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Warning: Giantess Mom Vore. A story I posted some time ago at my DevianArt account. |
A terrible loud sound kicked Lilith out of her sleep. It sounded like there was an earthquake right next to her. Scared and dizzy, she tried to get off her bed, but the end was very far away. She just realize that she had been shrunk to less than an inch. "It's a dream, it has to be a dream!". She thought, running to the side of the bed she also noticed that she was naked, her clothes were right next to her, looking titanic. Another terrible loud sound busted her tiny eardrum's, but it wasn't an earthquake, that was footsteps! Staring at the edge of the bed, she could now see her entire room. It was so vast, her setup, her television, it all looked titanic, even the glass of water she brought with herself when she went to sleep last night, it looked like enough water to fill an Olympic pool! Suddenly, another footstep pushed her out of the bed, falling on her carpet, this one was louder than the other, she realized someone was getting close. Now in the carped, she regretted every time she was barefoot on it. That forrest of tissue stank with the smell of her feet, she almost couldn't breathe without having her own putrid smell invading her nostril's! She tried to run desperately to the end of that terrible smelly maze, only to get even more lost. Soon, the creator of the earthquakes arrived, Andrea, her mom. The little girl couldn't see her mom, all she could feel was the terrible tremors her feet was making and the hell sound that was her voice. "Lilith, sweetie... did you woke up?". What was supposed to be a cute normal quote from her mom in the morning sounded more like the terrible scream of the devil. Her voice was too loud and the girl wasn't able to understand her words. All Lilith could do was lay down in fetal position and beg for this torture to end, she knew her mom was in the room, but every step the woman took in the carpet could be the end for the little girl! "Mom, please, leave! Stop, I don't wanna die, you are gonna kill me!". Andrea stod right beside the bed and looked down, she could see her daughter clothes, but not her. Now with her mom right beside her, with her right foot just a few inches away, Lilith could see her part body. "God...'' she whispered. The woman was bigger than every building the girl had ever seen. The daughter fell to her knees at the presence of her giantess mother. "Well, she must be downstairs", Andrea said and left the room, leaving her daughter paralysed at the floor. After crying for some time, Lilith got up. She knew that this wasn't a dream and she needed to get her mother attention. "Is this or... dying like a bug...'' she thought. After some time, she managed to get out of the carpet and went to the door, after walking for five minutes, she realized that it was impossible. It would take hours for her to get out of the room. "Alright, think! Where is mom? I must have woke up at 8 p.m., mom normally wakes at this time too, she was still wearing her pyjamas, she must be at shower now and then she will take her breakfast... I need to go to the kitchen! But how I can go downstairs?". She looked at her side and saw her hamster cage, inside, her hamster Linnus was drinking his water. "Hey boy... remember me?". The rodent started to stare at her and got very excited. Lilith put her hand on him and pat his head. "Good boy, you are gonna take me on a ride...". Using her hamster like a horse, Lilith managed to go down the stairs in the kitchen. "Alright boy, mom is gonna be here any minute, we need to climb the table so I can call her attention, ok?". But after walking for such a long distance, the hamster was very tired and just laid down and went to sleep. The girl laugh and said, "Ok, ok... you can sleep... just be careful and don't let mom step on you!". After saying this, she remembered her mom gigantic feet and her titanic body, making the little girl get a little bit of retching. She looked up to the table and started climbing. Lilith wasn't the most athletic girl in the world, she prefered to spend her days playing video games at her computer, so, climbing that gigantic wood table was really hard and made her arms get very sore. "Ok, now I just have to wait for mom, she will know what to do. Maybe this is a virus, or a curse or some weird-ass alien attack...". Suddenly, she felt that well-known tremors again, mommy was coming... Lilith stared at the door and waited for her. Even after a nice bath, Andrea was still yawning, she never really wakes up before a cup of coffee. "Lilith sweetie, are you having breakfast?". The cute quote made the little girl shiver in fear, her ears were still adapting to the loud sounds of the gigantic word and her mom thunderous voice was something to be feared. Now in the kitchen, Lilith could see her mother full body, that image almost made the girl gag in fear again. But she was determined, she would get her mom attention one way or another! One of the most terrifying moments of Lilith life was seeing her gigantic mother prepper her coffee. The slight movement of the woman massive hands could create a power wave strong enough to kick the girl out of the table! But she managed to hold on a thread that scaped from the woman sweater and started climbing to her arm while she was moving a spoon on her coffee cup. The gigantic body was very scary, but Lilith was starting to get used to it, but nothing could prepare her for the moment when Andrea yawned. The gigantic opened mouth and the thunderous sound made the little girl scream in fear and her hands dropped the thread, rolling down in the deep of her mom black hot coffee. The taste of a dark, strong and warm black coffee invaded her mouth and full body, soaking every small part of the tiny girl. Lilith wanted to puke! She always hated the taste of strong coffee and on that size, it tasted even worse! "This... the taste... the smell... god I always hated this smell of coffee, even when mom just drank it and I could smell on her breath and... wait... OH GOD!". Looking to her sides the girl could only see the walls of the coffee cup, but far away up, she could see the spoon getting out and in on the coffee, forcing the girl to submerge in the ocean-like cup. "Just one more move and it will be perfect to drink!", Andrea thought, unaware of the swim class she was giving to her bug sized daughter! Being under the thick black liquid was a nightmare for Lilith, the strong taste and smell of the coffee and the terrible sounds of the spoon moving around the cup overheld the little girl senses and she started to drown. "No, I can't move! Help! Someone help, I can't breathe, I don't want to die like this! Mommy... help!". She was so involved in the coffee pool that she wasn't able to feel when her mom brought the cup to her waiting, thirst mouth. Just a small sip on the coffee, only to get to know the taste and temperature of her drink, was enough to bring Lilith back to the surface, the girl opened her mouth and took a deep breath, making the air fill her lungs. The small moment of relief was destroyed by the booming voice of the giantess. "It's perfect!", Andrea whispered to herself. The tiny daughter looked at the top of the cup, seeing her mom licking her lips. Even after she fell at the cup, never passed to her head that in accident her mother could end up swallowing her with her drink, it was just a too horrible thought to have, but now, it was her reality, she was going to be a part of her mother breakfast. Her sore arms were no match to the thick liquid and the strong force of her mom waiting maw, in a moment, she was already in her mother mouth. Lilith could smell the toothpaste and the coffee inside of her mom's tongue, she started to get soaked in saliva and could feel the body heat of the woman. The little girl kicked, punched and screamed, telling her mom to let her go, but when she heard the loud gulp, all she could do was beg, when she was sent down to her throat. The powerful muscles of Andrea throat squished her daughter like she was just one more piece of food, getting ready to meet it fade inside her stomach. Lilith couldn't scream, her mom saliva had entered her mouth and she started to suffocate, she felt her naked body getting almost burned by the walls of her esophagus. "This can't be happening! Why?! Why I have to end like this?!". Her cries echoed through her mother digestive system, but no one ever heard them. After getting compressed, squished and soaked in saliva by the powerful organ of the woman that she loved, Lilith was sucked by the sphincter of her stomach and fell into the darkness of the organ. Her fall was cushioned by the coffee that Andrea had drunk in the first sip. The smell of the black drink was bad but nothing was compared to the putrid smell inside the woman stomach. The tiny girl felt like, all around her, were people vomiting. Her head started to feel dizzy, the temperature was even worst than inside of the mouth or the esophagus. Standing up, Lilith tried to run in the darkness to the wall of the organ. After feeling the covered in mucus wall, Lilith started to punch, kick, scream and cry to her mom. "Mommy, I am here! Please, let me out, I am gonna die, It's too hot, too smelly, I just want to get out!". For a moment she thought that her mom had miraculously heard her, but then, a monstrous roar coming from inside of her mom's intestines washed these thoughts of hope away. She was alone, alone inside the stomach of the most gentle, caring, and lovely person she had ever known. Laying down and letting the coffee and mucus cover her tiny body, Lilith just started to cry like a child that got lost from her mom, even if now they were closer than ever. - I am sorry... I am sorry for everything I ever did to you mom... I love you... I just don't want to die, not like this... please, let me go, I will hug you and I will never disobey you, please... I... But the powerful digestive system of her mother didn't let her complete her last sentence. Felling the little girl, her body started to produce gastric acid. Smelling the terrible liquid, Lilith began to run in the darkness, with no were to go, crying and screaming until she falls inside the pool of her demise, the acid liquid started to burn and corrode the little girl skin, she tried to stand up, but her feet fell inside the acid river that her mom was producing. The acid destroyed her skin and started to reach her muscles. The tiny daughter that now became a tiny meal wasn't even able to cry, her body just went in shock and she fell face first in the acid. The tiny helpless creature body was dissolved by her own mother stomach in less than five minutes. Her belly was opened by the acid and her intestines fell out, along with her other organs. Even her bones were destroyed, nothing was a match to the mother belly. After three minutes, all inside Andrea's stomach were coffee and blood, and after five, there was no signal that Lilith was ever there. The middle-aged woman took the last sip on the coffee cup, which sure had just waked her up and she was ready for her day, she was worried about her daughter, Lilith, that didn't show up this morning. Completely unaware that her daughter was having one of the most painful deaths inside of her belly. "Well, I better start cleaning this house, Lilith will help me when she appears, she is such a nice girl!". |