Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/225468-Chapter-Six---Confessions
Rated: 13+ · Fiction · Drama · #225468
Jeff finds out how important he is to Annie. And Ellen.
         As Ellen dressed the next morning, she suddenly realized that she and Jeff had both totally forgotten his other request of the night before: to see her without her makeup. “I’ll surprise him and show him at work today,” she thought. “Then put it back on after he sees me.” She quickly put it in the travel case she used on trips and put that with her purse. “That will show him again how serious I am about being just the woman he wants.” After a quick, cold-cereal breakfast, she was out the door and headed for the office.

         After getting a good, close look at her body the night before, Jeff was trying to decide what, if anything, else he wanted Ellen to change to please him. “Part of this is to push her to independence,” he thought as he dressed. “And part is purely for me,” he smiled. He’d admitted to himself as he drove home last night that he was already used to being in charge of her body, and he liked it. “But I still don’t think I’d want things this way for a lifetime,” he said aloud. “It would get old in a hurry. So I’ll enjoy it now, and move her toward independence at the same time. For now, I’ll tell her to change two more things for me.”

         He looked around the apartment. Yes, the apartment. “Annie and I only had 15 weeks here, but it’s my home. Problem is, whenever I find a new love, and whoever it is, I have a problem. I can’t bring her here, this was my Annie’s home, too. And I can’t leave this place behind. At least not yet. So what do I do?”

         After finishing his coffee and Danish he headed for work, putting his mind back on what to tell Ellen to change. “I’ll decide where I’m living if and when I find another real commitment,” he said aloud as he drove. That settled things for now; he felt himself really relaxing.

         Jeff leaned over Annie’s desk after walking in the door. “Good morning, Miss Birthmark,” he said cheerfully.

         “Good morning, Mr. Zone,” she responded, a genuine smile of relief and affection on her face. “I’m glad you’re here, Jeff.”

         “Why, Annie? Is something wrong?” he asked concerned. But he noticed she was still smiling.

         “No, Jeff, not at all,” she blushed. “I… have a confession to make. I’m just… much happier when I’m around you,” she blushed again. “And at those times I know for myself that you’re okay, too. I… don’t want anything to happen to you.” She turned away as she felt her face go beet red.

         “Miss Annabelle, come with me, please,“ Jeff said, trying to sound businesslike but with a grin on his face.

         “Whaa…?” Annie asked as she got up from her desk.

         “This way, Miss Annabelle,” Jeff said as he led her down the hall. He opened the door to the smaller company conference room. “In here a moment, please.”

         She walked in, and he closed the door as he followed. “Annie, we have to make this short before anyone notices we’re both missing. But. I’m going to tell you something, then I’m going to kiss you, hard, then we’re going back to work. Got it?” he grinned.

         “Got it, Jeff,” she said, a wide grin on her face.

         Jeff softened his voice, and let his feelings show. “Annie, I deeply appreciate what you just said about the way you care about me and like to make sure I’m okay. And it makes me feel good to know that just being around me makes you happy. I want to tell you that I feel the same way about you. I look for you every morning, and I’m immediately concerned if I don’t see you there. I enjoy seeing you, and being around you cheers me up, too. If it’s just a strong friendship we have, or something more, either way I feel the same way about you.”

         “Thank you, Jeff!” she said tearfully. “You just made everything I’ve felt since you started working here very meaningful for me.”

         As she began to softly cry, Jeff took her head in his hands, made her look at him, and brought his lips down hard over hers, as he’d said. They shared a hard, searching kiss and a tight embrace, then winked at each other as they left that conference room behind.

         “Jeff Ambrose,” he said as he picked up his phone. He looked at his clock: 10:45 AM.

         “Jeff, it’s Ellen.”

         “Yes, boss?” he laughed.

         “I remembered something we forgot last night. When’s a good time for you to stop by my office for just a second or two?”

         “I can do it right now.”

         “Give me ten minutes, then come. And please… don’t be late.”

         Jeff wondered about the urgency in her voice on that ‘don’t be late’ phrase. He finished the close-up diagram he was working on, and headed down the hall. Exactly on time, he knocked on her door.

         “Um… come in, Jeff.”

         He opened the door, stepped in, looked at Ellen, and froze. When Ellen saw his face, she froze for a moment herself. She simply could not believe what she saw. Slowly regaining her composure, she walked over and quietly closed the door. Then, for the second time since he’d started working there, she put a finger under his chin and pushed upward, once again closing his mouth for him.

         “Um… Jeff, what… caught your eye?”

         “Well, Ellen, just about every inch of you, as always.” He smiled widely. “But… when you told me on the phone that we forgot something last night, I started trying to remember. You’re not going to tell me that you’re not wearing any makeup, are you? Because if you are, things won’t make any sense. You look lovelier today than you have before.”

         “Are you serious, Jeff? I’m… not wearing any makeup. You’ve got to be kidding!” she almost laughed.

         “No, I’m not, Ellen”, he said calmly. “Any more than I was about your breasts or your hair. This doesn’t make sense. You… caught my eye in that business suit and makeup, yet you’re far more beautiful now without either one of them.”

         That set Ellen to thinking. And she didn’t graduate in the top 2% of her class of 523 by being short on brains. “Um… Jeff?”

         “Yes, Ellen?”

         “I… god this is hard. I… think I might know why.” She looked at her clock. “Good. I don’t meet dad for lunch for another 43 minutes. Um… see if this makes sense to you, and please be honest with me. Okay?”

         “Okay, Ellen.” He could tell by her tone that this was as serious as her needing him to be in charge of her body. Maybe more so.

         “Um… I admitted to you that I’ve been looking for a way to… thank you for getting me past my fears. What I meant by that was… once you saw me yesterday, in an outfit about as tight as this one, and… reacted like you did, that… I… realized I’d been hiding. From everyone, including myself. I’d been using the business suit to hide my femininity. I was afraid to be myself after all the wisecracks I heard through college about wanting a career instead of a family when I really want, and need, both. So I hid. That way I wouldn’t have to face the same wisecracks in the professional world. Then…”

         “What made you change yesterday, Ellen?” Jeff asked gently, out of curiosity.

         “Then… when you came on Monday, there was, and is, just something about you that drew me, and still draws me, to you. I… had to try to get you… interested in me, and I knew the suit would never do it. So, I went the other way. I showed you, and offered you, everything I have. I… hope you didn’t feel I was… throwing myself at you, Jeff, like I said at lunch yesterday. But… I had to take a chance. God, I’m so embarrassed,” she blushed as she paused for breath.

         “Don’t be, Ellen,” Jeff said quietly. “It’s Okay.” He saw a weak smile cross her lovely face.

         “Thanks, Jeff. I… needed that. Um… then when I saw your reaction, I knew then I had to let myself come out in the open. I tried to be myself, however scared I might be. But that’s why I wanted, and still want, and need, you in charge of my body. I like what you’ve done for me just by being here and being yourself. But I’m scared. And by putting you in charge of my body, I know I can please you, and at the same time, stay out of hiding by telling myself I have no choice. And that I have no choice because you’re telling me how I’m supposed to look. That’s why I need it right now. And then, when I saw your face just now, and had to close your mouth again,” she laughed, “I knew the makeup was part of my disguise, too. But… I can’t leave that behind yet. There. I’ve told you everything. It feels wonderful to let it out, but I’m scared stiff about what you think, and about staying out of hiding. That’s why I need you to stay in charge of my body. Now do you understand?”

         Ellen was almost shaking now. Jeff opened his arms, and she entered them willingly, laying her head on his shoulder. “Ellen, don’t cry,” he began softly. I’m planning on being in charge of your body for a long time. You’ll be fine.”

         “Thanks, Jeff. I needed to hear that,” she said without moving a muscle.

         “Look at me, Ellen.” As soon as she did, and before she had a chance to ask what for, Jeff brought his lips down hard over hers, entering her mouth without getting the slightest protest. He felt her press herself against him tighter than she ever had before as their kiss deepened. A couple minutes later, as they ended it, Jeff said softly, “I want you to change three more things about your body for me, Ellen.” He was surprised at how quickly that perked her up. “She is serious about this,” he told himself. “She just proved it with telling me everything, and her reaction just now.”

         “What are they, Jeff,” she smiled. “Just name them and it’s done.”

         “One. No pantyhose until further notice. Just panties. And with your figure, they have to be bikinis. I want the natural look of your legs.”

         “I’m not sure what dad will think about the pantyhose, but if he asks I’ll tell him something,” she said thoughtfully. Next?”

         “Two. I want you to adjust your bra straps so that there’s just a little bit of wiggle to your breasts when you walk. Not a lot of motion, just a tease of a wiggle. You’ll be far more appealing to the eye that way.”

         “Okay, Jeff.”

         “And… that starts today. I want you to adjust the one you’re wearing now the next time you go to the restroom. I’ll be checking you after lunch to be sure you did as you’ve been told,” he laughed.

         “Understood, boss!” she laughed back. “What’s number three?”

         Jeff hesitated, but only for a second. “Three. From this moment on, Ellen, you wear no makeup. Not at work, nor outside the office.”

         “Jeff, I…”

         “I’m the boss, remember?” he said gently, but keeping his firm tone. ”Trust me on this one, Ellen,” he finished softly.

         “I… don’t have a choice but to trust you, Jeff. You’re… the boss. You… own my body,” she said nervously. She realized, though, that she still had no reservations about that.

         “That’s right, I do,” he said gently. “And I like that. Come here, Ellen.”

         She stepped into his arms again and they shared another passionate kiss.

         “See you this afternoon, Ellen,” Jeff said as they broke the embrace. “And remember: I’ll be checking you.” He smiled. Within a couple minutes, they walked out of her office.

         Somewhat nervously, Ellen went to the restroom before meeting her dad for lunch. Jeff had seen her go in, so she knew she had to obey his orders right then. Minutes later, it was everything she could do to keep from shaking with the nervousness she felt as she left that restroom to meet her father. No makeup, and she felt a slight flutter to her breasts as she walked. That slight motion told her that Jeff would be happy with her when he checked her, and that thought helped calm her down as she reached her father’s office.

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