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Rated: 13+ · Fiction · Action/Adventure · #2251468
A Giantess Story About Mighty Magiswords!. Giantess: Vambre, Morbedia
-At The Warriors For Hire HQ!-

The morning arrises to the sounds of birds chirping, of the Dolphin Magisword chirping, and of Prohyas weirdly chirping as well. As the younger brother jumped out of bed, he was excited for another day of adventuring and of saving the land. The Warriors for Hire have been what would best be described as a roll this past month. Every job they got, they nailed! Prohyas didn’t even get injured on half of them, and they got actual money, which made it better!

It’s been an endless week of kicking monster butts, breaking through dungeons and awesome moves, and he was excited to continue.

The excited younger brother leaping his way into the main room of the home. “Oh Vambre!” he sang out. “Are you ready for another action pack day! What will it be? Facing the Skeleton King at the top of Bone Mountain! Or maybe we will tackle the newly discovered Death Dungeon! With a big flavouring of Death! Or maybe we can venture forth! And get ourselves... a Taco! I’m excited! Give me a roar if you are excited Sis!”

“Uhhhhh,” Was all he got from his sister. Confused of course.

“Not quite what I expected, Sis? Sis?” He then went over to her room. Seeing his sister in bed, not moving. “Sis?”


“Yeah you said that.”

Vambre Warrior. Prohyas’s older sister and fellow adventurer. She was his partner, and she was bed ridden.

“Come on sis, we got stuff to do!” Prohyas whined. Pulling the blanket up, showing his sister in her classic blue nightgown. Which just stopped at her hips, showing her legs cause of course it did. “You don’t look sick!”

“No but I feel it.” Vambre said back, gripping her stomach. “I’m not sure, but it feels like my stomach is burning inside. I-I can’t move, I can’t do anything.”

“What, but we got adventure!” He whined, getting sadder.

“You are just gonna have to do it without me dear brother. Hopefully this will pass.” Vambre said.

Prohyas, although wanting to go out, only wanted to do it with his sister. Looking at her for a little bit, he got an idea.

“Vambre, don’t worry. I know just who can help you!”

-One Witchy Simone Later!-

“I have no idea what to do.” Witchy Simone said, now by the bedside. Prohyas wanted her there. “I’m not a doctor!”

“No, but you are a witch. Just go ahead, throw a cure potion on her and we are done!” Prohyas said with a smile.

“That won’t work, I have to know what i’m looking at. Plus i’m no Doc!” Witchy Simone said. “You got me here by saying there was an EMERGENCY!”

“Come on, a friend in help is an emergency.” Prohyas said.

“I’m going back to Slugburger.” She said ready to go back to work.

“Yeah, I guess you can’t do it anyway... squirt.” Prohyas said with a smirk.

“What did you say, oh Vambre! Get ready to get cured!” Simone said now determined. She hated being doubted, and she hated being called ‘Squirt’.

Now with Simone on board, she looked over Vambre. “But still, I don’t know what’s going on in ya? So I don’t know how to fix it.”

“A-are we gonna have to rib Vambre open?!” Prohyas wondered, of course concerned.

“I won’t let you two even get close.” Vambre said in bed gripping her stomach. “It will go away in a couple of days, so you two please just leave it be!”

“I got it!” Simone said. “We can shrink!”

“It’s like i’m talking to children.” Vambre said defeated. “Why would shrinking help you two?”

“Vambre, we can shrink down. Climb into your mouth, and then we can figure out what’s wrong. Up close and in your stomach, I can fix it!”

“That sounds like a terrible idea that could very easily backfire.” The responsible Vambre said.

“I like it, let’s do it!” Prohyas said with a large smile. “Make it up Squirt!”

“Don’t call me Squirt!”


Thankfully it would seem it was made in not time. A large smile on her face she handed one of the potions to Prohyas and one of the potions to herself.

She had a bunch of mixture vials strapped to her belt, so Simone was ready. While Prohyas had his bag of Magiswords to rely on.

“I am not a fan of this.” Vambre said gripping her stomach as it hurt more. “But if you two can do something about this, go ahead.” She was defeated.

“Don’t worry Sis! We will be back adventuring in the hour!” Prohyas smiled. Turning to Simone who was also on the bed, “Bottoms up!”

The two on the bed drank the formula, as it went through their own bodies. Within seconds, Vambre watched as they both shrunk down.

Shrinking down more and...

“You should of done one that did your clothes too...” Vambre said, as the clothes got oversized in second. And in the next few seconds, they were buried in the clothes. Vambre watched as a naked Prohyas came out. Naked as the day he was born, and more silver hair then his sister expected. Also the naked body of Witchy Simone who was less glad. Vambre knew her body was fit, but Witchy Simone wasn’t bad either.

“C-Come on!” She shouted. “I’m staying here! Get me some clothes! Do something!”

And well, she did just that. Vambre grabbing some tissues and giving it to the two, as they put on makeshift clothes.

“This size I can only carry one Magisword! Hmm... I guess Boat Magisword seems smart.” Prohyas said grabbing the Magisword to summon!... B-boats. As for Simone, she had to get smaller amounts of formula.

Vambre looked over the two, thinking they were a bit cute. Wearing tissues to cover up their privates. “Okay... I guess... I will eat you now.”

Vambre felt uncomfortable, but did what she had to. Sitting up right, she went ahead and reached for Simone first. Grabbing the back of Tissue Toga.

She lifted the now tiny Simone up to her face. She would have to be only a couple of inches tall.

“O-Okay... i’ll eat you now.” Vambre said concerned.

“Make sure not to chew, and lay down so we can walk out!” Simone said as Vambre listened to her friend. Opening her mouth wide, the blue haired woman brought the witch closer and closer. Until Simone was hovering right over the mouth. The teeth on either side, the dancing tongue inside.

And like that, Vambre opened her fingers, and dropped the tiny witch in. She dropped the tiny witch in, as Simone started to go downwards. Vambre closed her lips as she felt Simone go down her throat. Down her gullet and into her stomach. She was of course panicked at first, but knew how capable her friend was.

“I-I just ate my best friend, and now... my brother.” She said looking over to Prohyas. She moved and pinched her brother’s sides, lifting him up.

Prohyas got brought ahead as Vambre chuckled.

“Never would I have thought that I would eat my brother.”

And like that, she opened her mouth. She opened her mouth as wide as she could, and lowered him down inside. She didn’t drop him into her mouth like she did with Simone. Instead, he got placed on his sisters tongue.

Placed inside, as she then closed her lips and tasted her brother!

You can’t blame a woman for being interested, so she tasted her brother. Wiping her tongue over him, pushing him around to her cheeks, and just sucking on him.

“V-Vambre!” He shouted to her.

“Couldn’t resist Prohyas, just a little more.” She suched on him a little more, and more until finally she felt finished. “Okay, here it goes.”

Eyes close and trying to stop worrying about her little brother, she swallowed her brother. Prohyas went down her throat, going down her gullet just like Simone did.

He goes down and down, as he was a bit of a lump in her throat.

But Prohyas went where all food went, in the stomach. Landing in her sisters stomach, he landed down with a splash. Swimming upwards, he could feel the burning sensation over his body.

“So this is what food goes through?” He wondered.

“Prohyas!” A voice shouted, as he looked around inside of the body, and finally spotted her. Simone gripping the inside of the red mushy wall of his sister. “Make a stupid boat!”

“Oh, right!” Using his boat Magisword, he made a little canoe for him to stand in. Paddling over to his friend, Simone thankfully got in.

“In Vambre! Wow... it’s kinda cool!” Prohyas said with a smile.

“I don’t like it. Which means gotta get this fast.” Simone said getting ready, looking to the acid. “Is it suppose to be this bubbly?”

“Is it suppose to be red?” Prohyas wondered back to her.

“And... are they suppose to be here?” Simone said hitting Prohyas in the chest and pointing.

Prohyas looked where his friend was pointing, seeing two people he really didn’t expect to see here. In his sister’s insides.

It was a naked white witch, with black hair and red highlights. As well as a naked furry cat, slightly taller than her. Pouring black liquid and laughing.

“Gateaux? Morbedia?” He wondered as they stopped pouring looking at him. “W-What are you two doing inside of Vambre!”

The two were too much into their evil to notice them at first, but now that they did. They stopped. They were both on a half eaten apple which itself was getting burned. But it was their only platform.

“What’s it to you!” Morbedia said. “Just sightseeing.”

“Sightseeing.” Gateaux said simply, as he has a habit of copying his teammate.

“Sightseeing, well it is pretty cool in here.”

“Don’t you get it you mook!” Simone said. “They are the one poisoning Vambre!”

“Gasp, is that true!?” Shouted Prohyas, shocked!... for some reason.

“Fine, now that is has been REVEALED! Our BRILLIANT plan to get rid of your teammate FOREVER!” Mordebia said, doing her habit of emphesizing certain words.

“Forever?” Simone questioned.

“This is a never ending CORRUPTION potion. Conjured by only a true witch, if not dealt with... it will NEVER go away!” She shouted, as Morbedia laughed.

“Never!” Her feline teamate said.

“So we shrunk ourselves down to POISON Vambre. It doesn’t shrink clothes though.” Morbedia said to the warrior.

“But why!” Prohyas shouted across the stomach. “What did we do to you!?

“You took our Business!” Morbedia shouted back.

“Our business.” Gateaux said back.

“No one wants to go to Witch-Way, when stupid Warriors for Hire are around. But guess what, you aren’t. Hahahahahaha!” She evil laughed, cause it was just something that she did.

Prohyas, hearing this got serious. “Witchy Simone, are you with me with kicking their butt!” Prohyas said.

“No mooks are gonna hurt my friend!” Simone said on the same side of Prohyas.

“Ha! Just try it, Witch-Way will send you packing!” Morbedia said.

“Packing, like luggage!” Gateaux said as the stage was set, for a giant... EPIC battle inside of Vambre’s stomach. Vambre, very unaware of what was happening, and just laying in her bed.

The two sides stare at each other, until Prohyas jumped into sight. Jumping over and creating a paddleboat in the middle.

“Charge!” He shouted as the boat started to drive forward, going fast into the apple and hitting it. Causing the apple to sink!

Morbedia quickly jumped off and got onto the boat, facing opposite of Prohyas, while Gateaux.

“W-What are you doing!” Morbedia shouted annoyed. “Come down here and fight!”

“You know I don’t work well with water!” Gateaux said, hugging the side of the red stomach, not wanting to touch it.

“Come down here kitty!” Simone said tossing a small vial of EXPLOSION!

For Vambre she was hoping this annoying feeling would go away. When suddenly, she felt a bang in her stomach. “OW!” And then opening her mouth, smoke coming from her lips. “W-What are you two doing in there!” She shouted annoyed.

As for inside, the bomb hit Gateaux, as he coughed smoke as well.

On the boat, Morbedia was dealing with Prohyas. She went ahead and kept casting spells to Prohyas. The warrior though, kept dodging them, as none of them were hitting him. Stopping at the red wall around them.

“Will! You! Just! Get! Hit!” She shouted annoyed.

“Sorry, but I got different plans. Summon Kayak!” Morbedia looked above her, as a Kayak fell onto her and the Paddleboat.

“Seriously! I won’t be defeated by warriors, or some boat!” She said, casting destruction spells to Prohyas.

Vambre gripped her stomach. “What are you two doing, it’s feeling worse!” She rolled around in her bed, which disoriented the entire battlefield!

The stomach acid shaking as well as the boats.

“Take this kitty!” Simone said again tossing another explosion.

Gateaux kind of seeing what was happening tilted his tail and caught the vial, before tossing it on the boat, behind Prohyas!

“No!” Simone said as the explosion happened. The paddleboat mostly destroyed, just a platform at this point. Prohyas stood up, dazed and barely paying attention.

“Time to use this new spell of mine! Hahahahaha!” Shouted Morbedia, just as evil as she could be. She brought her hands back, and casted a spell. This time hitting Prohyas dead on.

He didn’t realise what happened, but he was naked again. No longer able to hold his massive Magisword.

“L-Let’s go! You are going down!”

“I think YOU’LL find you are already DOWN!” Prohyas didn’t know what to make of that, until a giant white foot slammed down in front of him, scaring the crap out of him.

Looking up, he could see the naked body of the witch Morbedia! Towering over him, as he was shrunken down even more inside of his sister! Now what he was to Vambre, he now is to Morbedia! Meaning he was a flea to Vambre!

Magisword too big to hold, boat to big to drive, and Morbedia too big to face!

“How PERFECT is this!” Morbedia laughed to him. “I get to poison one warrior, and I get to STEP on the other one!” She gave out an evil laugh, seeing Prohyas flee. She raised her foot and hovered it over him. A shadow over Prohyas as he saw just how much space Morbedia’s foot covered!

“Nice try! Bye Bye Warrior Bug!” She flexed her toes, excitedly bringing her foot down. Her sole coming down to Prohyas and trying to end his life.

If only Simone hadn’t jumped in, maybe. Simone got into the canoe, paddled over and tackled Morbedia!Holding her down and not letting her move.

“Simone! Thank you!” he said to the giantess holding down Morbedia!

“Thank me later! You need to run squirt!” Simone said to him.

“H-Hey, you are the squirt here! I’m no-”

“Run you idiot!” Simone said as Prohyas listened. He ran away from the giantess witch tussle and with nowhere else to go, he jumped down.

Jumping down into the acid, he swam his way down. Trying to get away. He could see through the acid, and saw an exit point. He was nothing but a problem if he stayed, he needed to get away! Simone can handle those two!

As for Simone, she tried her best to keep Morbedia down, but eventually she got kicked back as Morbedia got up.

She saw Prohyas run away from her, and she wanted him dead. Standing tall, just in time for Gateaux to jump on this platform with her.

“You handle the fake witch Gateaux! I’m gonna get rid of that little Warrior!” She barked orders. Simone watched, as Morbedia dived her way into the acid. Chasing after Prohyas no doubt.

“No!” She shouted, ready to stop her when all of a sudden, a spell got cast at her, and she just narrowly dodged it.

“I’m your opponent now. Hum-Muh!” The cat said. “You are facing the great Gateaux! Be prepared!” The cat was ready, as Simone rolled her eyes.

“You are gonna pay for messing with my friends Kitty!” She grabbed some more potions. Both Wizard and Witch facing each other, ready to give each other hell.

As for Prohyas, he crawled into... something. Plenty of space for him to be in, and thankfully there was air. He rested inside, smelling a bad sight but walking forward.

“I wonder what i’m in?” He said looking around, just not knowing. He wasn’t sure what he was in, and he wasn’t sure what was chasing.

Suddenly, the area behind him opened up, as a body started to crawl in. He didn’t have any time to react, as a pair of giant tits crawled it’s way in, pushing down onto him. He gets flattened by cleavage as Morbedia was inside as well. Well, half her body. Her arms tucked to her sides.

“The intestines, DISGUSTING!” She shouted before looking around. “I know he came this way!” Suddenly she felt scrambling under her boobs. Turning her head down, she smiled. “Hah! I’ve DEFEATED you, with nothing but my tits! Hahahaha!” Morbedia laughed, but Prohyas did manage to free himself. Taking steps back and looking up to the giantess.

“You can’t escape me! I’ll get you, maybe i’ll even eat you!” Morbedia taunted.

“Hah! Nice try, but your arms are tied. As long as I stay here, you can’t get me. You are too big!” Prohyas shouted confident.

Morbedia frowned at him, and started to struggle her arms free. Couldn’t. However as she wiggled, her body went forward. A smirk on her face, as Prohyas saw the danger.

“Yeah, i’m gonna leave. Good luck!” He shouted running from the giantess, deeper into her intestines. As for Morbedia she laughed. “Run, cause i’m gonna get you!” And Morbedia wiggled her way deeper into the intestines as well, a chase through Vambre.


As for up above, it was just a tossing of spells and potions. The two were playing a game of dodge, and the question was who was gonna get hit first.

The problem though, was Simone doesn’t have the same amunation that Gateaux has. She calmed herself down, as she thought of another plan. She twisted her heel and ran as fast as she could. She ran as fast as she could and leaped off of the boat. Swimming in the acid. Sure it was a burning sensation, but it seemed to not hurt her that much.

Gateaux saw this, and while was confused at first, he smirked. “Running away are we!” he shouted in a taunt. Going to the edge of the destroyed paddleboat, and just tossing in spells to Simone. Simone still managed to avoid getting hit, but after a while she gets to the end.

Climbing up the red mushy stomach of Vambre she turned around.

“Hah, back against the wall with nowhere to go! What will you do!” The cat taunted. Suddenly, he saw that The acid burnt through Simone’s clothes, leaving her pretty much bare. Her breasts out, as it was a good distraction.

“You really should pay more attention Kitty! I’m not a nerd who casts spells like you two, no... I make brews.” She pulled one out, and tossed it not at Gateaux, but into the acid. “And you are about to go for a ride.”

“A-A what?”


Out above, Vambre laid in her bed, until she coughed. And coughed some more, and more. Hacking saliva out of her mouth as she held her chest. A bad cough in her as she leaned over. Leaning over and coughing down onto the ground. She wasn’t sure where this was coming from, but even worse she felt something coming up. She coughed, more and more until she spat it out. Right onto the ground, covered in her saliva and landing hard onto the ground.

“H-Hairball?” She questioned, getting a faint look. Only to go back to coughing.


“And with him done, now to help Vambre!” Simone said with a smile. “I can fix this, what to do... how to fix it? Oh time to put on your brain Simone!”


With Witchy Simone finished with her fight, and her enemy spat out, we need to focus on Prohyas and Vambre. Who both went down the intestines of Vambre. However, they both ended up in different locations. Starting with Prohyas, he found himself walking amoung her skin. The whole place looked unfamiliar to him, and he had no idea where he was in his sister. He was kind of glad about the fact that Morbedia didn’t seem behind him. With the witch a giantess to him, he thought he was going to get stepped on.

“I’m gonna have to buy Simone a burger or something for that save?” He said, when suddenly he stepped on something. Raising his foot with a confused look, he sighed.

“Ewww, I stepped in Goo! Where am I?!”

As for Morbedia, she was convinced that she was on the right track. Wiggling her way and trying her hardest to get to Prohyas. The more she crawled though, the more tight it got around her. She was in some kind of white walls, feeling warm and looking fleshy.

“Oh little Warrior! COME out to play!” She taunted, as she started to wiggle and crawl her way further, trying her hardest to find Prohyas.

As for Vambre, she finally felt something different. Morbedia. Morbedia was up her ass, much to her unawareness.

And Vambre felt her. At first, laying in her bed she tried her hardest to ignore the feeling of something squirming in her ass, she couldn’t.

It felt just too good for Vambre. Biting her lip, as she couldn’t help herself. No matter how much she tried, she was just too turned on for the moment.

“I-I know you are inside of me, but I can’t help it!” She shouted as she laid onto her stomach. Flipping herself around and creating hell for Simone who was being swished around within the stomach.

Vambre bit her lip as she moved her fingers around and reached into her ass. She went ahead and reached into her ass, pushing her fingers inside of her ass hole.

Vambre pushed her fingers more and more, before she smiled wide.

Inside Morbedia just kept wiggling her way forward, feeling the walls around her getting more and more loose. She was about to get to the end, until she hit something. Bonking her head forward into it.

“W-What?” She wondered as it looked like... a finger? She was just confused about it. Suddenly the finger came and gripped her. “H-Hey!”

In a frenzy panic, she got shoved and gripped by the fingers. Vambre feeing whatever was squirming in her ass in her grip. It was squirming it’s way around, but she didn’t care. The largest smile on her face, as she started to wiggle it around her ass. Feeling it push against her ass, getting grinded from within her ass and even more.

“Oh! Oh Yes!” She said, the biggest smile on her face as this was happening. She kept giving orgasmic moans, just feeling Morbedia. She laid onto her stomach, fingers in her ass hole and a big smile on her face. They were in her body, they probably don’t even know what she’s doing. That was the excuse that she was having.

Morbedia screamed from within the ass, getting used. She was a smart witch, so she was able to piece together that her worst enemy was using her as nothing but a butt toy. She tried her hardest to get away. Even willing to crawl into the ass even more. There was nothing she could do though. As she was subjected to be thrown around within her ass.

While Morbedia was being used in the ass, Vambre couldn’t control herself in the front. Feeling herself get more and more wet and... she gave into her womanly urges. Moving her free hand forward and pushing fingers into her pussy.

For Prohyas, who was wondering why the place around him was getting more and more gooey, he saw light. Opening at the edge of the cave as he smiled.

“Finally, a way out!” He shouted ready to run. Didn’t matter, cause as he took tiny steps, giant fingers came their way in. Prohyas didn’t know what they were first, he throught they were serpants. Well regardless, they came in. And Vambre’s index finger pushed down onto her brother.

She went ahead, and started to ravage herself. Feeling her pussy up and unawarly giving her brother one hell of a ride.

So that was how it was, a warrior in her pussy and a witch in her ass. She didn’t even know the hell she was putting the tiny ones in.

She squirmed, and yelped even more in her bed. This just kept happening more and more, as she was starting to get turned on.

She was rocking the bed, the people inside of her given hell. Prohyas was being pushed and pressed around her clit juices, Morbedia being used like nothing but a butt dildo and Witchy Simone, who was feeling every action that was being taken from inside.

BUT, as the true M.V.P of the situation, she got the mixture right, and poured it inside of Vambre’s stomach.

Vambre felt the effect take into power almost instantly. She wore a large smile on her face, as she relaxed herself and felt herself better. She loved it as it was happening, and with the pleasure she was getting from the front and the back, it was more than she could take.

She sped up her process, going fast up her front and fast up her back. This went so fast, going faster and faster until she ended herself.

The little kitty that was on the floor next to the bed could only watch as the Warrior used his teammate. Sure Morbedia deserved this, but he didn’t like seeing it.

Vambre got herself faster. Her speed moving more and more until she busted.

She busted herself, her juices flowing and going out of her pussy as she held her hand inside.

Her motion up the ass stopping with her butt dildo, but still she did not move her hand.

Her whole body coming to an end.

As for Prohyas who was in the worst situation, he was thrown around his sister’s pussy until the tidal wave of womanly juice came. It came and went over him, almost knocking him out, but in return pressing him into the finger that used him, sticking him on as he could not get off.

Vambre laid her way there for a while, a real long while as she moved her hand around.

“I feel much better! Thank you, you two.” She said between breaths. “Now to figure out what was in my ass?”

With her fingers still on the poor evil witch. Vambre dragged her through the rest of her ass. Morbedia being forced to get pushed and rubbed against it as she gets pulled out.

Vambre pulled the witch against her ass, and finally out of her ass. Rubbing her against the ass cheek, just for a last second pleasure. Whatever was in her ass seems to have lost the fight?

Vambre twisted herself around to lay on her back, pulling the hand that was in her pussy on the bed.

She raised it up to her eyes, before realising.

“Morbedia?” Vambre questioned, as her eyes then went wide. As wide as it could. “Morbedia! It is you! W-What were you doing in my rear and... oh my god, I just used my worst enemy as my sex toy.” She moved her hand and held Morbedia with both fingers.

The witch was truly out of it, and she looked like she was on the verge of unconciousness. As Vambre held her with two hands, she just looked down. A naked Morbedia was in her ass.

Like she needed to double check, she raised her other hand and poked Morbedia’s chest. Pressing against her nipple as Morbedia squirmed. She pulled the finger back and saw that Morbedia’s breast was covered with the hand she just ravanged herself with.

And she could spot... something on it.

“Huh?” Vambre said, bringing her eye closer and spotting... silver?

She leaned her way closer, and to her surprise it was her little brother. “Prohyas! W-What are you doing, why are you so much smaller!” She just kept looking her way to her brother on the tit, just stunned.

Her eyes wide, looking down. “What were you doing on my finger... w-what were you doing, in my private area!” Vambre pieced together what was happening, she used her brother when he was in there. She didn’t feel him because he was so small, but it was enough to make the elegant warrior blush.

And suddenly, she felt something. Something coming out of her throat. She just held herself there, feeling it come up more and more, until it stepped onto her tongue, and opened her lips.

Two pink hands came out, until a near naked Simone came out of her mouth. Vambre tasting the boobs of her friend.

“Simone!” She said reaching for her friend and lifting her up. Simone dangling as she gets held in front of Vambre’s face.

“I did it! Fixed it and... oh those two.” She saw Morbedia passed out, and little Prohyas on the boob. “Guess it all worked out in the end.”

“Witchy Simone! I will need to know what happened inside of me, now!”

“Will do Vambre!” Simone said back. “But first uh... I probably should of made a growth potion... right?”

At this, Vambre was even more confused than to begin with!
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