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by Poipoi
Rated: 18+ · Fiction · Comedy · #2260260
What happens when Cobra starts to recycle ideas?
Chapter 1

Cobra is a forever working beast, always looking for new ideas, no matter how low and dirty, to achieve its dream of world domination. Doctor Mindbender always looking for new inspiration. After so many experiments proving a failure, left him in a bit of an artist's block. And Cobra is not very patient when it comes to these things. Not only was his life on the line, but he was more upset at himself. So he decided to take a break from his lab.

He decided to actually go home and get some sleep. While relaxing, he decided to see what was on television. Most of it was the usual brain rot was on the television. The news was boring; unless it was about him. Then he caught a very old movie. It was in black and white and he wasn't clear what the story was about. But the robot and rather silly SciFi look made him chuckle. What the writer thought the future would someday be was kinda amusing. Though not all their ideas were terrible. Cobra itself went deeper than the Commander itself. They had ideas and projects well before Mindbender came into the scene. What if they had a good idea, but lacked the science to finish It properly? Or a good idea that fell wayside? Perhaps, if fashion can make another come back, why not properly evil plan!

So he began digging into the oldest archives he could find. Took some hacking, and digging. Most of it was amusing tests. Just a toe-dip into the waters of greatness. Then he found something special. A group had abducted people of different ages and were experimenting on their bodies and minds. Most of the subjects died, except for a child who was reacting quite well. Sadly they were discovered, their specimens were removed, and the results buried. The files also came with pictures of the subjects and the location of the lab. It's not too hard to age up the child's picture. Now they just needed to get into the lab and capture their target. With inspiration, comes the diabolical laughter.


Flint really hated his current mission. First, a town was taken over by Cobra. They managed to make Cobra pull out, but had to carefully go through it and look for booby traps. He left his people alone to do Duke a favor and finds out some buildings were set on fire. He only left them alone for three days. Upon arriving at the small airport, he is greeted by Lady Jaye. “ Glad to see you're not hurt. I'm afraid to ask this, but what in the world happened? “

Lady Jaye, " The fires were started by explosives devices. Dusty, Shipwreck, and Low Light were getting lunch for the gang when they ran some Cobra Agents. Lucky the damage was done to empty buildings. Well, except for a Tavern. “ Of course, Shipwreck would be getting lunch at a tavern. Now, if it was a candy shop, Bazooka would have been involved. “ Yes I know, a tavern. But Shipwreck swore up and down this tavern had the best fish in chips around “ adds Lady Jaye, “ They couldn't call for backup, because of radio disruptions, They didn't know how many devices were set up, so Dusty lost rock paper scissors and was sent to alert the rest of the team. Low Light and Shipwreck went chasing them. Unfortunately, they haven't been able to report in, yet. I planned to go looking for them soon if they don't show up. Most of the fires are out now. “

Flint, “ So any casualties? “

Lady Jaye, “ Fortunately, no. Mostly just structural damage on buildings that needed to be taken down anyway. Not even sure why they were targeted“ Then her radio went off, “ Lady Jaye here. “

“ Shipwreck and Low Light got back. Looks like they were in quite a fight and Low Light a nasty knock to the head. “

Lady Jaye, “ We'll be right there.


They head back to the temporary base. Flint pondering why Cobra would even bother coming back just to set a couple of buildings on fire. Unless they forgot something and needed a diversion, this didn't really make much sense. Shipwreck is being checked over by Lifeline and protesting.

Flint turns to Lifeline, “How are they doing? “

Lifeline, “ Low Light has a bit of a concussion and some bruises. As for Shipwreck?.. “

Shipwreck snaps to his feet a bit unsteady, “ I told ya I'm fine. “ Being the stubborn man he is, stands up and gives that sloppy salute he loves, “ Shipwreck, ready to report. “

Flint, “ You can give your report while sitting down, sailor.”

Shipwreck sits down roughly, slumping a little, “ Well, we were getting lunch, when I noticed a truck in the alleyway. And there was some of damn Cobra. “ Looks a little confused, “ They had stuff under a tarp and made a run for it. So we borrowed some rides and gave chase. The rest is a bit hazy. They left us for dead outside the town. Figured getting Low Light back was more important. If you want, I can take you back to where we fought? “ As he tries to stand back up.

Lifeline gently but firmly and stops his patient, “ I prefer you take it easy. “

Shipwreck, “ I guess... Did the Tavern make it? “

Lady Jaye, “ Sorry Shipwreck, but it took some damage. They might have to be closed for a while. “

Shipwreck flopped on his back with some colorful words and sighs, “ I hope they reopen. I wanted to take Covergirl there. Cobra is why we can't have nice things! “

Bazooka then pops into the room, “ Hey Shipwreck. Did you get my bubblegum? “

Shipwreck, “ Huh? “ Looking confused.

Bazooka, “ You said you'd to pick me up some at the candy store. “

Shipwreck rubs his head, “ I musta lost it in the fight... “

Bazooka is clearly disappointed but nods, “ Awww... that's okay. “

Lifeline, “ Shipwreck, why don't you go rest?”

Flint, “ Agreed. You have done enough, sailor. Just give us the last location you had this fight. “

Lady Jaye follows up, “ I'll get Dusty and go check it out. “


Lady Jaye and Dusty overlook the scene of the fight. The battle must have been something as there were signs of an explosion. Perhaps they were ambushed? There is an empty box with traces of some weird goo and the remains of what looks like a remote. Also, some lightly charred bubble gum still in wrappers and empty wrappers that led to retreating truck tracks. How much gum did Shipwreck buy?

Lady Jaye decides to pick up the remains, “ Think we can follow the trail? “

Dusty, “ Yeah, but not sure for how much longer. If the sun sets, we'll have to set up camp. The direction goes deeper into the desert. “ After reporting back to Flint, they both try to follow the trail a little longer. Eventually, the trail stops with an empty truck and what may have been two helicopters.

Lady Jaye, “ A dead end! They left with something. I just wish I knew what it was. “

Dusty points out the dropped bubblegum and jokes, “ Maybe they wanted bubblegum? “ Lady Jaye gives her a look, “ Yeah, has to be an easier way than robbing Shipwreck. “

Upon their return, Lady Jaye and Dusty bring back what evidence they could find: the box with a mystery goo inside, gum wrappers, pictures of the scenes, and the parts or a remote. They hold their meeting with Tunnel Rat, Bazooka, Shipwreck, and Flint. Low Light was still unconscious but showing signs of waking.

Flint, “ We can only guess... But I would say, what they got away with was big enough to need a truck. The fire was just a distraction. “

Bazooka, “ Did ya find my gum? “

Dusty, “ Sorry, but only a couple of pieces. “ Giving bazooka what pieces they could save. “ The town has to have some security cameras set up. We should start with the cameras that catch them leaving town and trace it back to the source. “

Lady Jaye, “ Good idea, Dusty. “

Dusty, “ You sure you're okay, Shipwreck? “ His friend who has been a bit quiet since getting back.

Shipwreck, “ Yeah, still feel a bit off. Mind if I hang here? I can't get my head in the game. “

Flint figures Shipwreck won't be much help right now, so agrees, Using street cameras they are able to narrow down the truck's path to a couple of buildings: a very old warehouse and a doughnut shop that sit across from it.

Tunnel Rat, “ I bet that warehouse is older than General Flagg! “ Lady Jaye had to snicker at that.

Flint “ The doughnut shop looks like it's been closed for a bit, too.

Bazooka looks a bit wistful at the doughnut shop, “ Wish I had a long john. “

Flint, “ The truck came from one of these two buildings. We should check them both. “

Tunnel Rat, “ I'll take the doughnut shop with Bazooka, “ Bazooka giving a happy cheer. He didn't have the heart to tell Bazooka there won't be any edible food inside.

The Tunnel Rat and Bazooka check out the doughnut shop. Lucky Tunnel rat can tell this building used to be used for something else. Find a side room that had very old posters. Might have been recruitment posters.

Bazooka, trips over something, “ Owww. “ Tunnel rat spots the offending item was a lever and pulls it. Feeling some vibration in the ground and slight noise coming from outside. They come out to find a ramp opened next to the shop. Big enough for a truck to drive down.

Tunnel Rat, “ Bingo! “

Lady Jaye and Flint check out the warehouse, which was indeed big, old, and dusty. There was nothing but dust. It was a disappointment until Lady Jaye spots some plywood pushed into a wall. On the other side was what looked like a broken old elevator. The cable that would hold up an elevator looked too frail to even use. And the elevator car was at the bottom. It's very doubtful Cobra used it.

Flint called up the other team, “ Hey Tunnel Rat, we found an old elevator shaft. Do you have any luck? “

Tunnel Rat cheerfully answers, “ A ramp that could have hold up our truck. I wanna go down first and look for traps. “

Lady Jaye, “ Yeah, Bazooka might accidentally set them all off if he tries to help. “

Tunnel rat was correct to be worried about booby traps. He had to take out several explosive devices. By the way, the ramp went down, they were going to be under the warehouse. With that done, Tunnel Rat calls in the others.

Under the warehouse, is several rooms. Some large enough size for a lab. Others were smaller and were locked on the outside. Hard to shake off the creepy feeling that people were prisoners held in these smaller chambers. There were some tables and exam chairs left behind, with very old restraints. Shattered glass that may have been test tubes and beakers. No chemicals left though. A hidden door that was left wide open.

Tunnel Rat, “ That saves us time. “ They look inside but the secret room was mostly cleared out. One folder sits forgotten. “ This must be where they kept their flies. “

Flint “ They were experimenting on people. “ The calendars at least give them an idea how old this lab was. “ Find anything good? “

Tunnel Rat hands him the file, “ I found a medical file! “

Bazooka finds a teddy bear in one of the rooms and is squeezing it gently, “ Look at what I found. “ The teddy bear must have been down here a long time as its very dusty. “ Has a little X on his foot. “

Lady Jaye,, “ Poor thing. Though its owner must be an adult by now. “

Then the rumbling of a ramp closing is heard. Flint and Lady Jaye rush over to see the way they came in has been closed and no obvious way to get back out. Bazooka and talks to his new friend, “ I think we're trapped, Mr. X. “

Lady Jaye, “ Not yet. There was an elevator shaft we can use to climb out. We just have to find the doors. Stay here encase it opens again.” The rest go looking the elevator doors, leaving Bazooka to his guard duty.

Flint hollered back, “ Found the elevator doors, but need help opening. Hey, Bazooka, give me a hand. “ Bazooka heads over, putting the teddy in the front of his shirt so its head sticks out just below his chin. The two Joes slowly force the doors open to a very questionable elevator. No power was going to the elevator and that might be a blessing. No sane man or woman would want to ride up in it.

Flint, “ Cobra still has an agent in the area. So stay alert! “

Lady Jaye coughs a little from some of the dusty she inhaled, “ I'm ready to get out of this place. “

So Bazooka climbs first. After a bit they hear him yell down, “ I found a bomb. Want me to take care of it? “ The other three yelling back, “ No! “

Tunnel Rat, “ Let me look at it. “ Climbs up to take a look. More a motion-triggered mine. It just wasn't turned. The only other clue was a piece of gum. “ Either they lost their nerve or were spooked before they finished. This could have blown up when the first Joe broke the red line. “

Flint, “ Thank goodness it wasn't set. Even if we survived the explosion, the building could have come down on top us.”

They carefully check the doughnut shop again. The only sign of someone being there was a broken level. Lady Jaye was disappointed, “Whoever tried to trap us didn't stick around. “

Flint, “ Better get back to base. “


Upon getting back to Temporary base with the file and to look up the history of the buildings. Bazooka wanders off to check on Shipwreck and Low Light with his new friend Mr X. Flint gets the evidence they did gather ready to be sent to the Pitt.

Flint, “ How are Shipwreck and Low Light doing? “

Lifeline, “ Shipwreck is feeling better. He went for a walk and just got back with a bag of bubble gum. He also got me a chocolate bar. Was about to go check on Low Light. “ Low Light looks awake; rubbing his head and trying to sit up. “ Take it easy. You took a mean hit to the head.. “

Low Light mutters, “ What happened? I feel like I got ran over by Bazooka. “

Flint speaks softly, “ You and Shipwreck were chasing Cobra grunts. Apparently, you two got into a fight and Shipwreck brought you back. Do you remember anything at all? “

Low Light frowns as he knows he is forgetting something important, “ Just that we got ambushed by some Dreadnoks. Not much else. Is Shipwreck okay? “

Flint, “ Yes. He was more worried about you. For now, you're on bed rest. If you remember anything, let us know. “ Flint went to let Shipwreck know that Low Light is awake. Finds the navy man sleeping on a cot, holding the old teddy bear to his chest. Bazooka sits on his own cot, chewing some gum and reading a new comic.

Bazooka looks up, “ Shhh, he just fell asleep. “

Flint lowers his voice, “ I thought you were going to keep the bear? “

Bazooka, “ Ship said it reminded him of a bear he had. So let him have it. “

Flint decided to let his man rest. Not much they can do, unless more agents pop up. What little they did find will need to be tested at the main base. And After a few uneventful days, the team is pulled out.

~ To be continued ~

Chapter 2

Three Months Later...

There was some buzz in the Pit. Flint has to admit, Cobra is quite persistent. Their main plans were still crazy and ended swiftly, but they still manage to steal something. There was also Black Beard, a new player in Cobra, who has been very slippery. In the last fight, he used a flying ship. In the latest mission, some of their people were hurt, including Roadblock, who took a very serious beating. This pirate was a thorn in Flint's side. The man has no history, making him an utter unknown. They may need to get some DNA or fingerprint to figure out who he was. There is also the annoyance of not know where Cobra's base was. While Flint looks over the reports, he hears a knock at the door, “ Come in. “

Lady Jaye came inside with a pad in hand. “ Hey, Flint, you look tired. “

Flint, “ Just looking over reports.“ Giving a wane smile, “ I hope you bring good news, cause I could use some. “

Lady Jaye, “ Remember that creepy old lab we found three months ago. “ Flint needs a moment to think about it. Wait, it's been three months already? “ We finally got something on it. It took a lot of digging! They didn't keep great files back then, but the file we found did help. What we can get, someone was trying to make a super soldier and kidnapped normal people right off the streets. The only survivor was a kid. Unfiortanly we didn't get a picture of the kid. “

Flint, “ Send me what files you could find. “

Lady Jaye taps her pad, “ Sent. They also most likely never found the secret room, but we both know Cobra did. “ Her pad beeps, “ Just got the report on the goo from the box. “

Flint looks quite annoyed, “ Why did it take three months to test that? “

Lady Jaye, “ The lab misplaced the sample. Look on the bright side, we finally have the results. “ Looks it over, “ and it's... Synthoid goo? There has to be a better name for it. “

Flint thinks on the clues, “ That means they set loose a synthoid. I wonder what happened to... “ His eyes widen, “ So Low Light or Shipwreck could have been replaced. The box was in the same place they fought Cobra. Both of them were knocked out. Either of them could have been replaced. Have either been acting odd? “

Lady Jaye, “ Not really. Both have been sent on different missions and nothing odd has happened. Shipwreck is due back today. I think Low Light is still cleaning up after the last Cobra plot. “

Flint taps his desk with a pen, “ Has Polly been with Shipwreck at all recently? “

Lady Jaye, “ Covergirl been bird-siting Polly since before we found the lab. Are you sure both aren't a synthoid? “

Flint thinks a bit, “ To be honest, the box was only big enough for one synthoid. We may not need to test Low Light unless we prove that Shipwreck is the real Shipwreck. “

Lady Jaye, “ So what's the plan? Shipwreck is due to return again. “

Flint sits back with folded hands, “ Maybe we can do the Junkyard test! No synthoid has ever slipped past old Junkyard. ”

Lady Jaye looks quite worried but nods. “ Not sure if Mutt is here but I'll find out. We can always use Polly as a backup. “


Shipwreck blew I, before reporting to Flint, and went straight to the infirmary. The navy man had something serious on his mind. Doc greets him and has him sit on the examination table.

Doc takes Hector's blood pressure and pulse, “ Hey, Hector! You don't often come here willingly. “

Shipwreck, “ Not sure, Doc. I'm kinda worried. Been having these lapses of memory and dizzy spells. Been feeling a lil sick, too. Managed to hid it from the others, but it ain't going away. “

Doc asks for him to breathe in and out. Then cough. “ It's a good thing you came in. Those are serious concerns. Most people would rather ignore the symptoms till something serious happens. “

Shipwreck, “ So.. think it might be cancer ?? “ The different possible causes had already gone through his head.

Doc gives a reassuring smile, “ Right now, let's not assume anything. We can start with a blood workup. You might want to consider light duty till we figure the problem out.. By the way, Covergirl brought Polly in today. I think that bird has been missing you. “

Shipwreck smirks “ Yeah, but does Polly miss me? “

Doc chuckles, “ You know that sassy bird loves you, too! Your heart sounds good and your lungs are clear. Let's test the reflexes. “ Testing his reflexes and how strong his legs are, “ You have lost some kick... If you have some time, there is a test we can do today. “ Shipwreck feels another dizzy spell hit him. Lucky, Doc notices, so he hurries over to make sure Hector doesn't fall over. In his rush, knocks a tray over.

Flint is waiting outside the clinic for Mutt to arrive. Instead, it's Covergirl who comes along, with Polly on her shoulder. Covergirl, “ Sorry, but Mutt had a family emergency. One of his dogs went into labor and Junkyard is about to be a proud papa. “

Polly, “ Bet they look more like Mutt! “

Covergirl just sighs, “ I figured 'ol Ship would be missing his pal, so brought Polly to work today. " “

Flint would have preferred the dog, as Junkyard was far less sassy. If this was a fake Shipwreck, Polly would also know. “ Actually, I'm glad you two came along. “ Then hears some things come crashing. His first thought is Doc might be in danger, so he rushes inside, to see Shipwreck sitting on the exam bed and Doc checking his pulse. “ Is everything okay? “

Doc, “ Yes. Is there an emergency, because we're in the middle of an exam here. “

Shipwreck though perks up seeing Covergirl and Polly, “ Hey, beautiful! Did you get the candy I mailed? “

Covergirl gives him a welcoming smile, “ Yes, I did! You didn't have to. “

Shipwreck, “ A guy should know his best Gal's favorite candy. “ Polly starts to puff up and give Shipwreck such a stink eye. “ Hey Polly, I brought you some fancy crackers. “

Polly though would have none of that. “ Fake fake! “

Shipwreck misunderstands his parrot, “ Okay, you got me. It looks like the fancy crap and they're still good crackers. “

Polly, “ Stow it, fake! “ The parrot then attacks Shipwreck, who falls backward off the medical bed, as he was shielding himself from the bird's beak and claws. Polly was no eagle or hawk but those little claws can still hurt. Shipwreck manages to grabs the bird when she gets a chance. During the chaos, Flint pulls his gun. Though that is not what has everyone's attention. The scratches that Polly inflicted close up as if they were never there.

Flint, “ The jig is up, synthoid. Surrender! “

The fake Shipwreck was also accidentally holding Polly in the line of fire, as he was too distracted by what just happened. “ Wait, I'm no synthoid! I can't be! How could I be a... “

Covergirl, “ Flint, what's going on?! “

Doc catches a bit quicker, “ I think we are looking at the most realistic Synthoid to date, Courtney. “

Shipwreck understandably panics and rushes his way out the exit, with the bird still in hand. Flint, not wanting to hit the parrot, dives to the side. On the way out, Lady Jaye gets knocked over down. Flint does stop long enough to help her up, “ We need to catch him! “

With the base on alert now, everyone was looking for a synthoid holding a parrot hostage. The few encounters do result in gunfire, but not from the synthoid. When he disappeared, Covergirl was the first to know where to look.

Covergirl, “ There is this supply closet Hector sometimes sneaks naps in.“ Leading them to a closet. Flint kicks the door open to reveal the synthoid. Shipwreck was just sitting with his head on his knees, using the teddy bear as a pillow, and his gun laying next to him. So the abrupt entrance startles him enough to lift his head. The parrot was also unharmed and eating crackers. Shipwreck puts his head back down on the teddy bear pillow, utterly depressed.

Polly gets startled enough to flap his wings, but then orders, “ At ease! At ease! Suspect detained“ Then goes back to eating his crackers.

Flint almost follows the order, till he remembers it's a parrot giving the order. Flint still keeps his gun aimed at the synthoid. Covergirl pushes herself inside, “ Hector, are you okay? “

Shipwreck doesn't bother looking up again. Or care when she takes his gun, “ You should let them shoot me. It'll be the safer option. “

Flint is not sure how to take this. The synthoid is truly upset over the revelation. No, that was not Hector! Its something that was programmed to destroy them. Yet, he can't bring himself to shoot the synthoid.

Covergirl pulls the synthoiid into a hug,“ Oh, Hector... It'll be okay. “

They can't see him as a person. It will make what they need to do even harder. Flint, “ He's correct, It would be safer to destroy it while we can. He's been programmed to act like Shipwreck. The last synthoid sent almost helped destroy G.I.Joe. “

Covergirl, “ He hasn't hurt anyone! Clearly, he didn't even know he was a synthoid! “

Lady Jaye sighs and puts her hand on his shoulder, “ She is right. He had plenty of chances to hurt someone but he hasn't. Shooting him won't get the real Hector back. “

Flint lowers his gun. They are correct. If this synthoid was a danger, he would have done something by now. “ Fine, but I want him under constant guard. Take him back to the clinic. “ Adds bitterly, “ And he has hurt someone. Every day he was with us, our man has been in enemy hands. “

~ To be Continued

Read the rest https://archiveofourown.org/works/33390886/chapters/83001922#workskin
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