Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/2269501-Globalization-Vs-Deglobalization
Rated: E · Letter/Memo · Educational · #2269501
What's our collective of lives worth? Everything.
Globalization (Democracy leads toward love and forgiveness)
Deglobalization (Entrenchment of Hate securing Enslavement)

The world of politics on the side of superiority by using their higher currency values tries to skip over their collective differences by turning away from the issues on the table. There can be peace upon this planet should we treat everyone as we ought to, as an equal.
Currently, we the people have inherited a system of globalization based upon enslavement using currency differences whereby entire cultures have their contributions devalued or in other words their time and efforts devalued. This is enslavement. This is an extension of hatred.
If we were indeed all of us equals, there would not be any need for borders nor, different laws and certainly a single currency would be adopted.
Right now, geopolitical issues are that the USA along with the Commonwealth are trying to have their cake and eat it too by trying to remain on top of the currency marketplace through their keeping track of battles of old (history) of wins and losses on the battlefields over time past. This is old school and must be set aside.
Forgiveness starts from the top and works downwards towards the masses governed. Common rules of law bring with it, over time, globalization, and a single currency to eventually be adopted. This is love.
Unity will secure the lives of everyone upon the planet, we would then be free to pursue higher pursuits of advancement. Space and deep-sea exploration for example.
Right now, Russia and China are united by theism based upon this global issue.
This is the real reason for the war in the Ukraine. Peace is presently maintained at the end of a gun barrel due to the above.
Wake up people! What are your lives collectively worth? The system of government is sacred and ought to be treated as such! Why? Because your lives can not be replaced when sacrificed or lost!

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