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An Article By Firebrand Times Guest Journalist, Bride A Livewire |
There is nothing more dangerous than to build a society with a large segment of people in that society who feel that they have no stake in it; who feel that they have nothing to lose. People who have stake in their society, protect that society, but when they don't have it, they unconsciously want to destroy it. -Martin Luther King, Jr. "A person who is demoralized is unable to access true information. The facts tell him nothing, even if I shower him with information, with authentic proof, with documents and pictures...he will to believe it...That's the tragedy of the situation of demoralization." -Yuri Bezmenov Disclaimer: There go a saying: "if yall throw a rock into a pack of dogs, the one that yelped loudest is the one that got hit." There go folks that get fired up about these topics, and I aim to be polite whether folks is or aint. But I aint one of those conservatives that tuck tail and get pushed around, and Im p*ssed at those who are. Welcome to America. The Fall was the worst thing that happened in world history, hands down (Gen 3:6.) There aint no comparison. The light of man went out, and everything is at a constant deteriorating state. It never improves, which, is another debunk of evolution- and while folks have controlled, less severe versions of a stroke over the environment; the decline of morality is the biggest health crisis ever. Without it, mankind itself self destructs. What we see today is easily explained in Genesis. We were intended to walk with God. We wasnt ever suppose to discover things on our own, cause when we do that, we learn from the dark source and its costly. We were created with choice. Choice is freedom. Lack of choice is a dictatorship. Some folks aint realize that the lack of their freedom in America today comes from a dark source. The knowledge of good and evil is interesting. It aint the same as good and evil, its the knowledge of these things. Without the knowledge coming from a pure source, the information, perception, or interpretation of these things can get fed from a dark source. It did, and it still does- but some aint know it, cause theyre walking with the dark source. But what if the dark source was telling folks it was telling the truth- without knowledge most cant tell the difference. Good and evil would be whatever the dark source said it was. __________________________________________________________________ The worlds done always been immoral for the most part, but for roughly about 2 yrs now, its become life. Folks lacking the common sense to just turn the d*mn TV off and do a comparison with real life outside, they got funneled through hate that only soul-less folks profit from. How- how in the h*ll- did folks let themselves get plain suckered into nonsense? Some aint on speaking terms with family members cause of stark ignorance on their part. Folks hate anything that aint nailed down. Human life itself done taken backseat to politics, racial indiffereces, sexualities, and the environment. Folks hate folks for different opinions. This concerns me how easy it is to fool folks, cause the antichrist gone find it easier than shooting fish in a barrel to get ushered in. "Humanism" is from a dark source. Its whatever 'feels good.' It makes folks feel better to hate others, rather than take personal inventory. This is a d*mn huge problem in America today, were folks let feelings dictate to them whats true...This ignores all reasoning- it even turns blind eye to spiritual and physical health. The biggest problem with this, is that folks are agreeing with emotions from a fallen state. We got all theses cute little sayings and quotes like 'what would Jesus do,' and 'the Devil’s greatest trick was convincing the world he doesnt exist,' but aint none of them hold water when it comes down to it- its as rare as an honest lawyer when we see folks actually doing what Jesus would do. Even though deception is Satans main form of attack, he could care less than not at all if folks aint got mind that he exists. Why he got to plead that case when he can full blown do stuff out in the open, but just use sources folks consider gospel? All he needs is agents- and speaking of the mainstream media and the woke establishment... Those who push everything immoral as a cause...This is a darker than the inside of a wolf time in America right now. I dont think folks understand. When folks headline evil stuff as good (Isa 5:20,) we're heading down a dark path. We done been there awhile, but its as good as critical at this point. Wokeness aint new, and all it does is usher in evil under a disguise of humanism...Then widespread it through the media. The love of money is the root to all evil, and feminism is the root to d*mn near all immorality. Ill explain. Feminism got its start as groups of women around the 1900s or so who fought for womens rights to vote in the US and UK...Aint no problem with that- money itself aint evil- but its what liberals did to these groups later when they got hold of the movement that was side-eyed... I done been around the sun with saying this: Any time a race (and it aint matter what the race is,) or a sex is promoted above the other, thats evil. Thats racism and oppression. Feminists seem to think they about fighting against oppression by men, when they just up and went to do the same thing they claim that men do. Its funny how it always works that way: these folks never get the lead on that theyre the problem in both cases. Being square, of course women used to be oppressed- h*ll, they were seen as inferior and even treated like property...Some countries still do this- but as an overall, it aint exist nomore like racism dont. Men are more aggressive in business, and male sports are watched more. Thats just how it is. What folks is allowing others to do to them, is to convince them that the folks who are racist and chauvanistic are the majority. D*mn lies- its like finding some white person saying something 'racist ' on camera, and then spin that into a doctrine cause theyre in America. A good majority of these yo-yos were burnouts pushing crap in the 50s-60s, only to end up being woke professors now- unless theyre in the early 20s group that aint know in their vanity what the h*ll theyre talking about- like those insulting capitalism for example; only to go to school and rack up student debt to get a job to participate in capitalism. They aint that bright or theyd go to community college, but whatever- none of these weasels is willing or fixing to spread indoctrination for free...If so, theyd just be happy with their social media accounts. Asinine, really. It aint no whisper that Satan hates the nuclear family, which is the godly union of marriage and children. He specializes in killing children, but later on abortion. What he cant plain cant stand is marriage. Other than relationship with God being primary, marriage is the strongest relationship and covenant known. Hes attacked this like aint no tomarrow, but he got folks to fight it for him widespread during the Sexual Revolution. Satan is behind all these sexuality arguments, but the actually attack is on the nuclear family- to split man and woman. Sexualities are promoted more than the nuclear family. Notice aint no 'we need more dads' agendas, or a movement to push respectable ladies. Aint no programs to support young girls to be comfortable in their God-given skin, and to draw out their inner beauty, which is what makes girls beautiful- aint no 'right of passage' type ceremonies for young men who done been reared in the art of being gentlemen. Aint nobody indoctrinating decency. Liberal feminists done taken it to the utmost extreme. Besides degrading/emasculating men, they tend to even be against down home chivalry. They argue its insulting to women, stirring up a case about women being inferior, which is the polar opposite. Chivalry in sorts celebrates women, and promotes them: Men should be chivalrous and respectable to women. There was a time when men who disrespected women were bottom of the barrel, but it gets worst- feminism done even degraded women themselves. Anything from sexual liberation to free s*x work; they lie and say modest women are being controlled, and all kinds of hogwash. Feminism even attacks women who want to be wives and moms when a balanced society needs them. Next: The Fall Of Morality P2: Do Unto Others |