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by lutz
Rated: 18+ · Fiction · Fantasy · #2243385
Earth encounters an alien species seeking cultural progress by any means.

The Histories

Earth date: 060148.5000-21
Solar place: Arecibo II

The tech dozed through the usual boredom at lunchtime near the Puerto Rican crater. He had worked the night before. The listening routine had advanced quite well since station's beginning mostly because of the advancement of artificial intelligence in the new century that had been exponential and the AI knew the hottest frequencies for detection of the sounds that would change the world.
The tech jerked at the sounds of the gentle alarm nearly falling from his leaning chair. His mind still cloudy he tapped the display.
"Oh, god! This can't be," he muttered. He rolled over to the office phone. On the second try his quivering fingers got the extension right. "Gary get over here. I think I got one."
Gary had been through this more times than he cared to remember. " I'll be right there Phil."
He stopped for a sandwich on the way. He stuck his card in a vending machine and it produced a ham and cheese then he looked for mustard. Ten minutes later Gary entered Phil's work station still munching. Phil looked at his watch with slight disgust and pointed at the panel. Gary's face sobered. He printed a hard copy of the related graphic. The oily spot on his forehead was scratched.
"Charli likes it." Gary referred to the computer.
"What is it?"
"I don't know."
"What now?"
"I'll call Don."

Don arrived near quitting time. He passed those waiting and went straight to Charli. "What it Charli?"
The computer answered, "Probable transmission."
Don turned to the other two. "Did you call Bob?"
They shook their heads.
"Charli can you translate?"
"Not at this time."
The following day contact confirmation occurred when communication decoding began. The universe creaked in PR.

Earth date: 070218.00001-22
Location: Interstellar space

The next century brought man into hyperspace. It was requisite before the extradimentional space travel that was needed to traverse the distance between stars that populated areas between the galactic spiral arms. The habital zone of which both Sol and Seko resided still left them 220 light years apart. Travel through Einsteinian space was impossible. Only the space calculated by AI could be used. With theory at this level very few humans could compete for leadership. The one sekon who shared knowledge in this area we had heard from but couldn't question until we met. We could travel around the speed of light but not communicate faster than light. The only way to do that was to carry a message much the way we did when we went around the world before we could call around the world.
Communication in general was timid and clumsy for the civilizations relationship imitated adolescent courtship. Mixed emotions coupled with destiny. Actual mission difficulty was incalcuable and dangerous.

One year into the first public space mission to Seko

"Remarkable," murmured the second officer.
"Routine radio scan, sir?"
"No "
"How old?"
"About sixty years."
"How we miss this?"
"Unknown. Tell the captain and send the recording straight to his quarters."
The captain called back quickly and ordered, "Send that back to Earth now, maintain heading, keep me posted."
"Yes sir."

Galactic sector location: Sekon space
2 years later

The ship was the battle cruiser 'Armstrong'. Her mission was primarily exploration but at this distance from Earth she was ready for the worst. The scene was too quiet.
"Continue to call the planet and the space station till we get some response," ordered the captain.
Two hours passed before an answer came in. " We propose liason exchange between the ship and the station to detail the grounds of first personal contact." A sekon comm tech spoke clearly for the translation programs worked well.
"Agreed. We will send over our first officer and an assistant if you will do likewise."
"Affirmative. Begin shuttle transport."
A brief quarantined meeting ensued in which shore leave was arranged. Highly limited contact continued as this went on for some fifteen days. It was made clear that no serious negotiation could start until a commercial vessel was sent. The issue of a ship of war being sent was forgiven but not to be unpunished. Peaceful conditions would have to be met. As this was considered future plans were made. The captain was very disappointed but not troubled because of the other coming contact. A quiet departure soon came and the mission continued along with even less planning for the next star system.

Trull space
Two years later

It would have been difficult for the Navy if the Armstrong had left Seko empty handed and they didn't have somewhere equally compelling to go. Perhaps solving the mystery of the missing signal would carry the limping first leg of the mission. The ship sent out salutations to the unknown planet as they approached.
"I wonder if they know we're here?" asked the chief.
"I don't know," answered the captain."Tell HQ we have arrived."
"No one knows we're here now."
Communications had very little to work with based on radio contact. The recording that had been intercepted and even deciphered was not relevant.
"Greet them and ask if they can receive us."
"Aye, captain."
"Another quiet planet."
Still no response came. Once again they waited.
The captain called 'Skip' by his few friends that were also his critical crew called out to one of them on a first name basis. "Duke, what the hell is going on?"
The lieutenant spoke, "Well Captain John Quincy Grant insufficient information, sir", being altogether formal.
"Looks like hurry up and wait." Chief Perkins mused.
"Ward rooms boys". They moved towards the hatch.
Once the meeting was assembled the captain began, "I sure would like to do at least as well as we did last contact and since we didn't do that well I'm open to suggestions."
"I say we just wait," Lieutenant 'Duke' James Wayne offered. That they would do.
The chief just shook his head. That they would do.
The security officer said, "Let's investigate. We can play the education card. Just a little research dig." This too they would do.
"All good points. Send up Captain Cryeder."
Shortly, a young marine arrived.
"Captain Cryeder, I want you to take a squad down to the planet's surface on a recon ASAP. We have contact issues that may be better addressed in person. This is a diplomatic priority. Wear plain clothes. We are not at maximum security but be prepared for anything. Understood?"
"Yes sir."
"Do it."
"Aye aye, captain."
Cryeder vanished from the ward room and reappeared in the marine section and immediately found his executive officer. "Yo! XO! We're going down."
"No kidding? When?" asked first lieutenant Moley.
"Right away. Get Sergeant Mathews to get up a squad in plain clothes and send them to the shuttle deck. You might get to be like Columbus. We'll launch directly."
Within the hour the launch began. The captain of the ship and the captain of the landing party connected on intercom and with the shuttle pilots. The craft deployed and moved to what was considered to be an unoccupied satellite storage unit near the space station. This move was thought to be bold but not too aggressive. Armstrong and the shuttle had crews eagerly watching what they believed to attract attention of alien security much like approaching a guard gate at an unknown loading dock.
Suddenly communication tech called out, "Alien vessel approaching."
"Well I'll be damned. Someone noticed us. Hail the vessel."
"No response, sir."
"Par." The alien closed on the shuttle.
"What is it doing?"
The strange ship was somewhat larger than the shuttle but smaller than the mother ship from Earth. It's intention became clear when it fired a blinding ray at the shuttle which then exploded.
"Red alert!"
"Oh no!" Only moans could be heard from all over the Armstrong.
"Fire on the alien ship." The alien ship was vaporized.
Another cry came out. "More aliens. Coming from all angles!"
"Retreat now." The larger ship was less agile than alien ships. As Armstrong maneuvered away from Trull they were fired upon.
"We're hit." Screams could be heard over the intercom system.
"Return fire."
The monitors were full of light. Half the aliens were gone.
"Damage report"
"Conventional drive only. Star drive engines out. Environmentals decreasing. Two weapon systems down. Repair time unknown."
"Launch the log capsule." The crew looked around and then at each other.
"All hands prepare to evacuate."
Armstrong managed to launch one escape pod and shoot two more aliens before defenses fell. The aliens picked at her until she was in millions of pieces. They annihilated the pod too.

Galactic place: Earth
Two years later

Armstrong should have been back by now. There was no way of knowing what happened. Someone would need to search for her. Space travel had advanced considerably since the last mission.

Galactic place: Trull
One year later

Intrepid stood a billion kilometers from the planet.
"Do you see it captain?"
The captain paused as she considered her next command. The screen showed the location of the log capsule. It appeared to be in a very high orbit above the planet. She wondered why it was there and why no one had retrieved it. She wondered more.
"Get it."
"Yes ma'am."
The crew knew the capsule was not a good sign. They moved with great stealth in the approach. The log was in beacon mode some fifty thousand kilometers above the planet.
"Ensign Chokin, recover the log with the lander immediately," ordered Captain Davydov.
The ensign completed the task working with dangerous haste knowing the high security situation in less than an hour with the help of the robot arm. The skeleton crew returned and put the capsule in quarantine.
"Captain, the log capsule is in the radio shack."
"Council to the radio shack," stated Lieutenant Sablin.
"Lieutenant, take over up here." The captain practically ran out leading the way. The lieutenant promptly took Intrepid behind the small moon of Trull and waited for further orders. Intrepid stood some ten thousand kilometers above the dark side.
The officers listened to the recording from the log capsule and then they listened to it again. Then there was silence for a moment. "Our mourning must be brief. We may be in great danger but we must investigate for Earth and Armstrong. Lieutenant Migunoua, yellow alert."
The council moved back to the bridge. Intrepid returned to planetary orbit and approached the the space station and froze. "Attempt contact."
"No response."
Part of the station began to glow a bolt surged from it and the ship was rocked. "Red alert! Evasion now." The ship moved away from the station and the planet till they were out of range of the gun.
"Alien vessel in pursuit."
"Fire on it."
"More aliens."
"Attack." Intrepid moved in on Trull forces and destroyed ten fighers in five minutes.
"Damage report."
"Minor damage only."
"Move back in on the space station and take out that gun." The pilot maneuvered evading fire and missed once right and once left before blowing up the gun section and the ship under construction docked near by.
"Hail the station."
"Captain we have contact."

Many years passed and mankind had not heard from Seko or Trull. There was nothing to do except wait and continue alone traveling through space exploring the galactic sector until more was known. Fortunately speed was getting faster to the extent of covering a million times the volume in as much time.
Trull in the interim launched a mission to Earth unauthorized by anyone. Forty refugees came begging for amnesty and were nearly killed being mistaken for an attack force. They were easily captured while they immediately surrendered. Fear that they were spies persisted but after years of assimilation they proved to be peaceful. A new generation of Trull grew into Earth citizens. Immigration had still another challenge. Lessons were learned that gave Earth an advantage.
Nothing was heard further from Seko although occasional messages were sent with conventional communication. The exception was by mail that had to be delivered which only happened once from a passing mission. That mission was that of the Beijing. That mission was to search as much space as possible in five years so long as she could get back. There was no specific destination and the goal was to circumnavigate the galactic sector traveling through known and unknown space.

Earth date: 040568.7000-22
One thousand light years from Earth

Captain Lee knew it was time to go home. He sat in his quarters reading and writing and dozing before lights out while listening and glancing at the AV across the deck. The mission had been much more dull than he had imagined. Aside from the occasional breakdown that engineering took care of in short order. He would have to complete his report with little to say.
Commander Maximov was on the bridge thinking much the same as his captain. It seemed mankind had become expert at space travel for very little. After these decades there had been no further contact with intelligence. Primitive life was common enough and material exploitation probable but the notion of trade unlikely.
Navigator Celeste interrupted her commander's thoughts. "First officer, we have a discovery."
"What is it?"
"Slow for observation."
"Nothing on scan sir."
"Take parallel orbit and send out a probe." The Beijing came to the closest part of the orbit at one hundred kilometers from the barrier. Seven minutes later the probe made contact with the barrier. It attempted penetration slowly for three seconds.
"Energy field sir," stated Lieutenant Jones. "Communications failing." Four seconds later there was no more signal. Two seconds later there was a flash as machine disintegrated.
"Shit. It didn't cost much." The captain mumbled a curse. "Anything?"
"Time to cut the fence sir," blurted Chief Jackson.
"Any thing else?"
The crew was silent.
"See if we can do it with a laser."
The Beijing focused her long range lasers on the the thickest part of the dense field.
"Did we get through?"
"No sir."
"Load torpedoes. Configure just to take out the field."
One minute later there was a flash.
"Big hole, sir."
"Let's go have a look before the neighbors come to mend the fence." The Beijing moved through the hole five minutes later.
"Look aft." The navigator twisted even though the rear screen was forward. The hole had closed.


Earth date: 010698.0432-22
Solar space

"That's it, Pete."
"Let's go."
The Erastus 111 approached the large GE freighter. It contained the 9800; it was the most advanced food preservation system known by the spies at Amtex. This system was capable of traditional and synthesized preservation under normal kitchen conditions depending on the level of food processing of products at farm or plant.
Helen Aims was the chief executive officer of Amtex and she wanted the 9800. She didn't need it for her lack of wealth and she didn't need it for the lack of technical expertise. She needed it for business advantage in time. Information at the instant of knowledge was important for profit. You do not remain number one without taking every opportunity.
"Interception in seventeen seconds."
"Did you find the location?"
"Let's take that thing and get moving."
The smaller craft docked with the freighter in an unauthorized way by of a wide pipe approaching an entry port so as to create a make shift air lock. Will opened the hatch and immediately found an interface for security and sent a false alarm message to the computer.
"Will, find that reefer and see if you can find anything else we can use. Get the paperwork if you see it too."
Will jumped through the hole and began the search with a couple of crewmen. They had found the cargo area readily and the 9800 thereafter. As they were removing it one of the freighter crew caught them in the act. The GE man ran for the alarm and struck the red.
"Security, intruder alert!"
Four other freighter crew promptly responded and joined their colleague and charged Will. Will punched the leader on the jaw and knocked him out. Before the falling freight man collapsed Will grabbed him and threw him at two other freight men and knocked them down. All the while the other two with Will held off the two remaining freight men till Will could assist them with incapacitating the rest of the immediate concern.
"Let's get out a here!"
As the Erastus crew abruptly departed they happen to stumble upon a large coffin shaped box. One of the marauders pulled out his handy crowbar and popped it open. Inside was a humanoid featureless and warm.
Just then security arrived. "Stop and drop the property." Will charged again and was immediately neutralized by gunfire. The thieves retreated instantly but not before rounding up the loot. They dragged the procurement back to the Erastus. Back on board the job was assessed.
"Raz, move out now." Pete came down to the cargo hold and looked around the model, the humanoid and the plans for both. "Lot a trouble for a fucking dummy." He looked for worse. "Everyone OK? OK."
"It's not a dummy. It's warm."
Pete touched it. "Take the dummy to Doc." The humanoid was dragged to medical.
Peter China worked for Amtex and it was Helen Aims controlling interest. It financed this mission and this ship which was far faster than anyone knew. This was important because the next mission would be far more significant.

Erastus returned to Earth. It did not dock at the space station because even though it was relatively large vessel with a lander it could land without much difficulty depending on the gravity of a planet. Instead Pete flew into Amtex space port. Erastus enjoyed preferred parking just as it had a choice of pilots including Wilhelm Strasse who was also Amtex security. Peter China was a good pilot as well as transport chief at Amtex. Helen was an international sales leader for nine years and she desperately wanted a decade of dominination. She would be pressuring Pete about this to impress upon him the need with respect to the coming mission. They would meet soon and discuss the significance of what would transpire.
Pete made a point of going to the security personnel that had been set up on the side so as to not be inspecting to carefully in customs. They cleared the cargo for lab inspection that too would not find any problems. There was more surveillance still. When Pete was satisfied he left the spaceport in his company car and crossed the mighty river to the southeast into Saint Louis, Missouri after departing East Saint Louis, Illinois. As Pete drove passed the Gate Way to the West he remembered he looked for the construction on the Gate Way to Space as they flew passed the Moon and did not see anything. He approached the headquarters building and prepared for entry digging out his code book which was not allowed. He punched in after swiping his card at the gate and at the door and at the elevator. Finally he entered a reception area and spoke to the clerk.
"Hey Daisy, she in?"
"Yep, she's waiting for you."
Daisy buzzed him in the gated door. The hallway was dark and long for an office. Pete emerged into area with better lighting.
"Welcome back Mister China."
"Good trip?"
"Good trip."
"Where is it?"
"The lab."
Helen moved from around her desk and said, "As expected you did well and you deserve a vacation. Arrangements to do so are made if you wish if not then do as you please on the company as well as your staff. Return in about ten days and we'll talk about the details." She was unusually warm.
Pete waved smiling slyly as he left.

Peter went to Atlanta instead of Paris that he had tickets for courtesy of Helen. He hung out in Underground smoking and drinking his fill. The major leagues were in town featuring ATL versus Mexico City who had just won twelve in a row and he had tickets by virtue of his favorite connection at the Hilton. Otherwise he just loafed and enjoyed a quiet time calling his lady drivers to give him various rides occasionally.
China returned to Saint Louis which was not home for him where he usually stayed on board Erastus. He had done this at more ports than he cared to remember. Helen lived at HQ to the point of having plush apartments particularly in Dallas and Houston and Odessa. Both of their lives were work. Occasionally they would forget at each other's space. Pete could more easily do so than Helen and if not her than with anyone he was fairly close to on a regular basis.
Pete arrived once again at Helen's office. She was glad to see him but he was anxious about the mission.
"Holiday went well?"
"Sit down please."
Pete worried about a problem with the GE. He sat down slowly.
"Peter, " she began leaning against her desk with her arms crossed, "I'll not beat around the bush. I want you to go to Seko."
Pete was dumbfounded. "You got to be kidding, Helen."
She became very serious. "Not at all."
"There hasn't been a mission to Seko in decades and one was no go and the other never came back." Pete got hot.
"I am aware of space and its tragic history and the inevitability of its danger. Armstrong will not return but maybe Beijing will however unlikely. We now have Trull refugees on Earth and we never had a problem with Seko."
"Are you out of your mind? What could we possibly need over there?"
"Behave, Peter and just listen. Two years ago Amtex sent an unmanned probe with a robot programmed by one of legal's people. It was engaged in economic observation for the purpose of trade assessment."
"So what? Probably lost forever."
"Stop interrupting, it's back."
"As I said." He looked at her quizzing with his face in a unprofessional expression.
"It contained a message." Helen cut him off. "It said 'try again'."
"Try again was the message."
Pete was silent.
"That is what we will do. I need you to go back to Seko." She looked dutifully to the sky.
Pete shook his head in disgust. "This is an Interstellar matter. Did you call the Feds?"
"Seko didn't."
"We don't have a ship."
"Yes we do. Your ship."
"What does that mean?"
"Erastus has been modified on most every occasion you bring it in. The two years you have been flying it my engineers have been completing it's star drive. All those training meetings you skip your staff has been learning to fly her. That's on a need to know basis. All that extra cargo area has been retrofitted by design."
"Oh, nice."
"I knew you would be like that. The ship is faster than any federal vessel and test flights went very well. You can complete this mission in less than a year. The engineers stand by this but you and your computers will find out for sure. You will have highly negotiable cargo to start trade quickly but our goal is close encounters so as to set up the future."
"So if we survive then what do we do?"
"Other than what I have told you, I don't know."
"You'll be beyond my control. You will be on your own." She paused while Pete writhed in his chair. "Peter you seldom disappoint me. I don't expect that now. Besides, if you succeed you will make history."
"If I fail?"
"I expect the same."
"Great." Peter sat for a moment wringing his hands.
Helen moved back around to the drawer of the desk. She removed a watch. Peter watched.
"Putting me out to pasture?"
Helen smiled. "Don't be ridiculous. This will be the greatest gift you ever receive. I will not bother to explain; it is literally self-explanatory. Please wear it now and keep it with you."
Pete put it on in disbelief.
"Go now and bless you. You will be heavily rewarded if you please me and thwarted if not. Hurry back." She left to her private room teary.
Pete shook his head and rubbed his stomach and stood up slowly. "How in hell am I going to do this?"
He stumbled out of the office.
Pete began his way back to the spaceport mumbling all the way in a hateful stupor. "That goddamn fat bitch thinks she can do anything. I'd fly out of this shit if I didn't get fucked over by that pig. And that stupid fag better wait till I get hold of his queer ass. Son of a bitchs keeping news from me are screwed. I'll get their asses." Pete ran his fingers through his balding head's sparse hair grinding his teeth until his head hurt worse.
When he arrived at the spaceport he raced through the terminal still fuming. Will was waiting for him at the gangplank. "What are you looking at?" Pete's face was swollen with rage as he scowled at Will. He started ranting right away. "Why the fuck didn't you tell me about the upgrades?"
"Peter, you know Helen must be obeyed." Will reasoned, "We did not hide anything but you didn't inspect."
"Goddamn you. Do not try that kind of shit again."
"Come on Pete, we do not have a choice in the matter."
"What about the Sekon trip?"
Pete felt better already. "Did they program the ship?"
"For what?"
" What time is it?"
"Who' s that?" they both said.
"I did." The new watch had answered.
"Oh, no another talker. Cancel voice."
"Not authorized and the ship has been reprogrammed."
Pete tapped the watch. "I don't want this thing get rid of it."
"Let me see that thing. Where did it come from, Pete?" Will was alarmed while he took the PC. "Raz, prepare a security filter and check for spyware.
Erastus monitors read: ready. The watch was connected hardwire and wireless. The monitors read: clear.
Doc rambled in on the conversation. "We need to talk, Pete. Oh, you got a me a new toy."
"Just Helen keeping an eye on us. Run diagnostics on it and see if you can get that voice off." Doc gleefully took the watch back to the lab.
Many days were spent in final preparation for departure but now the whole team was on the same page. This took place on Earth and then again in space at the station. As soon as all was in order and authorization for mission clearance occurred Erastus moved out.

Next: Mission One

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