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by alexmp
Rated: E · Fiction · Action/Adventure · #2271043
Part three
Chapter 4: Blaze- What is love anyway?
My thoughts were running wild, and to be fair, so was I. Faintly as I ran for my life I recalled that wherever I had lived before I came to this strange world running had not been one of my strengths. Not that I had many even here, I thought bitterly while gritting my teeth in anger. It wasn’t fair, nothing was ever fair for me.
The girl named Wisteria was about three paces behind, and was gaining on me quickly.
Suddenly I collapsed to the ground and sharp pain flared up my left leg. I had tripped on a tree root. Looking down I saw my ankle was bent at an unnatural angle. Drat, it was broken!
“I got you now Blaze, so will it be surrender or fight? Oh, right you can't fight with your leg like that!” cackled Wisteria. “Let's get a move on,”She said, pulling me sharply off the ground. Tears welled in the corner of my eyes, my vision blurry through the excruciating pain.
Taking a deep husky breath it turned slightly toward Wisteria with much effort and said, “Will you heal me if I promised to work for the dark side?”
“I'm not the one who makes decisions in this clan. You'll have to talk to our leader, Santiago,” said Wisteria, looking shocked. Her face softened and a light blush appeared.
“Personally I might like it if you joined, so I’ll heal your leg and you won't tell anyone as long as you promise me that you will fight for our side. Do we have a deal Blaze, and yes I remember your name.”
She looked down at me, ogling at her. I hadn’t expected her to agree that easily, let alone show me kindness.
“Uhhhhhhh, yeah I guess we have a deal,” I said as I tried to stop myself from staring at her. For some reason I almost felt like I might...but no I can't, I said to myself feeling my face get hot.
“Is something the matter, you don't look that fine?” she asked, looking slightly concerned.
“No nothing’s wrong, I actually feel really good,” I said, straightening up. And I did feel really good truthfully, in fact better than ever.
“Okay then,”she said, chuckling as she bent down to heal my leg. “Just a secret between you and me but, in our clan we were left with a spell book and I was the only one who could use it. The only problem was there was a duplicate that had a starry sky cover and none of us could use it. I’ve been expecting someone for quite a while to join us because the book could be for them. Once we get you sworn in to our clan I'll let you test it out, how about that?”
That must be why she was so willing to help!
“That would be amazing,” I said excitedly, “Then we could practice our magic together!”
“Don't get too far ahead of yourself Mr.gallant,” She said, falling over with laughter.
Then there was a moment our eyes met and our souls seemed to connect. Slowly we leaned towards one another but a shout brought us out of the moment.
“Hey! Wisteria, What the heck do you think you’re doing?! He’s the enemy!” Shouted the leader walking towards us who must be Santiago.
I didn’t know anything about love but It felt like love at first sight with Wisteria. I was quickly becoming infatuated with her. It had seemed for a moment as if we had shared the feeling- but now we had Santiago to deal with. The moment could be no more, though I would wonder for what seemed like forever what that kiss would have been like.
Wisteria was quick to defend me.
“Actually he wanted to join our clan Santiago! You are always so quick to judge, could you just chill out for once?” she yelled, getting up and marching threateningly towards santiago.
“And just like usual, someone needs to mind their attitude towards their leader!” Growled Santiago, obviously trying to hold dominance over her.
“If I had had my spellbook when we dueled for leader, you Know I would have won,” Said Wisteria now glowering hatefully at Santiago, seeming more than ever like a bomb seconds from going off.
“Whatever you say, pretty girl,” said Santiago laughing coldly, “I’ll let you believe that, and when we do fight you’ll be begging for mercy at my feet when I’m done with you.”
“Don't you dare call me Pretty Gir’-,” there she went seconds from blowing up.
“I would keep my mouth shut if you want your little friend to join our clan.”
At these words Wisteria abruptly shut her mouth and stared sadly at the ground the power she had while fighting with Santiago drained away leaving her looking weak, sad and for some reason looking out of place in this evil clan. Could she be . . . Good?
“That's better. So, Blaze is it? You seek to join us? Does anyone here besides Wisteria support the idea of him joining our crew?” Santiago whispered coldly, staring at me with hatred.
“I think I do,” said Cosmo cautiously, “He looks buff, with a bit of training- and some more bravery he might be valuable.”
Cosmo gave me a startling calculating look. His eyes seemed to peer into my soul in a way I couldn’t hide anything from.
Cosmo seemed to make up his mind, and gave a satisfied grunt of approval. Walking over he gave me a pat on the back.
“Now it’s just up to what Boss thinks,” he smirked. Then he turned to look at Santiago waiting for an answer.
Santiago seemed to be deep in thought for a second, a bitter expression on his face, before he replied.
“Well then, even if I disagreed the majority would be against me, So Blaze you may join us after you repeat our oath with me. Will you do that?” Asked Santiago again, giving me a deadly look.
His look clearly said: I’m always watching you- you dirtbag.
Great, first day with these people and their leader already hated me, amazing.
“No it's wrong!” A voice in my head as another equally as loud said “But Wisteria will be with you!” Ignoring the voices I grumbled, “Yes, I can do that.”
“Well then, repeat after us,” Santiago said, obviously not pleased with the idea of having me on their team.

“Join together united as one,
We who rule everything under the sun,
Keep this world in chaos,
A mission that is never done,
Join us tonight,
Help us get our dark plan done”

As I finished repeating the oath of darkness a blinding red light filled the air around me and I transformed into a glowing red wolf, my howl piercing the night as the others, including Wisteria, followed turning into wolves glowing the same red as me.
It was the same as when I had hunted the deer- but instead of blue I was red. This, I concluded, must have been a symbolic thing of the dark side.
Together we ran swiftly and stealthy through the eerie wood. We were one under the huge mist covered moon that shone above us. It felt weird and somehow off though, as if I had come home to find all of my same possessions- but all of them placed in a different spot. I was home but at the same time there was something completely wrong.
We passed trees apon trees glowing red just like all the other trees I had seen. The stars were beautiful as well as the golden grass we ran through that obscured our legs. It was like I was flying rather than running, and the pack's breath was in sync as if to make the run more horribly wonderful than it already was. Adrenaline coursed through my veins because now I had something worth fighting for. I had found a friend in Wisteria, or a secret relationship in the midst of darkness. So this was heaven-
Finally with Santiago in the lead we all ran to a camp that Wisteria had built with her magic before I had become part of their clan. The wonderful feeling ceased and I morphed back to my normal self.
Wisteria, who usually sleeps in a cabin for two alone, offered me the empty bed and I said yes ethunsiasticly. We both walked there in silence and within less than a minute arrived in front of a small cabin. This one held none of the same homeliness as Graces cabin but still managed to look inviting. The logs were painted black and the windows were made of gray glass covered with gold blinds.
Once inside I plopped down on a black trundle bed with red velvet sheets that looked like a vampire would sleep in it and sighed happily.
“So, how’d you like our first hunt?” Wisteria asked nervously, holding her arm tight to her body , biting her bottom lip, and looking very uncomfortable.
“It was perfect, especially with you there,” I said, my face burning. “Did you enjoy it?”
I couldn't help but ask because when I ran next to Wisteria I felt more at home than with anyone else.
Part of me was dying with curiosity to find out if she felt out of place in a group of darksiders and if she possibly wasn't one of them. What if she was a light sider like I knew I was at heart?
Looking slightly uneasy Wisteria told me how much she loved the clans and especially the hunts. For some reason I could almost feel dishonesty in her body language.
She then promptly ended the conversation and went to bed without another word

Chapter 4 continued: Wisteria’s perspective
Blaze was asleep now, that meant it was time for my unwanted date. I sighed and went to put on my silver diamond crescent necklace that Cosmo had given to me as a promise of our always being together.A binding was what he called it because on it there was supposedly a spell to keep us together forever.
This was now not a problem though because a week ago, Cosmo had lost his half somewhere in the woods.
I say it would have been a problem if this had not happened though because as we had started dating, I realized he wasn’t the right one for me. He was mean, could only see me as a body and couldn’t see my heart.
When we started dating he said he would reward me for any boy or girl I could charm into joining our group. He wanted me to sell my fake love and glamor- the only thing to describe that is disgusting.
None of the boys in this clan seemed to think I was more than a body though. Lucky Santiago and Cosmo had never cared enough to see through my act of being evil. However, I was starting to think I wasn't fooling Blaze. The way he had asked if I enjoyed our run as a pack made it seem as if he had hoped that I wasn’t- well- evil. The others in our clan had never seen that all of my evil ways were rooted in my fear.
I was thinking too much again. I had to stop or I would be late for my date.
I quickly put on my silver combat boots and ran out the door, past the cabins and the mess hall, all the way to the flag pole where a black flag with a red skull on it flew.
At the base of the flagpole was Cosmo, arms crossed and a smirk on his face.
“You're late,” he laughed coldly.
“Yeah sorry about that,” I said quietly, “It has nothing to do with you though.”
That was a lie it did have to do with him.
“I would hope it wasn't my love,” Cosmo said, gesturing for me to come stand next to him.
“Sorry though I didn-” I started.
“Kiss me,” Cosmo said grinning.
My heart wasn’t in it but I did. The only reason I did was because I knew I would find a way to get away from him soon.
“You seem different,” Cosmo remarked as he gently pulled away from me.
“You must be imagining it!” I laughed.
“Well I don't think so,” said Cosmo softly, “Better not be about that new comer- but I don't think it is.”
“Nothings different! I swear!” I argued.
“You look so hot when you’re mad,” Cosmo smirked dangerously.
“I don't know what you m-”
Cosmo grabbed my waist and pulled my body right next to his. “Maybe soon we’ll start a family, what do you think babe?”
“Not tonight for sure! I don’t kn-”
“Quiet my love, what I say goes, no use in arguing.”
“But what if this isn’t okay with m-”
“Oh well, but I do have a surprise for you.”
“Wh-what would that be Cosmo?”
Cosmo slowly got down on one knee and said in an annoyingly cute whisper, “Wisteria, I have loved everything about you since the day we met- would you make me the happiest deitie alive and be my wife?”
“Cosmo- I’m only seventeen, I-,” I started to say.
“Say yes if you know what's good for you,” growled Cosmo, his violent side again scaring me half to death.
“I have to go,” I said quickly.
“Nonsense!! One might think you were afraid of spending a little time with the guy you love-” he laughed.
I feigned a huge yawn, “It’s just I’m so tired after a long day. I need to go to bed and think about your request, so I’ll see you tomorrow babe.”
I turned to hurry away but he caught my arm. “Going away without a kiss my love?”
“Oh yeah!” I laughed nervously.
“I don’t think that’ll be necessary though because You can't leave quite yet.”
“But I have to!” I practically screamed, “I’m so tired and I have to go!! I promise, I SWEAR tomorrow we’ll make up for tonight.”
“Oh dear,” Cosmo sighed, “Too soon on the proposal I see. Sorry to have frightened you so much. Yes you may leave, but a kiss is all I ask.”
I pecked Cosmo on the cheek, then ran as fast as I could away from him, past the dining hall, picnic tables, offices, armeroys and other cabins, till at last I was home.
I was restless, and worried. I would have to leave here fast, but I eventually slipped under my cover and fell into a light uneasy sleep.

Chapter 4 continued: Blaze’s Perspective
I faked it well but I couldn’t sleep all night. Wisteria made me feel all tingly and sweet inside. I know I had just met her but I was attracted right away. I have never personally been in a relationship before though so I don't know how fast or slow to go.
I wanted to tell her how I felt so bad!! I know she seemed like she maybe had a thing for me! But- I didn’t want to embarrass myself.
I quickly decided I would wait for her to make the first move because a girl like her must have experience in relationships, right?
The sun was rising and it was my first official day on the dark side. I heard Wisteria get out of bed quickly. She tiptoed to my bed and whispered in my ear.
“Yeah?” I yawned.
“We have to get out of here!!”
That got my attention, “why?!”
“Shh,” she said, “ let's make a deal, I’ll tell you something interesting if you agree to come with me.”
“Sure,” I agreed, “ but tell me first.”
“Ok,” she giggled quietly. “You know you don’t hide your feelings well, right?”
Oh no.
“Yeah,” I gulped.
“I know you like me and I like you too.”
“Wait what?!” I practically screamed, “Really??”
“Really, really,” she laughed, “but please be quiet, let’s go.”
Only later would I learn that this would all be a BIG mistake- but what can I say, now you know just how bad at this love thing I am.
(not to add I had started the relationship of my downfall in a sleepy haze.)

Chapter 5: Zelda, lonely
They were drawing their weapons. Stubbornly, I refused to die or do whatever goddesses did when stabbed and drew my weapon. I will slay these villains and find that girl who took Blaze and do my worst, I thought to myself as they advanced, Santiago with a double sided ax and Cosmo with his twin black and white glowing knives.
They were upon me now, no more time to think.
Santiago, clearly a skilled fighter, made me think he was going to jab me in the gut only to try and land his ax on my head.
Out of pure instinct, I jumped back to avoid getting my head pleasantly split in two.
The strikes started slow back and forwarth, then an invisible source seemed to power Santiago and Cosmo until the strikes were coming too fast to block or dodge.
Looking quickly at the two enemies, I decided that I was faster and would get safely away if I ran.
Looking to my side I saw that Kalob had already run away successfully and I was the only one who had stayed.
Leave it to me to be the last one to figure that out!
I turned and bolted in the direction I thought Blaze had run, screaming his name, “Blaze!!!! Blaze!!!” until I could scream no more.
The enemies had made no visible attempt to follow me.
I ran until I promptly collapsed, sobbing.
No… no no no. He’s gone, they took him! I'm too late! Horrible, terrible, horrible me. Gone… he's gone.
All day I sat under the tree waiting… just waiting for Blaze’s return. Exhausted and too guilty to eat I lay down on the hard forest floor and slept.

Oh... I thought as I woke up, Blaze is gone! No one to tease or talk with… no one to help me if I were to get sick or need any assistance. No one to tell me I’m not the horrible person I think I am. Not think! AM.
No time to think about that now, I had to find Blaze!
Just as I was about to begin sobbing again because no matter what I told myself, I couldn’t get up and take action- a portal materialized in front of me, glowing red and gold, emanating fear.
I quickly scrambled to my feet ready to run away.
But no sooner than when I got to my feet, the ground began to shake violently and knocked me back to the ground.
The trees around me began to close in tighter and tighter. My breathing accelerated as I realized there was no possible way out.
The trees began to spit sparks at me. I yelped in pain as they connected with my skin, searing hot and multiple at a time.
I got to my feet again and stumbled to the ring of trees.
“Help!!” I screamed, “Someone please let me out!!”
I began to hit the trees over and over, yelling for anyone- SOMEONE, to help me.
Just as I was ready to collapse crying, I heard footsteps run up to the outside of the trees.
“Is someone in there?” Asked a female voice.
“Yes!” I said urgently, “Do you think you could help me out?”
“Hold on,” She said, “Let me check the perimeter and see if I can find a way.”
There was a long pause of talking and I could hear her making a complete circle around the prison of trees.
“I don’t see a way out, what’s going on in there?” She asked.
“Before I say, might I ask your name?” I questioned.
“Yeah, no problem,” She laughed, “It’s Lavender, I’m a lightsider.”
“Good to know,” I replied, “My name is Zelda and I’m a lightsider too.”
“Pleased to make your acquaintance, Zelda, but could you tell me what's going on in there? It’d be helpful you know- so I could possibly find another way.”
“Yeah, well, there’s a portal in here,” I said slowly, “But it’s giving me dangerous vibes and I’m trapped with it. I don’t think that’s a good sign.”
“There’s no other gaps in the trees or something to climb?” Lavender inquired.
“No,” I said glumly, “I was hoping there would be something out there to help me get out.”
“I think you’re going to have to jump through the portal,” sighed Lavender, “It seems to be the only choice.”
Through the pain of the sparks still stinging my skin I could only dimly think enough to know I had to do what she said. I knew it was the only way.
“I’m sorry I couldn’t help more, Hopefully we’ll meet again,” said Lavender sadly.
“No need to apologise,” I laughed, “I hope to see you again too. Goodbye Lavender.”
Then I did what I’d been avoiding this whole time- I jumped through the portal.
I fell to the ground in an anything but soft manner on the other side.
“Ohhhhh,” I groaned in pain. “It hurts...A lot.”
“Zelda?” asked a familiar voice.
“Blaze?” I asked hesitantly. I got off the ground in shock, not believing for a second what I had heard. Sure enough there was Blaze- Blaze with his arm around the blond girl who had chased after him only the day before.
Now I wished I was back where I had just come from. That would have been less painful then what I had dropped in on.
No doubt she was the one who had opened the portal for me and caused me all the pain I just went through. This was simply too much.
“Explain yourself,” I said, already there were tears in my eyes. It was only obvious that they were dating. It has only been a day and he was already coupled up WAY to early. Was I… Jealous?
This day was seriously an emotional roller coaster.
“Well err…,” said Blaze looking at his feet.
“You can’t already be a couple!! I’ve only been gone for a little while!”
I hated change, especially when it was so fast and . . . unpredictable.
“Blaze, don't let her do this to you. I want you to be happy hun,” said the blonde kissing his cheek.
“Hun?” I asked now furious, and for some reason even more jealous. This couldn’t be happening.
“Yes hun,” said the blonde girl, “Do you not get it? Maybe I should help you, you see Blaze here-.”
“Will you let me tell her please babe? Zelda this is Wisteria and she is my...my girlfriend,” said Blaze blushing, “Right babe?”
“Of course Blaze,” siad Wisteria rolling her eyes, then blushed, “I always will be too.”
Then her expression turned sour, “Zelda is it? You should leave, you have no place with us.”
“Wait, babe, you said we’d go back to the light side together, right?” asked Blaze, frowning slightly, like he didn’t get it.
“Yeah, I did say that but isn't it obvious to you?” asked Wisteria looking at Blaze in a concerned way. No, not concerned, I thought. She HAD to be faking, she was probably just tricking Blaze. No! Zelda scolded herself, she would be happy that her friend had found… love.
“Is what obvious?” Asked Blaze looking confused at Wisteria then questioningly at me as if asking what?
Wisteria laughed, “I think she likes you and it would be hard for her to see us dating while she had feelings for you.”
“I do not like Blaze!” I said definitely. “Plus you guys got together way too early , believe me, this isn’t going to last!”
Honestly, who was she to tell me that?! Plus- I could already tell that their relationship was off somehow. Like automated or robotic.
“Mhm, I totally believe that,” said Wisteria, giving me a look of false sympathy.
I decided to ignore her and turn to Blaze.
“Whatever, Blaze, are you coming with me? I'm here to bring you back to the light side so you're not hanging out with scum like her,” I said then stared expectantly at him.
“I’m sorry, I can’t do that Zelda. Well at least I can't do that if it’s true that you like me,” said Blaze looking at me sadly.
“No, I don't like you,” I said, my voice breaking.
Truthfully I would do anything to get Blaze to come back to the lightside with me and for things to go back to normal already. But now I didn’t think that was going to happen.
“Okay, then I guess we can go with her, Blaze,” said Wisteria happily.
I mentally groaned to myself- I had meant for JUST Blaze to come with me.
“I guess we can then babe,” said Blaze, smiling widely. Then to top it off they kissed each other for a long, painful ten seconds.
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