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by Lyria
Rated: 18+ · Fiction · Erotica · #2260310
A short hard-dom scene with two OCs.
The woody aroma of cologne mixed lightly with an earthy musk filled the humid air in the palace bedchamber. A roguish-looking man with a lithe-yet-muscular frame stood shirtless at the foot of a plush bed that was draped in a lavish blue blanket and adorned with several gilded pillows. Laying back with her elbows propping her up was a platinum blond woman with a gazelle-like figure. She was dressed in a simple white nightgown with subtle snowflake embroidery upon its thin outer layer

“Are you sure you... want to do this, Ango?” The blond raised a closed hand to cover her mouth and averted her gaze. “Y-You don’t need to if you don’t-”

Before she could finish her sentence, the man had pounced upon her like a beast upon its prey. The dainty woman gasped and collapsed entirely onto the nest of pillows behind her. He stared intensely with his icy blue eyes that felt as though they pierced her soul itself. She shrunk back slightly under him as he slid two rough hands along her arms and down to her wrists. As his digits met their mark, his fingers tightened hard around the young woman’s wrists.

“A-Angorand...!” She exclaimed, though it was more a breath than a shout.

“Are you fucking kidding, Kirie?” He leaned in and spoke in a low, raspy voice. The feeling of his words against the edge of her ears made the wide-eyed girl shiver and reflexively shrink even further into the cloud-like bedspread. “I’ve wanted to make you cum for goddamn ages now. I think I wanna make you beg and cry a little first, though.”

“You’re so improper...” Kirie pouted a little, looking up at the man who had her pinned- a gaze which he returned with a wolfish grin.

“I know.” Angorand leaned his head back in and sunk his teeth firmly into Kirie’s neck, forcing a gasp from her unsuspecting lips. He bit and sucked at her tender flesh as she squirmed feebly against his overpowering grip. Finally, he relented- if only to inspect his work. “Hm... not bad. You bruise easy.”

“I-I...” She stammered, her face flush and shivers running violently up and down her spine as the dull stinging of the damaged skin consumed her focus.

“Shh...” Angorand whispered in the flustered girl’s ear, sneering knowingly as he did so. “You don’t want the whole palace to find out what a bad little girl you are, do you?”

“N-No...” Kirie gulped as her eyes stung with welling tears of embarrassment. “I just... uhm...”

“If you want to talk, you’ve gotta ask nice.” Angorand grinned as he maintained aggressive eye contact. “Say ‘please’.”

“Y-You fiend...” Kirie was blushing furiously as this point.

Before Kirie knew it, her cruel lover had already flipped her onto her stomach and gave her a hard whack on the ass. She yelped at a squeaky pitch and Angorand took advantage of the distraction to grab her now-unrestrained wrist with the hand that wasn’t currently administering punishment.

“Ah!” Kirie cried out as a second resounding clap reddened her smooth bum.

“I said ‘say please’.” Angorand growled in her ear. “Or do you want me to punish you more? Is that what you want?”

“P-Please!” Kirie choked out the words between shudders and sniffles. “Please, may I talk...?”

“Go.” He said, clutching the girl’s untouched asscheek and digging in his fingers painfully.

“ Uhm...” Kirie considered her words carefully, though her thoughts were already beginning to scatter. “D-Did you plan this?”

“I’ve thought about it.” Angorand said, twisting the hand that gripped Kirie’s ass and prompting another high-pitched yelp from the princess. “No one treats you like crap. Everyone wants to baby you and they’re all so terrified of hurting you.”

“B-But don’t you-”

CRACK! Another hard spank.

“Ahn!” Kirie cried out and whimpered helplessly.

“Say it.”

“’P-P-Please...’” Kirie sniffled with her face in the pillow, shivering and breathing heavily.

“Good girl. Go.”

“T-Thank you, s-sir...” Kirie shuddered in shameful decadence as she felt herself melting into a completely subservient role. She always knew that Ango was stubborn and mean, but this was a new side of him altogether. Her worries that he had been forcing himself to engage with her had disappeared, at least. “D-Don’t you uhm... t-treat me kind of nicely too?”

“Call me that again.”

“S...Sir?” Kirie turned her head to try and get a look at the man’s face, but could only see as much as the definition of his ochre-toned abs.

All at once, she felt the totality of the man’s weight on her back as he pinned her with his entire body at once. He released her wrists and wrapped his arms around her in a strong embrace that made her feel somehow simultaneously secure and a little afraid.

“You smell so fucking good.” He growled in her ear after sniffing deeply, his hands settling on her small breasts and his fingers pinching her peachy-colored nipples. “Maybe I should just devour you right here and now...”
“H-Huh?” Kirie tensed up as the words hit her ears. The hairs on the back of her neck stood on end as if electrified by the notion. “D-Devour...?!”
“Yeah.” Angorand tightened his bear hug around his delicate prey and ran the tip of his tongue slowly up the side of her neck. Kirie whimpered meekly in response, though she did not squirm or resist.

“S-Sir...” Kirie moaned as one of her dominant lover’s hands snaked its way down into her panties, harshly gripping what he found. “A-Ahn...!”

“Say ‘thank you, Master’.” Ango hissed lasciviously, digging his fingers firmly into the princess’ flesh.

“T-Thank you...” Kirie whispered between quivering whimpers.

“’Thank you’, what?”

“Do I h-have to say that, Sir...?” Kirie nuzzled the side of her face against his neck submissively. “I-I know I am not the most royal of royalty, but... uhm...”

“Are you disobeying your master?” Ango gripped Kirie’s private area so hard that she felt like she was going to pop... painfully. She squirmed weakly and frantically began to apologize in her meekest voice. “See? I know that you want to obey. So what’s the big deal? You know who owns you, don’t you?”

“I-I didn’t...” Kirie could barely speak from the heady rush of arousal, fear, pain, and submissive pleasure that constantly barraged her thoughts. “I d-did not know before...”

“You do now, don’t you?” Angorand withdrew his hand from the quivering girl’s panties and brought it up to her neck, before gripping her chin and forcing her to look at him. She tried instinctually to turn away, but a snarl from her aggressive lover reminded her of her place and she relented. Her eyes watered and she shuddered overwhelmingly as she helplessly gazed into the ravenous, penetrating eyes of Angorand.

He looked so different right now than he had on their journey together. For a brief moment, she regained enough clarity to wonder if he had been thinking about this moment for long. He seemed so confident and prepared, while her head was spinning just trying to keep up. She had her fantasies in the past, certainly, and there were even some rather steamy moments in her contemplations, but she could never have imagined the feeling that permeated her entirety at this moment. She felt all at once protected and vulnerable, adoring and fearful, but most of all she trusted Angorand to do whatever he would with her –no matter how depraved- and she would unquestioningly believe in the moment that it was for the best.

“M-Master...” Kirie closed her eyes tight and leaned her head forward against Angorand’s shoulder, her breathing ragged and her eyes suddenly very wet. She whined quietly as she soaked in the warmth of his bare skin against her face. He was so beautiful, and so terrifying in that moment.

“That’s my cute little slut.” Ango whispered once again in her ear. “Good girl...”

“Ah...!” Kirie squirmed despite herself. “Y-You k-keep embarrassing me more and more...”

“Oh I’m only getting started.” Angorand grinned a vicious grin. “Just wait until my dick is in your ass and I’m-”

“No!!” Kirie cried out and tried to cover her ears. “That is far too embarrassing!”

“You didn’t think I was going to juat tease you and call it a day, did you? Angorand chuckled in his usual almost sinister tone. “I could never dream of making you suffer like that. There are so many other, more interesting ways to make you beg me for more.”

“So you are... uhm... going to p-put it in me?”

“In your mouth.” Angorand played with his blushing plaything’s bottom lip, pinching it and tugging at it slightly. “Then your ass. If you’re lucky, I’ll even do things in that order.”
© Copyright 2021 Lyria (lasoran at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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