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Rated: 18+ · Fiction · Adult · #2267006
Warning/vore you went to spend the week at the farm of your aunt. And founded...
A image for comparison in size, and ruby's characteristics.
You founded yourself at work. Working as an accountant in a company, you liked your job, the work environment was amazing, and the pay was good for yourself. Yoi were typing in your computer, filling financial reports of the last 6 months of the company. Then you received a call from someone who you haven't seen in ages, your aunt Jenny.

"Auntie?" you said answering your phone. "Anonymous! Oh, its great to hear your manly voice again" you laughed at yout auntie, a bit embarrassed by her comment. "C'mon auntie, don't start teasing me" you laughed again. "Is there something you need? " you said to her, connecting your Bluetooth earplugs and putting them in your ears, while continuing on working on your reports. "Yes. You see, me and your uncle had to travel to Amsterdam for his operation, Emily will see us there, we are already at the airport, and we had to leave on a hurry because, you know how me and your uncle are" she said innocently. "i tried calling your cousins, but Charles is in Finland finish a project for college, and Jorge is in his military service. I need someone to look after our farm, and taking care of the animals." She said a bit worried that you might not be able yo help. "Well, im working right now, it depends on when you need me yo go to the farm, if it's not on weekend im afraid that i would need permission to be absent from work." You said explaning your situation, so she could know that you might decline it because of work."it's only for a week, we left today, so you could go at least tomorrow, and check on the farm." She said worried. "I'll ask my boss for the week off, but if im not able to get the week off, ill go tomorrow to check it and stay until sunday." you said, thinking that you might be able to go this weekend. "I'll appreciate it a lot. Im just worried that some thieves might get inside, or a animal getting hurt!" she said. "Don't worry auntie, ill se what i can do. If i get the week off, I'll call you to notify you." you said trying to calm her anxiety. "Oh thank you anon. It would keep me calmer. And you don't have to stay all week if you can't." "I'll see what i can do. Bye auntie" you said ending the call, and finishing your reports. You took the USB from the computer and started to walk towards your bosses office.

Once reaching there, you knock on the door, waiting for an answer to be let in. Then you heard a "come in!" from the inside. Putting your hand on the door's knob, you turned it around and opened the door, getting inside your bosses office. "Anon, what can i help you with? Said your boss being polite."here are the reports of the last 6 months, in a nutshell, the price of the expense are getting higher, and our gain is only by 6.78% of sales." you said to your boss, handing the USB to him. "Well shit, we might need to find cheaper materials and construction workers..." he said cursing at the news of the income and outcome. "thank you anon, do you need something else?" he said satisfied by your work. "Well, something came in and i need to go and look for a farm for one of my aunts. I just ask for a week off" you said explaning the situation to your boss. "A week off...? Hmmm, when you need thia week?" he asked thinking of giving you the week. "The next week, ill go tomorrow." you said, praying for him to give you the week. Your boss took a notebook and looked through the schedule of work, seeing that nothing important was for next week. He closed his notebook. "Alright, I'll give you the week off. But you'll work on weekend after the week is over, compensating for the week. Do you leave today?" "Yes, i was going to leave today" confused for his question. "Alright, just because yoi finished the reports, I'll give you the rest of the day off so you can rest and go yo your aunt's farm. Cya on a week." he said going back to work "Thanks boss" you responded happy that he gave you the rest of the day off.

You left the office and went to your car yo get home and get your stuff to spend the next week on your auntie's farm. On the way you called her and confirmed that you would stay for the week in the farm. She was very grateful for your help. You gave your farewells and wish them a good travel, she did the same and ended the call. Finally arriving at your house, you left the car and went inside. With no yime yo waste you went to your bedroom, and started to pack your clothes and your personal needs for the week, taking some stuff like your laptop to entertain yourself. Once having everything you need, you put your stuff in the trunk, and got into the car.

The journey was kind long, 5 hours of travel to reach the farm and you had plenty of time to go. Getting a Playlist of music for the journey ready, yoi started up your car, and began your journey towards aunt Jenny's farm. Yoi started to remember the good times you spent in her farm, exploring the surrounding areas with your cousins, play in the grass with them, feed the animals, and a lot more fun activities you had. It was one of the best places you could go, and going back after years... Was relieving, and nostalgic.

After hours of traveling, you had almost reached your destination, you were tired, but continued nonetheless, for your aunt, and to visit the farm that had one of the best memories of your life. Finally seeing the pathway towards the farm, you took a left, and followed the pathway towards the farm. You were excited to finally finish the travel, getting closer to the entrance of the farm. Then, you saw it, the farm had gotten bigger, and the house was completely remodeled. Astonished of the changes you parked your car in front of the house. Opening the door of the car, you left the car and closed the door. You looked once again at the house, the house was big, and had 2 floors. Felling nostalgic, you went and explored the farm. The farm had changed to, it was bigger, and had more animals. You saw bulls, bunnies, turkeys. It seems like your aunt and uncle, planned on expanding her business. You then went to the horse stalls. There was a huge barrier of made out of wood on the other side of the stalls, passing through each stall, you saw many horses, but there was one that took your attention deeply.

You stopped in your tracks completely, in front of a stall, looking at a huge mare, her fur was white and her tail with her mane where long and dark blue. She had her eyes closed and was laying down in a a small mount of hay with thick mattress. "Wow..." you said amazed by het size, and a bit confused by her long and blue hair. She opened her eyes, she got surprised by your presence. "Easy girl..." you said extending your arms towards her. She the calmed, and curiously walked closer towards you, the size of her standing was amazing! You had never seen a horse that big! Once she was closer, she started to sniff the air, you extended your arms towards her face to caress her but she wanted tovsmell your hand first, letting her smell your hand. Once she was done, she let you caress her long and strong neck, her fur was soft and well cared. "Damn... You are one big girl aren't ya?" you said still in surprise. She in response, rubs herself towards your hand, smiling, noticing her lips and eyes, both resembling human like ones confusing you. But soon brush it off. Noticing the sun setting, passed your hand trough her face one last time. "alright girl, i have to go. I'll see ya tomorrow morning" you said towards her. She only saw you go towards the house, she smiled deviously, staring at you with interest, and seeing turn towards the house.

Reaching the front door, you raised a small plant pot, below was a small compartment with keys of the house, you smiled at the genius of your aunt, and put the keys in the door, opening amd letting you see the inside. The inside was remodeled too, resembling one of those modern Modern houses. You went outside again and went to the trunk of your car, you opened your trunk and took tour bags out. Closing the trunk, you went back inside to find a room to rest, closing the front door. You passed through the living room, and went to the stairs towards the second floor, you saw multiple doors, but one had a noted pasted on it. Curious, yoi went to the door and check what the note said. "You can sleep in our room. We put an air conditioner, have a great sleep... With love auntie Jenny *Smile*" You smiled at her message, and opened the door towards her room. Her room was pretty, it had a balcony with the farm on sight, you let your bags aside, and explored her room a bit. The room had a modern desk and a confy chair, a nice slim TV, and the balcony. And of course the air conditioner.

You felt a small pain in the legs, making you remember that you were tired of the journey, you closed the balcony's covers. You started to stretch your body tireless, and started to take of your suit, taking the jack off and your pants, took off the necktie, and finally unbuttoned you shirt, obly leaving your boxers and the unbutton shirt. You walk towards the bed and laid down on it, taking the covers of the bed and putting them on top of your waist, leaving your torso in the open. You then closed your eyes and let your tired body finally rest...

But it did not last long. You heard heavy footstep on the stairs, opening your eyes, you raised your body towards the door leading to the hallway, alert of the foot steps coming your way. The footsteps grow closer, and where going right into your room. After waiting, scared of what might be. You saw the mare from before peeking trough the door. Letting a sigh of relief, you stared at her confused as to how she left her stall and how ahe got inside. "Hey big girl... What are you doing here?" you asked not expecting and answered. "What are YOU doing here" said the mare smiling.

You just stared at her. Confused and surprised of hearing her speak. "You... Just spoke." You said surprised. "I did speak, but you didn't answer my question..." She said getting closer to the bed, and ready to kick you out if your answer didn't convince her. "I-i-i-my aunt called me to stay the week here..." you said still in awe at the mare's ability to speak. "Your aunt? You mean Jenny?" she asked, now she was surprised. "Y-yes... She is my aunt..." you said to her, trying to get your mind together. "She is your aunt? So you must be the anonymous i keep hearing her speak so much." She said with a smile and a friendly tone. "My name is ruby, and well. You saw that i can talk" she said smiling. monotonically. "Yes... Thats the part that i want to know." you said getting yout mind together. "i could always speak from very little, but Jenny taught me how to speak better." she said sitting in the floor, in front of the bed. "Wait my aunt knows about you?" you said once again surprised. "Yes. She is the one who has been taking care of me for almost my entire life." she said smiling at the memories of aunt jenny and her. "Wow, she nver told me of you, like. Never." you said, wondering why didn't your aunt told you about ruby. "Maybe she wanted me to surprise you." ruby said getting up from the floor. "Could you turn the air conditioner, i like the cold breeze of it going around my fur." she said playfully. "a-alright..." you said a bit nervous as to what was she going to do in the room. You saw the remote for the air, and turned it on for ruby. Ruby then went to the door and with her rumo closed the door of the room.

"*letting a long sigh* much better*" she said going towards the bed. "Are you going to sleep in here?" you asked her confused. But she did not answered, ahe instead got into the bed and towards you, you took your legs out of the mattress and spread them so she could not crush your legs with her body. She stop right in between your legs, your crotch touching her body. "Wha-What are you doing?!" you asked in surprise of her action. "Nothing..." she said seductively. Her face was right on top of yours, you could feel her nostrils blowing hot air into your face. She was smiling, and staring at your eyes, and yoi stared back at her, unsure on what was she going to do next. She the put her nostril into your hair and started to smell your hair, you blushed at her action. "You have quite a pleasant scent..." she said seductively, raising her head to look at you again. You saw her smile deviously, and licked her lips, yoi were unsure on what was she planing, but she the kissed you in your face, her mouth big enough to kiss your entire mouth and nose at the same time. She then stopped and stared at you again waiting for your response. "You... Kissed me" you said astonished of her kiss. "And you didn't kiss me back" she said whispering and playful. "But you-you are a horse??" you said to her "I may be a horse... But i am not just an animal... I am a woman." she said going back to kiss yoi again. This time while she kissed you, she licked your lips, trying to make you open them, and kiss you back. "i wont stop until i get one" she said for a brief moment before going back to kiss you. With nothing left to do, you put your hand to her cheek and kissed ber back. She took advantage, and when you opened you opened your mouth to kiss her back, she introducing her tongue inside, and exploring your mouth. You were being made a mess of a blush, finally melting into her kiss. The kiss lasted for several minutes, until she stopped, separating her lips from your face, leaving a string of saliva in between the both of you.

"you taste so good..." she whispered again. Getting closer to your neck and kissing you there. A yelp of pleasure escaped your mouth, as she continued on kissing your neck. "Hmmmmm.... Your skin is so tender..." she whispered. She then stopped and raised her head towards your face. You started to get aroused, and ruby felt it with her body. "seems like your little friend is on board." she whispered to you, teasing you. You put your hand in the side of her mouth passing your thumb through her lips. She shivered at the feeling at let her tongue put to give your hand a long and wet lick.

She moved her head towards you ear. "I know of a place where you can sleep. Warm... Cozy... And together..." she whispered to your ear. You jist waited for her to tell you. "You'll be safe... Unharmed... And the pleasure you are going to have ia going to be unique... *She gave you a lick to your ear* i just have to make you mine... And take every bit of your sweet body inside of me..." she finished, moving her head back to your face. Awaiting for your answer. You, succumbing to her love."Take me... Make me yours..." you whispered. She licked her lips im anticipation, and gave you a long lick in your face. "Take off the rest of your clothes." She said giving you space for you to move. You then tool your shirt off and went to take off your boxer. Leaving naked in the bed and at the mercy of ruby. Ruby once again make her way towards you. Staying in the same position the both of you were.

"Look at you... A beautiful little man... At the mercy of a mare like me... I won't make yoi regret it" She said heartily. Then she kissed you again in the face. You im response kissed her back. She then pushed your head against the pillows, continuing on kissing you, she slowly opened her mouth more taking your head inside her mouth, her tongue passing a around your head, filling it with saliva. Her saliva was sweet, and the smell of her mouth was of fruits, making ot sweeter. She pulled your head toward her throat. The tip of your head in the throat's entrance. She swallowed your head in and in doing so, she moaned of pleasure, felling you in her throat.

She made another big swallow. Taking your upper torso into her mouth. The throat was compressing your head against its wall, the warm and strong aroma of her saliva was intoxicating arousing you more. She Swallowed one more time taking your entire torso inside of her. Feelimg your erected member. Ruby stickied her tongue out and pulled your member into her mouth, feeling this you started to move a bit more of the pleasure. Ruby felt your movement in her throat and mouth, she moaned again feeling you move inside of her, so she continued on playing with your member, biting softly your body and playing your member with her tongue. She felt you move your body more abruptly, knowing that she was getting yoi closer to make you cum. She got more aggressive, and moaned harder feeling the sudden jolts of your movements. She then felt something in her tongue, something warm and salty. You had cum in her mouth. Feeling your cum in her tongue made her shiver in satisfaction, and made a loud moaned. She then slurped your cum inside alongside your body. "hmmmmm.... Yeshhhh...." she said softly and delighted in pleasure. She raised her head to ket gravity help her swallow you and and started to swallow faster, eager to take you to her belly. She stopped at your feet only leaving your toes outside her mouth, then she started to move her lips with your toes and licking your feet on the inside. Giving you a nice and warm massage before she takes you all inside. Shen then swallowed again and finally push you to her belly. Her lips were dripping saliva with your flavor, she licked her lips taking all your flavor inside. She then smack her lips in satisfaction and turned her her towards her belly, seeing the bulge you made inside her belly. "Hmmmmm.... You tasted delicious... You are now mine... Anonymous... My lover... My human... Mine..." she said with a grin in her mouth. "All tucked inside my warm belly. Surrounded by my beautiful body and warm love... Ill make you feel like no other women ever has..." She said grinding her belly against the bed. After a while of grinding her body in the bed. She just laid in the bed. Waiting for her lust yo pass." I'll take you out in the morning, and don't worry. You won't gey digested, you are to handsome and sweet. Have a goodnight sleep love..." she said heartily and smiling. She laid her head in the bed and slept loudly like a baby. You didn't heard whag ruby said. You were just to dizzy to pay attention at what she said. You were only enjoying the warmth and the soft walls of the belly. You felt you were going to pass out. So you closed your eyes, and passed out.

"Wake up handsome..." you heard in your sleep. You opened slowly your eyes, you saw the roof of the room and notice that you were aside ruby. "Good morning sleepy head..." she said playful. "ugh... What happened... Wasn't i... In your belly...?" you said confused and trying yo fully wake up. "mhhm. You were all curled up inside of me. Want me to gubble you up this early? You are quite eager..." she said teasing you. "i think I'll pass... I need to do work around the farm." you said. You sounded conflicted, like something was bugging you. "What's wrong little boy, you didn't like me gubbling you to my stomach...?" She said hearing the distress in your voice. "i am just... Conflict it... You kissed me last night, we kissed like if we were lovers and later you swallowed me whole and took me out..." he said letting out his confusion and wonder. "i kissed you because i love you. And i swallowed you to my belly because i love you... And if it was to me? I'll leave you inside of me so you can be surrounded by my love and warmth." she said raising her body and getting on top of you. "That's the thing... I don't know if i should love back..." you said looking at her staring at you. "i told you... I am not just an animal. I am a woman. I woman who felt in love at first sight of that wonderful face of yours, of the pleasant scent your body makes, and the sweet taste of your body... I will understand if you don't love me back..." she said lowering her face towards you, and kissing you. You thinking of what she said. Kissed her back. Thr kiss lasted fot several minutes until the both of you separated and looked at each other's eyes, you felt her sweet saliva in your nose, and she had that sweet taste shebloved. You put your hand beside her mouth, and started to caress her. She responded by licking your arm. The both of you stayed like that for a while. Until she stopped. And went towards yout neck to kiss it. You caressed her neck instead, passing your hand through her lone and soft blue mane of hers, and her white and soft skin. She stopped again and separated herself. "you didn't have to talk for me to know that you love me, you like my mouth in your face, filling you with my wamr saliva, you like me kissing your neck. And you like being inside of me." She said seeing you touch her, you just looked at her in eyes, her blue bright eyes. "Yes... " she smiled warmly. Giving you another kiss in your cheek. "i wish i could eat you with kisses. But you need to work." She sais getting off of you and off the bed. Leaving the room.

You sat on the bed unmoving, you thought of last night, and the events that happened last night, you smiled heartily and blushing Remembering you in ruby's mouth and cuming. Letting your thoughts aside you got up and went to one of the bags to get change. You decide to put some Jeans and a t-shirt to work comfortably around the farm.

After taking breakfast, you went outside the house and stretch tpur body, ready to work around the farm. You then went straight to the farm, the first that you did, was feed the animals, going yo their barns one by one and feeding them, that included the horses, qhere ruby was waiting patienciently for you to go. Reaching the barn of the horse, you gave each one their ration of food and left them more in their stalls, so they could eat anytime. You the went to ruby's stall, where she was waiting for you, you walked towards her stall, reaching it, you took a carrot out of one of the bags of food and gave it to ruby, she in response, took the carrot along side yout hand, and started play with your hand and the carrot inaide her mouth. She then opened her mouth, and woth her tongue pulled the carrot to the entrance of her throat, she then swallowed the carrot and made you watch it. "I would have preferred a nice and handsome man that is right in front of me." She said getting close to your face. "Well, i need to work, so maybe later in the day." you said smiling and getting closer yo her face. She then gave you kiss in your face, and you with out hesitation, returned her kiss. She finished the kiss and smiled with anticipation for what was coming."I'll be waiting for you here... Don't make me wait..." she said seductively and dominant. "i won't, yoi said giving her a small kiss in her nose. She laughed and turned her her back to you to go and lay down and wait for you to finish working.

You then left the horses barn and went to the rest, feeding the cows, the sheeps, the chickens, turkeys, etc. After feeding the rest of the animals, you went towards the barn where your uncle keept his tools. Once reaching it, you took the gardening tools to start working on the plants. You went to the plant's house and started to work with them. Giving them water, taking some vegetables, and moving to other places the plants that had grown bigger than their pots. You spend the rest of the day working om the field, where most of the work was.

The day got darker, the sun was sitting, but you had finally finished your work, you cleaned your forehead of the sweat, and went towards the horses barn, where ruby was waiting. Reaching the barn you walked towards ruby's stall, where the darkness had covered her stall, but her white fur still was noticeable. "There you are..." she said laid down on the floor with her smile full of lust and excitement. Without wasting time you went and sat beside her, putting your hand to her side and caressing her soft fur. But she seemed to want more than caresses, she turned her herself towards you and pushed you the stall's wall. She then laid her body right on top of your legs. Once she had pinned you down she said: "... C'mon... Take your clothes off..." you obediently, started to take all your clothes off, once they were off you sat again against the wall, and waited for ruby to do whatever she wanted. "You know... I always wanted to be a mother... A mother of a sweet and handsome man..." She said seductively, breathing right into your face. "Tell me anon... Do you love mommy?" She said smiling deviously and full of lust, licking her lips ready to take you. "Yes..." you said playing along her game. "Would you like to please mommy..." she said giving you small kisses in your naked body. "Yes..." you said succumbing to her kisses. Then she gave you a one last kiss... In your mouth, her tongue attacking yours. And taking your saliva for herself. She then separated her lips from your face, and stood up and turned her back toward you, leaving her rump in sight. She then laid to her side on top of your legs. Shen then turned her head towards you "C'mon... Put your hand inside... Please momma..." she said dominant and lustful. You then extend your hand toward her slit and put it inside, thrusting your hand in her pussy. "C'mon baby, touch momma's pussy walls..." She said in between moans. You started to thrust deeper, she moaned harder with each thrust. Yoi started to feel her pussy get tighter, and her musk was starting to leak from her slit. "Yes baby... Keep on pleasuring mommy!" she said louder and her moans became harder. Her pussy started to contract with your hand and released a powerful wave of musk towards you, meaning that ruby had reached it's climax, leaving you aroused. "Hmmmm... That was good my little baby... But you must be hungry... Let momma feed you..." She then raised her rump, and slammed her wet pussy in your face. "Let momma feed tou with her love juice... Drink..." She said the last part with dominance. Listening to your "momma" you started to lick and slurp all the musk that was in her pussy, passing your tongue all over thr entrance of her pussy. "Hmmmm yes... Drink momma's love juice..." She said in delight of your performance. The air was getting limited by every time you slurped her pussy, but you were too aroused and intoxicated by her musk that you didn't noticed it. You pushed your face deeper. Trying to reach every last bit of musk inside of her. But the ruby raised her rump again, letting you catch your breath. "Seems like the baby it's full...! But now mommy's hungry... And she wants its baby inside..." She said lowering laying in the ground, with her rump towards you. "C'mom baby anon... Mommy wants you inside her womb..." she said in between puffs of air. You then started to crawl to her awaiting pussy. You put both your hands inside of her, making her moan in pleasure. You then started to push yourself deeper woth the help of your legs, only pushing successfully to your waist, then you started to grind your member inside her pussy, making her moan in pleasure with your movements. "Ohhh yes! Keep moving inside mommy!" she said moaning harder as you tried to reach her womb. She then raised her leg in pleasure, and to see how you crawled inside of her. The pussy started to get tighter, and harder to move, your hands reached the womb and you started to move your body so you could reach the womb. The pressure the cervix was giving to your body was excruciating in pleasure, the aroma of musk completely filled your nose, and her warmth was heavenly. Having your lower legs outside, you couldn't push yourself further, but ruby was going to help you "Don't worry my baby. Momma ia going to help" she said in between moans and puffs of air. She moved her rumo towards the wall, and pushed your legs deeper. "Soon you will be completely inside of mommy..." She said to no one in especially, and pushed her rump against the wall, making her moan in pleasure as your fees got inside, she hit her climax, and the contraction of the pussy pushed you deeper to the womb. She made a long and powerful moan when yoi reached her womb. She took her tongue out of her mouth in satisfaction, puffing air out of her mouth. She the felt your tongue lick her womb and your hands rubbing the walls. "Oh... Seems like my baby wants to pleasure mommy more..." she said tired, but willing to take your rubs, she then put her belly into the ground and started to grind her selft in it. Her womb was filling with musk, as you continued on pleasuring her. Ruby could only see and moan at the sight of you inside her womb pleasuring her, this time her climax was faster, and she moaned even louder reaching it. The resg of the marea could only watch in jealousy.

You had cum inside her womb when she climaxed. Her climax had filled the womb in musk, and surrounded your body with its warm touch, the thigh womb around you had expanded so you could be comfortable, and the musk was incredibly warm. It was like a sauna. Knowing that you might be running out of oxygen soon, you kissed the womb's wall. Then you passed out in tiredness.

Ruby was left tired and laying to her side again. She was still panting of the pleasure she had felt. Then she raised her leg again to admire her belly. All swollen and round, like if she was pregnant. "Time to sleep my baby... Momma's gonna leave you there for a while..." she the felt the kiss you gave to her womb. "I love you too... You are now surrounded by mommy's warm and soft belly..." She said getting ready to sleep. And finally falling asleep.

The son had finally shown around the farm. Ruby opened her eyes softly and laid yo her side, the she stretched her body, then she stood up, and looked at her belly. "Seems like someone enjoyed the night with her 'mommy' " she said teasingly. Then she left her stall and went into the house to find some food. She entered trough the backside door, straight into the kitchen. She sae some fruit in a basket in the tablestand of the kitchen, and proceeded to eat it. Once she was done. She went outside to look for a place to shower. Seeing as the pool behind the house was dry, ahe decided to look for a body of water in the near woods. Most of the female animals inside the farm watch her im jealousy for having a man inside of her, and watched her leave the farms vicinity and going the woods.

After entering, she walked deeper to try and find any pond, lake, or anything that might be enough for her to shower. After walking for a while. She founded a small pond where ahe could bath, wasting no time, she walked towards the pond, and dipped her legs inside. The pond was deeper enough for her to bath her body completely, cleaning her body of the musk she had, and the dirtiness in her body. Once she was done, she left the pond and shake her body to take off the water of her fur, she then saw a nice place where she could dry her fur with the sun. Washing her body now with the rays of the sun. She then felt her womb move, she turned her head to her belly "ah ah ah ahhhh. It's still to soon to let you out." She said grinding her belly against the ground making her shiver in pleasure. Once she was done drying her fur. She stood up and walked back towards the farm. She started to feel tired, and she knew it was because she had you inside, so once reaching the farm she went to her stall to rest. Laying on top of her mattress, and letting her belly out to rest. "I told you, you are mine and mine alone." She said smiling dominant and happy. And rested her body for the rest of the day.

Three days had passed, almost four, and you were still inside of her, she was the one who was now working on the farm, or at least on what she could off. She feed the animals in your absence, but it was more as to show off her belly. They were animals who wanted to do the same, but couldn't because they didn't have the ability and they didn't have anyone to do so. Once she had finished feeding the animals. She went back to her stall. She was tired and let a sigh of tiredness out " Ahhhhhh... What a day..." Then she felt movement in her womb, she looked at it and saw that you moved a bit. More than likely that you were still asleep. She then thought if it was time to let you out. And she decided to let you out. "Alright big boy... Momma decided that you can leave." She said preparing to push you out. Then she started to push you out, her slit started to leak musk, she added more pressure and the musk started to go out slowly, then tour head pop out, and she continued on pushing until you were outside.

Once you were outside, she just waited for you to wake up. And she didn't have to wait for long, as you started to cough and wake up. Opening your eyes, you founded the light of day annoying, and the warmth that surrounded you had disappeared. You tried to move, but you founded your body completely numb, and couldn't stand up. "Wakey Wakey anon." you heard ruby said so you crawled to her and laid down beside her belly "hey..." you said still sleepy. "How did you sleep?" ruby asked with a smile. "like a literal baby..." you said with a small chuckle, ruby in response laugh at your joke. "Seems like the baby had a goodnight sleep." She said happy. "Yeah... But how long was i there...?" you asked filling your body completely numb and cold. "you were inside of me for 3 days, 4 if you counted the first night. " she said with the same smile. "3 days? Wow that it a lot of sleep time..." you said surprised you stayed that long. "mhhmmm. I told you i'll make you mine. And if it was up to me? I would have left you longer" she said with a devious smile. "i wouldn't mind" you said heartily. "Oh? So you would like to stay more time? You know thay if i were to take you again. You would stay inside for good?" she said smiling in temptation and excitement to hear your answer. "mhm. Your womb feels amazing... The soft and fleshy walls massaging my body... The aroma of your sweet musk... The warm musk all around my body... I would dare say it's heaven." you said rubbing her belly and kissing it. "hmmmmm... Momma is liking her massage..." She said enjoying the kisses and rubs you were giving to her belly. "If you keep this up... Im going to take you again... And this time... Momma is keeping its baby..." she said warning you of the outcome, but you ignored her and kept on pleasing her belly. Ruby was starting to get wet, and she now had confirmation in taking you inside her womb, and leaving you there."hmmmm... Come and give momma a kiss of goodbye..." She said waiting for you. You the crawled to her head and kissed her in the lips, she kissed back, licking your entire face and filling it with saliva. "Are you ready to live inside of me?" she said lustful. "Yes. Take me, i am yours." you responded her confident of tour decision. "ooh. Momma likes what she hears" She then stopped, and stood up from the ground, and turned her rump towards your face. You sat on the floor so ahe could take you faster and easier. Ahe then started to slowly take you inside, taking your head, and the rest of your body inside slowly, you started lick her cervix in hope of making you slip deeper. Ruby started to moan again. As she pushed your body inside, she then felt your head enter her womb, she had completely sat down on top of you, taking inside half your body. She then raised her rump again, leaving your waist outside and clinging to her slit. She then started to lower her rump again, taking your waist and legs inside, she started to moan harder, and pushed your legs inside in one go, receiving a strong wave of pleasure inside of her. Your feet were the only thing inside, and she started to slurp them inside, pulling your body inside of her. She continued on slurping the rest of your body to her womb, and succeeding in doing so. "alright baby. Mommy is tired... So rest a bit..." She said expecting you to do as she said. But instead she felt you rubbing her wombs walls, licking and kissing the womb trying to fill it with musk. Ruby felt this, and the pleasure made her lay down onto the floor and start grinding her belly against the floor. "oh... Seems like someone wants more..." She said in between puffs of air. Still grinding her belly, the womb got thigher, augmenting the pressure around your body and making you more aroused. "oh yes. Keep rubbing, i want to feel your body move." She said lustful and losing her mind because of the pleasure you were giving her. "Yes... I... I want to feel you... Don't stop..." she said getting closer to her climax. She then turned her body belly up and laid there felling her climax building in. "hmmmm yes! Keep rubbing!! Im getting close" she said in between moans. You increased the rubs and the kissing, hearing her moan louder enough to hear it inside, and her womb getting tighter. "Ohhhhhh yes!! Keep going!! Im...!" she said as she hit her climax, liberating a load and powerful moan of love and lust, finally filling the womb in musk.

She started to breath and pant like crazy, she had one of the best orgasm im her life. All because of you. The tiredness of taking you out and in, hit her like a truck, and started to get sleepy from the tiredness. She then stopped feeling movement inside of her, meaning that you had calmed downed, or that you had passed out again. She slowly laid to her side, and tried to get her breath back. "Im not gonna lie... That was better than before..." she said im between breaths. She laughed remembering that her role of "mother" had gone woth the pleasure. "i even stopped my role of a horny mother..." she said looking at her belly. "Tomorrow is going to be a big day for us. Will be leaving the farm. Find a nice place where no one can annoy us. And live the rest of our life together... Just you and me...." She said happily and excited. "And you are going to be mine... My little human lover... My baby... In both ways." She said poking her belly with her nose. "So... Sleep well... My baby anonymous..." she sais kissing her belly. And closing her eyes.

The next day, your aunt was getting back from her travel alone. Your uncle stayed to heal from the operation. And your aunt was traveling to the farm early. Once reaching the farm, she got out of her car, she saw your car still parked in front of the house, but she wanted to see ruby first. Going though the farm she reached the barn of the horses, and once reaching ruby's stall. "Hey ruby, i am back" she said but immediately saw her large belly. "Hey ruby wake up dear." she said wanting to know why she had a large belly. Ruby slowly woke up, and noticed your aunt. "Oh jenny! It's good to see you back." She sajd standing up. "Why do you have a large belly now. You didn't eat any ruffians again didn't you?" she said trying to suspect what ruby did. "No... I... Did something else..." She said a bit embarrassed. You aunt got confused for what she said, but she then remembered that you were still in the farm. She joined the dots. "You took my nephew inside?!" she said in surprise. "Yeah..." she said getting more embarrassed. "Oh that wonderful! Can i feel him?" She said happy, and with curiosity at the end. "Of course jenny. Just that he is asleep..." She said as ahe turned her belly towards your aunt so she can feel you inside. "Oh, he is peaceful there. Im glad you finally took someone." She said happy that you and ruby got together. "Yeah, he was nice and really cute. He then wanted to stay with me and now he is curled up and asleep like a little baby." ruby responded feeling your aunt touch you. "Please take care of him. He is a good boy." She said, knowing that ruby was going to leave the farm. "I will Jenny, don't worry. He will stay inside me for a long time." she said trying to confort your aunt. "alright. I wish you a safe travel, and good luck finding your new home." she said letting ruby out of her stall " i will miss you ruby" yout aunt said hugging her neck. " i will miss you too jenny." Said ruby to yout aunt. Then she walked towards the exit of the barn to leave the farm completely, she went through the barn of each animal and towards the exit, leaving the farm. Then she started to walk towards the forest, in search of a new home. She the felt the womb move. she smiled warmly, remembering the first day she saw you. "Don't worry babe. I'll take good care of you, and you'll stay inside me forever... I'll take you out for some fun. But you will stay most of the time inside me. Surrounded by my love, and warmth. Out of any danger. You are mine... And mine alone..." she said walking towards the forest, so the two of you could stay forever together...
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