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Rated: 18+ · Short Story · Erotica · #2252670
Ochako Uraraka from My Hero Academia is hit with a bimbofication quirk.
Ochako wakes up in her room within the dorm of class 1A doing a quick double take as she did, she still wasn't use to living there.

She got up and quickly got changed heading down to the first floor meeting up with some her her classmates on the way. Chatting too a few before heading to class.

It was a combat training so she got pretty flustered so after she decided too take the long way to the lunch hall to clear her head. She waved goodbye to her friends on the way as she went on a walk around the school.

She was turning a corner when she stopped as someone caught her eye a girl in her year she didn't recognise. Which wasn't impossible she was probably just in another class but the interesting part was her body and uniform.

She had blonde hair and brown eyes, her body was very curvy have an ample bosom and a good butt to match, this wasn't too say Ochako lacked in those areas but not to this girls degree. Then their was her uniform it was similar to regular school attire but far more open with her jacket being more of a crop to and her skirt a few sizes too small, not to mention her top had a large window to view her cleavage.

Ochako found herself staring at the girl until...
"What you doing" A voice said as Ochako turned to see her classmate Mina, looking at her with a curious face.

"I was umm... Looking at her uniform it's a lot different from ours" Ochako blurted out startled by Mina.

"Oh that yeah I saw her a few weeks ago I tried doing the same thing with mine but it's “not allowed” hers is just a side effect of her quirk" Mina said giving the necessary exposition.

Ochako looked back satisfied "wait why are you here anyway?" she asked curious what she was also doing in the 1C part of UA.

"Oh that's easy I was bored and followed you" Mina said shamelessly clearly not minding people knowing her motives.

Ochako looked backed surprised with her spying and honesty about it before Mina waved goodbye and headed to lunch.

Ochako then felt her quirks side effect acting up so she headed into the nearest restroom she got there running into a stall but she didn't feel sick so she sighed and prepared to walk out when she saw the girl from early sitting over the sink looking panicked.

She walked over to her "Are you OK?" Ochako asked as the girl trembled as pink energy built up in her body. Ochako grabbed her hand "Are you OK?" before the girl let out a large moan then falling to her knees.

Ochako felt the strange energy course through her before stumbling back. They booth recovered as they looked at one other "Was that your quirk?" Ochako asked trying to make sense of the event.

The girl nodded sheepishly "I have to do that once and a while but its nothing to worry about" She replied but she looked confused before Ochako could ask the bell rang and they both headed there separate ways.

She got so side tracked she missed lunch, meeting up with her friends on the way with Iida berating her on missing an important meal. She apologied and they got on with the day. But she found it incredibly difficult to focus on the lesson.

Then when it came to combat training her costume was far more difficult to get on with it being way tighter then she remembered eventually she managed not like it helped as her field performance was a good as her classroom.

After the day Ochako and the rest of the class headed back to the dorm as Ochako had a headache she opted too go straight to bed but Tsu stopped her wanting a quick chat. The unfortunately lasted nearly 2 hours with Ochako barely able to keep attention as she felt increasingly dazed.

She eventually made it to her room closing the door when she felt a strange sensation envelop her body as the pink light from the girls quirk as pulsing through her.

It built up in her ass with it growing far larger becoming bigger then midnight's. She then gained a few inches of height as her thighs began to thicken and her body took on an hourglass figure.

The energy then grew in her chest as the ass effect was repeated with her boobs as the ballooned becoming bigger then Neijire's.

The power then reached her face as her lips grew becoming far more puffy her face was adorned with makeup as the transformation got her hair it began to change from its usual brown colour to a platinum blonde.

To cap it all off her uniform which should be in shreds by now was changing into a far more form fitting yet far sluttier version. It consists of the same miniskirt and crop top jacket as the girl from earlier.

As the change subsided Ochako grazed her hand up her new figure moaning slightly as she did realising her body was far more sensitive then before. "What happened to me I'm like Mineta's fantasy or something" She said confused by the ordeal.

As she tried to get her bearings their was a knock on the door. "Hey Uraraka you looked off earlier are you alright" Izuku said standing outside.

She panicked not knowing how to respond does she ask for help and let him see the new her or send him away. She pondered not knowing what to do

Uraraka was panicking as Deku stood right outside the door, "I'm like totes ok just go away" She said quickly covering her mouth as she realised her voice was higher and her vocabulary was a bit simpler.

"Ok if you say so" Deku said not wishing to intrude on his friend. Uraraka breathed a sigh of relief as he left. She then went back to examining her new body.

She paved back and forth in her room "Like what am I going to do I'm ridiculous and my hooter are really hard to walk with" she said as she grasped her boobs before she got an idea she used her quirk on them causing them to become weightless.

"Ok that's like one problem solved but I still look way sexier no like worse yeah way worse." She continued to go back and forth with herself as her body then began returning to its former state.

"My body it's normal" Uraraka said as her voice returned to its original tempo. The panic went away as she smiled getting ready to head for bed.

"Well I guess I'm lucky it would be really embarrassing if Deku saw..." As she thought of Deku and her related emotions her body then returned to its bimbofied state.

Noticing this her mind as limited it may be made the connection between her feelings and the changes she calmed her mind causing her body to return to normal.

She just sighed going to sleep, the next day she tried her best avoiding everyone especially Deku. It was working until combat training where they got paired up. They were hidden behind some rubble preparing a plan.

"Let's do our best Uraraka" Deku said cheerfully with the exercise beginning. This flustered her as she felt the change her suit began to stretch.

She felt the top open giving a good view of her boobs as the rest if the costume tightened in every way imaginable her face was adorned with makeup as her hair became blonde.

Shocked by the change she tripped with her ass breaking the fall, Deku then turned around seeing her.

"Uraraka your body... Its... Umm" Deku looked over struggling for words not knowing how to address her current look.

She was speechless not wanting him to see her like this but her mind began to race her throughts becoming more sexual her costume morphed with the top splitting becoming a crop top and then further shrinking until it was barely qualifying as a bra.

She smirked as her mind was becoming far less concerned with hero work and far more with sex she then went in for a kiss with Deku, her puffy pink lips meeting his.

As she did her mind returned for a second she jumped back as her outfit and body returned to normal Deku stood there speechless.

"Don't tell anyone" Uraraka said before running back to the stand before the exercise even begun claiming she had quirk trouble.

After a visit with the school nurse the lunch bell rang she headed for the 1C hallway she stood outside the class waiting for the girl from yesterday.

She saw her walk into the restroom which Uraraka quickly followed behind she saw peeked round the door ready to confront her.

"Hey do you remember me we ran into each other yesterday." Uraraka said trying to sound assertive.

The girl turned sheepishly towards Uraraka nodding, "Do you want to have sex with someone in your class" the girl said.

Uraraka not expecting that response stumbled back her mind immediately turned to Deku as it did her change began.

The girl smirked her shy demeanor shifting immediately. "so my quirk did work but your not like me, your changes aren't permanent" the girl pondered.

Uraraka regained her composure transforming back to normal. "So it is your quirk well undo it I can't live like this" Uraraka demanded.

The girl just laughed "Undo it why? I love nothing more then turning wannabe heroes into sex crazes bimbos for what they did to my mother" She said walking over to Uraraka with the pink energy pulsing though her body.

Uraraka went to defend herself realising this was now a real fight she tried her martial arts but they were easily brushed off by the girl.

She grabbed Uraraka by the collar and went in for a kiss. When she did the pink energy transfered into Uraraka as the girls blonde hair shortened becoming black. Her boobs and ass shrank to more normal sizes.

As hers became smaller Uraraka's ballooned her Boobs now bigger then they'd ever been before and her ass quickly following suit. Her hair turning platinum blonde as it grew down just past her boobs.

The girls uniform then became a regular one not showing off her body as Uraraka's had now put emphasis on her new assets.

The girl smiled "your now a perfect bimbo" as Uraraka looked herself up and down appalled by the changes.

"Like what did you do?" Uraraka asked.

"I used my quirk is your mind already so far gone" The girl said mocking Uraraka's new life.

In response Uraraka prepared to use her training and take her down but had forgotten all of it instead knowing sex positions and clothing brands.

The girl watched as Uraraka's eyes went blank as her mind was resetting she pinched Uraraka's ass made quite simple by her lack of leggings and ridiculously short skirt.

This caused a dark tan to expand from the spot and envelope her whole body. After she had been bronzed her mind was blank.

"boobs earth to blondie" The girl said clicking her fingers in front of Uraraka's face.

"Like what?" Uraraka jumped to attention the girl stares at her.

"You gave blowjobs all day classes are over get to the dorm." The girl said as she did memories of Uraraka blowing tons of guys throughout the day came to her.

"Like I what" She pondered it didn't sound like her but she could remember every minute.

"just get going the days over your lucky I'm nice enough to stay." the girl added helping the bimbo up and sending her back to her dorm.

As Uraraka walked in she got excited looks from a lot of guys and some angry ones from the girls of the class. She headed up stairs toward her room before realising she went the wrong way knocking on Deku's door her mouth watered.

"Oh your here I guess we can get on with it" Deku said seemingly unbothered by the ordeal.

"Like what am I doing here" Bimbo Uraraka thought as she was instinctively taking her clothes off.

"The same thing you always do your the high school bimbo after all you've sucked every students dick twice over and most girls hate you" Deku said as Uraraka was undressing.

She went to counter his point but was flooded with memories of hand jobs and blowjobs to help pay her family but then over time loving them. Yeah because nothing felt better then having cum blasted all over her body. Having guys eye her up she loved all of it.

She took money from Deku stashing it in her tits before getting plowed through the night by Deku.

In the morning she cleaned herself off and put her clothes on as she thought about how great her bimbo life was as shd did the pink energy coursed through her.

Will she bimbofie other MHA girls or maybe some other effects who knows.

Uraraka woke up getting out of bed seeing her body she momentarily gained control of her senses and thought about what to do before a her mind turned to Deku. She licked her lips as she felt up her bimbofied body her past mind faded back into her subconscious as she grabbed her uniform.

It seemed now even if she regained her lost intelligence her body was stuck this way, not like she minded. As she put her shirt on tight the top 3 buttons automatically undid themselves and she tied her shirt underneath her tits giving a nice midriff while only having 1 button done. She reached for her leggings but as she put them on they just slid right off. Her skirt also rapidly shorted hiding very little of her ass along with any underwear she wore quickly morphing into a g string with the strings poking through the top of her micro skirt.

She moved her hands up her new body as she was being turned on by her own reflection loving her E cup boobs and the ass to match, her once short brown hair was now platinum blonde and went too her tits, her lips were puffed up and pink as well as the rest of her face having a pink themed selection of make-up, her once peachy skin was a dark caramel colour. She just wanted to start fingering herself right there and then but then she thought of all the dicks she could have inside her and quickly rushed into the halls, she couldn't take her sex crazed mind off of Deku she wanted to no needed him in her again.

At the same time Jiro was walking down the hall, Jiro hated Uraraka from day 1, which to be fair was partly because of Jiro's own insecurities, but she didn't care Uraraka just pissed her off she walked around so blatantly sexual and had nothing else on her mind with her dumb bimbo looks. That stupid thing she wore and dared call a uniform it just pissed her off. Why does being some blonde bimbo get all the boys attention why did no way pay attention to her. As Jiro was having a mental rant and Uraraka was so focused on her next orgasm neither noticed how close they were getting to the other. Then Jiro finally realised but it was to late to turn and BAM Jirou got a face full of Uraraka's tits.

This caught the bimbos attention "Oh like Kyoka I'm like totes sorry my titties totally ate you" Jiro was mortified she'd yell at Uraraka but this was way to embarrassing she released herself from the bimbo's bosom and just wanted to walk away quietly. "I feel like so bad so here" Jiro didn't know what she was on about until she saw Uraraka puff up her lips and going in for a kiss Jiro still recovering from her mistake wasn't ready as the buxom girl gave her a kiss straight to the lips. As she did Jiro felt a strange sensation going through her body making it all tingle, pushing Uraraka away she ran back to her dorm. Uraraka stood there confused "That was like so weird normally kissing people makes them like super horny" the Bimbo didn't think about it for very long and simply headed to the common area.

Jiro was at her dorm bathroom more annoyed then ever "that stupid bimbo she got her damn pink make up all over my lips" she said trying to wash it off, she managed to better it but her lips still maintained a pinker shades. Annoyed but defeated she simply hoped it would vanish with Time as some weird quirk effect. Jiro slowly walked to the common room before realising the time and proceeded to sprint towards the classroom. As she made it there minutes to spare she saw the cause of her tardiness Uraraka being pinned against the wall by Deku as the two made out, normally she'd just walk it off but their was a strange feeling of jealously building up inside her. She just ignored it and walked inside once again writing off in her mind that Uraraka is just a bimbo and no more. As Mr Aizawa taught the class Jiro couldn't focus everything since the kiss felt off she decided after class she'd talk with who she believed to be the cause, the girl a few rows behind her Ochako Uraraka.

As class rapped up Jiro slowly followed behind the Bimbo, who was going off on her own? Jiro was confused but this did seem like a good opportunity to talk to her, she saw her sneak into a store room, Jiro was getting more confused what was she doing, but as she went up to the door she could hear faint noises coming from inside, wait was she? No even if it was mostly sound proof she wouldn't. Jiro thought as an orgasmic moan came from inside the room, Jiro was pisssd, where does she get off, getting off in a public area. She began banging on the door "Ok get out" after that some kid from 2C made his way out of the room and headed off somewhere else.

Then Uraraka still partially dripping with cum walked out "Oh hey Kyoka you're totes lucky he was like super quick, like you want a turn" Jiro was appalled at the idea as she noticed the stacks of money in her cleavage, scoff at the sight Uraraka began pushing her tits together "Like you want some" Jiro threw up in her mouth at the thought as she decided to push Uraraka back into the storage room closing the door behind them as she a turned back around Uraraka had already removed her shirt (which wasn't much of a challenge) and was now topless given her newfound evasion to bras. "Like your way hornier then I thought Kyoka "

"No you've got the wrong idea you stupid whore I wanted to talk not have sex!" the agitated punk rock girl said becoming even more infuriated by the bimbos one track mind. Uraraka stared up at her confused. "Look I don't need any sex I'm not paying you I just need to talk think you can do that?" Jiro stated bluntly hoping to stop the girl before she became even more naked

"But like talkings so boring, can I like at least have my funbags out" Jiro was confused by the statement before realising she meant her tits, a little annoyed by it but she begrudgingly nodded her head. "Like yeah you're totes cool Kyoka, are you sure you don't want to fuck I'll give you a discount" Jiro stared at the girl furious at her for continuing the same pointless sexual endeavour.

Jiro just took a deep breath and started to explain it slowly" Look since you kissed me I've been feeling weird I am more aroused and I even feel jealous seeing you, so what am asking is The hell did you do to me". Jiro said pointing at Uraraka who stood there a little dazed.

"Like I don't know, I just kissed you because that makes people happy maybe your just happy" the dim girl said not really thinking through things.

"no this isn't happyness it's way closer the horniness" Jiro said a little annoyed she described her emotions that way.

"Like so I'm super horny and happy at the same, maybe you're too we could totes be besties" Uraraka said cheering as Jiro grew more annoyed

"Uh why did I think speaking to you would work your just some bimbo" Jiro said before storming out if the room and getting embarrassed at some of the onlookers noticing Uraraka walk out not to long after. She just bottled up her new feelings and tried to avoid Uraraka, she just felt off today yeah taht was it. Then in rescue trained they got paired up Jiro was livid, not to mention Mineta and Kaminari were there to which meant nonstop comments about Uraraka's 'perfect' body. Even Uraraka's costume pissed Jiro off it didn't even help her quirk it was just to show off, her tight black and pink booty shorts and the smallest bra she'd ever seen of the same colour.

To avoid anything perverted Aizawa paired up Jiro and Uraraka, just great she would have preferred the pervert, the two walked to the sight in silence until Uraraka spoke "like are you still horny? " The bimbos candidness was shocking to say the least.

Jiro blushed before getting angry "No and you can shut up about that" She turned away from the blonde who began pouting

"I was like just trying to help your a super meanie, it's not my fault your like flat and stuff" Uraraka said showing some signs of malice

This was Jiro's breaking point she couldn't stay quite anymore "Just because I don't flash by tits every chance I get doesn't mean I..." Jiro lost her train of thought as she looked down and her outfit was tightening, her once long jeans were ripping and becoming shorter, her top had a similar issue as it grew tighter and shrunk. Then her thighs became toned as she watched the body she would always hide, felt so much easier to show off, her waist trimmed down it was a smooth pleasure as her hips grew but she wasn't ready for what would happen next. Her ass boomed out tearing her short shorts as it became larger Jiro moaned she'd never experienced something like this, something so good.

As the expansion stopped she regained some senses as she saw her mega ass which overtook Uraraka's "No what's happening, why is it how did you..." she went to accuse Uraraka but stopped as the pleasure moved to her boobs, her A cups began growing landing on small D cups she saw them peak through her ripped top, as she tried to focus and regain her compusure through the waves of orgasmic pleasure, memories of all the times she jiggled her ass off came flooding to her mind. No no no it was lies all of it she wasn't a whore she was "Ohhhh" a spank to the ass lost her train of thought, she turned to face the culprit it was Uraraka spanking her.

"Like sorry your ass was begging to be spanked I couldn't resist" Uraraka said as she went in for another spank Jiro moved away furious she was going to attack her jumping on Uraraka she began making out, no why was she... Jiro didn't know why but it felt right then she as if on instinct moved 1 earphone Jack down her shorts and the other to Uraraka's. The two broke up the kiss to moan as Jiro's hair shot from its usual black to Platinum Blonde like her bimbo friend.

"Wow look they're going at it again" Kaminari on a slope overlooking the bimbos he slid down as they locked eyes with him.

"Like you can totes jump in if you keep it between us" Uraraka said winking as Mineta ran to the pair Kaminari close behind.

Everything after that was a haze of ecstasy for Jiro she woke up in her dorm as if from a dream. But a quick look at herself revealed it was anything but, she should have panicked she was a bimbo now no serious hero would respect her, but she just giggled loving her new lot in life her intelligence began fading as she once again sent her quirk down to her wet pussy and the sound of moaning echoed through the dorm. Not being as noticeable as it blended with Uraraka's moaning in Deku's dorm.
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