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Rated: E · Non-fiction · Educational · #2262799
The Rule of the Kings and Queens of old in Europe through the different Ages.
Kings and Queens ruled across Europe, or rather, the countries they lived in which were a part of the continent of Europe, for thousands of years in one form or another, and this was the normal situation in those times.

One has only to visit the various ancient churches and also the burial places of ancient Kings or monarchs, to gain some impression of how important or not they were in the times in which they lived.

The Statues of the Kings and Queens of England inside York Minster Church in the City of “York” England.

There are many statues of Kings and Queens in the palace of Versailles in France, and also, there are many Kings depicted Inside the English Church of York Minster.

The Images of the Glory of the great Kings and Queens of old times. Undimmed, unchanged from before the modern world. The Basilica of St Denis in Paris is where Kings and Queens of France were buried.

Images perfectly reserved show to us the faces, clothing, hairstyles and jewellery of the ancient rulers of France. Each one tells their “own personal private story”.

Statue of King Louis x1v of France, which stands before the Royal Palace of Versailles. Inside the palace, there is also a very long corridor which contains statues and images in stone of the ancient Kings and Queens of France as they were in “life”.

Kings and Queens married and intermarried, to form political and military alliances against one or more other rival or enemy Monarchs, and this led for centuries to almost endless wars and petty wars and squabbles.

The situation when Charles Quint, the Holy Roman Emperor decided to split his Empire and "retire" led ultimately to the wars between Catholics and Protestants in Europe, which we best call and remember as "the thirty years war" though it began a bit before that....

King Henry the Eight of England (Henry Tudor) split his country from the Catholic faith solely and entirely over the row he had with the Pope of Rome over a series of scandalous divorces he undertook because he was riddled with Syphilis and could not produce a successfull male child heir.

Heirs in the form of a male born son were absolutely crucial to the survival of a Ruling House or Dynasty, and a daughter, while being useful to "marry" to make alliances with her dowry, was no use whatsoever for taking the place of a King Monarch in those times.

Family, and especially male Royal “heirs” formed a large part of Royal preoccupations. Above The family of Louis x1v.

History, however, in the case ironically, of Henry's daughter from Mary, Elisabeth Tudor, or "Gloriana" who rules like she was a female-male King for forty-three years, would actually prove Hnerys fears unfounded.

Queen Elizabeth Tudor. (Elizabeth the First).

But that would not be what they will say in Ireland or Scotland, where it needs to be clearly remembered, Mary Queen of Scotts, (heir from the Stuart House who are still today the rightful heir through the Duke of Montcrief) was removed and (some say) poisoned by Elisabeth Tudor in the fight to win the English throne.
Mary was Queen of Scotland AND IRELAND, a fact which certain historian quietly choose to forget to mention.

Mary Queen of Scotts.

Two powerful female régents who were set on a collision course by childhood upbringing, one as a Catholic, the other as a Protestant.

But through the ages, there were many other rulers, such a Brunnehilde of Bruniquel, whose sister was murdered by the rival kingdom, and who waged war endlessly and without pity upon that kingdom all her life. Coming from a Visigoth ruling family that had settled in roughly Catalonia today, after the invasion of Europe by the Huns, Goths Visigoths and Ostrogoths who crossed the Rhine and destroyed Romes Empire, she ruled in the Mountains of the Sout of France (Occitania later) and her château still stands today. War and ambition are thought to be the province of men, but history teaches us that sometimes it is not.

Brunehilde. Queen in Southern France, had her seat of power and chateaux at Bruniquel, in Tarn Garrone of modern France today.

The Kings and Queens of France shaped the destiny of Europe and expanded the kingdom of France, and it was an alliance between the Kings of England and Northern France which destroyed the Kingdom of Occitania which was NOT PART OF FRANCE up to that point.

Above. Some views of the Chateaux at Bruniquel, (in the Tarn Garronne Department) of Southern France, which has been greatly restored in recent years, and is open to the public. (Please check times of opening).

Absolute Monarchs ruled absolutely, until either they were murdered, assassinated or poisoned, or beheaded for some failure or another. Few died peacefully....The few who fled when they realized they had outlived their value politically were the wisest and shrewdest of them all.

The marriages, alliances and armies of Monarchs greatly shaped and formed our History, there can be no doubt.
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