Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/2254122-GPS
by Jacky
Rated: E · Fiction · Contest Entry · #2254122
Flash Fiction

“I think you missed the turn.”

“I didn’t see a turn,” Jane said.

“The GPS says you missed it. It seems upset.”

“The GPS seems upset? How can a GPS seem upset? Hold it up so I can see it!”

Linda held it up. It was flashing yellow and blue lights and big red letters were scrolling across the top saying “You missed the turn! Take the next left!”

“What the heck kind of a GPS is that?” Jane yelled, “I thought you said it was just a portable GPS!”

“It is. I think it’s just excitable.”

“It’s a machine Linda, machines don’t get excited.”

“Well it seems to be pretty upset about the turn. Oh there it is! Turn! Turn!”

Jane slammed on the brakes and stopped. “I am not turning because a excitable machine tells me to. There’s no such thing. Where did you get this again?”

“Jimmy loaned it to me,”

“Well, there’s the answer, your brother. How many nice things has he ever done for you in his lifetime? He’s probably playing a trick on us, getting us lost on purpose...”

“You’re right! Oh dear, now what do we do, we’re lost!”

“We stop and ask directions like our grandparents used to, and when we get to the lake, you don’t call home. I’ll have my parents call yours and explain, and we’ll let Jimmy think we’re lost all weekend. Teach him a lesson!

The plan worked so well, that Jimmy was in therapy for fourteen years after that weekend.

It was bad enough that he thought his sister was lost for that whole weekend, but nobody ever believed that aliens from Zorton had taken over the GPS he’d lent her, even though nobody could ever get it to do any of those weird tricks again.
© Copyright 2021 Jacky (cliffjack at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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