Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/2267602-Zombie-apocalypse
by Zion
Rated: E · Short Story · Fantasy · #2267602
Zion is now dealing with a outbreak of a virus which had turned people into the undead.
Name: Zion Mushu Lisho
Age: 16
Fav color: White...
Height: 5'4" (I know im short....)
Sign: Libra
Lover/Crush: ...
Nationality: Japanese
Inspiration: Art, anials...
Fav food: Anything I can get...
Current mood: Scared

Name: Alexander Dean Mono
Age: 17
Fav color: Black
Height: 6'4'
Sign: Leo
Lover/Crush: We are in an apocalypse and all you care about is if I have a crush?
Nationality: Japanese/American
Inspiration: ...
Fav food: ...
Current mood: Pissed off

Name: Aiden Landon Mono
Age: 16
Fav color: Red
Height: 6'2"
Sign: Aries
Lover/Crush: I mean I like someone...
Nationality: Japanese/American
Inspiration: ...
Fav food: Sushi...
Current mood: Tired

Name: Sara Yui Himari
Age: 16
Fav color: Purple or yellow
Height: 5'5"
Sign: Scorpio
Lover/Crush: I like Aiden but don't tell him!
Nationality: Japanese
Inspiration: Music, singing, animals
Fav food: Cookies
Current mood: Excited

Alexander walked around talking with Aiden as they entered a store looking around as Sara started grabbing the left over medicine and bandages. She looked around hearing the creaky floor boards in the back and nodded towards the back shelves as Alexander crept over keeping an hand over his gun.

Aiden helped Sara with collecting everything and jolted when the shelf crashed which alarmed Alexander who snarled pointing his gun at a small boy who seemed unconscious having the shelf crushing half their body. "Alexander don't shoot him!" Sara snapped going over and had Alexander get the shelf off them and carry them back to the school.

Sara tied up the boy after bandaging him and started to hand out the rations to Alexander and Aiden. She looked over towards the boy who started to stir and panicked wanting to get free and Alexander snarled aiming the gun at him while looking through their bag. He dumped it out which made the boy's pill bottles scatter around. "Alexander! That's rude!" Sara squeaked trying to pick up everything and noticed some of the bottles were for anxiety.

The boy had fear staining his eye trying to move and Aiden went over to untie him glaring at Alexander who just stormed to his room. "Don't worry about him. He's a bit of a jerk." Sara said making a face and Aiden went to start a fire to keep warm.

The boy didn't speak just scrambling to grab his pills and took one quickly. He went over to the corner not trusting any of them though his back was sore. Sara huffed and leaned on Aiden who had started a small fire in the fire pit they had. He softly nuzzled Sara and looked towards Alexander's room. "He's pissed.".

Sara rolled her eyes saying it was better than just having three people as she went over to try and help the boy who panicked feeling claustrophobic since Sara was blocking the only way to move. He whimpered trying to move away but was pinned to the wall as Sara helped. "Don't help that pathetic kid! He could be infected for all we know!" Alexander snarled as Sara moved glaring since the boy started trembling from the snarling. "I-i'm not i-infected..." He murmured and Aiden looked over along with Sara who softly smiled. "See.".

Alexander glared storming off to his room and slammed the door pissed off. The boy slowly ate softly trembling still and Aiden sipped the herbal tea Sara had made for them. Sara softly smiled bringing over the herbal tea to the boy who softly thanked her.

The boy hid a shiver only in a tee-shirt but ignored it and Alexander came out going over and pinned him. "You were where it all started how do we know you're not infected!" He snarled and the boy trembled starting to have a panic attack not liking that he couldn't move. "Alexander get off him!" Aiden snapped pulling off Alexander watching as he stormed to his room.

The boy stayed in the corner softly trembling and Sara went over trying to help calm him but he pulled away trembling not wanting touched. He rubbed his back which was still sore but ignored and laid down. He sipped the tea a bit more and murmured a goodnight to Sara who smiled and walked with Aiden towards both of their rooms.

The boy sat back up going to try and leave and jolted feeling someone yank him back and snarl. "Where you think you're going you little rat.." Alexander growled looking down at him.

Alexander snarled at him to speak but the boy refused too starting to tremble and yelped when Alexander shoved him into the wall searching his bag and found a knife. "Where you going to stab us! Damn right we should send you out there!". He spat.

The boy jolted and trembled trying to speak up. "I-i needed p-protection out there....." He said in a soft murmur and winced in pain from the back of his head which was bleeding now.
© Copyright 2022 Zion (zionesper101 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/2267602-Zombie-apocalypse