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A story inspired by shonen manga, particularly One Piece, and Fairy Tail. |
The world is made up of three zones. Above is the gods zone, in it dwell the immortal gods. Gods are omnipotent beings that are said to be the creators of all mortals. Below is the devils zone, in it dwell the immortal devils. Devils are devious omnipotent beings that are said to cause all the disasters that befall mortals. And finally in the middle is the mortal zone, in it dwell the mortals. Time moves differently in the zones, in both the gods zone and the devils zone, one day is equal to one year in the mortal zone. Because of this gods and devils tend to travel into the mortal zone, where they are immune to the effects of aging, and thus can't die of old age. A god or devil can't be killed by a mortal only another god or devil. While in the mortal zone gods and devils can start whole religions that are dedicated to them, giving them an extra amount of power. Back in the past gods and devils went to the mortal zone in order to gain more power, but wars began to start, and many mortals were killed. After that the gods and devils agreed on a rule that neither side was allowed to just freely gone between the realms. A ritual was created and became required for any immortal to leave into the mortal zone, and doing so would cause them to lose most of their powers. Those who did go into the mortal realm were considered criminals and not allowed back, but were able to gain back their power if they learned where their powers came from. If one couldn't figure it out, then they would lose all their power and become mortal. It was this that keep most immortals to stay in their own zones, and mess with the mortals in different ways. It is debated about whether the gods gave us are individual appearances to give us uniqueness, or if it was the work of the devils wanting us to judge based on appearance. One thing that is known is that both the gods and devils play with the mortals, granting them powers, or giving them curses just out of boredom. Even though there were risks involved, some gods and devils have traveled to the mortal zone, for one reason or another. Among them was a god by the name of Aphrodite, who about a month ago arrived in the mortal zone. This is the tale of her and the women she meets along the way, and the adventures they go on. It was a sunny day in a small village, kids were running around laughing and playing, while the adults talked, and performed their daily activities. One young girl went running out to a field and began to search for flowers to pick. She smiled when she found a pink one, her favorite color, and picked the flower. Excited, she turned around and started to run back to show her mother, but stopped when she heard a scream. She stood staring in horror as her village was burning before her eyes, tears began to form in her eyes, as the fear took over her. From behind her, she heard a ruff voice. "Well, what have we got here?" She turned around and was looking at a tall, rough, ugly looking man with a short sword in his hand. He smiled when he said. "Looks like you got no home to go back to, eh girly?" The girl screamed and ran away as fast as she could. "Were you running girly?" the man said as he took off after her his sword raised. Being faster than the girl the man caught up to her in no time, and prepared to strike. The girl closed her eyes as she waited for the blade to cut her, but instead of that she heard the man yell in pain. She opened her eyes and saw the man lying on the ground, a bloody gash on his chest. Standing in front of her was a tall woman of Asian descent, her long black hair tied up in a ponytail. She wore white stripes of cloth wrapped around her chest, arms, crotch, and legs. She held a katana in her hand, the mans fresh blood still dripping off it. The woman kneeled down to the girl's level and said in a calm voice, "You are safe now, stay by me and I will keep you safe." With tears in her eyes the little girl asks "My village, it's... it's on fire. My mom and dad are there." The little girl started to cry. "Do not worry, little one, your village is being taken care off as we speak." The woman said. "My name is Katana, what is yours?" "Wendy" the little girl said. "Well Wendy, my companions are taking care of your village. So there is no need for you to cry now." Katana said as she wiped away Wendy's tears. Meanwhile, in the village, the raging fire has started to calm down as a brown skinned woman with short red hair, stood in the middle of the village, her arms out in front of her. The woman's name was Ember, and she wore a white t-shirt, and black leather jacket, jeans, boots, and fingerless gloves. Her nails were painted red, and she wore red eye shadow. The fire from the village flew into her hands and disappeared, until all the fire in the village has been put out. As Ember was removing the fire, a man approached from behind her, sword raised ready to strike. Before the man could strike, he was tangled up in vines, that sprouted from the ground. Ember turned around and aimed her right hand at the man, instantly the man and the vines were engulfed in flames. The man now charred black, fell forward to the ground, smoke rising from his body, the vines burned and turned to ash blowing in the wind. "Really? Just had to burn my vines, hothead?" Behind the burnt man stood a pale skinned woman with long brown hair. The woman's name was Rose and she wore a yellow dress, and brown boots, on her right hand was a tattoo of a rose. "Next time I'll just let them kill you." "I didn't need your help, shorty" Ember said. "Don't call me short, matchstick!" Rose said, as she walked up to the other woman, her head coming up to the other woman's chest. "How about shrimp?" Ember replied. The two began shouting insults at each other, Ember's hair burst into flames, as a man with a sword ran up to them, sword raised, ready to strike, shouting. "Maybe instead of arguing with each other, you should pay attention!" "Stay out of this!" The two women yelled, as the man was hit by multiple vines, and a ball of flames. The man fell to the ground as the two women went back to arguing with each other. Soon the two women were surrounded by ten guys each holding swords. "Let's fight later, looks like we have party crashers." Rose said. "Who ever beats the most wins?" Ember asked. As the two women started to attack the men, a pink haired, pale skinned woman, wearing pink pajamas with red heart shapes on them, appeared out of a spiral portal, into the village. Her name was Aphrodite, who let out a yawn, as a man with his hair on fire ran behind her screaming. The man, still screaming, turned and started to run in front of her, he ran a circle around her. The man did this two more times, before Aphrodite stuck out her leg and triped him, causing him to land face first onto the ground, the fire on his head went out. "And that makes five, looks like I win." Ember proclaimed. "Do the math oven top, there were ten of them, if you beat five then that means I also beat five, so we're tied." Rose said. "What'd I miss?" Aphrodite asked, looking at the two women, the bodies of unconscious men half burned, half tangled in vines, lay around them. Hearing her voice the two women stopped fighting and turned their heads to Aphrodite, took off running toward her, and both shouted "Dite!" The two women wrapped their arms around Aphrodite, and Ember exclaimed. "Your awake!" "Yes I am, now can tell me what's going on, Ember?" Aphrodite asked. The two women let go of Aphrodite, and Ember, said. "This village was attacked by bandits, so we stopped to help them." Aphrodite looked around and saw many of the buildings had been burnt. Around them the villagers had gathered and looked at them in awe, some sporting burns, others with bleeding wounds. Aphrodite turned to Rose and asked her. "Rose, can you tie these guys up, and then help the injured villagers?" "Of course." Rose said. As Rose went to do what she was asked, Aphrodite heard a young girl's voice shout "Mommy, Daddy!" "Wendy!" A woman shouted as a young girl came running toward her. The woman knelt down and the girl ran into her arms, a man knelt next to the woman, and the three of them hugged, and started to cry. "I was so worried, what happened, where were you?" "I went to find you a flower mommy, then this man came after me, but then a tall lady with a sword, saved me." As the girl said this, a woman's voice called out. "My love, you are awake!" Aphrodite looked to her left, as Katana ran up to her and hugged her. "Katana, you're crushing me!" "I'm sorry my love." Katana said, bowing. Rose brought over the last of the men, vines wrapped around his torso, his arms behind his back, and forced him to sit next to ten other bound men, half of them burned. Rose said. "Here they are, I'm gonna go get started on healing up the injured." "Thank you." Aphrodite said. Smiling Rose turned to face the villagers and said "Anyone who is in need of medical attention follow me." Rose walked through the crowd, a group of burned and bleeding villagers following her. As Rose walked away, Wendy and her parents walked up to Katana, the father said. "Thank you for saving our daughter, if there is anything we can do for you please don't hesitate to ask." "It is no big deal, I was happy to do it." Katana said smiling. "Please let us do something to repay you." The father insisted. "I'm hungry, do you have any food?" Aphrodite asked. "Yes, the food storage luckily was spared from the fire, as thanks for saving the village and my daughter, we will throw you all a feast." Wendy's father said. "Yay, feast!" Aphrodite yelled. A cough from one of the bandits caused Dite to look back at them. "What are you looking at bitch!" One of them asked Aphrodite. The bandit quickly went quiet when a sword was pointed at his throat, Katana calmly said. "Shall I execute them for you, my love." "No, it's ok" Aphrodite said, Katana removed her sword from the bandit's throat. "But what should I do with them?" "I got an idea." The bandit said. "Let us go and we'll give you girls the time of your lives." "Yeah, no." Aphrodite said cocking her head smiling. "How about you red?" The Bandit asked Ember. "Wanna come back with us, I promise it will be fun." "Ew, no way creep." Ember said. All of a sudden Aphrodite's happy attitude was replaced with rage as she stared at the tied up bandits. Instantly they all turned into frogs, and began hopping away in different directions. Aphrodite turned to Wendy's father, smiling and asked. "When's the feast?" Later that night, the entire village was gathered outside around a fire, the villagers ate, laughed, danced, and drank. Aphrodite sat on the ground with plates full of food, stuffing her face as Katana, Ember, and Rose sat by her and ate their own smaller portions. Wendy and her parents sat across from them, Wendy's father asked them, "So, what brought you to our village in the first place?" "We were just passing by" Katana said. "We are looking for something." "What?" Wendy's mother asked. "We don't know." Rose replied. "You don't know?" Wendy's father asked. "I don't remember." Aphrodite said. "You don't remember?" Wendy's mother asked. "Nope, when I came to the mortal zone I forgot what it was." Aphrodite said. "Mortal zone, who are you?" Wendy's father asked. "My names Aphrodite, and I'm a god." Aphrodite said with a smile on her face. "A god!" Wendy's parents exclaimed. In the morning it was time for the girls to leave the village, they said their goodbyes to Wendy and her parents and went to look for whatever it is Aphrodite is looking for, what adventures await them only time and this story will tell. Chapter notes: I originally posted this story here: https://www.fictionpress.com/s/3352240/1/Aphrodite-s-Harem. But I have decided to post it on other sites to try and get more feedback. I will continue to post chapters here, but if this story interested you and you would like to read more please check out the link above. Thank you for taking the time to read this. I welcome feedback, so please feel free to tell me what you think. |