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by JJL
Rated: 13+ · Fiction · Action/Adventure · #2250075
Chapter 1 of Lilly of the Valley
*WARNING: Distressing situation concerning abuse. Hinted, but not described.*
Chapter 1: Escape


Years of being hidden away from the village in my family's castle were suddenly ended without my say.

Raiders from Rin kicked in my doors and destroyed the lower rooms before I could hear them coming up the stairs to my room. I stuffed my hunting bag with a change of undergarments and this book, at the time solely holding my mother's story, before hiding in the servant hall behind the wall tapestry.

The lone servant I had died when I was 16. She did not leave me without training in the ways of my people, and warning of those in Rin, which is why I knew what to prepare. In my folly, however, I'd forgotten my bow and was already headed for the only exit I had left.

My parents, before their deaths, left me.... signs of their life, is what I will say. This book in your hands once belonged to my mother, but my father's book was lost to me in the wars.

When Stephanie, my servant, and my friend ran out of money to care for me, we sold the trinkets that befit my position and lived here without them. They were "added pleasures" she always said. Soon, I understood what she meant and I hated her for it. Selling the distinction of our heritage? My birthright and position?

Regardless of this monstrosity of betrayal, Stephanie advised me to remain hidden until time to reveal myself and I believed her. Then she died and left me more alone than I already felt. So, I planned to introduce myself as Lilliana only when needed.

Unfortunately, even keeping this pretense was not enough. I was very stupid, but very blessed.

When I attempted to sneak by the men still raiding the kitchen for food, they caught me and discussed selling me as a working boy.

Stephanie would have told me to be silent.

I was not.

"Excuse me, just because I have short hair, it does not mean that I am a boy!"

The men were shocked, but the one who caught me said, "No? Well, your small boobs are enough to make a man question."

I was embarrassed, so naturally, I spoke again.

"You Rinnites from Rin may expect a woman to be one way, but where I am from a woman doesn't have to flaunt her body to be one."

"Oh?" the leader asked, standing from his place near the campfire. "And, where, pray-tell, are you from... my lady?" The rebel man with slaver jewelry in his ear bowed before me. A couple of his tattooed friends chuckled but the joke was lost on me.

"My name is Bazyli, Stephanie, Ethan, Leorrin, Gratia Lilliana. I am not even from your nation, and an attack on me is the very same as an attack upon my nation. You are to release me at once and return my things for my King to find me."

"Such a long name for such a... wispy, thin and otherwise unimpressive form." the man replied with a laugh.

"U-unimpressive? Did you not hear what I said?" I choked back in disbelief.

"Call your King, he will answer to us." The leader replied, waving me off.

My name, like yours dear child, shows my heritage as a citizen of Leorrin.

Bazyli is our king, I pledged my fealty to him through Stephanie. My betrothed was Ethan, the crown prince. Many adults do not have this distinction, another given name, until there is a betrothed. I am, however, my mother's daughter, and was promised through the request of the King. Leorrin, like yours, is my home, the nation to which we belong no matter where we are currently living. Gratia, my father's family, and Lilliana my given name.

Our names are long because it tells the very story of who we are-- who we come from, who we are close to, and where we were born.

I had never before said my name without someone moving on my behalf. This total disdain for my position, King Bazyli, and the nation from which I came.... It was a moment before I realized the man had dismissed me.

"Unless, you wish to stay, my lady?" The man tilted his head at my confused facial expression. I slowly turned and gathered my things close to me. Taking a few steps back from the campfire, my heart was pounding.

"Oh, would you like dinner before you go, my lady?" The man asked, as if he'd forgotten his manners. His friend's knowing expressions were a bit disconcerting, however. "We never let a lady go without the full... experience... of Sir Gregory the Valient," then, gesturing, "and his merry men."

"No, thank you."

"Oh, I insist." He waved his hand again, this time a couple of knights flanked me, blocking my way. "Please, my lady. It is the only thing that will make our first impressions forgivable."

"No. Thank you." Again, I was not used to this kind of treatment. My wishes were always respected unless they were wrongly understood-- in which case Stephanie would explain and give me the chance to change my mind.

This man did not.

His "friends" seemed to quickly become his "army," blocking my escape from behind. It was going to be a long night, it seemed.

Dinner was disgusting. The food given to me was spoiled with barely enough meat to pick around-- obviously from my pantry as I had yet to go to market again. While the event was filled with crass language, behavior, ill attitudes and leery stares. I felt as if I could literally feel their eyes training on specific part of my body.

I only tell you this, my dear child, because I would have waited until you were old enough to receive this book if I were blessed enough to gift it to you. Otherwise, my love, forgive and protect your innocence as long as you can. Do not awaken physical love before it is time, for it can either be a great reward for your future spouse and yourself or a wild and nearly untamable beast. For it matters not your sex, this advice given, but matters greatly beyond your heart to your soul.

When the army of men were finished and drunk on their own success and moonshine, they retreated to their sleeping areas. The leader of the men remained awake along with a few he sent to stand watch around the camp.

"I must leave now, good night sire."

"Just a moment, my lady." The man said, turning back toward me, "I cannot, in good faith, send you out into this dangerous night. There may be raiders or highwaymen."

"I'll take my chances." I answered curtly, narrowing my eyes at the man. His jest was not funny and I wasn't sticking around for whatever he planned next. Forgetting my things, I took off running through the camp. I only got as far as the edge of the dark wood before tripping over a stump and being re-captured by his men.

"Looks as if this one needs home-training," One of the men laughed.

"You'll get your turn, Lord Rifat is always first," the second said.

"If Sir Declan can contain himself tonight," the first replied.

They held my arms as I faced the leader once again. His face was pinched as he spouted pleasantries concerning my return, "I am offended that you would treat me as such, my lady. I meant you no harm as long as you obeyed me. Now, I mean you every harm."

"I wish to buy from your wares," someone called out in the darkness. Suddenly, there was a shuffling and a man stepped out of the dark woods with his hands up and his servant behind him.

"I apologize. We aren't selling yet. Lord Rifat needs to review our findings," was the response. He waved the one of the men who held me toward the new man. I supposed he wasn't one of them. "You may purchase tomorrow morning in the market, like everyone else."

"Rifat? It seems our old friend has changed his name back." The man looked over his shoulder at his servant. "...but you know old Tynan, right? Takes all the good stuff and has you sell the leftovers. You can't earn a lot of money like that," the man took a few more steps forward before the guard pointed his sword at him.

"I'm unarmed at the moment. Thinking of buying one of your swords, if you've got any, Declan."

Declan, already having hung up his weapon for the evening took the sword of the man still holding me.

"You have me at a disadvantage, sire. You know my name and I have yet to be introduce to you or your servant there."

"No one you need to know today, sire, if you will. How would Tynan feel if you 'lost' a bauble or two but 'found' a bag of Bazylian gold instead?"

It wasn't until later, dear child, that your father explained what happened that night. For I had taken the distraction as my sign and took off running into the dark. The man who offered the gold for me, your father, had tossed the bag to Declan, and another was handed off by his servant with the understanding that the raiders would let me go. And they did.
© Copyright 2021 JJL (gingerale at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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