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The First Entries. It All Starts With My Feet! |
Entry 1: 25th June 2003 Dear Diary, I've thought about starting a diary before but it never amounted to much. It always petered out as it would become a chore...like another piece of homework! Let's start with the introductions. My name is Kayla Dawson, I'm eighteen years old and I live near London, England. I live with my Mum - Julie (that's the equivalent of 'Mom' for you American readers!) and my Stepdad, Ian. Unfortunately, I also live with his son - my stepbrother - Ross. My stepbrother is an idiot. We're the same age (he's a little older - just a few months) yet he thinks he's better than me. He has never welcomed me into our home, or his home, as he still sees it. My Mum and I have been here for 4 years now, yet he still treats us like garbage. He's never shared his computer with me, he casually bullies me and gets his own way. Well, that is all about to change after today! And this is also why I've decided to start this diary as for the first time EVER since I've known him, I actually got one over him today. And it was all thanks to my feet!! I'm literally trying not to giggle too much after writing that! Anyway, here is what happened... 'The Cousins' had been over earlier. Yeah, they're not my cousins. Gabrielle and Sophia are very much Ross's - they're half-Italian, annoyingly beautiful and absolutely horrible to me. Whenever they visit, it's always a fresh chance for my stepbrother to humiliate me, even worse than usual, with a captive, eager audience. Today, it was a stupid basketball contest. Mum had insisted we all do something together - she's obsessed with 'us kids' having 'family time' together, while the adults stayed inside together to catch up (basically, drink gallons of wine). That's another reason why Ross gets away with so much - he hides his nasty side from Mum and Ian, so they seem determinedly ignorant of us hating each other's guts. Ross got to decide what to do when The Cousins came over - like I would get any say in it! In our garden (which is absolutely massive - Ian is absolutely loaded by the way, one of the perks of being in this family), Ross set out the rules: basketball shoot out, with a step back being taken each time. The Cousins each did well, as they're both athletic: Gabby, the elder of the two - also eighteen like me and Ross - managed 8 out of 10. Sophia (younger, 16 years old and almost identical looking to her older sister) got 7. Of course when Ross went up, he managed 10 out of 10. Of course he did...typical! One of the worst things about seeing him do well at something, which happens a lot as he is naturally sporty, athletic and competitive, is how much The Cousins fawn over him. Especially Sophia. It can't be right for a cousin to be that awestruck and unashamedly giggly around a relative. But she is, practically drooling over him, which he laps up of course. Gabrielle (or 'Gab') is less giddy, yet still fuels his ego. So it was the proclamations of how amazing Ross was which got to me, as well as their derisive and outright nasty comments they made about me - something I'd been accustomed to for a while now. When it was my turn, I actually managed to get the first two out of three, but it was all downhill after that. My hands got shakier and my nerve crumbled after missing the next few. Sophia was sniggering while Gab looked damnably smug, as my shots got increasingly worse. "Go and get us some lemonade, loser," she told me dismissively as I finished with my meagre score of 2. "And some snacks too." With a casual wave of the hand, one well-practised with me, she high-fived her sister and Ross, who were all sniggering, making comments like 'I can't believe you're even related'. 'You should make her live in the cupboard under the stairs!', 'Maybe we should make her paint your nails again!'. It was galling that the two sisters had the confidence to wear just bikinis, their toned, tanned bodies mocking me. So every time The Cousins were here, I knew I'd be even more outmatched than usual. There was no point even fighting it; a few years ago, Gabrielle had firmly put me in my place, physically overpowering me with ease. Even Sophia, two years younger than me, considered herself superior. Like Ian and Ross, they were also loaded and had been blessed with their Mum's good looks. So I didn't argue and meekly fetched the drinks and snacks, sitting on my own while they splashed and played in the pool (yes we have a pool...) together. Finally, The Cousins left, calling out a few final barbs, which I tried to ignore. When they left, I took my top and shorts off so I was down to my bikini - I was too self-conscious to show my pasty, undefined body to The Cousins - deciding that I needed to get a tan. Seeing how admittedly hot and bronzed Gab and Sophia were was my motivation. So, I was soaking up what our English sun had to offer. I've also just finished my A-Levels - the major source of my stress levels, as well as my stepbrother recently. He managed to wangle some bullshit sports scholarship to get his university place at Loughborough Uni, whereas I had to work hard for my grades. So he doesn't give a toss about what results he gets; I, on the other hand, need to get at least 3 'B' grades, just to earn my place. I'm not the most academic but I'm certainly not stupid, and a lot smarter than him. I mean, I better get in.... The idea of doing a gap year, as he rubs my face in it while he starts his freshman year... Anyway.... I just wanted to chill, read my book and start working on that tan when Ross came back outside, bouncing his stupid basketball from one end of the garden to the other until settling on practising some shots. That, I was used to - he did whatever he wanted and with no regard for me. However, he then started playing some crappy music, at full volume from his portable CD player, smirking at me as he resumed his bouncing. I put my headphones of my Minidisk player on, but even with those, the thumping bass and relentless basketball was a horrible cacophony that I had to endure. Finally, I reluctantly steeled myself to confront him. I asked him, politely to turn down his music. I knew that if I were rude to him, he'd use it as a reason to be horrible. All the arrogant prick did in reply was roll his eyes at me. "Whatever, nerd." he told me with a smirk. Ross has called me far worse. "Nerd", "geek", "loser" - these were the casual barbs, the obvious ones. Just because I'm not as popular as him at school and not an airhead bimbo, doesn't make me those things. It's also not my fault that I don't connect that easily to others... it's a bit of a sore point but kids at school don't seem to 'get me'. My stepbrother, I grudgingly have to admit, is.... well, he's "cool". He has a swagger, a devil-may-care attitude about him and is athletic, well-built.... It's not like that though! YUCK, I've never had a crush on him, even though a lot of girls in our year group have. So, just to make it clear, I have NO amorous thoughts for Ross! As he scored another hoop, the ball rebounded and trundled towards me. Finding some unexpected courage, I dropped my book and grabbed the ball, using one hand to ward him away. A sudden inspiration hit as I reached for the tweezers I was using to pluck my eyebrows, before he came outside. I told him that I would stab his basketball, unless he turned his music down in the toughest voice I could muster, though I could already hear myself stammering. I knew deep down that I wouldn't - he'd give me hell, make my life miserable and make me regret ever standing up to him. Even as I was doing it, I started to doubt myself - I was already out of my depth. His face went from a look of surprise to one of scorn and hilarity. "Ha! You don't have the guts, you little geek," he said dismissively. "Give it back now, before I slap you in the face..." He'd done this to me before, and gotten away with it. He's a nasty piece of work, you see. He knew just the amount of force needed to make it hurt without leaving a mark. He'd done it before and being an expert liar, always seemed to get away with it. This time though, I felt like a fight. Maybe it was how much he and The Cousins and casually humiliated me earlier. "Take it off me then," I replied to him, clutching the ball tight with both arms. With a cocky grin, he began wrestling it off me but I was clinging on to dear life now, refusing to budge. Deciding to take it further, he shoved me roughly to the ground but I still somehow held on to it! He growled at me to give it back, starting to look annoyed as he hopped down to straddle me, the ball beginning to pull away from me. Getting a bit desperate now, I know that he could seriously hurt me if he wanted to... I wouldn't put it past him to fake an injury, just to show his Dad and my Mum that I was the one to be blamed, and punished. So it just came out of nowhere really. The ball was slipping further from my arms and he was practically jeering in my face. So I arched back a leg and slammed my bare foot right into his face! He actually cried out a bit in surprise, which made me gasp a little. It was very, very rarely that I got one over on him and I was going to savour this! As he clutched at his nose, his eyes widened, I shuffled back and kicked him full in the face again! I hit him pretty hard, so firmly that he actually fell flat on his back. This had never happened before! I'd occasionally got a punch or kick in, but not this directly, or successfully! This was going so well! It was going to be the ultimate payback. I was going to gloat over him, threatening to knee him in the balls, or the gut, or something like that, just so I could get that music turned down a bit... I could threaten to kick him again... Then I had a better idea - I threatened to step on his face, unless he turned down his music! "You wouldn't!" He spat up at me, glaring as he wiped a tiny amount of blood from his nose using the back of his hand. No doubt he'll make me regret that..., I thought at the time. Then I thought about how dismissive Gabrielle was to me over, Sophia looking like me like I was dirt on the bottom of her foot, Ross loving his adoring audience and power he had over me. "Try me," I said, shrugging as I carefully lowered my foot down towards his face. I did this slowly, deliberately so he was forced to look at my bare foot and feel embarrassed. I've always thought I had nice feet. I used to do ballet for a few years... I'd been told I had shapely arches... I've got long, mousy brown hair and no real distinguishing features; I've often been called a 'Plain Jane'; my breasts aren't exactly large; I don't have much confidence with my body. Basically, I had never thought of my feet as being a real feature, but I do after today! I never knew feet could command so much power... Rather than try to force me away, my stupid stepbrother just kind of lay there, watching. It was like he was hypnotised. Was this a trick... was he going to suddenly force me off my feet, then get the better of me like he usually did, no doubt make sure I was in trouble with our parents too! "What's that? Nothing clever to say, asshole?" I took a quick breath, expecting him to snap - it would be rare that I would curse at him without repercussions. He shook his head in frustration, forcing his eyes away from my foot, glowering all the while. Finally he muttered that he'd agree to turn his music down. I'd done it! I had actually got one over on my stepbrother! I merely nodded, lifting my foot away and getting to my feet, still holding onto his basketball while he turned down his music to a more acceptable volume. I tossed him the ball, which he casually caught, shooting me a dark look. But he didn't get me back! He just continued playing with his stupid basketball, looking annoyed with himself, occasionally glancing over at me when he thought I wasn't looking, probably considering his revenge. I guess I really embarrassed him! I smiled to myself, reading contentedly. What a turnaround from earlier, when I was made to feel like a total loser in front of him and The Cousins. Ross didn't bother me again for the rest of the afternoon. Result! Love, Kayla Entry 2: 26th June 2003 Dear Diary, I thought yesterday was pretty amazing but what happened just now absolutely smashes it... My stepbrother has a foot fetish! YEP! You heard right, or read right. Anyway, it all happened pretty quickly. It was a similar situation to yesterday - I was out in the garden, reading and catching some sun again. I wore a more revealing bikini, feeling more confident and prepared to deal with any derisive comments Ross made. He came outside a little while later (probably just woken up, the lazy git) and began bouncing his basketball with the same noisy music from yesterday. My heart sank at that. Had yesterday meant nothing? I nearly caved, thinking it best to stay quiet, reasoning that it's only a couple of months of the Summer holiday until I don't seem him for a while. He'd be off to Uni (and I would be too, hopefully...) But yesterday was fresh in my mind. I called out boldly if he wanted a 'repeat of yesterday', though my heart was already starting to beat fast. He gave me a dark look before smirking himself. "Yesterday? You just got lucky, you fucking little nerd." He then told me to shut up, or he'd teach me a lesson... I felt nervous but at the same time my blood was boiling. I'd had enough of this crap - not just from today but over the past few years! Waiting until he turned his back, I quietly stood up, walked slowly behind him and in a sudden rage, slapped him hard on the back of the head. He startled, dropped his ball and snarled. "You little...." He growled before launching himself at me. I still had enough adrenaline in me at that point to barely feel my back it the ground hard. Luckily for me, he landed even harder, his momentum rolling him forward, his knee landing painfully against a rock. As he struggled to get to his feet, I quickly sprang up and rushed over to him, getting into a similar position to yesterday. This time I dropped down, my bottom onto his stomach and my bare feet hovering over his face, while I yanked hard on his arms, forcing him to gasp in pain. Like yesterday, the fight in him bubbled and evaporated quickly; his rage turning to weakness as he let out a small groan as I stared down at him through my toes. "I'm not a.... nerd!" I yelled at him, breathing heavily, slamming one foot against his nose and demanded he apologise. My stepbrother let out another weak murmur, staring transfixed at my bare foot that had just kicked him. "Sorry..." he gulped, which was absolute music to my ears. I glared as I told him he should be! But I felt good - I had physically overpowered him. Twice now! And this time I had gotten him to say something he had NEVER said to me before. He'd apologised! Content that I had - again - the upper hand. I rested my feet on his face for a moment, enjoying the moment of victory - only to notice something as I slid my bum back a little... Ross had a hard on! That's right! My freak of a stepbrother actually had an erection. It made me think before, back to other times couple when we had wrestled. But he had always won, quickly... he was bigger and far stronger than me. And I had never noticed him getting hard like that! So, I was curious, if a little freaked out. I stood up and made a point to gingerly prod at his crotch with my foot. Yep, hard as a rock! "Yuck!" I said down to him, shaking my head in disgust, my foot still hovering his face, but admittedly some amusement at the same time. "You're getting.... turned on by this! Eugh, and I'm your stepsister too!" My stepbrother warned me not to dare tell anyone about this, but I was not so intimidated after what had happened. I laughed his threat off, which made him look a little fearful - I liked that! I giggled as I began to place my bare foot on his face. A very useful thing about me is that I have an amazing memory. So I remember details and conversations extremely well, plus what I was thinking, people's expressions... pretty handy for a diary!! After I stepped on his face, I lost my balance and stumbled a little. He used that as his cue to scarper away, like the loser he was. He didn't even bother with his stupid basketball - just ran out of there before I could stop him. Anyway, if I'm honest, I was mostly happy then that I had the whole garden to myself. I got back on my chair, leaned back and enjoyed the sun awhile, happily entertained by the thought of kicking my stepbrother in the face and him getting off on it! What a freak! Ha, imagine if The Cousins had seen this! Their so-called tough-guy having his face stepped on! I came back upstairs about an hour later and that's when I decided to write this entry, my second ever entry in this diary. I haven't seen Ross since then but the more I think about it, the more significant it is what happened today. I have some serious dirt on him - my stepbrother has a foot fetish!. I mean, he hasn't even had to admit it - it's so obvious! With the summer just beginning - having done my A-Levels, I've got literally a couple of months of the holidays, this is the PERFECT way to start them!! I'll have a think between and my next entry how I can use it to my advantage... Love, Kayla Entry 3: 28th June 2003 Dear Diary, My stepbrother is a dick. He is a FUCKING dick!!! I didn't get the chance to push my discovery of his foot fetish any further over the past couple of days. He's either been out of the house, or if not, hiding away in his room with the door locked. He only came down for dinner in front of our parents then went straight back upstairs without saying a word. That was fine with me. I did enjoy our parents (I say that, but I still see them as MY Mum, HIS Dad) to make comments on how rude he was being, rather than telling me off for causing problems! Anyway, I enjoyed a lie in this morning, being the holidays and all. I thought about messaging my friend Jenny - she's the only person I can genuinely call a friend. Then I remembered the garden... there was a good chance I could have it all to myself! Well, hopefully with fewer basketball interruptions, at the very least. With what I had on him, I had plenty of leverage and could get the garden to myself for a lot longer than the previous day. And I did! It wasn't until 3pm that Ross finally emerged, wearing his Michael Jordan vest, showing off how big his arms were, looking around for his precious ball. He was huge, all muscle and certainly intimidating. But after watching him both struggle and get turned on by my feet, I didn't feel scared. I was going to enjoy this, or so I thought at the time. He picked up the ball, not far from where I was sitting and totally blanked me. I called over loudly to him to come over to where I was, as he walked away from me. I had never spoken to him like that before - in an authoritative way. Maybe that was a mistake. He shrugged and proceeded to start shooting some hoops! For a moment I thought, well I've had around 3 hours out here without him... I could just let him enjoy his stupid basketball for the rest of the afternoon, but after yesterday... "Ross," I called again. "You didn't ask me if it was OK to play basketball." I chose my words carefully - I wanted to make it clear that he needs the way he changes how he speaks to me. He is so, so rude and vile to me. He ignored me, again. So I walked over to where he was practising his shots, waiting with my arms folded. I also made sure I was barefoot, of course. "What?" He finally decided to speak to me. Glaring at me, he folded his arms too. "Since when I did need to ask you that, loser?" "You have some nerve," I told him firmly. "After what happened... I thought you would be nicer to me from now on." I deliberately pointed my foot out, a basic ballet move, while smirking at him. He snorted as he told me that I got 'lucky' and that there was no chance that he would ever be nice to me! I wasn't letting that go, so I taunted him, reminding how much he'd enjoyed myself with my feet the other day... Holding onto the ball, he shook his head. "Let's get this straight. You kicked me in the face yesterday...and the day before that too! You're lucky I didn't smash your teeth in - you nearly broke my fucking nose!" He suddenly threw the ball hard at me, right in the face! I remember falling to the ground, my back already landing awkwardly. My evil, horrible stepbrother then jumped down onto me, sitting on my thighs so I couldn't move my legs. He spat at me, telling me it was his mobile phone I felt in his pants. I can't remember everything he said as I was seriously scared of him. He slapped me in the face - not hard enough to leave a mark but enough to make tears spring from my eyes. I had a flashback of when he had egged Sophia on to do this to me, he and Gab laughing as the younger girl had overpowered me. I cried up at him to get off me, feeling my cheek sting. He slapped me again on the other cheek, smirking all the while. He repeated that it was his phone, his Nokia, that I felt, not a boner - and how the hell would I know what a dick even felt like. Finally, he told me that he would seriously hurt me if I told anyone about this. And I believed him, still believe him. Sitting here on my bed, writing this, I can actually feel my heart racing with how scared I was. Tears were running down my face and he actually forced me to say sorry. Also, he's going to play basketball as much he wants from now on. He's made it clear - it's his house, his rules. He is the boss. I can't believe what a dick my stepbrother is! This is the thing, he's actually making me doubt myself about his boner now. He is right - I've had limited dating experience. Yes, I'm still a virgin... and I've never got further than snogging a guy. Whereas he boasts about all sorts of conquests, his current girlfriend admittedly supermodel-esque. What if it was his phone? To be fair, it's the only time I've ever noticed anything like this from him. Maybe he's right. I don't know. Part of me is considering surrendering, apologising to him again and begging him to go easy on me. Maybe if I'm really nice and apologetic, he'll let me off and things can go back to 'normal'... But I've shaken that thought away - it was no accident, no coincidence that I managed to get one over him with my feet. So what I do know is I'm going to find out, that's for sure... Love, Kayla Entry 4: 30th June 2003 Dear Diary, I am actually so giddy with excitement I can barely write this. My stepbrother has a foot fetish all right. It's taken a bit of time but now I know, for sure! I couldn't face him yesterday. I saw him playing basketball out the window with one of his stupid friends, Ryan. After how he hurt and threatened me when I wrote the last entry, plus with his jock buddy there, I just couldn't bare to be around him. So I went shopping. I actually saw a guy from school - Ben. I've had a crush on him for a while. Actually, we went out for a bit a couple of years ago. He dumped me and whenever I saw him at school, I always felt nervous. Anyway, he asked me what I was up to tomorrow night. It took me a little while to realise I was being asked out, like on a date! I'm not so used to that, so I gave him an awkward, lame excuse of spending time with my Mum. Cringe. He is technically my ex, and was the first guy I'd dated or kissed; I should feel flattered and send him a text message. I've barely used my mobile, other than to text or call Ben, so it felt a bit weird to send someone else one. What if I don't get this chance again? At the same time, it didn't feel right so I'll have a think on that one. One of the perks of being Ian's Stepdaughter is he's loaded; my life is pretty luxurious in lots of ways. Ian is an investment banker. I've literally got no idea what he actually does but he makes a lot of money. Both Ross and I have a decent allowance; he has more as he's slightly older, but I still get more each week than most kids and don't even need a part time job. My Mum clearly loves it too - probably the main reason she's with Ian, as it's not for his looks! I mean, the guy is old, mostly bald and not exactly Prince Charming. But he's rich. It's a similar story in that sense to The Cousins - their Dad is Ian's brother and also is minted, owning several businesses. Their Mum does not need to work - she just floats around being effortlessly Italian and gorgeous. I haven't seen my real Dad for years, not since I was about seven years old. It was all pretty strange - he just emigrated one day to Spain, informing my shocked Mum that he had met someone else and they were having a baby, a new family together. Of course, the coward never even bothered telling me about it, but Mum filled me in. Occasionally I get an email from him, or a birthday card, usually late and without any money or present included. So really, he is very, very minor part of my life, and I'd rather keep it that way. Most memories I have involve waiting around for him, him forgetting to take me out for a birthday, or to a ballet show, or just generally not giving a shit. He wasn't cruel or abusive but he's been the definition of absent. He left Mum and I, high and dry in a small council flat. Those years were rough but were a long, long time ago, and worlds away from what Mum and I have now. Mum was amazing and I am so fiercely loyal to her. Anyway, I do that sometimes - go off on tangents. But it's all relevant. Where were we... So, Ross ended up going out somewhere with Ryan. It meant that I could have the TV to myself in the evening as Ian was working while Mum was on the phone upstairs. My stepbrother has a much busier social life than I do, so I've got used to time in front of the TV, but only when he's not there. He always gets first dibs when he is around. It wasn't until the next day (as in earlier this morning) that I saw my stepbrother. It gave me time to think about what I was going to do, how I was going to prove him wrong. My stepbrother usually locks his door and so do I. After moving in here and being at each other's throats most of the time, Ian agreed it was best to have that privacy from one another. Ross's room is, of course, bigger than mine. Each morning, I would always hear him walk towards the bathroom. Neither of us have an ensuite, annoyingly as it's a pretty old, yet massive house. There is another bathroom upstairs but that's far longer to have to walk to and the floor is always a bit too cold on my feet. So it's a first come, first served basis of who gets in first. Usually though, in the holidays, he makes a right noise to wake me up, practically stamping outside my room and yawning loudly, before stinking out the bathroom - just to spite me, probably - then heads back to bed for a while... Today, he got sloppy. As soon as I heard the bathroom door lock, I got up, resigned to the fact that I may as well get up, now I was awake. That's when I saw he'd got sloppy.... The time it took for him to do his business was enough time for me to sneak into his room, and hide in one of the walk in wardrobes. He got sloppy because he didn't bother locking his door - his mistake! Maybe he hadn't bothered for a while, confident that I didn't have the nerve to even attempt opening his door, adorned with posters of Carmen Elektra and Lucy Pinder. Anyway, I waited for him to return and get back under his duvet, which I could hear from where I was. I waited even longer and peeked through the gap to see that his eyes were already closed... Moving like a cat, I slowly and carefully moved towards his bed until I was inches away. Taking a small breath, I suddenly jumped down on him, putting my full weight on his belly, his eyes wide open in surprise. "What the..." He cried out, totally shocked to be woken up like this. "Get the fuck...off!" He started to struggle but I played my trump card early, before he could overpower me. Wearing only a small pair of knickers and a black nightshirt, I stretched my legs out until both feet were covering his face. "Good morning!" I giggled, digging my fingernails into his wrists until they stopped moving around. In this position he was truly trapped. Most men his size would have been able to break out this grip and force me tumbling off the bed. Not with my feet in his face though - that was the difference maker! He growled at me, that he was 'warning' me, shaking his head around but I had my soles firmly planted on him. "Warning me like you did yesterday, when you slapped me in the face... threw that basketball right at it?" I glared down at him, pushing harder with my feet until he let out a grunt, slowing down his resistance. He repeated for me to get off him, less firmly this time, his voice shaking. "Why should I after yesterday?" I replied fairly. "You hurt me and I don't believe what you said by the way..." Overpowering him now to the point that he dropped his arms weakly to the side, I slid my backside down to feel him rock hard. Anyway, I was right! He WAS lying... of course he was, there was no way that was ever his phone, it was a boner! I remember feeling annoyed with how stupid and foolish he had made me feel. "You LIAR!" I thundered down at him. He had gone silent now, either getting off on this so much, or too uncomfortable to speak. I told him that he was turned on my feet, and that he had to admit it! He spoke with less certainty, his voice muffled by my powerful feet as he replied that there was nothing to admit... That was it. I'd had enough at that stage. Inspiration also hit me as I saw his digital camera by his bedside table and grabbed it, switching the slider to 'record' so I could capture this on video... I made sure to get his face in it, lifting my bare feet off him for a second, before aiming the camera phone at his hard-on. Pressing my soles against his face, I leaned forward so I could be seen in the camera. "Oh hello, this is Kayla Banks and under my feet here is my stepbrother, Ross! That's right, he's actually turned on by this!" I giggled while Ross began to writhe around, finally finding some renewed resistance. Feeling myself topple over him, lading on the side of his bed, I scurried away, his camera in hand as I went to upload it directly to my PC, pausing at his door as he threw, and missed, a small basketball at me. "Delete that fucking video. Now! You fucking little nerd!" He roared at me. I felt a little frightened then; my stepbrother was beyond livid and capable of doing real damage - maybe I had pushed him too far. He was getting to his feet and could potentially catch up with me, before I made it back to my room... At that moment, we both jerked our heads towards the noises from one of our parents in the hallway. Opening his door, I turned back to face him, smirking. "Don't worry - I'll only need to borrow this for a minute, then it's yours. Now be nice before I actually email this out to anyone... Then you can watch the video again, if you want to relieve yourself a little..." I giggled softly, pointing at his bulging crotch, while he turned bright red, his eyes glancing downwards. Leaving the room, I couldn't help but laugh as I firmly locked my door and booted up my PC. It's not state of the art but it does the trick, and it did not take long to save the video from he digital camera memory card to a folder in My Documents. There were also a few of Charlotte there, in her bikini. Although she's a bitch, I have to admit she's seriously hot. So I've been in my room, written all of this down and made sure the video has saved OK. Let me just check... YES!!! It works! I don't even need his camera now - so it doesn't matter if he goes complaining to Ian. I have my evidence, ha! This is just perfect... after the other day when he was such a fucking asshole to me... now I can have the best summer ever!!! I can read and sunbathe in the garden as much as I want, he won't dare to push me around again. If he does, I've got the perfect blackmail material on him now. I might let him play basketball, only if he asks nicely! Love, Kayla Entry 5: 1st July 2003 Dear Diary, I've got a new focus, a new project for the summer. Yeah, I'm still working on my sun tan, especially for when I (fingers crossed!!) start at University in September. To make my stepbrother my bitch! If I had told anyone this before starting this diary, I would have been laughed at. But everything has changed. He knows it and I know it! It's nearly 7pm now and apparently he's told Ian he's staying over at his girlfriend's tonight. Yeah, my foot freak stepbrother is dating Charlotte, that admittedly hot Kate Moss-esque girl. She's also eighteen years old; we were in the same Maths class at school. But we're not friends - no, she clearly despises me thanks to Ross's usual bullshit he's probably told her. She looks at me like I'm a piece of crap on her shoe, much like Gabrielle and Sophia do. Anyway, having the garden to myself for the WHOLE day has been amazing! I've just soaked up the sun; my skin is already looking naturally bronzed, and not in a fake-tan-type way. Anyway, my tan is coming along much quicker than I thought, thanks to my horrible stepbrother leaving me well alone for a couple of days. I even had time to work out today too - something else I decided recently is that I want to be toned and have a better body, like The Cousins - even though I hate them, I have to admit that they're stunning. So, I nearly went out this evening; that guy Ben texted me to ask me out again (a little more clearly this time) but I blew him off. I nearly said yes, as I'm not exactly swarming with offers - as in, there are literally none... It's funny - had this happened a week ago, I probably would have jumped at the chance. Maybe it's the stuff with Ross recently that's made me feel a bit better than that. So I said no to Ben for the following reasons: A) He's not actually that hot. He's cute but when I've given it some thought, I don't really fancy him anymore B) I don't see the point of dating someone unless I believe A) to be true C) Just because I got discarded by him before doesn't mean he can just pick me back up when it suits him. And what if he just ditches me again when another better offer comes along? D) I want to use this time to plan out how I'm going to make my stepbrother my bitch! So to hell with Ben. The focus is on my stepbrother, with his freaky little fetish! What to do about Ross has been going around my mind since yesterday's successful video recording in his bedroom. What has been frustrating as hell is that Ross is basically ignoring me. He hasn't been down to the garden once. When he has been at the house, he's been locked up in his room. Instead of being around at dinner, he's been out, with his girlfriend apparently. But I'm being patient as I know I'll get my chance soon. I left his digital camera on the kitchen table after I was done with it, smirking at him as he snatched it back up, obviously looking to delete the evidence. I've got another idea... I didn't want to do this but I can threaten him. I've got the video saved and surely he knows it... That's right. If my stepbrother keeps dodging me, then I'll send him a little text message, maybe an email. A reminder for him... Love, Kayla Entry 6: 2nd July 2003 Dear Diary, I CANNOT BELIEVE IT! That sneaky git. I don't know when he managed it... It must have been when I had popped inside to get a glass of lemonade and left my bedroom door unlocked Anyway, he's deleted it. He's deleted it from my My Documents, from my Recycling Bin. It's NOWHERE! I've had a few ideas and thoughts about this. First of all, I considered just outright blackmailing him - his word against mine. Ross IS popular. People wouldn't believe for a second that this athletic jock, who everyone seems to like, actually is into his stepsister's feet! It would be my word against him. And he would win! I could tell someone else but again, who would believe me? Even my best (I'll be honest, only) friend Jenny wouldn't. Doesn't help she has a massive crush on Ross... typical. So there is no point involving anyone else. If I tried to get him to confess around his friends, like that idiot Ryan, or his girlfriend, or even Ian.... I just know that he'd come out fighting and embarrass me instead. With his back against the wall, I reckon I could ruin this advantage I have on him for good. Another option is to do another video, overpower him again with my feet - his achilles heel! But he'll be wary to that - even when I do next get him on his own, he'll be ready. He's much bigger and stronger than me; if he wanted to, he could seriously hurt me. So that's not an option. So I don't know what do do now... And things were looking so good! Love, Kayla Entry 7: 4th July 2003 Dear Diary, OK. I think there's some hope. I admit, I've been feeling disillusioned recently.... like whatever I did, Ross would find a way to shake me off, by either being physical like he did a few days ago, by actively avoiding me, or by sneakily deleting my video. What if that was it - that I could just enjoy those three experiences as a brief but triumphant turning of the tables, before he resumed his spot as the alpha, as the one in charge between the two of us? As long as he didn't make actively pay for my brief time on top, then it wouldn't be too bad, being submissive to him again. I was actually doubting myself. Yet, I knew that he'd enjoyed, deep down, being under my feet. His huge hard-on was evidence enough for me! Ever since a few days ago (entry 4 for your reference!), Ross has kept his door firmly locked, even when leaving his room for just a moment. I'd tried halfheartedly to sneak in like before, but he'd covered that one - no chance of a repeat of me hiding in his room and surprising him. What I needed was time with him. Time that he couldn't avoid - family time. Both Mum and Ian loved the idea - the four of us spending time together at the beach. I've never suggested us having a day out together; I've suffered through attending Ross's basketball games or at family barbecues, where I've done all I can to avoid Ross. Plus the times spent with The Cousins.... a lot of humiliation on my part over the years. One time, we'd gone over to theirs (The Cousins') and I was reduced to painting Gab and Soph's nails (fingernails AND toenails...) while they applauded and cheered Ross beating other family members at various sports. So, Mum and Ian practically jumped at the chance - so excited were they that they ignored my stepbrother's excuses and protestations. So there we were, all in Ian's Landrover, heading towards the beach - we're not far from the coast so only around a half hour's drive. I played it cool and knew that I couldn't make him do anything... no, I just had to relentlessly torture and entice him! So, this is my new plan. The more I've thought about it is that there's NO WAY he can keep this up forever. He's turned on by feet. By my feet. And I am going to wear him down until he willingly admits it! By the way Ben had messaged me again; he hasn't given up on us going out for a date. Anyway, I brushed him off again (family time is a good excuse!) but not cutting things completely there, so I told him 'maybe another time'... Back to Ross. Once we arrived, setting up the deckchairs and sun-beds, Ian was predictably soon asleep, his bald head and fat gut already burning in the sun. Ross definitely must get his (admittedly) good looks from his Mum. He's tall, handsome, muscular and - much as I hate him - apparently a catch. Anyway, Mum quickly contented herself with some trashy novel while I settled down almost directly opposite to my stepbrother, declaring that I'd found the best sun spot. Ross appeared to ignore me, sulking for having to have this "family time", as he typed away on his phone, baseball cap and sunglasses on. Kicking off my flip flops, I angled my sun bed back so I was practically lying down, my bare feet dangling off the edge, my toes spreading. For a little while, he seemed to ignore me. Just tapping away on his Nokia phone still, but it didn't take too long for it to begin. First it was the occasional glance, then a slightly pained expression, like he was trying not too look. I sighed contentedly, crossing and uncrossing my feet at the ankles, wiggling my toes. Knowing exactly what I was doing to torture him, I faced the opposite way and angled my sun-bed fully down and flipped onto my belly, slowly twirling my feet so he could get a full look at my bare soles. I put myself into 'the pose' - a position I've found out about online that apparently is very seductive and appealing for guys with a foot fetish. That was an interesting Google search! I could see in the reflection of my sunglasses that he was staring now, pretty much transfixed on my feet, probably hoping I couldn't see. Good! I kept this going for a little while longer until I upped the ante a little more and asked my stepbrother to rub some sun lotion into my back... My stepbrother stayed silent for a few moments before letting out a non-committal grunt. "Mum!" I called behind me. "I've asked Ross to rub some lotion in and he won't do it..." I pouted, knowing that she would side with me on this one - it was family time after all. With Ian asleep, my Mum tried not to sound too exasperated. "Oh, go on Ross. She's your sister. We're family, and this is family time..." I turned behind me, grinning to see the annoyed expression on Ross's face, but to be fair he would usually follow orders from Mum. He'd been a kiss-ass to both her and Ian before, knowing that he would get more privileges and the the 'favoured' child. Then, without her looking, be sure to give me verbal barb or physical shove (or both). So, he skulked over with a sigh, bending awkwardly down so he could tentatively rub lotion all over my back. Once he was done, I asked him sweetly to do the same for my legs, suppressing a giggle, as I knew where this was going. So did Ross. Stupid as he was in terms of school work and general intelligence, he wasn't a complete idiot. In fact, he could be cruel and cunning, something I knew all too well. He warned me softly not to push it, while I shrugged, feigning innocence. As my stepbrother gingerly rubbed in the lotion down from my bare thighs towards my calves, I took it further. "And my feet," I said with as much authority as I could muster. I held my breath.... would he scarper off again, call me out on it, put me in my place, even with Mum there...? Ross hesitated, his hands dripping with lotion and tension. Glowering, a pained expression about him, he knelt down to speak quietly to me. "I know what you're doing.... Just leave it, or else, nerd..." I blinked in apparent confusion, frowning, reminding him that all I needed was the sunscreen rubbed into my bare soles so that they wouldn't burn... Ian was still gently snoring but my Mum heard. "Ross..." was all she said warningly, before my stepbrother caved. Watching him drop down to the sand lower, his hands gently pressing against my bare soles was incredibly satisfying. I giggled softly, as his thumb rubbed some sun cream into the centre of my sole. "How do they feel?" I asked him, giving him a quizzical look. He muttered something vague, his cheeks reddening slightly. Still wearing his baseball cap and sunglasses, he tried to keep a poker face but I knew that he was enjoying this. The feel of his fingers against my feet was soft, gentle. Like he was caressing them, savouring the feel of my feet. What a freak! Ha! This went on for a couple of minutes before he awkwardly cleared his throat and placed my feet down. I turned my head around, frowning as I told him that they needed more lotion. I didn't want my soles to be too pale compared to the other side.. Ross shook his head warningly and leaned in to whisper in my ear. "That's enough. Just leave it. And if you call back for help from Mummy, you will fucking regret it. What I did to you a few days ago - that was nothing, nerd..." I admit it, he intimidates me. And I I could have pushed it there but didn't. So my stepbrother skulked back to his deckchair, resuming his tapping on his phone, while I scrunched my toes, my soles still in full view of him. After an hour or so, we packed up and went for lunch, finding a different spot afterwards. All the time, Ross stayed quiet, while I chatted away to Mum and Ian. They admonished him for being so surly and unwilling to contribute to "family time". Ian was impressed to hear that Ross had been a "good brother" by rubbing lotion on my back, legs and feet. I made sure to stay barefoot the entire time. Even in the car on the way back, I turned my body away from him, my legs under me and my bare soles in full view of him. So, yes... I feel like there's some hope. I've got him to massage lotion into my feet, and it was clear the perv enjoyed it. I just need to push away with nothing too sudden like before when I physically dominated him. It needs to be gradual so he accepts that it's something he wants to do. Slow and steady wins the race! Hopefully.... he'll break soon! This diary has been fun to keep so far. It's actually been useful writing about what I've discovered with Ross and my feet. Without it, I might've given up already. I've completed this volume now but am definitely starting another one - so Part 1 ends but more to come, hopefully with more success and humiliation on my stepbrother's part! Love, Kayla Click here for ALL of Kayla's Foot Diaries! ![]() |