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Rated: E · Poetry · Religious · #2245840
When I laid the earth's foundation
In chaos, Job decried the Lord
In turmoil, he felt ignored.

Complaints had he - a lengthy list
God answered him, though not as wished

"You need not understand to trust
Ashes to ashes, dust to dust

Sacrifice your wish to know
as Winter does its softened snow

My Son I'll send you all, to save,
'til then, go forward to your grave

For when I lay the bricks of earth,
a world of beauty did I birth

But also one of war, and pain
forever since the time of Cain

Without My heart, without My grace
a future you could never face."

So chastened, Job abandoned pleas
and fell, persisting, to his knees.

"God, I fear I could not say
what life would be without Your sway."

"Where were you when I laid the earth's foundation? Tell me, if you understand." - Job 38:4

Written with prompts bolded in grape: GOD/JESUS, CHAOS, TURMOIL, SACRIFICE/SACRIFICES, SAVE/SAVED for "The Lighthouse Poetry ContestOpen in new Window.;

20 lines, 120 words
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