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Rated: E · Fiction · Mystery · #2251365
The Writer's Cramp Winner! 5/30/21 W/C 316

Pick up Some Grapes

He didn’t suspect a thing. He was so gullible. I could be gone for days.

“I need to go to the store, Harry.”

“Okay. Pick up some grapes, will you? We’re almost out.”

“I may be awhile.”

“No worries.”

He went back to that computer game. Once he starts that, I could be Marilyn Monroe in the buff and he still wouldn’t notice me gone.

So I caught the 6 PM to Billings. Andrew met me at the station. I spied him slouching against the northernmost light pole, as arranged.

“You’re late.” Andrew spit on the ground, growled at me.

“Trouble at the county line. I was delayed.”

“Did you bring it?”

“Of course. As you requested.” Rummaging in my satchel, I found the requested material.

“Well, hand it over.” His hand was out.

“First the money.”

An envelope passed between us. I gave the insides a cursory glance, seemed alright. The paper went to the outstretched hand.

“I have to say, Andrew, there seems to be a lot of hullabaloo for this.”

“Hullabaloo? Huh. You sound like a rotten kid. This is not Nancy Drew. This is the real deal. I’ll be in touch.”

Andrew slinked away, soon lost in the shadows of the station. My train left in a few minutes so I hurried to the track.

The trip back home proved uneventful, a blessing since the large amount of cash gave me cause to worry. I made sure to go to the store for grapes before going back to Harry.

I walked into the house. He was still on the computer.

“I’m home!” I yelled.

“Did you get the grapes?” Harry questioned from his office.

“You bet. Sorry I took so long. There was a line at the store.”

Harry came into the kitchen, gave me a kiss.

“I didn’t even notice the time. Thanks for the grapes.”

He didn't suspect a thing.

© Copyright 2021 QueenNormaJean now the melt (normajeantrent at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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