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Rated: 18+ · Review · Horror/Scary · #2268172
Horror/Urban Fantasy/Psychological Thriller
I found this a near-perfect novel of Horror and Urban Fantasy, totally both entertaining and engrossing. Full of deeply realized characterizations right along with subtly intensifying Horror, building to a nightmarish denouement, ENTOMOPHOBIA is preciously a Page-Turner par excellence.

The protagonist, in first person viewpoint, is most definitely in the role of Feckless Hero (ine). But Meri is not one-dimensional, simply fulfilling a role in which Nature, Man, and Fate seem to thwart her at every turn. Ultimately, she reveals herself as emotionally and mentally strong [though an entirety of pain and agony and suffering in the crucible of emotional and physical abuse and psychological disorder are required so that she eventually can break out the chrysalis and become the Butterfly she intends].

The author superbly treats PTSD and crippling Phobias, a very real situation. As both these psychological issues are unfolded through the protagonist's experience (while secondary characters simultaneously demonstrate other issues, such as alcoholism and Narcissism and "keeping up surface appearances at the expense of compassion and generosity"), readers "live" vicariously with all the emotional roller-coaster rides that encompasses.

Author: Sarah Hans
Genre(s): Horror/Urban Fantasy/Psychological Thriller
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