Zelda coldly.
Zelda and I gave each other Icy glares, Blaze awkwardly watching.
“Wait no,” Blaze cleared his throat, bringing our attention back, “It’s not a good idea. If we stayed here for a while longer we might be able to get more information about where the new lightsiders might be.”
“Actually,” I said quickly, “I think we better just go. Its unlikely that Cosmo will vote to have you on our team, Zelda. If no one but me votes to put you on our team, you’ll be thrown in our dungeon and so will Blaze and I.”
“Right!” Zelda laughed sarcastically, “Because of course its all about you! But I guess- I guess we’ll do it anyway because Blaze could never risk anything for me!”
Trying to hide how uncomfortable I felt, I said in the most upbeat tone I could muster, “Then let's go! I could summon a portal for us.”
I summoned the portal without struggling for the first time, then I gestured for my friends to walk through.
Blaze gave me a quick peck on the cheek and jumped through excitedly. Then before going Zelda gave me a suspicious look and cautiously jumped through too. Two very opposite reactions that set me on edge.
They didn’t need to find out my plan.
Last of all I sighed and followed them thinking, when will Zelda ever warm up to me? And should I be nicer to her? But if I am, would she steal Blaze? He was all I had.
We had landed in the middle of a large lake on a small island. My portals were not always the most reliable and this but this wasn’t an example of why. I had gotten to where I needed to go.
“Great! Just great!” Yelled Zelda. “Blaze your little friend here has landed us in the middle of nowhere! How are we even supposed to get food here? I bet its a trap!”
“Calm down Zelda I’m sure it’s not a trap, right babe?” asked Blaze, looking slightly worried. Great now Zelda was making my own boyfriend doubt me.
“Guys, I really don't have any control over where we land. I swear I’ve never been here before, it can't be a trap,” I lied.
“Wisteria wouldn't lie to you Zelda, you can trust her,” said Blaze. For a moment it felt like I was melting like butter. His trust filled me up with love, sadly I had to keep myself together though because I now felt utterly guilty for lying and had a stomach ache as a result.
“Fine!” Zelda snapped, “I’m going to find a place we can stay the night! See. You. Later!”
When she was gone Blaze walked to me, raising his eyebrows. “What was that all about,” he asked, then laughed.
“Blaze, I don’t know If she notices it but...she obviously likes you. Like more than a friend in case that wasn't clear,” I said to Balze looking him straight in the eye.
“Oh,” said Blaze looking down, avoiding my gaze. “Well don't tell her but I don't like her like that, sure she's cute but she’s not my type. Plus Zelda always gets mad for no reason, she’s not really good at even being a good friend. Truthfully she’s only helpful because of her fighting skills that she provides to our group.”
“So you don't like her, like at all?”
“No,” said Blaze confidently.
“Good, because I would hate it if you left me,” I said, smiling at Blaze lovingly. At the moment I didn’t care that I had got him to talk bad about our teammate behind her back.
What an Evil thing to do.
“Someday when this is all over maybe we could settle down and start a family, or even meet our old families,” Said Blaze, at first happy then sad and distant.
“I love your idea,” I said gently, and honestly I did. I gave Blaze a comforting elbow bump, and it did the trick and lightened the mood.
We sat and talked until evening had come, Zelda had still not returned and we were starting to get worried.
“Look at the sunset, isn't it gorgeous?” I said to Balze quietly.
He walked over to join me and sat down right next to me. “Not as gorgeous as you, Wisteria,” said Blaze, again making me feel wonderful but also sad for Zelda.
Truthfully she deserved Blaze more than me.
“Wanna dance down on the beach, you know just me and you?” asked Blaze hopefully. The way he looked at me after that one simple question just melted my heart in the most wonderful way.
“I don't know Blaze,” I said, biting my lip thinking about how Zelda would feel. Despite what I felt I was also overcome with a duty to be a good friend and do something really and truly good.
“Come on, it'll be fun, you need some time to relax,” he said, smiling sideways at me.
“Okay,” I said laughing lightly, “I guess one dance wouldn't hurt.”
Standing up, Blaze offered me his hand, helped me up and led me down to the beach.
Then he let go, bowed and very formally he offered me his hand again and said, “May I have this dance?”
Doubling over with laughter I managed to say, “Yes, yes you may.”
Then we danced, waltzing slowly, the touch of his hand on my waist making my face burn red hot. We spun gracefully in circles slowly, hearts on fire. We both knew how the other felt and what they were thinking without uttering a word or sound.
The universe had said it all for us, speaking in the language of love. As the sun went down it seemed like we had to dance faster and faster as if some sort of end was coming that we could evade by pure speed and grace. The sun sank below the horizon and we shot off the ground into the sky.
“What's happening,” I said awestruck.
“I honestly don't know, something magical I think,” said Blaze.
“No, duh,” I laughed and playfully rolled my eyes.
We came to a stop at this one point in the air and Blaze, who had been separated from me on our flight turned to me, his eyes gleaming in the starlight.
“I love you so much,” He said, staring deep into my eyes. We slowly walked towards one another and kissed for a wonderful moment, the starlight dancing around us.
But that was when I realized. When I kissed Blaze this time his lips were ice cold. I backed away with horror filling my eyes. I realized I only wanted to love Blaze but couldn’t really. Maybe it was then that I had a small realization of how evil I actually was. I rushed into things with Blaze- but he was too good and I was too evil.
“Blaze, I'm b-breaking up with you,” I stammered, still in shock, “I just dont think I’m right for you- or that you’re right for me for that matter.”
A look of disgust formed on Blaze’s face mixed with shock. I watched him look for the right words, struggling and stuttering.
“Fine!” he finally snapped, “Goodbye Wisteria.”
That was the first time he ever said my name in such a loathing tone- and that was the only way he’d ever say it for the rest of my life.
We plummeted towards the ground.
“Wait, I’m sorry I don't want to hurt you!” I tried to shout, but my words were lost in the wind.

Chapter 7 Zelda: The stranger and heartbreak
There was nothing good about Wisteria. She knew things that even I didn’t know about myself, that couldn't be good I thought. And to top it off I had heard what Blaze had said, how they only kept me around for my skills.
The annoying thing was that I was starting to think Wisteria was right, right about how I felt about Blaze that is. No, I thought I couldn't think about Blaze and his hurtful words now. I have to find a place for us to stay the night.
The whole time after I had left Blaze and Wisteria I had been hesitating at the beginning of a path I had found not far where I had just left.
It could be a trap, part of me kept screaming, the rest of me saying you need a place to stay the night or who knows what might come out of the forest and hurt you.
I finally decided that I needed to risk the path. Walking, my feet falling hard on the ground, I realized how mad Blaze had made me. When I got back I would kill him. The path widened out onto a small hut with a yard full of vegetables out on the front lawn. Great somewhere to stay I thought. In anticipation of confronting Blaze, I got a move on back to where I promised to meet Wisteria and Blaze.
There they were, but not how I expected to find them. For starters there was a third person now, from the looks of it a male. Blaze was obviously giving Wisteria the cold shoulder and Wisteria was talking to the newcomer while sneaking sad looks at Blaze, though Blaze never saw them.
Blaze was the first person to notice Zelda and stood up to greet her. “Hey Zelda sup?” siad Blaze in a calm tone.
That just made me furious!
“What’s up is that you are a backstabbing idiot ! You couldn't keep your mouth shut about me when I was gone. Nooo you had to tell your little girlfriend what you thought of me, you also couldn't be grateful for all the times I saved your life and cared about you,” I said at first bravely then breaking down in sobs.
Blaze laughed and said, “You didn't really think that was true did you?”
“What are you talking about?” I said looking at him, the hurt filling my eyes.
Whatever he had to say had to be really good if he wanted to change my mind.
“Well it is true sometimes you’re...well you're not the best at being a good friend but to tell the truth me neither. I was blind and didn't realize that you’re too good to let go. I got caught up with a girl that did nothing to deserve my love and hurt a really wonderful friend that did everything to deserve my love. I was wrong and shallow. I don't think Wisteria could be my true love. It has to be you. Give me a chance and I will try and give you everything I can to make you happy. No promises that it will work though, there are more warriors here than just the four of us,” said Blaze looking me in the eyes in a way I had seen only too much when he was with Wisteria.
I could tell Blaze was wildly trying to grasp some kind of love- he, like me, was new to the whole idea. Now that he had a taste he simply couldn’t let go.
“Wait...What? What happened between you two while I was gone,” I asked stunned.
“All that matters right now is I'm yours, but please, let's take it slow so I can be sure you’re the right one for me and I can trust you,” said Blaze blushing looking at the ground.
“Take it slowly? Blaze, you realize you’ve only been here for less than a week right?”
Stunned Blaze stammered, “Oh I thought you- I thought I could-”
“The reason you and Wisteria didn’t last was because you went way too fast. Slow down and get to know people first. If in a month or two we still like each other we’ll go from there. Right now I just want to be your friend, ok?”
“Oh, okay,” said Blaze sadly, “But would you hold my hand on the way back to the others?”
“Sounds good to me,” I said, feigning happiness. Truthfully I felt trapped, it was too early for this as well. Yet, I said yes as to let Blaze down easily. I just hoped I had made the right choice, I didn’t want to give him mixed signals.
Then Blaze offered me his hand and walked me down to meet the newcomer but let go when we were in sight.
The newcomer's name was Jack, it was obvious he thought that Wisteria was gorgeous, though Wisteria couldn't stop looking at Blaze in that sad way. Blaze continued not to notice just as Wisteria didn't notice what the newcomer thought of her.
Oh boy a love triangle, nothing good ever comes of that.
“So where are we spending the night? I heard from Wisteria here,” he said, giving Wisteria an adoring look that again went unnoticed, “you were going to find us a place for the night.”
“Oh, yeah right, I found a little hut in the woods if you guys want to follow me,” I said, feeling uncomfortable again.
The first thing Jack said to me made it seem like I was a mere servant of the group. Blaze noticed my uncomfortable look and slyly slipped his hand into mine again so that Wisteria and Jack didn't notice.
“It’s gonna be okay,” He whispered in my ear and kissed my cheek quickly, “Jack just doesn't realize how amazing you are yet, not to mention he’s a bit awkward.”
At that last part I couldn't help but giggle, but still, Blaze didn’t seem to be trying to be just my friend. I felt even more uncomfortable but still played along with it.
“What?” Jack asked, ignorant to the whole scene.
“Nothing,” Blaze and I said in unison then laughed, though on my part it was half forced.

Chapter 8 Wisteria: The reason why
We were falling, falling from the sky and I was desperately trying to tell Blaze that I was sorry, which was true. We landed hard on the cold ground, the sun now gone making way for the eerie darkness.
“Did you ever love me for real?” asked Blaze after our crash landing.
He was brushing himself off, but despite being dirty he looked too beautiful.
“Yes, I did,” I said, “I’m just having moments of self realization, stuff that makes things not work out.”
“No, this is wrong, this is all wrong,” muttered Blaze.
He nervously ran his fingers through his hair.
“What's wrong?” I asked terrified.
“I don't know if you’re right for me either,” Blaze said as if it were dawning on him that there might be something wrong with me.
“It was all too fast, the time I kissed you up in the sky just now, it was wonderful for a second and then your lips were as cold as ice. Is there something you’re not telling me?” He turned to look at me as if I was a monster he had just woken up to find in his bed.
“Well...sort of?” I was stunned, he had felt the same thing.
“I don't want a sort of,” Blaze growled, “I want a yes or no.”
“Yes,” I whispered, “I was going to tell you soon but I couldn't yet.”
“Tell me now.”
“Okay, okay!”
“Before I met you that day I was- I was dating Cosmo. I didn’t want to tell you or him and he sorta, maybe took me out of the cabin while you were asleep that night and went on a little date with me. I brought you to this island because I knew they were coming here tomorrow and I could sneak off to tell him about me and you, then I would break up with him, tell you what had happened and declare my love for you,” I said slowly, not meeting his eyes. “But I’ve still been writing love letters and I think I still like him?”
For the second time today, I was outright lying.
“You didn’t tell me this! How dare you! Zelda was right. You’re horrible, you set us up in basically a trap!” yelled Blaze furiously.
“Blaze I’m really-,” I began.
“Oh, you’re really sorry?” he shot back, “For lying to us all? Making us think you couldn't control where you landed us? Let me guess you won't ever do it again? How could I ever trust you again! I’m sorry but there is no more us after what you’ve done.”
“Blaze,” I pleaded.
“Goodbye Wisteria,” said Blaze coldly.
I felt even worse- because I had just lied again and made the problem about me and Cosmo- not my question being evil. Plus I hated Cosmo. I could never like him, let alone write him love letters.
I was quickly pulled out of my guilt to find a new boy I had never seen before staring at me- mouth hanging open. He was half hidden behind a bush but I had felt his eyes on me from where he hid.
I cleared my throat, “I see you back there, you can come out, don't be afraid.” Cautiously the boy stepped out. He looked about sixteen, with dirty blonde hair and blue eyes. “I’m Jack,” He said in a quiet voice with an Australian accent. “I didn’t know there was anyone else on the island.”
Blaze pushed past me gently and gave Jack a firm handshake. In just minutes the two were talking like old friends.
We all sat down together and got to know each other, though I was careful to ignore Blaze.
Jack became more and more interested in talking to just me. The worst thing was I could tell he was starting to crush. And how could I even begin to think about crushing back after what had happened?
Oh Blaze!!
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