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part one of 3 |
Long ago but not too long ago in a not too distant past on a place called earth humans and animals walked and talked together and lived in almost perfect harmony. The earth was still kind of young and there were giants among men and beasts. There was plenty of food and clean water for everyone.No meat was ever eaten unless an animal or human was put to death for a crime which rarely happened and a few animals would eat there dead like the wolves if they weren't well-liked and the meat was good for eating. The ocean animals would be eaten if they washed up on shore and died because they couldn't get back in the water or some other unfortunate thing befell anyone in the community man or beast, if the meat was good they were eaten mostly by the lions, tigers, bears, elves and by the men that had a taste for blood. The land was beautiful with big green rolling hills, lush fruit trees of every color a man could think of, ocean, seas, and rivers teeming with big beautiful fish, clams, octopi, shrimp, jellyfish,sea-lions, and star-fish. The forest was filled with lions, tigers, and bears however it wasn't oh my because they lived side by side in peace with each other and man. Bear cubs and little toddlers rolled down the lush green hills together never fearing one another. Animals and humans were very good friends and sit on the councils together. The councils had the final say in everything that went on in the towns and villages that are usually kind of small no more than 300 or 400 hundred people in a town or village. Villages could be a few minutes down the road or miles and miles away. Yes, the people of the township had a say in the day-to-day goings-on however the council made the final decisions. They lived together, worked together, and worshiped together all in peace a harmony. They were one with each other and with God, there was no idol worship. The church would convene every other Saturday for about two to three hours in the big town squares. The service would be under the stars and there would be lots of big lanterns along the sides of the roads leading up to the center of the town square and one big bond fire in its center. Mostly there would be praise and worship in song and dance, followed by a speaker talking about things like brotherhood and harmony and loving God with all your heart. So everything was gravy or so they thought but there's always more going on than meets the eye and things aren't always as they seem. Behind the scenes there happy little lives were already starting to unravel. Food had started disappearing from the community gardens in each province and no one knew where it was going. Gold had started going missing from the gold mines in California and as far away as Africa, some had heard, even though there was plenty of gold to be had this was a problem. The diamond mines were a little different because they were protected by a wolf pack or a cougar pack because these guys were always a little suspicious of others that weren't their own and the diamond mines were in their neck of the woods from coast to coast. So after the third time, the elves woke up to missing gold they also started putting guards in place well at least at night, and for a while, that seemed to work. Life went on in a kind of casual way. Working, living, and worshiping together each person or animal would take their turn leading the worship services. The wolves always seemed to sneak off like halfway through the service which didn't go unnoticed by most. In the East, the cougar's were doing the same thing sneaking off about halfway through the service, and in the West, the elves were sneaking off more towards the end of service. What was going on people and animals sneaking out of worship service, food going missing from community gardens, and precious metals or jewels going missing from mines? More importantly what could be done about it? So at the end of the month, it was decided that there would be a council meeting but not just any kind of council meeting this one would have all the neighboring towns within a hundred-mile radius to the east, south, and west, the meeting would be had in the north because they had the biggest population and it would be easier if they didn't have to travel. As the meeting drew closer more food started disappearing and more jewels also. The council members met about an hour before sunset. On each council board, one man. one wolf, one elf, and a bear or elk held a spot on the councils. The little cave where the meeting was held was packed from corner to corner it seemed with hardly room to move. The oldest member of the council was in charge of the meeting and in this case it was Brother Bear as he was known to almost everyone, he was almost 90 years old. Brother Bear was not only older but wise and brave. He was bold and would say what needed to be said no matter what, however, he would only speak if he felt he really needed to., which is one of the true marks of a really wise person. Brother bear stood up to let everyone know it was time to start the meeting, he stuck up one big paw which meant be quiet, please. Everyone in attendance grew quiet except for Brother Fox the second oldest person in attendance but one sharp look from Brother Bear and he fell silent.' We are gathered here today to talk about all the peculiar goings-on in our community gardens and mines and what to do about it"? All at once animals and humans began to talk at once but when Brother bear cleared his throat very loudly they all fell silent again. Brother Bear allowed each member of the board to state their concerns starting at the oldest all the way down to the youngest, which was a young elf about 70 years old which was young for an elf that could easily live to be over 130 years old. There were older members that lived in the villages, however, age alone would not get you a set on the council. You had to be brave and wise as well as older. You had to be of service to your fellow man and or animals within your communities and you had to be voted into office. You would be on probation for 1 year if everything went well and you fullied all your duties to the council and community you were allowed to stay in office for up to 6 years. If not you would be expelled from the council and depending on your offense from the community. Anyway, that is something that we will not fully address here. Anyway, the young elf was called whisper because he seemed to come and go so quietly and quickly just like a whisper much of the time. He didn't say too much but when he did everyone took notice. This elf suggested that there be guards at every mine 24 hours a day and at the community gardens as well. With a vote everyone agreed this would be what would happen moving forward, all but Brother wolve who seemed to think it a waste of time for some odd reason. Brother Bear made a mental note of this, however said nothing but he did give him a cool look which shook him to his core Brother Bear was not to be messed with and he knew it. |