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Rated: 18+ · Short Story · Comedy · #2263438
Because it's nearly Christmas, so why not.
Some people just know how to make an entrance. Miss Rowena Moone was once such person. She began by taking over the radio that our heroine, (we'll get to her in just a moment), was half listening to. Being a fairy godmother. Oh, did I not mention that? Ah!, I forgot something else too, something important. I had better start again...

Once upon a time, (that was the important bit, which tells you this is a fairy story). Once upon a time, there was a young woman named Ella Hardup, (told you we'd get to our heroine). When Ella was very young, her mother died. Her father, Baron Hardup, was a nice man, but made sometimes made unfortunate choices. Two of his worst choices were to remarry, and to choose Mrs. Melody Jangle to be his second wife. Mrs Jangle brought with her, two daughters from her first marriage, which had been, (unsurprisingly), to Mr. Jangle. Their names were Jocasta, and Candice. (This is all scene setting by the way, presently we'll get back to Rowena's entrance again).

The sisters were very unalike in some ways, Jocasta was tall and scrawny, angular and sharp, whereas Candice, was short, round and plump. (They both physically resembled their father. Neither resembled the late Mr Jangle!) In other ways they were however very similar, being spoilt, narcissistic and self-centred, (they naturally took after their mother.) They both took an instant dislike to Ella, who was rather pretty, and pretty clever. Sad to relate, but they took their lead in this from their mother, who soon saw to it that Ella got to do all the housework and much else besides. They all took delight in making life miserable for poor Ella.

Ella's days would start before it was light, as she had to clean out the fires and make them up for the day. This was dirty work indeed and Ella would be quite soot smeared when she had finished. Her step-sisters gave her the cruel nickname Cinders, or sometimes Cinderella. (Yes it is that story, sort of.)

Most recently Ella had been put to work making dresses for her step-sisters. (She'd washed her hands beforehand of course, being a sensible sort of young woman). There had been a lot of changing of minds about style and colour and trim, and Ella had had to remake both dresses completely at least thrice. The reason the dresses were considered so important was where the sisters planned to wear them.

For weeks now, all that Jocasta and Candice could or would talk about was the audition, (make that 'THE AUDITION'.) Pop star and international heart throb, Franklin Clutterbuck had announced some weeks ago that he was going to audition singers to join his new band. Despite being tone deaf and unable to hold a note, both sisters fancied their chances. They were convinced that with the right dresses they would 'Knock him dead', being 'Drop dead gorgeous'. Ella was at a dead loss to understand their strange delusions,but wisely held her tongue.

The auditions being tonight, sisters and stepmother had all departed, and Ella was enjoying the peace. She was in the warm kitchen, the radio was burbling inanities in the background as she worked through the chores she'd been left to do. At first she didn't notice the heavy bass twang, but she definitely heard the finger snapping. It was coming from behind the kitchen door, which was slightly ajar to let Ella's kitten Caspar come and go.

As Ella looked from the radio, which was playing 'Fever', to the door, where the finger clicking seemed to originate, she noticed the light change. All the little spot lights on rails were oriented on that door, (Ella was sure there hadn't even been spotlights just a few moments before). A brief swirl of steam and then a leg. Okay the leg was followed by a body, but we'll get to that in a moment,

There was a stocking, it was sheer and glittered with fairy dust, (this is Rowan's entrance, but I expect that you'd worked that out!) There was a stiletto shoe. Now. if you are like me, you know that stilettos are named after a type of narrow dagger. However, the heel on this shoe didn't so much resemble a dagger as a scalpel. It looked to be made of glass, (yes, yes, I do know that its Cinderella who is supposed to have the glass slipper, but this is an alternative version.) The heel went to a very definite point, and it slashed a bold statement through reality.

Ella's mouth was already hanging open at the leg, when the rest of the body followed, she gazed, amazed, and not a little scared. Though Ella was rendered speechless, that won't help you get an idea of what she saw. So I had better add some details for you. Rowena was quite short, but she was very shapely. She wore her dark hair in a shiny bob, to set off her pixieish face and a cute snub nose.

“Mouthies open should be shut little birdie. Or else someone might drop a nasty worm in mightn't they.” Rowan ran a perfectly manicured finger up Ella's chin, and pushed her mouth closed.

Ella swallowed quickly, and spluttered,

“No Miss. I mean, yes Miss. I ..” and she closed her mouth and blushed in embarrassment.

“There's a good girl. Now my name is Miss Moone, and if you are very good you might get to address me as Miss Rowan. I'm your fairy Godmother.”

At this point the radio switched from Peggy Lee singing 'Fever', to Pink and Peaches singing 'Oh my God.' Rowan frowned at the radio and said

“Stop that right now. You'll scare the poor girl”

The sudden silence that followed, awoke Ethelberta, who was Melody Hardup's aged servant. I hadn't mentioned her till now, partly because she was asleep and not contributing anything to the story, and mainly because I was covering Rowan's entrance, and didn't want to clutter it with a description of this lazy somewhat shapeless old woman.

She got up from her chair by the fire, and stared suspiciously at Rowan in belligerent astonishment.

Rowan ignored her, and was examining Ella critically, whilst resting her chin on folded fingers.

“Hmmm, well, you'll need a shower, and definitely need something done with that hair. You'll need clothes too. I think we'd better stop at my place first.”

Ella was still in shock, but she did manage to ask,

“But, where will we be going after that?”

“To the audition silly.”

“But I can't sing!” Protested Ella.

Rowan looked coolly at her for a moment. Ella felt about five years old suddenly, and wished she hadn't spoken.

“I can sweetie.” Rowan winked at her, “Now come along, there's a lot to be done.”

Ella was unable to stop herself blurting out,

“But what about my chores?”

“Good point.” Rowan spun on one ice-pick sharp heel and faced Ethelberta, who had been following the exchange with increasing indignation.

“Who are...” Ethelberta began.

Rowan stared into Ethelberta's eyes. Suddenly, the old woman knew how a pike felt when it unknowingly swims up to a shark.

“You don't mind doing Ella's chores do you dear?” Rowan's tone was honeyed, but Ethelberta could sense the unspoken menace beneath.

Giving Ella a filthy look that conveyed that there would be repercussions, Ethelberta muttered her acceptance of doing the girl's chores. Miss Moone chose to ignore the look.

“Jolly good.” Said Rowan. She scooped up Caspar, who had been winding himself around her feet, took Ella's hand and announced, “Right then, come with me Ella.”

Ella staggered along in Miss Rowan's wake as she lead the way outside to the waiting Lamborghini Veneno, which looked dark, brooding and fast. Rowan waved a hand in the general direction of the car, and its doors raised as if in salute, as they slid smoothly open.

“Get in.” Rowan cheerfully ordered, releasing Ella's hand, and walking around the car, where she took off her stiletto's before slipping into the bucket seat. Ella hurried to scrambled in besides her. Rowan dropped Caspar into Ella's lap. The doors clucked shut, and with surprisingly little noise they were suddenly travelling with an astonishing, not to mention terrifying speed.

Ella's body was pressed back into the seat, clutching Caspar tightly, as the car tore along. Everything was passing in a blur. They entered a tunnel, and Ella saw the lights spinning. She wondered if she was about to die in a road crash, but of course she wasn't. This would be a very short story indeed if she were.

Word Count = 1,458

Naturally Chapter 1 should be followed by:
 Cinderella Alt. Version - Chapter 2. Open in new Window. (GC)
In which part, things get a little steamier.
#2263441 by Adhere - Definitely Writing Author IconMail Icon
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