Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/2247118-Overtime-Chapter-2
Rated: GC · Fiction · Adult · #2247118
Man ends up under the feet of a young blonde secretary who uses him as her stepping stool
Overtime: Chapter 2
By: SoleMann

The events of Saturday left me uneasy the rest of the weekend. Although it was like a dream come true, I wasn't sure where I now stood with Jamie. Did she know what had been going on or was I just being paranoid?

Monday came all too soon and I spent most of the day trying to avoid going into the office area. Eventually I had no choice, and headed in to get some things done there. As I entered, I glanced into Jamie's cubical and noticed she was busy on the phone with a customer. Hopefully I'll be in and out before she gets done. I hurry along trying to get done as fast as I can, when suddenly I hear her call my name. I turn around to see her waving me over to her cubical, so I timidly head over to her. The whole time worrying what she was going to say. Well, it was good while it lasted, I thought to myself.

"I haven't seen you all day, I was starting to wonder if something was wrong?" she said.

"No, it's just been a real busy day and I haven't had a chance to stop up here till now" a total lie on my part.

"Well, I just wanted to thank you again for all your help" she said with a heartwarming smile on her face. Before she could say anymore, her phone rang. Then just before she answered it, she said jokingly, "I know you're a busy boy, but don't be such a stranger."

As I left the office, I was thinking, what a dope I am. I was all worked up about nothing. After that, things where pretty much back to normal with her, and I couldn't wait for the next time she would work the weekend. Unfortunately, it would be another month until it was Jamie's turn to work a Saturday again.

Thursday afternoon Jamie paged me to her desk. This wasn't too uncommon, since she sometimes got calls from customers with questions that were a little too in-depth for her to answer.

"You rang?" I jokingly said.

"Yes, I need some help and I was wonder if you could do me a favor?"

"Sure, anything for you Jamie" I was laying it on thick.

"Glad to hear you say that," she said with a smile on her face and a sparkle in her pretty blue eyes. "I got drafted to do inventory this weekend and I figured since I always see you when I'm here on Saturdays, that you might be so kind as to give me a hand."

"No problem, I'll be more than happy to help you out," I said, while thinking, yes, this is going to be great.

The company mainly relied on the computer to keep track of inventory, but we would do quarterly spot checks to make sure the system was running smoothly. Although our company was service based, we kept a relatively large amount stock for sales and exchanges. It could take a couple hours to all day to do a spot check, depending on which row of shelves you had to check.

When I arrived at work Saturday morning, Jamie was there already waiting for me. She was dressed casually in a T-shirt, blue jeans and white mules that looked like sneakers. I was very disappointed that she wasn't wearing her sandals like last week. Maybe if I did the counting of the product, she could sit down on the step stool writing the count down. It probably wouldn't be long before she started to dangle her shoe off her foot and I could get a little show.

Jamie already had the key and the printed out list of what we had to do, so we headed back to the inventory room. The room consisted of many rows of four 3x8 shelf-units with varying number of shelves on them. We lucked out and got the row with larger products on them. There were only 5 shelves per unit. One at floor level, one at about knee level, one about mid chest level, one just above my eye level and one at the top that wasn't used.

"OK you ready to do this" I said.

"Ready as I'll ever be," she said, "I think we should start at the top and work our way down. Did you notice the stool any where when we came in?"

"No, did you?" I asked.

"Nope, me neither. If I hadn't gotten here before you, I'd think you where playing games and hid it on me," she said with a pouting look on her face. "Well, I guess we'll just start on the second shelf and come back to the top later when we find it. Since you can reach that shelf better, you count and I'll write the numbers down. We can switch jobs when we get to the next one."

We worked our way down the row doing all the shelves at my level then the ones at hers. When we got to the last shelf-unit at her level she said, "Give me the clipboard and I'll finish up this shelf, while you take a look around for the step stool."

I checked up and down all the rows, but didn't see it anywhere. When I got back by Jamie, she was just standing there waiting for me.

"What's wrong? Why did you stop?" I asked.

"I didn't stop, I finished it,” she said showing me the clipboard. "It seemed to go a lot quicker when I counted and wrote it down by myself."

"Thanks a lot, that makes me feel real useful," I sarcastically replied. "Obviously, I didn't find the stool, so on to the bottom shelf? You want to count or write?"

"Both, no offense but it seems to go quicker when I do it alone. I just wish you'd found that stool so I could sit on it rather then on the dirty floor," she said with a sad look on her face. Then she got that look in her eyes, "Tell you what, you want to feel useful? How about getting down on all fours so I have something to sit on?"

I wasn't sure if she was serious or not, but not wanting to miss an opportunity, I got down on all fours with the shelf to my right and the long isle in front of me. She giggled and said, "I was only kidding, but as long as you're offering." Then she moved over between the shelf and me, and placed her shapely behind on my back.

I figured she couldn't really see what I was doing from her angle, so I just stared at her feet. Although she had her shoes on, I could just see her heels peeking out from her mule sneakers; the mere closeness to them was a turn on. I could feel the shift of her weight on my back, as she would lean forward to count and then back again to write.

After about a minute, she crossed her right leg over her left and dangled her shoe. As she did this, her shoe slowly slid forward down her foot, till it stopped just above her toes. I turn my head to the right a little so I could watch every subtle movement her foot made. Now, as she would lean forward to count, her right foot would be brought closer to my face. I could just catch her sent as it got close and then she would sit back up again. This teasing action started a stirring in my manhood.

This continued for the whole length of the row. When she had reached as far as she could, she would stand up and motion for me to crawl forward. Then sit back down on me and continue on with her work as if I wasn't even there. It was as if I was nothing more to her than a comfy stool to sit on.

She finally spoke to me once we reached the end of the row. "That's three down, only one more to go."

She stood up, and I sat back on my heels to rest for a second till my manhood settled down. Kneeling in front of her I couldn't help but look up and admire her beauty. I almost felt honored that she had allowed me to be a place for her to sit. I started to get up and she motioned for me to stop.

"I was thinking," she said. "Since you couldn't find the stool and you did such a good job last week as my step stool, why don't you just stay down on all fours. Now turn around and face back down the isle, and I'll just stand on your back so I can reach."

I did as she told me, turned around and got back down on all fours. I was trembling a little, not from lack of a rest, but in anticipation of what was about to happen.

"I don't want to leave dirty foot prints all over your clean shirt, so I'll just take my shoes off first," she said. She then slipped her shoe off and placed her right foot on my back.

"Ready or not, here I go." With that she put her weight on her right foot, lifted up, slipped her other shoe off, and placed her left foot on my back. Although I now couldn't see them at all, I could feel the warmth and moistness of her sock-covered feet on my back and my manhood sprang to life once again.

She moved down on my back and placed her left foot on my but and right foot on the small of my back. As she continued working, she slowly moved her way up my back. She was now standing with her left foot on the bottom of my shoulder blades and her right foot heel on my upper left shoulder. Almost half her right foot was in midair between my head and shoulder. I could just see her cute little foot out of my peripheral vision.

By now I could tell by the shifts in her weight, when she was leaning forward to count and when she was writing things down. It was driving me crazy that I couldn't get a clear view of her foot. I figured if her eyes where busy counting, she couldn't see me. So the next time she leaned forward, I took a risk and turn my head to the left. With my head down and turned, I looked up and got a perfect view of the sole/toes of her foot. I was even closer to her foot than last weekend and my heart started racing. I could feel her weight shift again, so I turned my head and looked back down at the ground.

I then got an idea and lifted my head even with my back. The next time she leaned forward, I went for it. I quickly turned my head to the left, and put my chin to my shoulder. As I'd hoped, my nose was now right under her foot/toes. I slowly breathed in deeply, taking in as much of her scent as I could. Her foot was still damp and sweaty from recently coming out of her shoe and there was a pungent aroma from it. I was so excited; that my manhood now felt like it was trying to force its way free of the confinements my pants. Her weight shifted and I quickly put my head down.

I continued back and forth this way, keeping track of her every movement. When she had reached as far as she could she said, "This sections done, onto the next." She then moved back down to my but area and I waited for her to step off.

"What are you waiting for?" she said, "We'll waste time if I have to keep climbing up and down. Now move forward and I'll tell you when to stop."

While she used the shelf-unit to steady herself, I slowly moved forward. When she had been on my shoulders, I had to lock my elbows to keep myself up. Now that she was farther back, it wasn't as hard to support her weight.

"OK, just a little farther, perfect, stop here." She said and started her work again. Once she got back onto my shoulders like before; I started MY routine again.

After a couple of minutes it was time to move forward again. This time instead of moving all the way down to my but area, she stood with her right foot on my shoulder blades and her left foot on the small of my back.

"This feels better, I'm a little more stable here. Now mush," she said playfully as she tapped me on my but with her left foot.

What felt better for her, was murder for me. Her weight was now more on my arms and I struggled to move forward. At least when she was sitting on my back I got a break while I moved forward. Now I had to support almost all her weight on my arms while I moved. The pressure, now on the small of my back, was no picnic either, as I strained to keep my back straight.

When we got to the next section, she tapped me on the but again and told me to stop. We continued working our way down the isle this way. I would try to get my face as close to her foot every chance I could get. Eventually, she stopped "telling" me to move forward. She would position herself on the center of my back and just tap my but with her foot signaling me when to go or stop.

Once we got to the end of the isle, I could feel the top of my head just graze the wall, as I would move it into position to get close to her foot. We where at the end of our job and my ordeal was almost over. Although my whole body ached, I wouldn't have traded this day for the world.

"Oh crap!" she says, as she suddenly looks down at me. My face is still buried in her foot as our eyes meet. Oh crap indeed, I think to myself, there's no way to explain this.

"Enjoying the view?" she says sarcastically as she playfully wiggles her toes in my face. She must have assumed that I just turned my head when I heard her call out, because she just continued talking like nothing was up.

"There's a box pushed all the way to the back and I can't read the part number on it." She says, "Hold your head out straight so I can rest my foot there for balance, as I try to reach it."

I turn my head to face the floor and bring it up level with my shoulders. She then slides her left foot forward more and rests her right foot on the back of my head. The pressure isn't that much and normally wouldn't be a problem, but my neck was already sore from all the straining I had been doing earlier to get to her foot.

"Darn, I still can reach it," she says with her foot still resting on my head. "You're going to have to move up more."

"Move up more?" I reply with a strain in my voice. "My head is already up against the wall."

"I got an idea." She moves her foot from the back of my head and continues. "Put your head as far up and back as you can. Then turn your face toward the shelf. Now you can move forward more."

I do as she suggests and to my surprise, I do have more room to move forward. I go until the right side of my face is pressed up tight against the wall. She tries again, but still can't reach.

"Well, I can't go any farther forward, so how about up? Don't move a muscle." With that, she places her right foot on the top of my head, shifts her weight to it, and UP she goes.

OMG, the pressure on my neck is almost unbearable. It feels likes it will be pulled from my shoulders at any second. As she moves around on my head I can feel the bones in my neck grinding against each other from her weight.

I feel something brush up against my left cheek. She has brought her left foot up against my face for balance. I watch her foot as she slowly slides it across the front of my face till her big toe bumps up against the side of my nose.

I then feel her weight shift forward to reach the box. Suddenly the ball of her left foot jams into my eye socket. I close my eye just in time as she starts to apply pressure to aid in her forward motion. The more she strains to reach the box, the more she pushes into my eye socket.

What a sight I must be. I'm on all fours, face pressed up against the wall, with Jamie standing on my head. She has her right foot on the top of my head, while the ball of her left foot is jammed in my eye socket. The pressure and pain is intense, yet my engorged manhood gives me the strength to go on.

Finally, I hear her say, "Got it." The pressure eases up on my eye as she slides the box forward. She removes her foot from my eye socket and rests its ball on my nose. Her toes are right over my nose and I breathe in deeply her foot scent. I open my eye to better see her foot, but my vision in it is blurred from the pressure she had been putting on it.

She then reaches over, grabs the clipboard and nonchalantly continues working. Why didn't she step off my head first? Doesn't she realize how badly I am suffering beneath her?

I was just about at my breaking point, when she says, "That's it, all done." She must have looked down then, cause she followed up with, "Jeez that doesn't look too comfortable." She then stepped back down onto my back and told me to backup.

I moved away from the wall, my neck was sore and stiff. Though I wanted to relax and let it down, I was afraid that would only cause it to hurt more.

Jamie, seeing my dilemma says, "Don't be such a baby." Then she places her right foot on the back of my head and starts to force it down. My stiffened neck fought against her foot to remain in the position it was, but it was a loosing battle. The pain she caused by doing this was more than I could imagine. She was only trying to help, but she was actually making it worse for me.

She finally pushes my head all the way down. I must admit, although it was quite painful as she did it, now, as my head hung down my neck felt better.

"Now to double check the paperwork to make sure we haven't missed anything and then we're done for the day. I might as well make my self comfortable first." With that she proceeds to sit down on my back. She places her firm little behind on the small of my back and a foot on each shoulder. This might be comfortable for her, but it forces me to endure more time beneath her weight.

I could just see her feet/toes hanging off my shoulders. With her concentrating on the paper work, now would be a good time to steal some more glances of her cute little feet. Unfortunately, my neck is still too sore and stiff from her standing on my head. All my head can do is just hang there, as I long to get another glimpse of her perfect feet.

After a few minutes she finishes up the paper work. "We got it all," she says. "Now turn around and give me a horseback ride to my shoes so I don't get my socks dirty."

I don't say a word; I just do as she tells me. Slowly I turn myself around to face back up the isle toward her shoes. My arms are tired and my knees are sore from the trip down isle. Now, as I look back up the isle, her shoes seem to be miles away. Once I'm completely turned around, I start my long journey.

"Wait a second," she says, "you can't see where you are going with your head down. I don't want you to bump me into the shelves, so lift your head up."

I struggle to get my head back up. After a short time and a lot of effort, I eventually succeed. At least in this position I can get a better view of Jamie's feet.

"Now, giddy up horsey," she playfully says.

I awkwardly move forward, my arms quivering as I go. It took all I had to try and move in a straight line, and I still wasn't doing a good job of it.

Jamie noticed this too and says, "Looks like horsey needs some reigns and blinders to keep him going in the right direction." With that, she slides her feet forward till her heels are on the edge of my shoulders. I then feel her soft socks touch against the sides of my face. Her big toe on each foot now blocks my peripheral vision.

We slowly continued down the isle with Jamie using her feet to guide me. If I would veer to one side or the other, she would use her feet to turn my head in the right direction.

We were about half way there, when I guess she got tired of holding her knees straight up. She brought her knees down and out, and the soles of her feet where against my face. She then slid her feet a little forward and rested the sides of them on my cheekbones. Now her heels where no longer on my shoulders and my head carried the full weight of her legs. This caused great pain in my already aching neck muscles and only served to increase my torment.

I now had a clear view of the toes and balls of her feet. Her feet were close enough to my nose that I could once again take in her scent. I felt a stirring in my manhood as the combination overwhelmed my senses. It was like sweet ambrosia and gave me the strength to continue.

When we finally got to her shoes, she placed her feet back on my shoulders. My neck was so wore out, that it just fell limp and hung there. I was completely exhausted, yet I still didn't want it to end. This was a once in a lifetime experience and if she had wanted me to carry her for the rest of the day, I would do my best to please her.

She then leans forward and reaches her left foot down, to try and slip it into the correct shoe. As she tries to work her foot into one shoe, the other one tumbles underneath me. I gaze into that shoe and I can see the impression left in it from her foot. I think to myself, as if talking to her shoe, now I know what it's like to be you.

She gets her shoe on, and then unknowingly places her left foot on top of my hand/fingers. She then reaches down with her right foot to get her other shoe. As she does, she applies weight to the foot now on my hand. I just watch as her lovely right foot searches around for her shoe, but it is just out of her reach.

"I can't seem to reach it," she says, "be a dear and hand me my other shoe."

With her left foot down, there is less weight on that side, but that hand is trapped under her foot. So I gather up what strength I have left, and start to move my right hand to reach her shoe. It's a constant struggle to keep my balance and to keep her weight up on my one arm. It would have been much easier on me if she had just stood up on her left foot/shoe and reached for the other one herself.

I grab her shoe and bring it forward to where she can reach it. She just sits there with her right leg hanging off my shoulder and says, "Now be a gentlemen and put it on for me."

I slowly reach forward to put her shoe on for her. Stretching forward makes it even more difficult for me to keep my balance. Twice I almost lose my balance and fall flat on my face, but eventually I reach her foot. I watch as the object of my desire slowly disappears into her shoe.

With out any warning, she slowly gets up putting all her weight on her left foot. I can feel my knuckles cracking under the pressure. Once she is up, she centers her weight on both feet, but is still standing on my left hand.

"I'll just go turn the paperwork in, and then I'm out of here for today. Make sure the door is locked after you leave," she says. "Thank you again for all your help. You sure are turning out to be quit HANDY around here." She seems to emphasize the word "HANDY" by transferring her weight back to her left foot.

"No problem, I'm happy I could help," I strain to reply.

I watch her feet, as she walks away and out the door. I just sit there too drained from the experience to move. I glance back down at my left hand and I can see a perfect outline of her shoe's treads. At least she left me something to remember her by.

To be continued...
© Copyright 2021 SoleMann (solemann at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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