Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/2267270-LeFou
Rated: E · Short Story · Contest Entry · #2267270
a tarot reading chihuahua
Bonjour, that's Hello in French. My name is Rosie LeFou, I am a chihuahua. My name translates to Rosie the Fool.

My picture looks like the first card in a Tarot deck--the Fool--LeFou in French. I am here to teach you a bit about Tarot--a fortune telling deck.

There are many kinds of decks but today I will be using the Children's Tarot.

Dog Runaway

The Fool is a zero--like me--no beginning no end. And like me he has a hobo's walking stick and all his worldly belongings in a pouch. And a rose. He often has a dog barking at his heels, but I am a dog......and this card represents beginnings...so let's begin. I am going to just introduce you to the first ten cards of a Tarot deck....the Major Arcana.

The next card #1 is Le Bateleur--the Magician. There is magic in the world, all around us. This card reminds us to look for the magic in our everyday lives.

#2 is La Papesse--the High Priestess. She is all about knowledge gained from intuition. So put on a cape and listen to your heart!

#3 is L'Imperatrice--the Empress--she is the feminine force guiding all creation.

And so of course #4 is L'Empereur-- the masculine force guiding the world. Gotta have both--male and female.

#5 is Le Pape--The Heirophant---the grand poobah of all---kind of like the Pope, the Dalai Lama and the ArchBishop of Canterbury rolled into one. Definitely symbolizes temporal authority.

#6 is Les Amants--the Lovers--male and female joined together. And I hope your school Valentine box was stuffed with valentines!

#7 is Le Char--the Chariot---imagine yourself driving a wagon of two fierce horses. This card means to get to it and paddle your own canoe!

#8 is LaJustice--Justice--She carries scales and weighs things carefully--just as you must do in your own life.

#9 is L'Ermite--The Hermit---don't be afraid of your alone time--sometimes your best thoughts are found here.

#10is La Roue De Fortune---The Wheel of Fortune---think of it as a Ferris Wheel---sometimes up, sometimes down. Just like life.

Well, that's the first ten I am going to mention #13--La Mort--Death---happens to everything---but actually energy cannot be destroyed only

Good-bye for now!

363 words
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