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An Article By Guest Journalist Of Firebrand Times, Bride A Livewire |
There is nothing more dangerous than to build a society with a large segment of people in that society who feel that they have no stake in it; who feel that they have nothing to lose. People who have stake in their society, protect that society, but when they don't have it, they unconsciously want to destroy it. -Martin Luther King, Jr. "A person who is demoralized is unable to access true information. The facts tell him nothing, even if I shower him with information, with authentic proof, with documents and pictures...he will to believe it...That's the tragedy of the situation of demoralization." -Yuri Bezmenov Disclaimer: There go a saying: "if yall throw a rock into a pack of dogs, the one that yelped loudest is the one that got hit." There go folks that get fired up about these topics, and I aim to be polite whether folks is or aint. But I aint one of those conservatives that tuck tail and get pushed around, and Im p*ssed at those who are. Welcome to America. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Foundation- America has been heading in an anti Christ direction- this is as about new as the sun. Its society worships anything immoral and evil, supports evil, and done declared war on anything good. America was built on Biblical principals, as a matter of particulars, if other countries would imitate them as well, they would prosper just the same. 'Capitalism,' done been under attack only cause of its Biblical foundation, which its under attack by Satan, which hides behind communism/socialism. Not working and getting something for free is evil (please use statements in proper context, also; disabled, elderly, and folks who REALLY need help are excluded) Capitalism: Gen 2:15 KJV And the Lord God took the man, and put him into the garden of Eden to dress it and to keep it. Everything in the beginning was perfect. Now, after the fall we see Adam having to toil (which it takes a long breath to explain all of this,) but its just interesting to note that in a perfect place God gave Adam something to do. 2Thes 3:10 KJV For even when we were with you, this we commanded you, that if any would not work, neither should he eat. Self explanatory. The apostles, the pillars of the early Church- worked at the same time ordering it. Fun fact: Most of the apostles were fishermen who owned ships and businesses. Paul, who wrote dang near half of the New Testament was a tent maker on the side. Communism: Most folks aint ever read this through this lens. After yall see it, consider yourselves welcomed. REALLY read this: Prov 1:11-17 KJV If they say, Come with us, let us lay wait for blood, let us lurk privily for the innocent without cause: Let us swallow them up alive as the grave; and whole, as those that go down into the pit: We shall find all precious substance, we shall fill our houses with spoil: Cast in thy lot among us; let us all have one purse: My son, walk not thou in the way with them; refrain thy foot from their path: For their feet run to evil, and make haste to shed blood. Surely in vain the net is spread in the sight of any bird. Think on it. 'Surely in vain the net is spread in the sight of any bird' means 'it aint hard to see this.' Through all the violence and bloodshed seen in the history of Communism, name ONE country that prospered... Exactly- cause its evil and unbiblical. Capitalism done lifted more folks out of poverty than any other economic system. Nobody ever prospered off welfare, as a matter of fact, they remain in that slum. Yall can literally see foreigners come to America, open businesses, and prosper- cause the difference between us and them is, they appreciate America and its freedoms. Leave it up to an 'american' to complain about their own country. These folks came from countries with deplorable conditions. Communisms main goal is to remove God, morality, celebrated differences, and foundation. All that talk on 'equity' is what that means, its just a play on words. Working builds self esteem, gives purpose, and gives sense of accomplishment. I tell yall what- aint nothing like owning something that was worked for. Even if yall hate yalls job, it gives a hope in something. Man done always been created with purpose. I aint know were yall was raised were taking care of yourselves became such an effing chore- and to be honest, yall lazy- but whats funny is, when yall got old enough to work, yall ran to get a job...Yall ran to save and buy a 1st car...Yall ran to get yalls 1st apartment. Cause just speaking between us chickens; every teenager cant wait to get out their parents house: Its an understood defiance in sorts to parental government- teens want to be independent, we all did- but yall went from wanting to limit a government (one of the great things about the Constitution,) to full blown wanting to give government complete control over yall. This comes from fear and personal insecurity. America used to be hard-man, we was proud to be American. Other countries envied us. We used to set the paths for other countries to follow. Now cause of some soft headed folks, we're heading toward becoming a laughing stock. We're there now. Basics 101: A threat to anybodies health is a surefire way to get a yoke around that persons neck cause most folks fear death. Look at the health craze thats been going on in the US since forever ago: Folks fear aging to the point of botox and other extremes, there go 'mid life crisis,' and most folks work out for others, or as an attempted extent of life. US folks studied the Chinese to find out why in samhill they live so long- these white coats studied their d*mn diets. Asinine. Guess what the Chinese culture teaches that American culture dont? Ephesians 6:2-3 New King James Version Honor your father and mother, which is the first commandment with promise: that it may be well with you and you may live long on the earth. (The Bible mentions health as an inward, to outward teaching. I might write an article about it one day. Word to the wise: All of yall that get in horn tossing moods about everything under the sun need to quit it. Its shortening yalls life. Dont believe me, then.) Most Kids run off to these universities fast and in a hurry, and get washed. They come from stable two parent homes with respectable parents who instilled hard work in them, just to come home hating tradition, capitalism, and support any deconstruct of the nuclear family system. They done been told in so many words tradition needs to get torn down, and they come home dang near spitting in their parents faces. I done met college students that done told me most professors teach against these type of foundations. No respect: Younger generations got the nerve to call their grandparents 'boomer,' and even their parents- and this flies fine nowdays... If I ever, ever, called any elder a 'boomer' when I was a kid, Id have a new a** on layaway with my Christmas presents. Some kids even talk to their parents squirely. I remember when parents used to say: 'I aint one of yalls little friends'...But parents want to be progressive now; and enforce no form of discipline on their kids. They get mad at their turnout and blame their parents and discipline. Leftists always twist meanings of words, make excuses for ignorance with no accountability, or bring up absurd comparisons. They get whiny and argue with an empty room for nothing. They blame capitalism for evils and oppression; and blame everybody for their depression and mistakes. Actually, this is why theyre depressed: Prov 13:12 Hope deferred maketh the heart sick: but when the desire cometh, it is a tree of life. A 'sick heart' is depression. Yall depressed. Folks wake up every morning MAD. They make their bottle filled with MSNBC, ABC, NBC, CNN, and drink up- and cry about the society that was just fed to them. The problem aint 'society,' its this: Ephesians 2:1-3 King James Version And you hath he quickened, who were dead in trespasses and sins; Wherein in time past ye walked according to the course of this world, according to the prince of the power of the air, the spirit that now worketh in the children of disobedience: Among whom also we all had our conversation in times past in the lusts of our flesh, fulfilling the desires of the flesh and of the mind; and were by nature the children of wrath, even as others. All the evils in America- the assault on Christianity, pride of all forms of sexual immorality, rebellion against authority- the desired control of others (For rebellion is as the sin of witchcraft, and stubbornness is as iniquity and idolatry- I Samuel 15:23,) and brainwashing, is demonically inspired. Morality Those who say morality is subjective are the very folks who gone and try to use that as an excuse to justify their immorality. The Constitution got God all in it. The world was so corrupt at one time, that God had to tell man that murder was wrong- laws had to get made. A law is a constant across all boards- its like the law of gravity- if the law of gravity aint a law, and it was different in Australia, then it aint be a law; itd be a phenomenon or subjective. A law cant be made subjective. Theres wiggle room in some cases, but its still a law. Stealing is wrong; but if somebody was hungry, personally, Id waive it, but its still wrong. Even in self defense we all know that murder is wrong- cause nobody wants to k*ll somebody. To drive on this point, folks would rather find excuses and blame upbringings, etc, rather than call serial killers and r*pists evil. This is an example on how folks twist 'subjection' in their favor- but If yall watch these same criminals in interviews, they all got a common lack of morality toward their victims and human life as a whole. So, I got my hands on a sex ed book that was circulated in public schools around the 1950s. I searched for these books cause I was curious- like I done said before, Im an amateur historian- get this: It literally said: Young boys be aware of, and consider the feelings that girls have toward you'...WOW. Now sex ed is handing out condoms...Its a d*mn shame. A country cant function right without morality, actually, the dang planet cant. Nuclear families Besides the nuclear family being God ordained, it establishes healthy children (please use proper context, some bad things just happen. Im from a single parent household.) We see the devastating toll of no fathers in households- d*mn near all criminals aint got a father present...I mean, just look at our men now. We see the shame of our young girls who aint taught to be lady like- and its embarrassing. More and more without a mother and father household, we see negative results. Traditions Wisdom and tradition is handed down from previous generations to keep things leveled. Its to get learned about were yall come from, and this goes for a society and families alike. I still hold on to the traditions of my granddad and he died before I was born. Why? Cause life was hard when he was a kid, and he was smart enough to raise a family from what he learned from his dad. Some things should never be changed cause it provides stability. Newer aint always the best. Why some youngins now aint got no respect for the wisdom of older folks is beyond me. H*ll, if you line up right- If you follow God, live a respectable life, been married for a spell, and done raised kids as decently as yall can, I dont care how old I am- you got the teachings I want. I can learn from yall. It takes wisdom to appreciate generations who done lived through harder times than yall and survived it. Shoot, give me some d*mn advice. Older generations done seen more than yall, and to be square, everything is just a repeat. History repeats itself; and its sad that some aint know history- cause the bad of history is repeating itself right now, and folks is too ignorant to see it. Most folks done gone and let a public official with a bad track record cancel holidays. It aint got nothing to do with nothing on health- its an all out attack on American foundations. Its bad enough parents would rather lie to their kids about the true meaning of Christmas and Easter, but now, somehow; folks got the power to cancel Holidays. Family based, Christian, and American, holidays. I dont remember Holloween getting cancelled... In conclusion, dont turn yall nose up at tradition. Its beautiful, and its got DNA in it. I plan to hold on to all the traditions I was blessed enough to get a gimpse at and pass them down. |