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An Article By Firebrand Times Guest Journalist, Bride A. Livewire |
There is nothing more dangerous than to build a society with a large segment of people in that society who feel that they have no stake in it; who feel that they have nothing to lose. People who have stake in their society, protect that society, but when they don't have it, they unconsciously want to destroy it. -Martin Luther King, Jr. Disclaimer: There go a saying: "if yall throw a rock into a pack of dogs, the one that yelped loudest is the one that got hit." There go folks that get fired up about these topics, and I aim to be polite whether folks is or aint. But I aint one of those conservatives that tuck tail and get pushed around, and Im p*ssed at those who are. Welcome to America. Preface -A good name is rather to be chosen than great riches, and loving favour rather than silver and gold. King James Bible, Prov 22:1 Things were different when I was a kid. Men and women had functioning roles in the home, the Church, and in society- even kids and teens had roles. We now living in a dangerous time were these roles are starting to get blurred, and each group appears to be assuming anothers role. Men done become women, and women- men...Kids became teens, while teens are the parents of their parents... And parents became the kids of their teens. There was a time when politics aint determine what life was; God did- and for those who aint choose to follow God, at least critical thinking was as common as cornbread. Its a frightening thing to see the crowning of a totalitarian society- and pardon me for being graphic as I believe in pro life- but this is the one time that I want to see something aborted. Cause while you squint at things you feel alone; while it seems other folks just stare right into the sun without even thinking of blinking. With every 'equity' claim or 'be kind' slogan, or any the h*ll else thing that folks come up with- the groups I mentioned above are selling their birthrights like Esau for a bowl of political correct soup that leaves a bitter cultural revolution aftertaste. But do to demoralization, most of yall cant taste a thing... There was a time when the attack on masculine men was once a feminist problem, but now its a societal problem. Men done been painted evil for having testosterone, and it got labeled 'toxic masculinity.' Little boys started getting curbed in school for being rambunctious cause folks noticed little girls were more settled... So they started treating little boys like girls. These, these, SJWs- twisted men out of salt of the earth chivalry and labeled them 'r*pists.' Effeminate men done got headlined in the US, and through the science; men can have babies, breast feed, and have periods. Only somebody with a degree could believe this; cause us unbooklearned folk aint buying it. Our society has taken a turn to unravel itself, and we need men to step up and stop this. Man has God given authority, but it only works if its done Gods way- and thats the only way. Now lets just see what God has to say about men... _________________________________________________________________ God is a God of order. He sets things in place by His will, and to our benefit. When things go out of order; or we confuse that order, chaos is soon lurking- thats just the way it is. The reason things aint go right is cause folks value their own system of order over Gods- then, blame God. It aint make no sense to go about yalls life by self willed decisions, then ask God to bless those decisions: Had folks followed Gods will to begin with, theyd already be in the blessing...Let that soak down. Theres groups out there from demonic division set in place to mix things all up-Satan aint got no power (Jesus stripped him of it,) hes been using deception to get man (used interchangeably with woman for context of point) to use their own power against himself. In other words, if he cant hang yall himself, he gone make the rope look good enough for yall to do it yourselves... Its an old trick that works everytime with the pride thats in man; pride gets folks to do some of the most backwood heinous of things at the cost of the person who yields to it. Thats another reason why God aint like pride of no sorts... Greed is pride. Self centeredness is pride. Low self esteem is pride, cause it focuses on self and takes priority over Jesus willing to help to get freed from demonic influences such as depression. Going yalls on way is pride- exalting a race in any form over another is pride. Exalting man created sexualities and genders is pride against the Creator. Feminism and chauvinism is pride. Going against Gods natural order in any way and flaunting it, is demonic and prideful. Assuming to know more than God and trying to tear down things He placed in order, makes one to try to take the place of God. ALL of this comes from ONE place: Isaiah 14:14 King James Version 14 I will ascend above the heights of the clouds; I will be like the most High ...Let that soak down. A prideful man is sure to fall, and with it, what hes suppose to lead- we see this in our homes, communities, country, and the world today. We see men promote themselves and evil. We see men act selfishly with no regard. We see men for sale through bribes. We see cowards, d*mnit... Food for thought: As the abortion issue is mostly led by women understandably; what if men took it over and led the fight. It would be the God given authority, uprightness, and power of men that would win the cause. Aint nothing funny about thousands of MEN standing outside of Planned Parenthood...Feminists would be as nervous as a wh*re in Church. It gets dangerous, faster than prairie fires, when men either abuse their God given authorities, or aint use their God given authorities. A lot of stuff in the world is wrong cause of poor MALE leadership. Women dont trust men too good cause of poor male leadership. Poor excuses for men have hurt women. Children turn astray and head down rickety paths cause of men who aint fill their roles as fathers. Men were created to be sacrificial leaders. They are to lead with strength, compassion, and honor- they are hardworkers and supporters. Men are to love their wives, be the spiritual leader of the family, and initiate discipline of children; while not discouraging them-they are to be examples to sons on how to treat women/ wives, and teach sons how to be fathers. Men in leadership outside of the home in all cases, are to be upright and examples to younger men. MEN raise MEN. These men also are to protect women and children in society. Since some aint got no mind of order, here it go: Chain of Command- God Has Ordained Four Basic Structures of Authority Romans 13:1-2 Let every soul be subject unto the higher powers. For there is no power but of God: the powers that be are ordained of God. Whosoever therefore resisteth the power, resisteth the ordinance of God: and they that resist shall receive to themselves damnation. 1. The Family The family was the very first authority structure that God ever established, and it is foundational to all other structures of authority. Strong families will produce strong churches and nations. Weak families will produce weak churches and weak nations. Scripture makes it very clear that the husband is under the direct authority of God…The wife is under the authority of the husband…And the children are under the authority of their parents. This is the chain-of-command which God has established within the family. If this chain is broken or perverted in any way, if the husband resigns the spiritual leadership of the family to his wife, if the children are undisciplined and allowed to do whatever they want, then there will be serious consequences in the lives of that family. 2. The Government Submission to the entire structure of government from the leader of our country, all the way down to the local police officers is commanded in Scripture. 1 Peter 2:13-14 Submit yourselves to every ordinance of man for the Lord’s sake: whether it be to the king, as supreme; Or unto governors, as unto them that are sent by him for the punishment of evildoers, and for the praise of them that do well. 3. The Church God has provided the leadership within a properly functioning local church to be responsible for the spiritual care and welfare of each member. Hebrews 13:17 Obey them that have the rule over you, and submit yourselves: for they watch for your souls, as they that must give account, that they may do it with joy, and not with grief: for that is unprofitable for you. 4. Our Employers Paul, in Ephesians 6:5, writes, “Servants, be obedient to them that are your masters according to the flesh, with fear and trembling, in singleness of your heart, as unto Christ.” Is there ever a situation when we should disobey those in authority over us? Acts 4:19-20 infers that if we are confronted with a situation and are asked by our authorities to violate a Biblical command or principle, then we must obey God rather than man. ______________________________________________________________ These orders were set in place by God for the balance of society. In some cases men and women fill opposite roles such as parenting, but as a whole, each plays a vital position in society...It aint matter how good each becomes at filling the others roles, it aint ever gone be as natural as how God placed it. We are created with certain natural gifts. Most women are naturally affectionate and motherly, and most men are naturally protective of women and children. Its God ordained. Man was created first- but its my own opinion that women were created from the very good that was in men; this is just my opinion. For those of yall that got problems with how God did things, thats pride as well. Yall either saying He was wrong, yall can do better, or it needs to get changed. Period. Aint no debate about it- and I encourage yall to reread above were this pride comes from. Being that man was created first, mans responsibility is greatest. Lets be well water clear for men who are controlling: Control aint love, submission is. Men in their strength serve their women. Its impossible to force somebody to do anything in the same breath as love. Love is freedom. Love is submission. Human compassion (humanism) and Gods love are completely different. God even gives folks the option out of His love for them, the option to reject Him. What we need is a full blown overhaul of basics. We need men to be men again. Even though this article is written about men, we need women to take back their rightful places at the same time. We need strong godly men to lead, and strong godly men need strong godly women to support them. ![]() ![]() |