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Jack wakes up, and tests out his shrinking app. This time he turns into a fly? |
Chapter II The Nightmare You woke up in a sweat. You had just dreamt that your own mother and sister had killed you thinking you were just a tiny bug. You look on your desk and the shrinking device is still there. You go downstairs, but are cut off by your older sister, Rachel. -Where did you come from dork? She asked. -What do you mean, i’ve been in my room this whole time. You replied. Annoyed, your sister crosses her arms and raises her voice at you. -You left a WHOLE cookie on the ground, and it attracted all sorts of wierd bugs! Your eyes widened! -Wait a second... my dream... was it?.... no... Before you can say anything, she cuts you off. -That’s right, mom and I had to clean everything ourselves! Now get away from me, I need to shower and Sarah and Megan are coming over soon! It was a dream... you were sure of it. Or were you? You go downstairs, and your mother, Claire, is cooking in the kitchen. She is barefoot, wearing capris cut jeans and a white blouse. -This is freaky, you thought, just like the dream. But where were the sand- SMACK! Your mother hits your forehead with her favourite brown sandal in hand. -Jack where were you?! Freaked out, you could barely say anything. -I.. I was in my room. -Oh, Rach said you had left. She lowered her sandal. -She never bothered to check, you reply. -She told me you left a cookie on the floor, is that true? You know that’s how we get bugs in the house! I killed 2 wierd ones earlier this morning, and there’s ants! You were speechless! You were those « wierd bugs » that you mom crushed! You look down at her bare feet. They are very gorgeous you thought, and you can remember the fine details of them from your dream. -They were probably just harmless insects mom, you and Rach always overreact when you see arthropods. Also, true bugs are actually beetles and not all types of insects... I’m sorry for dropping the cookie, next time I’ll pay more attention. -I don’t care what they are Jack! You know the rules, no bugs in the house! And if it’s tiny and squishable it’s a bug to me. And I don’t want them in the house, understand? -Yes mom. -Good, here. I made you a sandwich and chips. She says giving you the plate. -Can I eat it in my room? I promise i’ll pick up. -Yes, that’s ok. She said with a sigh. You run back up to your room and devour your sandwich well contemplating what had just happened. You were sure you had shrunk and were crushed under your mom’s foot. You remember it so well... the look of disgust, the sandal, the ant.. you finish all your chips but one. One chip, which you eat most of and leave just a little bit. -What if I... no, best I eat everything this time. Whatever happened this morning was real to me and nobody else... You look at your shrinking device, it is set to 1/4 of a cm- the same as when you used it last! You pick it up and look at it. Wasn’t it shattered? It’s clearly fine, is it useable? You decide to find out. You set the device to 1mm, the smallest setting. This time you’re in your room, nobody will come in to bother you. ...Or crush you. You start feeling dizzy, and get the same falling sensation as before. This time you fall for what feels like an eternity until you land with a thump and a cold hard surface. You look around and are on a white surface. It’s edges rise a little bit in the distance from every side. You are on your plate! There are crumbs from the chips which are both your size and smaller which you did not bother to clean up. You go to pick one up and are amazed at how light it is. Nothing like the cookie from before. Your room is absolutely huge you think. The shrinking device definitely works... but then, what about everything which happened this morning? Your thoughts are interrupted when suddenly you hear a familiar sound. You try to regrow yourself, but when you look at the settings you put in the device there are only shrinking settings- nothing that enables you to regrow! -No... not again boom, boom, boom, boom, boom *CLICK* CREEEEEEEEEEEEEEEK Your door opens, and you can see the giant figure of Rachel opening your door. She takes a step forward. Boom! -Hey dweeb, mom says you’re allowed to eat in your room! Since when?? Her voiced boomed, louder than anything you have ever heard. Boom, Boom, BOOM, BOOOM She entered your room and stood over your desk and the plate you were on. From your angle you can only see her from the waist up. She was terrifyingly huge, compared to her you are nothing more than a crumb. -Dweeb? Her voice echoed. Her immense figure loomed over the plate. She looks down in your direction and looks frustrated. Ugh! Mom never lets me eat in my room! Atleast this time the slob ate everything. He couldn’t be bothered to bring down his dish though. Suddenly, before you can do anything, Rachel’s giant hand came down to pick up the plate you were on. -Wait Rach- you are interrupted by the quick movement upwards and are knocked down by it. Your sister than carries you out of your room and into the hall. THUD, THUD, THUD, THUD. You try to regain your balance, but are unable to due to the titaness’ footsteps. The sound of the footsteps is much softer now that you aren’t on the floor, the movement however would make even the most experienced sea captain sick. You fall onto a crumb, and hold on for your life. Above you can just see the tip of her nose, her mouth and chin are blocked by her massive breasts. As she goes down the stairs, every step she takes bounces you up in the air. THUD, bounce, THUD, bounce, THUD, bounce, THUD, bounce, THUD, bounce, THUD, bounce Your whole world is in movement and you can’t help but to throw up your lunch as your oblivious sister brings you and your plate to the kitchen. -MOM!! You cover your ears, that was one of the loudest things you’ve ever heard in your life. Why is Jack allowed to eat in his room and I can’t? Look, he left crumbs on his plate! (Claire’s POV) -MOM! Rachel yelled. Why is Jack allowed to eat in his room and i can’t? Look, he left crumbs on his plate! Claire looked at the plate. There were chip crumbs on it for sure. But she didn’t care at the moment. She sighed. -Look Rach, crumbs are better than a whole cookie don’t you agree? Here let’s just throw those crumbs away and i’ll clean the plate. (Jack’s POV) You look as your titanic mother stares at you and the boulder sized crumbs around you. -MOOOM!! LOOK AT ME, IT’S JACK! She sighed. The gust of her warm breath sent you flying back a couple feet from where you were standing. -Look Rach, crumbs are better than a whole cookie don’t you agree? -What?? No, mom I’m not a crumb! -Here let’s just throw those crumbs away and i’ll clean the plate. Your mother takes the plate from your sister. You can barely see her face as her massive breasts block your vision, all you can do is hold on. Her ernormous thumb lands a couple meters from where you stand. THUD, THUD, THUD, THUD The movement knocks you off balance once again. You had sort of gotten used to Rachel’s steps, your mother’s were different- much softer but there was more of a sway. That sway sent a crumb rolling your way, and it knocks you over. You roll untill you hit your mother’s thumb. You can see all the details of her thumbprint, the dry skin around the end of her fingernail. You hold on for dear life as your mother walks towards the garbage! (Claire’s POV) Claire took the plate to the garbage can. She placed her foot on the pedal to make the lid go up. She then poured the crumbs into the garbage. There were a couple crumbs stuck to the plate which she wiped off with her hand. Once all the crumbs are brushed off, she takes off pressure from the pedal with her foot to close the garbage lid. She thought she might have heard something, or might have seen a bug or something move in the trash, but figured she was just having a long day and removed her foot from the pedal, closing the lid. (Jack’s POV) The footsteps stopped. You weren’t able to see what was below you, but you knew from where the location of the window was that you were by the garbage can. A slight movement, the garbage lid opens. Thunk! Suddenly your world is tipped over. You manage to hold onto crumb that was glued to the plate as your feet lose surface and you are hang on for your life. You look bellow for what seems like kilometers into the open garbage can. Inside is a mix of plastics and old food, you can smell it from up all the way up here. Suddenly the giant hand of your mother starts to wipe the crumbs off of the plate. The movement proves too much for you and you let go. You free fall from the crumb and hope that you don't land in the garbage bin... anything would be better than that! Sadly you land on an old banana peel, a relatively soft landing considering the height of your fall. Your mother continues to brush off the crumbs from your plate. Some of them fly in your direction. One your size heads right for you! It lands right on your body, but because of it’s relative lightness, it does you no harm. You pick it up and throw it bak upwards towards your mother and shout with all your might. -MOOOOOM!!! I’M IN THE TRASH! DON’T CLOSE THE LID!! Your desperate cries may have, for once, been heard as the lid closes half way but reopens. With your mom looking down into the garbage in your direction. -YES MOM I’M DOWN HERE! Your cries for attention are in vein as she shrugs, removing her foot from the pedal and closing the lid. THUNK! Boom, Boom, boom, boom... the footsteps of your mother tremble the garbage bin less and less as she goes back to the sink to wash the dishes. -I wander what she saw, you wonder. But now I gotta find a way out of here. The trash bin is dark, but while your phone can’t regrow you, it can provide you with light! You illuminate your surroundings and look around. The smell is quite putrid as the smell of rotting fruit fills the air. boom, boom, Boom, Boom, BOOM You feel the bin shake. Someone is coming! The lid opens. Thunk! It’s your sister Rachel! -I don’t know where he is, probably outside looking at worms. Megan and Sarah will- Her giant figure stands at the garbage bin as her foot keeps the lid open. She doesn’t even look inside as she tosses in a massive apple core! BOOM! The apple lands on you, knocking you down! Thunk! The lid closes. -...be coming over later tonight. You hear Rachel's muffled voice say from your rotten prison. Boom, Boom, boom, boom, boom, and the footsteps fade away. The apple did a great deal of pain, as you fazed in and out of consciousness... you wake and see a massive beige blob infront of you in the garbage. It was a maggot, and it was huge! Maybe 10 times your size. But it wasn’t moving, pr atleast from the outside. The inside of the maggot was moving, as if it’s organs were independent of the body and moving around. Soon there was a massive ripping sound, and the maggot’s back ruptured open. A black hairy body was coming out, it was covered in goo and the sound (combined with the smell) nearly made you gag. You watch in awe, as a housefly emerges fully from the maggot. Metamorphosis! The fly beats it’s wings. BZZZZZZZZZZZZZ! It sounds like a helicopter is taking off. The fly flies up to the lid of the garbage and bangs it a couple times. Ot flies back down, and lands right ontop of you! The fly was around 1cm tall, and it’s head was giagantic to you. Soon it’s tube like mouth lunged out at you and began to suck you in. You grab your phone in desperation and try to do something, anything. Soon, it's probiscus is upon you, and you begin to get sucked into it's slimy tube-like mouth. But as you struggle in the fly’s mouth the device flashes a strange colour and an explosion happens. You feel your body and the fly’s fusing together. You have retained your head but have adopted the fly’s body. Moreover you are quite a small fly at 5mm big, slightly larger than a fruit fly. boom, boom, Boom, Boom, BOOM Someone was coming, now was your chance to escape.... if you can figure out how to fly. You start buzzing your wings, and bang around the edges of the garbage can and soon you have figured flying out enough to keep yourself stable. Thunk! The lid opens and you use this opportunity to fly up. Your mother had opened the lid to throw out a tissue. You shoot right out and are now flying in the kitchen. You can’t believe how different it looks fron above. You see your mother close the garbage and exit the kitchen heading up the stairs. You fly down to the kitchen table to reflect on what had just happened. You were now a small house fly inside your home. As you contemplate on what has happened, you feel the table rumble from under you to the increasingly familiar rythm of footsteps... except this time there were many. You fly off the table and are no longer impacted by their heavy steps but are now flying in midair when suddenly you see movement from the hall. It was Rachel and her friends! Sarah was a cute tall blonde girl, and Megan was a shorter brunette. They were coming into the kitchen holding wine and snacks. All of them were in tank tops, shorts and were wearing nothing on their feet. -Alright girls who wants to paarrtyy! Rachel said -Let’s crack open that wine! Sarah was always a little eager to get the drinking going. The girls were coming your way, you need to fly out of there! You start flying to the wall, when something hits you like a bus. You are sent flying across the wall. (Sarah’s POV) -Shoo! Shoo fly! Sarah said while swatting a fly away from her. This was girls night and she paid no attention to a little bug. Sarah cracked uncorked the wine. There were 3 bottles for the girls tonight and they were going to drink them all. (Jack’s POV) You are sent flying towards the wall, and hit it with a thud. You are stunned and a little disoriented from the hit. You keep flying but you are dizzy. You just aim towards a light, and when your head clears up a little you see that you’re heading for the open window. You fly up so that you don’t get caught outside, until you’re near the top right corner of the windowsill when your leg gets caught on something sticky. You try to struggle but another leg gets caught. You don’t know what is grabbing you, there appears to be nothing there, but as you keep struggling you get more and more stuck. Finally your legs are all caught up in something very sticky... you take a good look at them to see fine threads, nearly see through. A spiderweb! Uh oh this was not good, but you knew not to panic as only your legs were caught in the web. If you struggled anymore you might risk getting fatally entangled. You look around the room, the giant women are drinking wine and chatting. -Where’s your little brother at Rach? Megan asked. -I don’t know, he’s been randomly disappearing today. It’s so annoying. Your sister replied. -Well atleast he doesn’t steal your stuff while you’re away. I caught my little bro stealing my old socks, and when I asked him what the hell he was doing, he said he was selling them to this guy from school! Sarah thundered. Your face went red. You were the one who bought those socks... you always had a thing for Sarah, she was your sister’s best friend and was very tall and hot at 5,11. She had big size 10 feet, and you loved the way they looked. You look on, hanging from the web. These enormous women are just hanging out like normal, while you are nothing more than a regular bug caught in a spiderweb. -Gross. Rachel said with a scowl. Well atleast he’s not some weird bug freak! Jack purposely leaves food out to attract bugs in the house to study them. -Yeah Rach, I swatted a fly when we came in. While the giantesses were chatting, you look at your surroundings to see if there was a way to break loose. You look around, and in the distance climbing the wall towards you was a little black speck. It looked like it was half way to the window from the floor. As it got nearer you realized that it was the spider whose web you were trapped in! -Oh, actually that one might have been my mom’s fault. She left the window open, I’ll close it. Your older sister gets up to close the window. Ahe heads your way, and the web shakes with every step she takes. She gets to the window and is about to close it when something grabs her attention. -EEEEEW!!! A SPIDER!! She screams. You can’t block your ears and are nearly knocked out unconscious from the sound. She bends down, and picks something up. Your mother’s sandal! She raises the brown sandal high in the air as you look down and see the spider climbing up the wall. SMACK! The spider falls off the wall and lands on the gorund by your sister's bare feet. It tries to scurry away from your sister and heads for the kitchen table. -EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE! Megan screams as the spider runs towards them. STEP ON IT!! Rachel lifts her foot, and with a quick stomp the spider gets crushed. -Haha YES RACHEL! You scream. For once your giant family has helped you out. But now how to get unstuck... -That's how you take care of pests! Rachel exclaimed. She then closes the window behind her. The gust of the window closing sends a current of air which you use to fly away from the web. You fly to the top of the fridge and rest a little. -That was too close, I can't believe I'm saying this but I'm so happy Rachel was there for me! -Wow Rach, that was pretty hardcore! I could never step on a spider without shoes. Sarah said. Suddenly you hear footsteps coming from the hall. Your mother comes into the kitchen looking alarmed. -I heard someone scream, is everything ok!? she asked. -Sorry, I screamed cause there was a spider. Megan replied. -I hate spiders! your mother says. Atleast they eat other bugs...hey girls can I steal a glass of wine from you? I'm gonna watch a movie in the livingroom before I go to bed. -Sure thing mom! Rachel replied. Your mother grabs a glass of wine and exits the kitchen. You decide to follow your mother, after all one giantess was better than three. You fly out of the kitchen, the hallway is huge! You are around 4 feet off the ground, but for you, you're hundreds of feet high up. You ake it to the living room and see your mom on the couch with her bare feet up on the coffee table. You fly up to the coffee table next to her feet. They are huge, you can see every wrinkle, swirl and the dry skin on them. You go up to the heel which is rested on the table and touch it. There is no reaction from your mother who is busy watching her movie and drinking her wine. The massive foot towers over you, and you truely feel small and pathetic compared to it. You decide to fly up to her toes so that you can get a better view... and smell. You first land on the underside of her toes, the smell hits you hard. You crawl around on the bottoms of her toes a little and enjoy the sight of her toe prints untill you decide to see her toenails. (Claire's POV) Claire was enjoying her glass of wine while watching her movie. There was a slight tickle on her feet and when she looked down she saw a little fly on her toe. She wiggled the toe and the fly flew off of it. She resumed watching her movie when the fly landed near her feet on the table. She stomped her heel on the fly's position, but it dodged right before her foot landed. Then she tried to kick the little insect. (Jack'sPOV) -Shoo! Leave me alone fly! You dodge your mother's giant foot as it flies past you. You fly away from her and go to the nearest wall. You were obsessed with her feet, you needed to get closer at least one more time. You flew nearer to her until you were on the back of the couch behind her head. You were about to fly near her feet when you caught a sweet smell in the air. It might be your new fly instincts taking over, but you needed to find the source of that smell. You buzz past your mother's head and see the source of the smell- the wine! You didn't know why, but you felt a huge urge to get some wine from your mother's glass. you flew onto the rim of the glass. -I'll try to fly in and get a quick sip. You thought. You fly in and try to hover above the wine and try to get a sip. You are able to drink some wine, but all of a sudden you fall into the liquid and your world is being shaken. You make it to the surface which is splashing within the glass and look up to see that your mother is taking a sip from the wine you are in! -MOOOOOM LOOK DOWN!! I'M IN YOUR GLASS OF WINE!!! (Claire's POV) Claire was about to take a sip of wine, when she noticed that the fly which had been annoying her had landed in her glass. -Ha! Serves you right Mr. Fly for bugging me! She then went to the kitchen. When she got there she saw her daughter and her friends. She went up to the sink and poured out her glass of wine. (Jack's POV) You get poured out of the glass. You land in the giant sink and get transported with the current of the wine. Thankfully you are able to hold on and don't get sucked into the drain. -Sorry to bother you girls, but can I trouble you for another glass of wine? A fly flew in my other one. Your mother says. -For sure mom! Rachel replies. -That's it! You thought. No more Mr. Nicebug, I'm getting some goddamn help. You fly over to the group of women. You buzz around the faces of your sister and her friends. You go up to your sister first and can see all the details in her face and eyes. Then you buzz around to Sarah's face. -Rachel, mom, Sarah! Help me!!! -SHOO! Sarah yells while swatting at you. You dodge the giant hand, but look around and see that every on of the giant women in the room are looking at you. -Another one!? Your mom asks desperately. -Let's get it!! Megan says. You try to dodge all the swatting and clapping, but have difficulty making it out. You see your sister going in for a clap, and fly above her hands. CLAP! the sound shakes you. You continue to fly around. Your mother tries to swat you to the ground, and you dodge her mighty hand. You look behind and see your giant mother looking annoyed. You turn back around and try to- CLAP!!! something stuns you from both sides and you fall to the ground with a thud. -Got it! Sarah exclaimed, proud of her fly catching prowess. As you lie on the ground, stunned you look up and see the four women standing high above you. You have difficulty seeing their faces from this angle. You try to get away but before you know it you are engulffed in a shadow, your sister is trying to stomp on you! You use all your might and fly away just before your sister's enormous foot makes contact with the ground. BOOM! You fly up and try to get away. You fly to a wall and sit there virtically and out of breath. You quickly pant there out of sight...or so you think- SPLAT! You fall for what feels like an eternity and hit the cold hard tiled floor of your enormous kitchen. Beside you are the two giant feet of your sister. High above you the giantess looks down at you with your mother's brown sandal in hand. -Got it! She says with a smile Your sight is getting blurrier and your body is numb. You can't even feel the thundering footsteps of the four women as they gather around you. You are starting to fade out of consciousness when you are overtaken by a shadow. Your sister's titanic big toe nudges you, and you have no more energy left to resist anymore. -I think he's dead... Your sister says Good job Rach! Megan cheers on One of the last things you see is your giant sister reach down from the heavens and grabs your wing. There is no more feeling left in your body, as she carries you away, holding you between her thumb and index finger. Eww, Rachel I can't believe you're touching that bug! You better wash your hands after. You faintly hear your mother say before your sister lets go of your wing and you plummet into the garbage bin. Relax mom, it's just a bug. She replies, as the lid closes high above you and you black out. You awake, although something doesn't seem right. You are no longer have your fly body, and are back to normal... relevently. You're still around 3mm high. |