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Rated: E · Short Story · Children's · #2244626
A barn owl, that didn't say whoooo but instead said moooo, for The Comedy Club Contest.
The Barn Owl That Said Mooo

The Barn owl that said Mooo

Let me tell you a story about Hoooter, the baby owl that learned how to mooooo.

When Hooter the owl hatches from his egg, the first thing he says is, "Hooo! Hooo!"

The cows are not used to hearing Hooo, Hooo! Start saying "Mooo, Mooo!"

As Hooter the owl grows, he doesn't know why the cows say 'Moo!' when he says 'Hoo!' He finally figures out the cows have been trying to teach him how to moo, now he needs to learn how to speak like them.

As the cows talk to Hooter, they discover Hooter does not speak or understand them. How will they teach the owl to learn to speak cow?

Farmer Bob dances into the barn to milk the cows. “Good morning, ladies, and how are we feeling today?” Betzy, the cow, turns her head and mooos in response to him. She is telling him all about Hooter and how he can’t understand them.

He pats her on the back and tells her that it’s going to be a great day. She turns her head with her nose in the air.

Hooter starts hoooting again. Farmer Bob looks up and says, “Good morning, Hooter, how are you doing, my feathered friend?”

"Hooot, hooot," he goes again. Farmer Bob start to laugh at Hoooter.

The cow, Ruby, decides she wants in and starts moooing along with hooters hoooing. Farmer Bob starts whistling to their tune, and everyone joins in.

At the end of the song, Bob laughs again, and he pats Betzy on the back gently and tells her that she needs to teach Hooter how to mooo. Farmer Bob finishes the milking and walks outside to do his other chores.

Betzy tells the girls that they have to come up with a plan to teach Hooter how to mooo. They all agreed, but how are they going to teach him?

Betzy and Ruby agree they will start singing a Mooo Moooing song to see if that will help Hooter speak their language. Bella and Betzy decide to join in on the music as well, to help Hooter speak cow.

Hooter starts to moo, moo, mooing, and before long, he is moo, moo, mooing. After a while, Hooter finally makes it to the mooo, mooo, moooing. Hooves, Bella, Ruby, and Betzy cheer Hooter along as he gets getting better and better at moooing.

While Hooter is moooing with the cows, he notices they are no longer picking on him about the hooo, hooo hoooing he was doing earlier because he is moooing now.

As the cows kindly teach, moooing instead of hoooing. They believe Hooter is doing well.

While Hooter is becoming friends with the cows named Hooves, Bella, Ruby, and Betzy now, he has become happier and has more confidence in how he talks.

Farmer Bob dances into the barn again to check on how the cows are doing with Hooter. Come to find out, Hooves, Bella, Ruby, and Betzy have Hooter moooing a musical. Farmer Bob claps his hands and is shouting with excitement, "Hip, hip hurray!!! Hip, hip hurray!!!"

Hooter is also moooing, "Hip, hip hurray", says, Farmer Bob.

Farmer Bob goes off on his way after that to take care of the last few chores he needs to take care of on the farm, but then he stops.

Hooters is still moooing, but are the cows now hoooing?

Farmer Bob decides to let his wife Gertie doooooo the rest of his chores before he starts moooing and hoooing, too.

By Sharmelle Olson
January 2021

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