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An article from our lead Firebrand Times Journalist, Miss Loren |
10/18/21 Disclaimer from Editor-in-chief: All my writers at this paper are booklearned, respectable folks with morals. Whether folks think morality is subjective, or if it aint fit yalls opinions, views, or agendas, thats yalls hang up. This IS America- and if even yall got sights on changing it, it aint gone happen. We're AMERICAN, and freedom to think for ones self and are given rights by our Creator...If yall believe yall done 'evolved,' I dont know what to tell you... YALL got a constitution- Its mainstream news, social media, big tech, Hollyweird, the elites, and the government. I encourage yall to think for YOURSELVES. OUR Constitution is for the religious and the moral persons, and we believe and honor it- like I said; this is America, and we entitled to freedom of speech, and religion- NO HUMAN, entity, or government got the power to change it. Respect my writers. Yall are welcome to disagree. WE respect YALL and yalls opinions and we ask yall do the same. We gone always be polite, but kindness aint weakness. A disagreement aint got to be as unwelcome as an outhouse breeze. As Editor, all negative comments should come to me Bride A. Livewire ![]() Welcome to America. "All political power comes from the barrel of a gun. The communist party must command all the guns, that way, no guns can ever be used to command the party." ~ Mao Zedong, Communist Revolutionary. Happy Halloween y’all, and welcome to the circus. America is struggling. We’re divided, and that needs to change. But enough about that, let’s get into the topic. Guns. They’re a very hot topic in America today, so today I took a long look at it...my mind wasn’t changed. Here’s the thing, dear reader, I don’t want to be the type to throw statistics at you, but I’m of the mind that the only solid argument is one that uses facts. Here are some facts for you... In a research study done by the USA Department of Justice: 1,800 incarcerated felons were interviewed, 33% of them said they were scared of being shot at or wounded by firearms. That seems rational to me. But here’s the kicker. 80% of the same 1,800 felons said that they intentionally avoided victims and homes in which they thought the inhabitants were armed in some way. In the same study, 1 in 3 criminals have been deterred by armed citizens, and 4/5 avoid victimizing armed people. This should all seem like common sense, but something I’ve noticed as of late is that common sense is anything but common. But just in case you aren’t convinced that firearms are a deterrent for crime, here’s one more. This one’s for the ladies: In 1966, 2,500 Floridian women underwent free and highly publicized handgun training, and the rape cases went down from 36 (reported and confirmed cases) in every 100,000 women, to 4 in 100,000. That’s huge, for all you feminists and people who have enough heart to be appalled at the idea that anyone gets raped in the first place. (That better be all of y’all, by the way. We respect human people in this newspaper). Next, homicides go up when guns get banned/taken. We saw this in Wales and England back in the ’90s (1997 to be exact). The government took the handguns, the murder rate went up 50%. That’s a huge step in the wrong direction. And mass shootings? All except just over 1% take place in gun-free zones. Less chance the perpetrator will get shot. Basic math. Anyone that says all criminals are dumb might have a few screws loose themselves. See the Dept. of Justice study mentioned earlier for more evidence that some criminals seem to be reasonably informed about the fact that in an absence of protection, people can’t protect themselves. I’m getting off-topic though, let me reign it back in. Here's the bottom line… in a highly unlikely situation such as a school shooting, I want that armed resource officer in the building. If I’m traveling at night and I’m in a shady part of town, I want to protect myself. If I’m home alone and someone decides to come knocking with less than pure intentions, I want that deterrent. I’ll keep my freedom, thanks. This is Miss Loren, signing off- LorenIsOneOfMyNames ![]() |