Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/2248582-Femenism-Over-Men
Rated: 18+ · Short Story · Adult · #2248582
Steven is turned from his former male self into a sissy baby under new government law.
The year is 2030, my name is Steven, or at least it used to be. Im 24 years old or 1 and a half years old depending on who you ask. I was born in Melbourne, Australia on March 19, 2006 as a free man. As free as any other person in the world at that time. I lived through one of the biggest changes the world had ever seen. This is how i was turned into a baby for my litle sisters enjoyment.

In order to explain whats happening to me right now, i need to explain the history of australias government up untill this point. In the year 2021, femenist's around the country formed an official political party in reponse to the failures of what they refered to as male leadership during the pandemic of 2020. Their numbers grew strong and support for their party grew even faster from both females and males wanting to support the cause. In 2023, the femenist party known simply as the strong women, won their first seats in parlament and by 2025, they had won an election.

With a landside victory of 69% to 31%, the strong women party were able to take control of congress with almost complete ownership of seats in all parts of the government that mattered. Their first act of power was to cut ties with the commonwealth and be declared a independant republic seperate from the UN. With no one having any say in australias laws other then australias own government, they officially turn australia from a democracy into a dictatorship and removed all term limits.

This is when people started to realise that the strong women had officially taken over the country. femenism was no longer just a group of people trying to spread equality. femenism would be the way the government was run. By 2027, a lot of men had been removed from roles of power both inside the government and in the private sector. New tax laws made it more financially viable for company boards to replace male CEO's with female CEO's. the boards themselves were slowly being replaced with only women members.

In 2028, Male segragation had occoured with men having to sit at the back of the bus, men having their own schools that were underfunded from girl's schools. places of business soon started oopening exclusivly to females, baning men from entering. Banks were slowly forcing male owners to sign over their bank accounts into their wives names or close their accounts altogether.

by late 2028, riots and protests had started in the streets, men were fighting for their rights to be reenstated and for things to go back to "normal". all female swat teams were ordered to take out and shut down protesting groups using force. it was at this time that the government made one of its biggest moves yet. All those who were arrested in violent protests would be "chipped". Chipping was a new technology that had been invented by the strong women party in 2026 after directing funds to its research and development shortly after taking power. the chip in question was invented to keep men under control and docile. It was implanted into the lower back of the patient and tied in with the lower spine and nervous system to restrict testosterone levels, energy levels, "horniness" levels etc by sending advanced signals up the nervious system, directly to the brain. It was also capable of delivering an electrical shock which due to the chips proximity would be aimed directly at the testicles of the patient. It was apparently meant to cause so much pain that victims were said to have had fainted from the pain.

The chip has evolved tremendiously since its first release to now support much more complex commands but it was only ever implanted on male prisioners and criminals. The change in 2028 to start chipping anyone who was caught in protests ment that chipping would become much more normal as almost every male in the country was protesting their freedom. It was said that by the end of 2028 that 60% of males had been chipped, and with the wide adopting of newer more advanced chips, it became legal for women to own men as slaves. their chips werent just control devices for the government anymore but were there for control by their female owners.

that brings us to today, 2030. The government has officially announced that all men residing in australia are required to get chipped become registered slaves to their next of womanly kin, prioritizing those who didnt have a slave over those who already did have one. it was the final blow to male freedom. it would crush the protests once and for all and bring peace to the society the strong women party had worked so hard to establish and sustain.

i had left my hometown of melbourne at the age of 15, around the year 2021 after i was kicked out of school for being too troublesome. i felt even though i was young, it would be best if i left home instead of trying to live under my parent shouse with my drunk of a father doing nothing around the house and my mother contstantly nagging at me to do better in school. I decided to head as far inland as i could away from the major cities of australia to try and fly under the radar. i ended up with a job on a farm for a while working for a family that in 2027 was taken over by the women of the family leaving the males to work the fields along side their workers. The last i heard of my family, my father had been chipped around mid 2028 during a riot he was involved in and was a registered slave to my mother. I dont know how he is being treated but i doubt its good. he was never a loving or kind man and i can only assume he is paying the price under this new system.

when i heard about the news on january 1st 2030 of the mandatory chipping, it didnt come as a surprise to me or to a lot of the men who had retreated out into the outback like me. There were rumours going around ever since the first mandaded chipping after the riots that, that would become the norm. Police had come to round us up like cattle and escorted us onto prision style buses to be escorted to the closest chipping facilities in melbourne.

The bus was pretty full with everyone a bit on edge as to what would become of us? what would become of those who didnt have a next of kin that was a women to be owned by? would the women in our past lives be kind to us or would they treat us like dirt. the whole ride over, the only thing i could think about was, what if i end up getting asigned to my little sister lilly? lilly was 5 years younger then me, being born in 2011. although we had been brother and sister and shared some found memories together, i really hadnt been a good bigger brother to her growing up. Lilly was always a girly girl who loved baby dolls and tea parties with her stuffed animals and ballarina dance classes.

while on the other hand, i was the exact oppisite. i was into wrestling and robots and guns. because of this, i had always teased lilly and bullied her. doing the typical big borther thing and throwing her stuffed animals around the room while she was trying to set them up at the tea party table. Stepped on her dolls and played keep away while she was doing her best to get them back. made fun of her trying to dance in her tutu and shoved her to the ground. She was just turning 10 when i had left and i had never spoken to her since then.

obviously looking back on it now, under this government with these rules, i dont think it ever would have gone over so well for me to be doing that kind of stuff to a woman. The bus finally arrived at a chipping facility at the edge of melbourne. Security guards got on the bus with wrist and ankle schakles along with metal collars. they slowly opened the doors and instructed us to get off the bus slowly one by one. As we got off, they schakled our wrists and ankles to eachother just like prisioners and had us chained to each other in a line. slowly they got us all off the bus and walked us into the chipping facility.

we were lead to a set of big white doors where there was already another line of men waiting in front of it. i was aproximatly 26 men back from the set of doors with about another 12 behind me as well. every 5 minutes, the man at the front of the line would be disconnected from the line and lead through the doors. what was beyond those doors was a mystery. one guy in front of me tried to talk to the security officers who had gotten us off the bus but he ended up getting a baton to the chest and was gagged. After that, no one in the line tried to talk at all.

After about an hour and a half of standing in line, i finally made it to the front of the line. my feet were killing me and i hoped whatever was behind those doors was something that would let me sit down. i was then disconected like the others and lead in alone through the door and down a hallway. eventually she turned left into another room which was like a court room. i was positioned in front of a podeum in front of a judge who sat above the whole court room. She was busy looking at papers on the desk and typing away on the computer. The security guard simply stood behind me against a wall and waited.

after about 2 mins of standing front of her at this podium, she finally looked up at me from her computer monitor and said "name?"
"Steven" i responded
"FULL name?" she annoyidly exclaimed
"oh uhh..... Steven Madison Graison"
"Is that with a V or a PH?"
"you will address me as your honour when you are done speaking, stupid boy"
"Sorry, your honour"
"God what did i do to deserve having to deal with the untrained males"
She went back to typing away on the computer in front of her, occasionly looking at some of the papers on her desk. After another moment she came back to me and said "your next of womanly kin is your sister, Lilly Graison. She will be notified and after your chipping, you will be offered to her for registration as her slave. If she does not want you, you will be passed onto the male orphanage for adoption by others in the community. That is all, NEXT!"

It was just as i had feared, i was to become property of my little sister. That is, if she wanted me. I didnt know what would be worse, being made a slave for my little sister or being sent to the slave orphanage for adoption as a slave by a complete stranger. The security oficer lead me out of the court room and further down the hallway. After some lefts and rights down what seemed to be a massive building, we entered into another room, this time what seemed to be a doctors office. the security officer said "I got another one for you janice"
the doctor sat at her computer typing away just like the judge and said "Thanks lynda, can you get him set up on the table and can you gag this one immediately. im done with hearing their voices for today"

The security officer pulled a rubber gag just like the one the guy was given back in the line and put it in my mouth. It had a bite guard that went inbetween my teeth and leather straps that locked up around the back of my head. She then layde me face down on what was like a massage table but with arms spread out at 90 degree angles from my body instead of down by my sides. she secured by ankle schakles to the table and undid the linkage between them, she then attached my hands to the table just like my feet and left the room. I laid there arms spread out like a bird lying face down on this very thinly padded table, locked at each of my appendages to said table. the doctor finally got up from what she was doing and stood next to my waist with a tray of tools next to her.

She first picked up the sissors and started cutting my clothes off of me. She started with my shirt and then my pants. Finally she cut down the sides of my underwear and ripped them off as well. I was completely naked on the table. She took the shattered remains of the clothes and threw them down a chute that was built into one of the walls. She then walks back over to my naked body and proceeds to slap my ass as hard as she can. I let out a massive yelp into my gag as her hadn leaves a red mark on my behind.
"you men used to slap us on the ass all the time. now its my turn and im going to do it to each and every single one of you men that come through my doors"

She then picks up an electric razor from the table of instruments and proceeds to shave every bit of body hair thats on me, my legs, my arms, my back, everything. after the razor is turned off, i hear her press a switch under the table and all of a sudden the table starts to move. its tilting upwards as if to put me back onto my feet but it stops at rougly a 60 degree angle. The legs then start to spread out as if to make me do the splits but thankfuly it stops before it goes completely 180 degrees. this leaves my penis no longer supported by the table but now just dangling in mid air. The doctor sees this and proceeds to slap it around, flick it and just generally play with it as rough as she can. Each time she touches it, i end up letting out a small grunt into my gag. she laughs and says "your like a toy and this is your draw string to make you say things"

eventually she stops playing with my privates and says "its time for your big surgery. your getting one of the latest and greatest chips released especially for this 2030 announcement. whoever ends up getting you is going to have so much control and power. shes going to have so much fun the lucky gal. i hear another button is pressed as a mask is lowered over my gagged mouth and nostrils. A spirt of gas is then felt against my face as i realis that she is knocking me out so that she can do the srugery. within 30 seconds i succumb to the gas and am out like a light.

i slowly wake up and find myself dazed and confused as to where i am and whats going on. Im in a cage thats only slightly bigger then your average dog cage but its an all metal constuction built directly into the concrete floor. I look around the room and see approx 15 other cages with about 5 or so beinh filled with completely naked men. i then realise that i myself am also naked. my metal collar is gone along with my schakles. i am as naked as the day i was born. i try to talk to the man thats closest to me but as soon as i try and use my vocal chords, i feel a strong shock in my testicles. i drop to the ground on my side in agonising pain and after a few moments i get myself back up again. I feel around to my spine and feel a small scare where they performed the surgery. I have officially been chipped.

i guess that at the moment its set to shock us if it detects we do something they dont want us doing, like talking. we all just sit there in our cages not doing anything. every now and then, someone will walk by us but not acknowledge us at all. i feel like ages that we just sit in our cages and do nothing. i assume this is just a holding bay of some sort and we are just waiting for the next step in the process, but what is the next step and how long will it take?

after what feels like an eternity, a women walks up to our cages with a trolley of what looks to be oversized hamster water feeding tubes. She attached them to the outside of the cages that have men in them. the other men immediatly start sucking on the nipple that protrudes into their cages. she walks off saying "15 minutes of drinking then its feeding time". i immediately start sucking on the nipple as well. i wasnt sure whether this 15 minues was just for this meal cycle or if it was going to be for the whole day so io thought i better get the most out of it while i have it.

the nipple was hard and it was hard to get much out of each suck. each suck also ended up making a hugh slurping sound. when i did get some, it didnt taste like water but instead more like a weird milk. the lady came back 15 minutes later just as she said with another trolley. She went around to the cages and removed the water feeders from the cages. One of the males was still suckling on it at the time and the lady pulled out a little remote and pointed it at the man and hit the button. All of a sudden he let go of the feeder and dropped to the ground in pain.

I assume she activated his chip and he got hit with a shock. The staff must have a universal remote that works on all the chips they install. After the removal of the bottles, she proceeded to take small bowls and slide them into each of the cages. As she did, she held her finger out to the men and said "NOT YET" in a stern voice as if she was trying to tell a dog not to start eating from his bowl. Which I guess is exactly what she was trying to do.

When she put my bowl in my cage, I was able to see what the food actually was that was in the bowl. It was some brown slop with what looked like chopped up vegetables randomly in the slop. All the men stood there looking at the bowls before them just waiting. She stood herself between the cages and said "NOT YET..... NOT YET..... NOT YET...... NOW" and as soon as she said now, all the men absolutely buried their faces into the slop getting it absolutely smeared all over their faces trying to get as much of it as possible down their throats.

I didn't want to get messy so I picked up some of the vegetables with my hands and slowly ate some of the pieces. That was clearly the wrong plan as only 30 seconds after everyone had started, the lady shouted "STOP!!!!" and everyone immediately got their faces out of the muck. Some of the men had it absolutely dripping from their faces. The lady then went around and collected all the bowls from all the cages. She got to mine and said "oh, looks like someone wasn't hungry, well I guess there's always tomorrow"

TOMORROW!!! I BARELY ATE 3 PIECES OF VEGTABLE AND I HAVE TO WAIT TILL TOMORROW FOR MORE FOOD!!! I realised why these men were stuffing their faces as fast as possible. You either embarrass yourself and eat like a dog or you don't eat at all. The lady walked off with the bowls and the men in the cages slowly wiped their faces and licked their hands to get as much food as they could. one of the men then started squatting in a corner grunting. i all of a sudden found out we werent given bathroom breaks as he proceeded to go number 2 in the corner of his cage. i was throughly grossed out but knew that if i was in here long enough i would have to do the same. It was then back to the dullness of nothing. Waiting in the cage, getting slowly hungrier and hungrier from not eating from the dog bowl while I could, and then suddenly, the lights went out. It went completely pitch black. I decided to lay down on the smooth concrete floor and close my eyes to try and get some sleep.

I was awoken abruptly by a jet of water being shot into my cage. It was light again and must have been the next day. A different lady was in front of my cage with a large hose and was absolutely drenching me with water. The force of the water pushed me back against the rear of the cage. Despite the force, it was good to be wet and slightly cleaner. She proceeded to go around to all the men, and do the same. Some of them were already awake and them of them were like me and still sleeping in a crawled up position on the ground.

People started shuffling through our rooms as if a bunch of staff were arriving to work and getting ready for another day. None of them paid us any attention like normal. We were just boxes in a room that they had to walk through. After another eternity of waiting, a lady walked over directly to my cage with a key and unlocked the front. She said "Steven, your owner lilly is here. She wishes to inspect you before deciding if she wants to keep you. Follow me"

She started walking off and as she did, I felt a tingling coming from my chip. It started to get more painful, so I quickly got out of the cage and walked briskly up to her. The tingling from the chip died down. It seems to gets stronger the further away from her I am. As soon as we left the cage room, we entered into another room with a bunch of women typing away at computers in cubicals. Here I was butt naked walking amongst them being escorted by a guard to who knows where. I felt incredibly self concious. She arrives at a small room which looked just like an interrogation room out of a cop show. I opened the door and entered to find lilly sitting behind a table looking at me. I stood there in front of her as the guard closed the door. She says to me "hello Steven, it's been a long time"

I don't respond fearful that I would get shocked again and so I just stand there, naked looking at her fearful. She says 'don't worry, you can talk, I have lifted your speech restrictions" as she lifts up her phone to show a weird looking app. I can't really tell what's on the screen but I guess I trust her so I say "hi Lilly"
"so you've been offered to me huh. Why should I bother to take you, huh? I guess it would be nice to have a slave do things for me but you were nothing but mean a cruel to me growing up, why shouldn't I just leave you to the orphanages?"
I take my time to think looking sorrowly at the ground and say" I guess I don't have an answer for you. I'm deeply sorry for how I treated you lilly. I don't know why I did those things. I guess you now have all the power and I'll have to go with whatever you choose"

"well it's good to see that you know your place and that you know I have all the power. Which I do. But I need more from you. I need you to beg. I want you to get on your hands and knees and beg"
I slowly lower myself to my knees but as i do, she hits a button on her phone and I get shocked harder then ever before "I GAVE YOU AN ORDER SLAVE, I TOLD YOU TO BEG. WHEN I TELL YOU TO BEG YOU DROP TO YOUR KNEES IMMEDATLY AND BEG LIKE A PATHETIC DOG, NOW BEG"

The pain was immense but out of pure fear I put my hands together in the air the beg with tears rolling down my face "please lilly. Take me as your slave. Make me do all your work. Treat me like how I treated you. Please lilly I'm begging you please." I slowly shuffle my knees over to her and start kissing her feet and grovelling on the ground continuing to beg. Lilly responds" oh Steven, I was always going to take you as my slave. How could I pass up everything I have in store for you. Gosh it's just so nice to see you begging though, I couldn't help myself. now thank me"

"oh thank you lilly. thank you for taking me" i say still on my knees with my hands in the begging position. she responds
"well i havent taken you yet. i still need to finish organising a few more things for your big arrival so im going to put you back in storage for a few more days". before i could even respond i saw that she had already enabled my talking restrictions on my chip from her phone so i just sat on my knees devistated that i would have to go back to the cages. she got up and left the room. soon after the guard came back in and escorted me back to the cages and locked me back up.

as i sat there back in the cage, bored out of my mind. it gave me time to process what had just happened. it was clear she had no nice feelings towards me anymore, if any had existed in the first place. her position as a woman in this system had cemented her poisition well above me and i would just have to get used to the constant humiliation and degradadion she would put me through. i was going to be her slave in every sense of the word and that mindset scared me to my core. i could only assume dad had suffered the same fate. being in the slave system for a bit over 2 years already, had he succumbed to this mindset? was he already broken as a man deprived of all diginity? would i ever see my father being a slave kept in the same family as my father? these were all questions i pondered over that got me through the time and distract me from my immense hunger that was building up inside me.

to my absolute delight i saw the lady wheel in the trolley of water feeders. i honestly jumped up in my cage against the bars like an excited dog. she walked around like before and attached it to the side of the cages and said "15 mins of drinking and then feeding time"
we all rushed in and started sucking as hard as we could on the nipple getting as much as we absolutly could in the allotted time. before we even realised she came back around and took the feeders off our cages. it didnt feel like 15 minutes but rather like 5. i guess hunger and thirst does that to time. she went around again and placed the same brown slop in each of our cages but when she got to me, she actually gave me a different dish. She placed a small pink bowl with white unicorns painted around the side. it was filled with a green goop with finly chopped bananas cut into it. As she placed it down she said "special orders from lilly"

i couldnt really care less. it was food, i was starving, i wanted to eat. my head instinctivly went down to start eating but the lady hit my chip and shocked me "I DIDNT SAY YET". i raised my head to meet her eyeline as she stood there and shot me daggers. she stood there for a good 20 seconds trying to make a point before finally positioning herself between the cages again and said "wait.....not yet..... not yet........now"

everyone including my shoved their faces as deep as they could into their bowls and started slurping up as much as we could. The mush in my bowl was unmistakably some kind of baby food but i didnt care. i ate as much as i absolutly could. the lady then said stop just 15 seconds after saying go and everyone got their head out of their bowls as quickly as possible. i continued to swallow what was in my mouth as she went around and picked up all the bowls. mine was deffinitly unmistakably baby food which made me wonder what my sister had in store for me.

soon after the lady had left i started feeling cramps in my stomach. these were really bad. i could only assume that my food had been laced with something as i barely had time to squat before a stream of dihrea shot from my rear into the corner of my cage, or as much as i could into the corner.i assumed that was another little special request from lilly. the lights went off again and i laid down as much as i could trying to avoid having my nose or body anywhere near my mess. it was a long nght of sleepless tossing and turning trying to get all the horrible ideas out of my future over what was going to become of me. i soon awoke, this time before they had come aroudn with the hose but after getting up, i realised that all last nights rolling around had caused me to roll into my own mess. i almost threw up from the disgust in myself. Thankfully the lady came around only 5 minutes after i had woken up and sprayed me down.

it hadnt even been an hopur before a doctor looking woman came around to my cage and opened it. she said "follow me" and activated the same follow mode on ym chip as before. i quickly got out of my cage and caught upto here before my chip was able to deliver too much of a shock. she lead me back te way i had came originally back into the doctors rooms. i was laid back onto the table in the same position as before with the restreaints on my wrists and akles. the doctor said "lilly had ordered some modifications before she comes back to pick you up. im going to be extra cruel and knock you out so that you wont have any idea what we are doing. say no if you want me to explain before you go under through?"

i tried to open my mouth and say no but my chip activated and shicked me. SHe hadnt removed my talking restrictions. "hahaha i love it when you stupid men fall for that" soon after the same mask lowered over my mouth and nose and knocked me out cold. i awoke back in my cage, incredibly drozed just as before but this time there was a mirror in front of my cage. i dazidly opened me eyes and stood up onto my knees to peer into the mirror and i realised what they had done. I was given blonde hair extensions that had been done up into pig tails with pink ribbons around each. my face had been sculpted and alot of the harsh edges had been rounded off to appear alot more femenine. my cheeks were rosy red just as my puffy soft lips as if i was wearing makeup. my pecks were a lot rounder and slighly bigger as if i had been given breasts. thankfully my penis was still there but to my shock and horro, it was absolutly tiny. it had reduced to a shockly small size, less then half my pinky.

the doctor soon returned standing behind the mirror and said "you like what you see. well i guess its time to go over whats happened"
she flipped a clipboard over and started reading off the changes
"girly blonde hair extensons, baby blushing red cheek tattoos, baby red lip tattooing and plush, baby face contouring, adams apple reduction, baby b cup sized boobs, permenant body hair laser removal. severe penis reduction. your going to be the perfect baby little aleshia"
she then took the mirror and left. I had been modified into a big baby. the baby food all of a sudden made sense. Lilly was going to turn me into her little baby. A BABY DOLL, she was going to get revenge on me making fun of her baby dolls by making me into a life size one. i was in complete shock and horrified.

I sat back in the cage with my head in my hands. my emotions were all over the place. i felt like fighting. Like on the brink of raging and screaming but deep down i knew, it would only lead to worse and worse repurcussions. if i fought back, they would use everything against me to keep me under control and then once i was under control, what they would do with me would be unspeakable. i needed to control my emoptions and just get through it. keep pushing on. Once lilly takes me back to her place, maybe it wont be so bad and eventually she might even release me to go back and live under the radar in a nameless town in the middle of nowhere.

As i was gathering my thoughts and keeping myself calm, the feeding cart had come around and attached the bottles to the cages again. i was still so distraught that i didnt feel like drinking and when they try and give me my food, i probably wont eat either. i watched as all the other men in their cages had gone all out and started to drink. that is exactly what they want, they want the men to be incredibly reliant on the women so that men will, over a matter of time, lose their independance and naturally acept the new order of things. i was getting a bit tired of it.

the lady came back around and followed the usual order. she removed the bottles and gave everyone their sludge except for me which ot the baby food, undobtably spiked to make me poop everywhere, i guess just like a baby. she did her usual speel and counted down. i unmovingly sat in the back just looking at the food. 15 seconds pass and she orders everyone to stop eating. she get to my cage and says "Whats this, baby didnt touch their food? Be a good baby right now and eat you din dins!" she said in a condecending baby voice.

i simply sat in my cage looking up at her. i knew full well that she would probably turn on my chip but something in me just didnt want to conform anymore. sure enough she got out her remote and tased me through my chip. my face fell to the floor with my new pigtails getting all over my face in my eyes and mouth.
"Has baby learned their lesson. When their masters tell them to eat their baby food, they eat it all up like the good babies they are"
i slowly lifted myself up and looked back up at her still refusing to eat. if she wanted me to eat, she was going to have to knock me out with her remote first. SHe hits the button again and i fall back on my face in even more pain. She had clearly turned the level up as i could barely bring myself to get back up. She then did something unexpected. She left and came back with a chair, she then openned the door to my cage and dragged me out by grasping one of my pigtails.

even though the hair was extensions, you could tell they had rooted the hair straight into my old hair folicals as it hurt just as much as having my real hair pulled. after i was out, she then sat back on the chair and bent me over her knee. i knew straight away after that what she was going to do. She was going to spank me. I was way to exhausted from the shocks to fight back and just laid there waiting to receive the smacks.

She winded her palm back and came down on my naked rear with an astonishing force that caused a slapping sound so loud that it reverbirated across the room. my rear felt like fire and daggers after juist the one slap but she came back down with another on the other cheek just as powerful.She continued for a sloid 10 minutes but the pain was so emmense that i had started crying after just 2.the worst part of it was that any time i tried to scream in pain, my chip activated as it detected me trying to use my vocal chords and gave me yet another shock.

by the time she was done, there was a small pool of tears on the floor below and my rear was so red that it felt as if it was bleeding. i was sobbing like a little sissy baby with tears flowing like a river down my face. she sat me back up and said "has baby learned her lesson"
i knodded yes throgh the tears like the broken slave i was. she then took out her remote and turned off my talking restrictions and said " i want you to say im sorry mistress for not eating my din dins when i was told. thank you for my spankings in the most girly baby voice you can"
i calmed myself down enough for the tears to give me a break and said "I'm sowwy for not eawting my din dins when i was tawld. fank you faw my spawnkings"
"that a good baby girl" she bent over and picked up the bowl and put it in my hands. "im going to count down from 15 again and by the time im down, i want your baby bowl to be empty. Understand baby girl"

i knodded my head and as soon as she did, she started counting down from 15. i stuffed my face into the baby food and gobbled up as much as i possibly could. as it was a baby bowl, there wasnt much in there but to make sure, i started licking the bowls rim and insides. She got to zero and took the bowl from me. she inspected it and said "good baby. doesnt it feel better to eat your din dins. you cetianly ate like a baby" as she wiped my face with a rag she had in her pocket. She redid my pigtails and sat me back on the floor. she then pulled out a pink pacifier and stuck it in my mouth. she said "that pacifier has a tracker in it. if it doesnt get sucked at an acceptable rate or if it gets far enough away from your chip, it will start shocking you till you either start sucking again or pass out" she then pulls the paci out from my mouth and immediatly i start to feel the shocks just like i felt when i was told to follow behind someone. they started to ramp up in pain and i couldnt take much more of it. I started to cry again. "oh look at that, baby is crying for her baba" she stuck it back in my mouth and i immedatly started sucking again to make the shocks stop.

I was locked back in my cage as she bent over and said "nighty night little girl" before she walked off. I knelt in the back of my cage sucking on my pacifier waiting for the enevitable diahrea from the spiked baby food to kick in. I figured if I positioned myself ready I could direct it out of my cage. Sure enough, 5 minutes or so after the lights went out, by belly started grumbling and I rocketed the runny mess outwards of my cage. Laying down on the ground still suckling on my pacifier, I realised that they were right on track with exactly what I had predicted earlier. I was being broken. I just naturally accepted having to eat the food and talk like a baby just because she was a women and had commanded it. She had the power physically, emotionally and legally over me. I conformed and snapped just 10 minutes after I said I was going to fight back. Maybe I am just a weak little baby.

Slowly I drifted off to sleep. During the night, I was awoken by my chip slowly starting to build and zap me as I had let the pacifier slip out of my mouth while sleeping. Needless to say, I didn't get much rest and was the first one of the cages awake. The morning then proceeded like any other, I was hosed down as well as the others, people started flowing through to head to work past our cages, and the usual boredom kicked in waiting for something to happen. All this time I was continuing to suck on the pacifier as the trigger hadn't been removed and after several tests of trying to move it, I could still feel the slight shocks starting to happen.

All of a sudden, 2 women came through with a pink dog crate that had caster wheels on each corner. They opened the door to my cage and told me to get in the pink dog crate. I climbed in backwards into the small confines of the crate. It was no bigger then the typical crate you would see at the airports moving pets around. My rear was firmly against the back wall and when they closed the grated front door, my face was millimetres from being pushed against it. They fitted the door with a lock and put the key in her jacket pocket. I was then wheeled out of the room with the cages and through the whole facility before ending up at a loading bay being put into the back of a small van. The van was practically empty with the only other items in the back of the van being teasers, cattle prods and what looked like a tranq gun. Shortly after my crate was loaded in the back, the van started moving and my crate started sliding all over the place.

The driver didn't seem to care that I was sliding from left to right and just continued driving as he was.i was fighting for dear life to hold onto the paci with my mouth and to not lose it with the force of the crate going back and forth. My arms were by mmy sides and squished into the sides of the crate so I couldn't even hold it in with my hands. I was made extremely hard because the paci didn't just have to be in my mouth but actually sucked on at a regular rate otherwise the shocks would start. The back and forth motion of my sucking combined with the force of the crate sliding all around eventually got the better of me and the paci flew all the way out of the crate and into the back of the van with me. The chip immediately started shocking me. It felt like fire and the pain was immense. Only 30 seconds in and I was already trying to hold back the tears. The van finally came to a stop but by then I was fully bawling my eyes out from the pain. A lady opened the back of the van and saw me crying and said "aww did baby lose their paci?"

She found it rolling around freely next to my crate and stuck it through the bars of the crate into my mouth. The relief was immense and the anxiety that I had felt had just vanished. The lady unloaded the crate from the van and onto the side walk. We were somewhere in the middle of the city as there were large towers on all sides with bussling traffic down the main street. She wheeled me into one of the closest towers and into an elevator that was in the building. The elevator soon arrived at an indescriminate floor. I couldn't tell which floor it was from the vantage point of my crate but judging from the length of the elevator ride, I would assume we were at least 10 floors up. I was wheeled down a hallway and finally to the front door of an apartment. The lady knocked on it and soon after, lilly answered.

"slave delivery for lilly, please sign here. Can you please present your phone for pairing to his chip. Great that's all done. Here is all of your paperwork. If you have any questions, our number is on the back. Enjoy your slave"
Lilly wheeled me into her apartment, through her lounge room and through a pink door that was on the right. Through the pink door was a giant adult sized nursery. Center stage there was a crib with white bars on either side and a wodden lid that looked to lock on one side. There was a chest with the words "DrEsS uP" on the front of it. There was a large adult sized changing table with diapers filled to the brim down the front of it. A walk in closet that appeared to be filled with nothing but baby clothes, onesies, tutus and more. Finally there were an insane amount of baby toys and large stuffed animals and teddy bears. Lilly said "isn't in beautiful. A baby nursery for my baby doll. As soon as I heard you were going to be my slave, I immediately started putting this all together. That's why you had a bit of an extended stay at the chipping facility, I was getting this all ready. Plus they were able to do your surgeries there which really helped me out. Speaking of which, I haven't seen your new face, let's have a look"

Lilly opened the front of the dog crate and I climbed out and stood up in front of her stretching my arms and legs. She examined their work and in doing so, removed my pacifier to look at my lips. Immediately I started to cry from the pain. I didn't even try and hold back, the tears, I had just been through too much today. Lilly says "oh sorry baby I didn't know you needed your paci. How cute" she then wn on to her phone and turned off the pacifier requirement on my chip. The shocking stopped and I tried to compose myself wiping away my tears. she continued scrolling through the new app on her phone looking at all the different automated rules she could impose on me to automatically enforce certian behaviour. she giggled as she tapped on one of them and immediatly a shock hit my legs causing me to crumble onto the floor. "that one shocks your legs whenever it detects that your trying to stand. I think ill leave that one on. baby needs to get used to crawling.

she got off her phone making remakrs that she will go over it more in depth later for some fun. she went back to examining my new look, walking around me as i sat on my hands and knees in front of her. she flipped my pony tails up and down and squeezed my chubby cheeks. she then looked down at my signifigantly shrunken penis and said "sadly the law says you have to stay identifiable as a male so i had to let you keep some of a penis but its so small now that you may as well have been a girl. small little baby pee pee. not that you will be seeing much of it anyway since your going to be diapered 24/" she walked over to the big changing table and slapped the top of it gesturing me to come here. i crawled on my hands and knees across the carpet to her feet where she lifted me up onto the changing mat on the table.

i laid there was she went under the table through the shelves and came back up with 2 different diapers. "now baby girl, do you want fluffy bunnies or pink princesses". both the diapers were pink and extremely bulky even for an adult diaper. the only real difference was the pattern. i basically flipped a coin in my head and pointed to the bunnys. "oh the fluffy bunnies. how cutsy wutsy of you". she stuck my pacifier back in and enabled the restrictions on it again so i couldnt take it out. she told me to put my hands above my head and lift my bum up. She slid the diaper underneath my bum and drenched the area with talcolm powder. she then played around with my peepee shaking it around from side to side and said "bye bye mrs pee pee. wont be seeing you for a long time" as she then pulled the diaper up and did up the triple tapes on each side.

the diaper was extremely bulky to the point were i couldnt close my legs. it felt very strange but oddly comforting. i dreaded internally having to actually use them or having to stay in a dirty one untill lilly decided to change me. "ive turned on some more rules in the app. if the chip detects you are trying to hold in your pee or poo, it will shock those muscles forcing you to release as well as shock you for a whole minute for trying to hold it in. now what do we say" i responded back "fank you for my diapee mummy"

"good girl. Now it's time to get you dressed. Since you choose the bunny diaper, you get the bunny onesie" she went into the walk in closet and came back out with a pink fluffy bunny footed onesie. The feet were enclosed with attached fluffy slippers, the chest had a extremely fluffy white patch in the shape of a heart. The hood had attached floppy bunny ears and the rear had a poofy bunny tail. It was less of a footed onesie and more of a fluffy costume. She unzipped the back of it and slid it down my legs. She brought it up to my diaper and stood me up off of the changing mat to pull it the whole way up over my head and my arms down the sleeves. She zipped it up and then went around to my hands and put them both in pink fluffy mittens that didn't have any finger holes but were rather just balls of fluff. The whole custom was so fluffy I felt incredibly girly and embarrassed.

"aleshia, wake up. mummy and i have a suprise for you"
i rolled over in my crib, rubbing my eyes with my pink mittens. lilly and mum walked in holding a leash. once they parted, i could see the thing behind them on the leash was a puppy dig. Not just a normal dog though, it was clearly someone in a dog costume that have their legs bent so that they are walking on their knees and the same with their arms so that they are on their elbows. the posdition made it so the person in the costume was almost the same height as a real dog but it must be painful to have your arms and legs bent like that for long periods of times and walking around on your knees and elbows.

lilly openes the top of the crib and picked me up out of the crib, putting me on the floor. i crawled over to the dog to get a better look. it was pink and very fluffy with lighter pink fur over the majority of the body and big poofy balls of darker pink fur at the paws and on the head. It was clearly a pink poodle. the tail was sticking out of the back and springing up and down as the puppy moved. Closer inspection showed me that it was actually a butt plug. the head was very cartoony with big puppy dog eyes and a plush snoot. the person inside was panting like a dog. heavy breathing with his head bobbing up and down.

i kneel besides the poodle and do what i think they want from me and start petting the dog.
"Oh look at that, she likes her. i knew they would get along"
lilly then throws a tennis ball to the other side of the room
"come on girl... go get it... good girl go get it"
the poodle starts scurring along the floor to where the ball landed but before she is able to get to the ball. Lilly gives the leash a hard pull backwards. The dog is launched backwards on its side as it whimpers like a puppy. both lilly and mum laugh hysterically as if this is a common thing they do to this puppy. makes me wonder how long they have had this slave and how long he has been in this costume.
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