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Rated: 13+ · Chapter · Men's · #2247772
Message from my instincts but I can't leave him
Listening to the day
play in the rain
Shower me with love
than these
half ass hugs
I get these days
When we were
going away
Never seperated on some phony half ass of who we truly are. Nothing should change us that much if your a bitch then that's who you are if that's your get down then that's your get down can't make you something your not, remain solid but now days wishy washy they think is okay?

I knew this wasnt here to stay
Yet I allowed the attachment
Why cant I fuck him and leave him?
Now I got this feeling
It's not kool
It's not right
Planned out the next fight
Should of been the next right move
Staying on my mind retaliation is mine
Winner at the end were we should of been
Guess freeing my sins is my next praying
Oh I'm just saying
Take my pain and id stop doing everything and give anything to
Make him love me maybe I'd start to breath again
Take me away from the streets I'm running maybe the heart will start to beat again
Beat me in my head
Played behind my back
Felt the knife go in
Yet solidly stay standing by your side and got yo front and back
I'm just thinking about your smile yeah his
Smile is wide is it because you secretly think your going to win beat me down to a place I haven't yet been smiling because you think I wont get up again
Like your the only one to create my slow demise think again or are you smiling do to the fact you see better then I do can you see something to smile about around us then in my head I answered my own question
Naturally replaying with yes him
Fuck I hate being the one that loves thee most shit sucks most days but I don't want to be without him, why? I don't understand what your doing
A rough one sided love draining me of who I really am
Cant be myself he hates everything me
Me shit i will only change what isn't rite about me for me not anyone else if I didn't do it for them I damn sure not going to just because Its you.
If I could have I would have don't you get that shit
Guess what I have heard and read is real they said once they stopped trying to change each other and accepted each other for who they were, learned how to coordinate they're qualities together then they had a life then it works out.
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