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Rated: NPL · Other · Other · #2263566
ew omg aaaaaaa

Just basically some thing where I write about randomly generated scenarios cause I don't wanna write more of my story

"You had time to call the police. Why didn't you?"

Shaken by the corpse in front of me, I wasn't quite sure what else to ask her. "You could've saved her life! Why did you try to help her instead of getting the professionals over here to save her!" She just stood there, staring blankly at me hovering over my dead mother. Her eyes matte and empty, as if she saw her last reason for living burn slowly in a fire as she's forced to watch. "Have you ever thought that maybe I just didn't want to call the police?" I couldn't believe what I just heard, she said it so nonchalantly. "If this is one of your stupid jokes this is beyond the time for it, and even so it's a terrible one NaYoung! My mother is dead! She's dead and it's all because you just thought you were better than the professionals that could've been here faster!" Snapping out of my shock I was finally able to quickly reach for my phone in my back pocket. "Put the phone down Kichi." Frantically trying to dial 119 with tears in my eyes, I blocked out what she was saying. "I said put the phone down!" While I was blocking her out, I wasn't able to notice her lunging after me. "Your mother didn't want us together Kichi, don't you get it! She hated me and kept spreading these terrible lies about me to you! She was going to corrupt your mind and make you leave me! You even spent more time with her than me!" She was surprisingly strong, and I struggled to get her off me to reach my phone. "You know why your other little girl friends went 'missing' too?! I was the reason! You kept being around them too much! I told you to stay away from them and now they're dead! You should've just listened to me Kichi!" I wasn't sure what to do after hearing that. It's like I felt nothing in my body, I didn't know whether to feel sadness or anger. After everything she said, all I could pathetically mutter out was a small "Why?" She started to do a small giggle which turned into chaotic laughter that showed she didn't care about what she's done and saw it as good. "Why? Oh, it's because I love you silly. I want you all to myself, I mean you did say you were all mine forever after all. Though from this event, it seems as if you're ungrateful for all that I've done to make sure you stay with me.." I stared at her blankly in disbelief, all of my female friends, and now my mother is dead all because of my girlfriend. My mother was right, and I'm not sure why I didn't believe her. I knew NaYoung was busy a lot with family things, but instead of family problems, she was actually busy killing everyone I knew. "Hopefully we can be together without any casualties in the next life, Kichi.." Before I had any time to react to what she said, I felt a sudden sharp and cold feeling in my stomach. I could feel the warm liquidy blood pouring out quickly, yet I couldn't scream or even say a word. I just watched as she slowly took the knife out. Before I blacked out the last thing I saw was her slitting her neck, and falling to the side of me face-first into my now blood-soaked hard wooden floor. "Love really is a crazy thing, it could even make people mad. You must be careful when choosing a partner as you'll never know what they're capable of truly. Please honey, please leave Nayoung." is something my mother would always plead to me.

Goddammit, why didn't I just listen to her.

"Darling, it's beautiful, thank you!"

I forced myself to say in the happiest, and most excited voice I could while forcing myself to smile. He was bouncing up and down like a kid waiting to open their Christmas gifts in front of them after eating a bunch of sugar. "Try it on, try it on, try it on! I got it just for you! It looks great, doesn't it? I knew it would, You always love my gifts, I know you do, I know you do, I know you do!" He's always been like this ever since my husband and son passed away. I still have no idea what hell this creature crawled from, but I pray every day that it can go back to where it came from.

"Sweetheart, what did you bury in the garden?"

Jumping a bit as I said that, he stood still frozen in place. "Nothing, I was just playing around in the dirt n' stuff," He shakily said. "I know what you buried silly, you don't need to hide it from me. I mean, you think I wouldn't notice your messiness? There's blood on your keys, car door handle, your bedside table cabinet, need I list more?" He shuddered with every item I listed which made my smile wider. "I.. I didn't mean to, I just- he was annoying me so much I- I couldn't... He.." After trying his best to explain himself, he went silent to not make things worse.

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