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Rated: XGC · Fiction · Erotica · #2267573
To fight demons, we created futa’s.
Doctor Luna Suarez sat at her desk sipping coffee as she reviewed her research notes. Before the rift had opened, Dr. Suarez had been a rather unknown geneticist whose specialty had been human augmentation via genetic alteration and enhancement. It was a mostly theoretical field seeing as very little was actually known about how to safely and effectively alter a human body via gene splicing and similar methods. There were ways to perform gene therapy on an unborn child of course to minimize the chances of hereditary conditions and the like, but Luna always wanted to think bigger. The doctor had been studying for years, determined to find a way to augment a person’s body after they were an already grown adult. She had made little progress, that is, until the demons arrived.

Luna had been one of the first scientists recruited to join the Coalition’s growing science team. She had been tasked with analyzing the demon’s DNA and potentially utilizing it to make super soldiers. All attempts at creating a traditional super soldier had failed however and Dr. Suarez had been relegated to simply studying the demons in general. Over time Luna became something of an expert in Demonology, an obviously brand new field of study. As more demon corpses and weapons were recovered from the aftermaths of battles so too were other demonic relics and artifacts that the invaders had brought with them. Luna quickly deciphered the demonic language and had begun learning a great deal about their culture and their goals… and also their weaknesses. She had also discovered something else. Something far more strange and sinister than anything she had yet seen.

It seemed that the demonic hordes were ruled by a caste of exclusively female demons known as Succubi. While the average, lesser demons tended to be brutes who favored overwhelming force as their main tactic for conquest, the Succubi favored a different strategy. It seemed that each Succubus had the power to drain an individual’s life force via sex or, more accurately, by simply making them orgasm in close proximity to the Succubus herself. The Succubus gave off an overpowering aura of lust that made even the most hardened soldier weak to her charms. Anyone even looking at the feminine demon would quickly lose control and give in to her desires, which were always sex related. The Succubi’s power would grow as she absorbed energy and her aura of lust could rapidly engulf even an entire planet. A single succubus could eradicate a planet within weeks as she grows stronger with every load of cum that she forces from her victims. Succubi were also, it turns out, far more resistant to common weaponry than even their bloodthirsty brethren. Anyone who attempted to destroy a succubus using overwhelming force would inevitably kill many of their own troops and likely not even kill the succubus in the process.

Luna had brought this knowledge to the Chief of Defense and his generals but had been thoroughly rebuffed. They thought she was crazy. Why would an enemy with as much power as these demons ever resort to some kind of insane tactic like fucking their enemies to death? Luna had a hypothesis: the demonic hordes were a bait and switch. The demons expected their enemy to withstand the initial assault and then, when they inevitably grew cocky, the Succubi would arrive. Luna believed the entire purpose of this invasion, and likely many others throughout the cosmos, was to pave the way for a succubus to absorb the lives and sexual energy of a planet’s inhabitants. Brute force couldn’t defeat this enemy. You fight overwhelming force with overwhelming force, so what do you fight overwhelming sexual power with? Dr. Suarez had created her answer.

Luna glanced over at the monitor showing the camera feed of her test subject and bit her lip. Her budget had enabled her to create one successful subject: a human-demon hybrid, the perfect weapon against the Succubi. Luna blushed as she watched her magnum opus, a woman named Selina, thrust into a hole in the wall of her room. There was little about Selina that would make anyone think she was part demon apart from her violet eyes… and her two foot long cock. Selina grunted in pleasure as she slammed her dick into the specialized onahole in the wall. Her heavy, melon sized balls smacked the wall loudly with each inward thrust. Luna slipped a hand into her pants as she watched the futanari fuck the wall with increasing vigor. The first few subjects had been failures, too much demonic DNA had led to undesired mutations and driven the subjects mad. With Selina, Luna had used a new approach that involved enhancing the subject's natural lust and libido to its absolute limits before splicing in demon DNA. As a result, instead of being overcome by the demonic enhancements, Selina’s body embraced them and used them to drive her lust and sex drive to even greater heights. Mutations still occurred, of course, but this time they were only the ones that Luna had intended. Selina grew taller and her breasts and ass grew larger while she sprouted an impossibly large cock and balls below.

Luna stifled a moan as she rubbed her clit. She had done all this to help humanity and stop the demons, but that didn’t mean she couldn’t enjoy the fruits of her labors as well. She gasped as Selina climaxed, an explosion of cum erupting from her cock as she did. Each orgasm seemed bigger than the last, Luna was beginning to doubt whether they would be able to contain Selina if her lust kept growing. All thoughts of the future left her however when she reached her own orgasm, soaking her panties in the process. Selina grunted as she pulled her cock from the onahole, a cascade of cum flowed out of it once her gigantic dick was no longer plugging it. The futa’s body glistened with sweat and her still rock hard dick leaked cum. Luna couldn’t believe how perfect a success she was, the doctor was about to start rubbing herself once more when a knock at the door startled her. She quickly turned off the monitor and made sure she looked presentable.

“Come in!”

The flustered assistant rushed in, clearly out of breath from running across the complex. “The Chief says it’s time! You can deploy your prototype immediately!”

Luna grinned, “About damn time! Tell him to have a shuttle ready, I can have her deployed within the hour.”

The assistant nodded and took a deep breath before once again running off. Luna flicked the monitor back on and was unsurprised to see Selina once again fucking her wall mounted onahole. She pressed the intercom button on her desk, “The time has come Sel! How would you like to put that dick to work on a real pussy?” The futa paused her thrusting and looked up at the camera with a gleeful look.

“Let me bust this nut real quick and then I’ll be ready! Wouldn’t want to get too pent up on the ride over.” The futa resumed slamming into the wall with renewed vigor, obviously aroused further by the idea of finally being able to fulfill her true purpose. Luna smirked knowingly and began to gather her things, she would need to document this test run of her project after all.


The remote operated shuttle screamed through the sky as it sped towards the rift at Mach 6. Dr. Suarez was briefing Selina on the situation via long range communications. “She’s grown steadily over the past few hours. Intel states she’s nearing ten feet tall at this point and her lust aura has expanded to ten miles in diameter by our estimations. Pretty soon the entirety of the nearest city will be joining in on her orgy and we expect things to get exponential at that point with her size and aura increasing at an unstoppable rate.”

Selina couldn’t help but get aroused upon hearing all this. “It’s a good thing you made me then! I’ll fuck this bitch so hard she won’t know which way is up when I’m done with her.”

The doctor chuckled, “If I did my job as well as I think I did then you’re probably right. If all goes well you should be functionally immune to her aura. Instead of making you a mindless sex slave it should just make you even hornier than you usually are.”

Selina’s cock jumped at the prospect of becoming even more impossibly horny than she already was all the time. This would be a true test of her sexual abilities and a chance to prove that, despite everything, she was still human and would fight to her last to protect her home.

The shuttle touched down at the edge of the rift regiment’s staging ground. Luna nodded at her former test subject, “Good luck!”

The ramp opened and Selina strode out to meet her foe. The futa was entirely naked, no point in wearing a uniform when she was just gonna tear it off shortly after landing anyway. As soon as she stepped out of the aircraft her cock sprang up to full mast. The air was permeated with the succubus’ lust inducing pheromones. Any regular person would’ve been overcome in an instant and made into a near mindless sex slave, eager to give their sexual energy, and their life, to the succubus. Dr. Suarez had been correct though, the lust aura was simply making Selina hornier than she had ever been in her life. The futa gasped and moaned as her cock grew harder still and even gained a couple inches in length. She needed to fuck. Now.

Selina walked towards where she sensed the origin of the lustful aura to be. Her demonic DNA allowed her to sense the succubus’ location as though part of her very being was desperate to find her prey. Selina rounded the corner of a pile of rubble and spotted her quarry. The intel had clearly been outdated. The succubus was approaching twelve feet in height with breasts the size of cars and an ass as big as a tractor. The monstrous female demon was kneeling down, surrounded by dozens of people. Selina could see at least three men between the demon’s soft thighs, thrusting away at her huge pussy and another four wedged deep between her ass cheeks obviously fucking her other hole. A dozen women rubbed and humped at the succubus’ supple curves, moaning and squirting as they orgasmed again and again. When one collapsed after being drained of their life essence another two took their place. The deadly orgy continued to grow bigger.

Selina’s cock leaked precum as it throbbed. She had never been this hard before. The pheromones were more concentrated so close to the succubus, it was almost enough to make the futa lose control. Almost. She steadied her breathing and steeled her resolve, time to end this bitch. Selina flexed her cock, launching a massive glob of precum towards the giant demon. The succubus paused and sniffed the air. She turned towards Selina with a manic look on her face.

“My my, aren’t you a fertile one!” The succubus shooed away the people fucking her, putting her full attention on this newcomer. “I didn’t think anyone on this pathetic planet had as much sexual energy as I’m sensing from you.” She eyed Selina’s throbbing cock and licked her lips. “You might actually fill me up too… at least until I drain you and grow again! I may actually enjoy sucking you dry!”

The ground shook as the twelve foot tall succubus approached Selina in a few long strides, her ass cheeks and tits clapping loudly in tandem with her steps. Selina was taller than the average human woman, over six feet, but she felt minuscule compared to this massive sex demon. The succubus’s pussy was huge and leaking gallons of sweet smelling lubricant onto the ground and onto her thick thighs. A wicked grin was plastered on the demon’s face as she grabbed Selina and lifted her off the ground. Selina let out a soft moan as her diamond hard cock deposited a large glob of precum into the succubus’ cleavage. The succubus chuckled and ran her long tongue along the two and a half foot length of Selina’s cock. The futa shivered as more precum poured from the tip of her dick, much more total volume than a full blown orgasm from a regular cock. The succubus moaned seductively and took the melon sized head of Selina’s dick into her mouth. Selina’s yoga ball sized nuts gurgled and swelled even larger as her cum production increased further. The succubus hummed in approval as she saw Selina’s cum factories bloating bigger. She tightened her grip on the futa and shoved the entire length of the nearly three foot cock down her throat. Selina gasped as she watched the demon’s throat bulge from the tree trunk thick dick she was swallowing.

The succubus looked into Selina’s eyes as her lips reached the futa’s pelvis. The demon winked and then pulled Selina back until just the tip of her fat cock was still enclosed between the plush demon lips. Selina groaned. Untold pleasure washed over her as the succubus began pulling her back and forth, fucking her own mouth with the futa woman’s massive cock like it was a toy. Selina’s balls slapped against the succubus’ chin at first and then began clapping against the demon’s bouncing tits as they bulged ever bigger with cum. Selina’s lower body was quickly coated with saliva as she was forced to mercilessly throat fuck this demonic whore. The succubus’ saliva had the consistency of lubricant rather than actual saliva, just another sign that this creature was built purely for sex. Selina gasped and moaned as she felt herself growing closer to orgasm. She had never gotten a blowjob before, her cock obviously much too large for any human to take orally, or in any hole for that matter. The succubus clearly noticed as she sped up her blowjob. She hummed again, causing vibrations to flow through Selina’s dick in the most pleasurable way.

“Ohhhh fuuuuuucck!!” Selina cried out in spite of herself. She felt her cock stretching longer and thicker as she approached an explosive climax. Her tractor tire sized nuts rumbled as her cum production increased even further. “Yes! Yes! YES!!”

The succubus hilted Selina’s cock in her mouth, her lips forming an airtight seal so as to let not even a single drop of cum escape. Selina nearly blacked out as her dick exploded. A hundred gallons of cum blasted into the demon’s stomach within one second of Selina’s orgasm. Two hundred gallons the next second, then three hundred and on and on as the futa blew the biggest load of her life. Selina grabbed two handfuls of the succubus’ hair and held tight as she rode her orgasm for a full minute, then two, then five. The futa could barely comprehend the heights of pleasure she was reaching as her orgasm held strong into its ninth minute. Thousands of gallons of cum stretched the succubus’ stomach bigger and bigger. When Selina’s explosive orgasm finally slowed to a stop at the eleven minute mark, the demon’s cum blimped stomach was big enough to rest on the ground in front of her despite her incredible height.

The succubus extracted Selina’s still hard cock with a wet slurp and dropped her onto the ground. Selina gasped at the sight of her own dick, now over six feet long. It had grown continually longer and thicker through her whole orgasm. The succubus licked her lips.

“Not bad for the first load.” She patted her massive, bloated belly appreciatively. “I was worried I wouldn’t even be able to stretch myself out with this planet. All these other losers came so little I barely even felt it.” The succubus eyed Selina’s still throbbing cock hungrily. “I hope you survive long enough to pump my pussy full too.” She turned around, her bulbous ass jiggling and visibly growing bigger. The succubus backed up and hovered her fat pussy directly above Selina’s cock. She looked over her shoulder, her eyes practically glowing with lust. “I suppose you’ve proven yourself worthy to know my name, human!” She dropped, spearing herself on Selina’s engorged pillar of cock meat. “I am Azara! Twelfth daughter of the All-Mother and conqueror of this world!”

The succubus’ words were muffled to Selina, as her head was encased between the demon’s house sized ass cheeks, but she heard her name: Azara. Knowing the name of her opponent filled Selina with new resolve rather than the fear the succubus had hoped it would. She just had to bide her time a little longer.

Azara moaned as she began fucking Selina’s cock in earnest. Each downward thrust resulted in countless tons of ass meat crashing down on Selina, an act that would have killed someone not fortified with demonic DNA. Selina simply enjoyed the ride, embracing the pliable succubus cheeks each time they smashed down on her. The ground cracked and shook as the two fucked like only they could. Selina grunted as her cock and balls stretched larger and fatter with each drop of the succubus’ ass. Azara was still growing too, her mountainous tits each bigger than a three story building and her ass approaching stadium sized. She was a full blown giantess now, passing twenty feet in height if she were standing. Her lust aura was continuing to grow but with her full attention still on Selina it had yet to affect anyone new.

Selina couldn’t believe how incredible Azara’s pussy was. It gripped her cock like no onahole ever had, like it had been specifically built to milk her dick of it's cum. Each time she hilted her increasing length into the sopping cunt, it was like receiving a million kisses and caresses from the softest lips in existence. It was so warm and wet that Selina knew she would erupt again in no time. Her balls had already replenished their cum supply and then some as her own lust overflowed to greater and greater heights. Her dick throbbed harder and harder as she approached orgasm once again.

Azara laughed as she felt Selina’s dick blast it’s next load into her pussy. “That’s right! Fill me up!” She ground her pussy back and forth, relishing the feeling of Selina’s orgasming cock stirring up her insides. “Give me all your sexual energy!! Every last drop will be mine!” Her stomach bloated rounder and taller as over a million gallons of jizz flooded into it. “I’ll drain you dry and then finish sucking the life from this pathetic planet!”

Selina was in ecstasy as her cock unloaded more and more cum into Azara’s perfect pussy. Each blast of cum was bigger than the last, each monumental surge of jizz forcing her cock to grow bigger and thicker still. She rode the orgasm for ten minutes, fifteen minutes, twenty minutes. On and on she came, unleashing an ocean of cum into Azara’s enormously engorged belly. Selina’s second orgasm finally ended just short of thirty minutes. Azara’s stomach dominated the skyline, bloated bigger than a football stadium with millions of gallons of cum. Her tits and ass had swollen much fatter as well as her demonic body processed the cum and sexual energy she had absorbed from Selina.

Azara rubbed her massive tits happily, her nipples alone were bigger than houses now much to her delight. She prepared to heave her massive body to its feet but paused when she realized Selina’s cock was still as hard as ever. The now twenty foot long dick pulsed and throbbed deep within Azara’s pussy, having grown massively during the futa’s latest orgasm. Azara frowned, very few beings could survive a single orgasm with her and even fewer more than two. The succubus smirked and ground her hips back and forth on the comparatively tiny Selina.

“This has been fun but I really do have a schedule to keep here.” Azara began concentrating, drawing her lustful energy into her body. “You should feel honored, I’ve only had to resort to this once before when I was conquering that Minotaur planet.” The demon’s body began to heat up as her lust aura shrank and concentrated within her. “Their chieftain was quite resilient, his dick was even bigger than yours!” Azara’s pussy grew wetter and warmer as pure sexual energy focused into her dripping snatch. “In the end he met the same fate as his people of course. Certainly went out with a bang though, let’s see if you can cum as much as he did!” Azara grinned as she felt Selina’s monstrous cock rumble with what she thought was an orgasm, however when no cum flood erupted into her pussy she grew concerned. The concentrated lust attack was meant to make the target cum with everything they had left in an instant, killing them in the process. Selina should be cumming her very life force away at this moment. What was happening?

Beneath the countless tons of ass that Selina was buried under a transformation was happening. The futa moaned and groaned as her body began to react to the intense onslaught of lustful energy that was barraging her entire being. Her demonic DNA was restructuring her body in response to the succubus’ ultimate attack. Selina’s breasts began to grow bigger, multiple cup sizes at a time. Her ass thickened bigger and fatter, each cheek quickly bloating larger than a yoga ball. Selina felt her muscles increasing in size as new, superhuman strength coursed through her veins. The growing futa smirked as she felt the most powerful surge of energy yet flow directly into her cock and balls. Selina’s violet eyes glowed as her true power blossomed within her. She flexed every muscle in her body and screamed in ecstasy as her cock exploded in size.

Azara was still trying to figure out exactly what was happening when Selina’s dick tripled in size in less than a second. From twenty feet long to over sixty, the futa’s throbbing member visibly bulged against the interior of Azara’s cum bloated stomach. Selina’s balls rumbled ominously as they filled bigger and bigger with cum. Her formerly melon sized nuts were now each as big as a building and were still growing. Azara squealed in orgasm as her pussy stretched to accommodate Selina’s massive fuckpole. The Minotaur chieftain’s dick had only been around 25 feet long when she had overwhelmed him with her power meaning that Selina’s new mega dong was by far the largest she had ever taken. Selina laughed as she felt her body expanding. She grew taller, curvier, more muscular… and of course more well hung than ever. The demonic DNA surging through her was revealing its true purpose: absorb Azara’s lust energy and use it against her. Selina grinned and began her first true orgasm. Poor Azara never knew what hit her.

The succubus screamed in ecstasy as her belly ballooned outward at an astonishing rate. Hundreds of thousands of gallons of cum flooded into the succubus. She could feel Selina’s goddess level cock stretching bigger and thicker with every blast of cum. She had never been filled this much before, never had a dick this massive stretching her pussy and belly. How was this possible?

“H-how?!” Azara attempted to stifle her moans, desperate to regain control of the situation. “You should be dead! No human should have this much sexual energy!” Azara used every ounce of her will to fight past the overwhelming pleasure that was coursing through every inch of her body and flexed her pussy, squeezing Selina’s dick even tighter. “I’ll take all your cum! I’ll burn away your very soul with my overwhelming sexual power!” Azara focused all the energy she had left into her pussy as she milked Selina’s dick for all it was worth. This, of course, simply made Selina hornier than ever.

Selina roared in pleasure as her body surged larger. Sexual energy rippled through her cock and balls as she absorbed everything Azara sent at her. Azara gasped in surprise as she felt her massive ass cheeks lifting upwards. Selina was nearly 5 stories tall now with massive muscles bulging outward as she easily lifted the multi ton ass upward. Azara yelped as Selina pushed the succubus forwards, forcing her into a kneeling position. Azara couldn’t actually kneel on all fours due to the ungodly size of her tits and cum inflated belly but Selina did her best to squish the demon’s body forward into her soft tits and belly. Selina grinned wickedly as she began thrusting her aircraft carrier sized cock in and out of the succubus’ gushing pussy. Hundreds of feet of throbbing cock pulled out and then plunged back in with each thrust. The futa’s balls were still bloating larger behind her, her sack stretching nearly half mile behind her and hundreds of feet upward above her head. Selina grew even more aroused as she watched the massive head of her dick bulge against the inside of Azara’s belly with each inward thrust, its outline clearly visible under the stretched flesh of the succubus’ inflating belly. The futa’s jiggling ass and tits grew bigger and fatter with every blast of cum that erupted from her cock. Selina’s muscles bulged and rippled as she grew stronger and stronger, the feeling of her abs and biceps flexing orgasmic in its own right. Selina grabbed a handful of Azara’s fat ass cheek and laughed as she smacked it, the ripples of fat getting lost in the waves each thrust of her cock was making. This demon was her bitch, time to make sure she knew it.

Azara’s tongue lolled out of her mouth as she gasped and panted. She couldn’t even scream anymore. She had never felt anything close to this, she didn’t even know sex could feel this good. She almost wanted to give herself over to this cock goddess and be her sex toy, cumming and bloating forever. She couldn’t betray her sisters though, failure was not an option. “A-aren’t you done c-cumming yet? How can you orgasm this much?!”

Selina chuckled ominously. “Oh, you thought I was cumming?”

Azara felt genuine fear for the first time in her life.

Selina lazily pumped her now mile long cock in and out of the succubus’ overstretched cunt. “I was cumming before but then I evolved. That orgasm was stage 1 of my ascension and now it's only precum to me.” Selina’s cheeks flushed as she watched Azara’s belly gradually stretching bigger as millions of gallons of “precum” continuously flooded into her. It was precum to Selina but it was just as thick and potent as regular jizz. To anyone else Selina was orgasming harder than ever, to Selina she was just warming up. Her balls rumbled as they grew fatter still, filled with an ocean of cum. Selina moaned softly as her dick rumbled like an earthquake, shaking the very ground around them. Time to show this bitch what a real orgasm looks like. Selina flexed her muscles, her cock and unleashed her orgasm.

The sounds of the duo’s moans and screams of pleasure were drowned out by the rushing sound of jizz blasting through Selina’s cock. Azara’s belly surged forward and upward as a million gallons of jizz erupted from Selina’s cock within the span of a few seconds. The deluge of cum flooding into her was almost literally a tsunami of baby batter. Her belly bloated faster and faster, expanding literal miles in size. Selina slammed her multiple mile long cock into Azara’s pussy faster and faster. Her dick was so thick around that if she wasn’t balls deep in demon pussy her entire frontal view would be dominated by girl cock. Selina laughed as she revelled in the transcendent bliss that was her orgasm, an orgasm that was intensifying by the second. Cum blasted through her shaft faster and in greater quantities each time her balls clenched. The ground trembled as the biggest orgasm the earth had ever felt continued on its surface. Hours passed as Selina continued to cum and grow, her overmuscled and overcurved body hundreds of feet tall at this point. Azara was in an orgasmic trance, her face in a permanent ahegao as she too orgasmed harder than ever. The succubus’ cum bloated belly was visible from space as Selina pumped multiple lakes worth of cum into her every second. Azara’s pussy was no longer gripping Selina’s cock with the strength it once had and cum was leaking out with each burst from Selina’s cock. The ground around the futa was flooded waist deep with jizz with more being added with each cataclysmic cock thrust. Azara’s body had stopped growing when Selina had absorbed her sexual energy, the only parts still stretching bigger being her overfilled belly and pussy.

Selina cackled as she fucked and orgasmed harder and harder. “This is what humanity is capable of! You’ll never hurt another soul on this planet and if you’re lucky, I’ll make you planet sized by the time I’m finally done!”

Azara’s eyes fluttered open, “Have… have to tell the others.”

Selina grunted as she fired another county sized glob of cum into the demon. “What was that bitch?”

Azara’s body pulsed with blue energy, “The All-Mother must be made aware of this!” Selina covered her eyes as the energy surrounding the succubus became blindingly bright. When she opened her eyes all she saw was her throbbing cock extending for miles in front of her. Azara was gone.

Selina sighed in disappointment as her orgasm slowly sputtered out. “And I was having so much fun too.” Selina looked up as she heard the sounds of a shuttle approaching. The shuttle set down nearby and Dr. Suarez stepped out. She was blushing furiously as she took in the sight of her massive test subject. Selina smiled, “Hey doc! I did a good job huh?”

The doctor looked up at Selina, “I think that’s a bit of an understatement.” Selina reached down to pick up Luna and deposited the doctor on top of one of her mountainous tits. Luna blushed harder as her feet sunk into the slightly pliable breast flesh. “I was expecting you to grow but this is insane!” Selina chuckled. “You should see the aerial view of your dick, girl! I took some pictures, to say it’s monstrous doesn’t do it justice.”

Selina bit her lip, “Maybe we can look at them together.” Luna blushed even harder, her cheeks bright red. “Uh, anyway… Am I gonna be this big forever or…?”

Luna cleared her throat and adjusted her skirt, checking to make sure her sopping pussy hadn’t soaked through her panties. “You should shrink back down to close to your original size in a few hours now that you aren’t being saturated in succubus juice.” The doctor admired the view from atop Selina’s breast. “You’ll probably keep some of the size permanently, though I doubt you’ll mind.” She winked at the gigantic futa. “There is one problem though. When Azara disappeared we detected a massive surge of energy from the demonic rift.” Luna pulled a tablet from her bag. “It seems like the succubus can recall themselves through the rift in the event of an emergency without needing to physically walk through it. There’s a chance she’ll come back.”

Selina grinned, “Is it wrong for me to hope for that? I would definitely jump at the chance to put her in her place again.” Her cock throbbed at the thought of fucking a succubus again, causing the ground to shake. Luna tumbled over and got a face full of titmeat.

“I don’t think anyone will consider you bad after this. The Chief has approved the creation of my new division, we’ll be moving into a new facility immediately. He’s even granting me the budget to produce more futanari to combat future succubus invasions!”

Selina smiled warmly, “That’s great doc! Though, you really think we’ll need more me’s? I’m pretty sure I can handle that slut if she comes back!”

Luna smirked, “I know you could. But based on what Azara said, there are more. I’m especially concerned about this All-Mother. If she’s the mother of all succubus she’ll be insanely powerful, maybe even too much for you to handle by yourself.” Luna studied the data on her tablet. “But enough of that, for now it's time to celebrate!” Luna pulled two glasses and a bottle of wine from her bag. “Here’s to our new division! As of today, Selina, you’re officially the first member of Futa Force!” Their glasses clinked together as they celebrated their first victory. The first of many, hopefully...
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