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A brother is forced into submission by his older sister. Part One. More to come. |
It was a summer afternoon. The humidity was high, and the air conditioner wasn’t doing an adequate job cooling the house. Jack, a fifteen year old, open minded teenager, was relaxing on the couch and watching an episode of one of Gordon Ramsay’s critically acclaimed shows, Kitchen Nightmares. He was laughing his ass off at some of the insults being thrown at the contestants and making quite a ruckus in the house, audibly known to his sister who was just down the hall. Penelope was older than Jack — much older, in her eyes. She was 22, brunette and wore the usual summer attire. Blue shorts, cut unusually high, paired with an oversized XL tee that didn’t really fit her thin hourglass figure. “If I have to hear you laughing like a damn clown one more time, I will turn the TV off and break the remote.” Penelope screeched at Jack, as she peered around the corner. “Oh, c‘mon it’s funny! I know you like this show, too!” Jack responded, still not taking his eyes off of the screen. “Doesn’t matter. You’re being too loud. Tone it down, please.” Penelope walked back to her room down the hall — but as she was walking back, a loud sound could be heard emitting from the hall, like air hissing. This alerted Jack, finally forcing him to take his eyes off the TV to investigate what the hell he just heard. As he got up from the couch and began walking down the hall, he could smell something incredibly funky that caused him to turn his nose up. It wasn’t strong, but there was a very subtle stench. Just then, he could hear that same hissing sound, only louder this time - coming from his sisters room to the right of him. The smell was emitting from the crack of her door, and Jack let his curiosity get the best of him - kneeling down and placing his nose right near that same crack to see if his theory about where the stench was coming from was valid. Low and behold, he was right. That is where it was coming from. Only now, he was in trouble - his sister was approaching the door for whatever reason. He had no time to react, as the door flew open and revealed him lying on the ground, right next to the door. Penelope saw this, a look of terror flying across her face - “JACK! You PERV. I should’ve known you were spying on me. God, that is just disgusting! I mean — what were you even doing?!” Jack was trying to catch his breath and explain the best he could, but gibberish was the only thing coming out of his mouth. “I-there was-I wasn’t-I swear!” - Penny had now replaced her angry expression with a sinister one. “Since you want to know what’s going on in here so bad, get in here!” Penelope grabbed Jack, forcing him into the room. Jack was thin, not much of a fighter - he was tossed around quite easily. He had landed on Penelope’s bed. “Jack, you really made a big mistake spying on me today of all days. See, I am extremely, and I mean, extremely gassy. Now, I was thinking of ways to punish you, and I feel like this just about fits the bill for what you were doing.” Penelope grabbed a roll of duct tape and gripped Jacks hands together — Jack was still processing what the hell was even happening to him when he felt his arms and legs being tied together, but by then it was too late. Penelope then placed a piece directly over his mouth, and tied his head to the front of the base board of her bed, securing him upright. What happened next confused Jack and horrified him - Penelope started removing her shorts, revealing that she wasn’t wearing any underwear. Afterwards, she climbed on top of him and hovered her ass right above his nose. “That’s right - you’ve probably never seen something like this before. Enjoy the view, because it’s about to get a whole lot worse.” Penelope glanced her head back over her shoulder, down at Jack. “What I want you to do - well, what I am going to force you to do - is inhale my gas. I’ve got quite the lineup for you, and if I don’t hear long, deep sniffs, you’ll pay for it. Let’s start with some ass sniffing - wiggle your nose up there.” Jack was livid, and horrified. He couldn’t talk, nor’ could he escape. And just then, the ass in front of him dropped slowly onto his nose, making a squish sound as his nose slid up deeply into his sisters ass. He held his breath, to avoid smelling anything. “Uh uh, that’s not gonna work, Jack.” Penelope said, slamming her fist into Jack’s kidney. Just then, he inhaled probably one of the deepest sniffs he’s ever had — mixed with a groan of pain from the punch. His nostrils and lungs were met with rotten, almost sour, air, which only caused him to groan even more, and his eyes to water. “Hahaha! I can’t believe you’re actually doing it! And the best part is, it’s about to get a whole lot worse.” Jack could hear Penelope’s stomach growling, and he knew what he was in for. He felt her lean back, pushing his nose even further, clenching her cheeks together and entrapping it. A loud, hot burst of air flew out of her ass — delivered right into Jack’s nose. “You better inhale that right now!” Out of fear that she’d punch him again, Jack had no choice but to inhale the gas like she’d asked. He gagged underneath the tape and tried to squirm, but she remained on top of him, delivering three more five second, hot-air filled bursts of torture. “Man, I have the worst turkey gas. I can’t imagine how that smells. But, it is torture after all, haha. Keep sniffing down there, deeply - make sure none of it escapes. This is gonna be a long evening for you, Jack.” Jack slipped unconscious from the gas, it was too strong, too rotten - and having it delivered up his nose from that range was too much. He knew passing out would only make Penelope angrier, but he couldn’t do anything about it. His vision went blurry, and he slipped into darkness. Little did he know, his torture was far from over. |