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Rated: 13+ · Non-fiction · Educational · #2262797
The Norman Invasion of 1066 and Coronation of William of Normandie as King of England.
Did Edward the Confessor really promise the throne to William? Is it possible that William was the rightful King all along, rather than Harold?

William was always the rightful King, Harold broke faith and stole the crown of Britain for himself, so William invaded, killed harold, and took back whatwas already his.

TheInheritance came through Edward the confessor, but after Edward had died, (of course) the trouble makers began to cook up ways of usurping the Kingdom Crown and royal authority and giving it to Harold later instead to split with France.

Harold Godwinson had previously sworn an Oath to William that he would give to him the crown….William was furious and vowed to get justice….and so he did….

it did not have the effect the conspirators planned, and they all died on the tips of Norman steel blades…or sharp arrows fired from powerful bows….(Harold got an Norman arrow stright through the eye, a instataneously fatal wound).

Harold perishes from a Norman arrow through his eye.

Genealogy Tree for William of Normandie.

Below Several interpretations of the moment of the death of Harold exist.

Harold gambled on defeating two armies, at opposite ends of the country, which was militarily highly unlikely, unrealistic and improbable, but all the man had…

Above from this campaign map you can taste the impossiblities faceing Harold godwinson and his army ,.just look at the sheer distances involved and think of how tired all the men would have been,…

Between September 25th and october 14th 1066 the future of the crown of England was to be effectively already decided.

……a Northern incursion at Stamford Bridge, and then after a long hungry march South, the Norman army led by William. Harold lost the gamble, William landed unoposed and re grouped, re organizedand inflicted a decisive victory and defeat on the followers of “King” Harold.

Below Harold Godwinson had to fight twice in the early Winter of 1066.

Above Harald Hardrada was another claimant to the English throne, he sent a fleet of 300 ships and invaded England, with Harold Godwinsons own brother. But they both were killed and most of the viking Norwegians army was destroyed at the battle in Yorkshire.

Once at Stamford bridge, against a Norwegian or Viking force, led by both King Harald hardrada, and King Harold Godwinsons own brother Tostig Godwinson. Then fight again soon, within 3 weeks of the first battle, at Hastigns where he fell fataly wounded, leaving the usurped English crown finally to the rightful heir, William of Normandie. William was crowned on Christmas Day 1066.

Hail the Conquering prince….William of Normandie is crowned Christmas day in 1066.

Williams Coronation was one of four in English History to take palce on the feast of Christmas Day. However it was not without unexpected event….During the Coronation, as the people inside the Abbey shouted out their acceptance of William, the troops outside thought a fight had broken out. Fearing that William had been attacked, they began to set fire to Saxon houses.

The King is Dead, Long Live the King….
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