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Rated: GC · Fiction · Adult · #2243347
A mission goes awry after hiring team 7 of the Village Hidden in the Leaves
At the start you had decided to hire a squad of ninja from the Hidden Leaf Village to escort you to deliver a ceremonial sword to a village at the corner of the continent to be sealed away and were just relaxing at the local food stop known as Thunder Burger and eating a small meal just after you had finished putting in your request with the Seventh Hokage and waiting for him to assign a squad. You were just about ready to leave at the time when you noticed a group of four boys walk in.

You noticed Boruto (Though you didn’t know his name at the time) almost immediately as he was having a conversation with his friends as they ordered and waited.

Observing them you could help but notice how attractive the young blonde looked. He was also wearing a stylish shinobi outfit.

Overhearing their conversation, you're able to pick out their names and some other stuff.

"There's a booth free near the end of the place! I'll go and grab it before someone else, while you guys get the food." You hear Boruto say as he walks over near your booth before sitting in the one before yours.

The spot he sat down at was directly behind you with only a few inches between the backs of your skulls.

Giving a discreet glance back you see Boruto is preoccupied with pulling something out of his pack and his friends are engrossed in their conversation and not looking over at the moment.

Taking the opportunity you slip to the ground of your booth and look under it to see the backs of his feet. Getting an idea, you slip down under the booth and crawl forward to where your head was partially between the two black sandals. Deciding to push your luck a bit, you slowly move your head forward and are able to get your ears in between the legs, thankfully Boruto's pants were inside the legging of the sandals so your hair wouldn't tickle or rub up against any bare skin. Looking up Boruto's legs you see one of his hands resting on his knee while the rest of the view above the knees are cut off by your low vantage point and the both table having a longer build to cover part of the booth.

Knowing at some point you were going to be caught you turned to the right foot and gave a small peck to the side of the sandal and started to pull back when you heard someone above you start talking.

"Hey we got the food, move over Boruto!"

"Yah yah let me set my bag down, relax!."

You refocus your attention above when they started talking and watched as the hand on Boruto's knee that you could see moved out of sight to be quickly replaced by a backpack being forcefully shoved and rammed into your face pinning your head to its side and in the same moment the foot on either side of you smash tightly together and they actually lift your head up with the backpack still weighing down uncomfortably on your head and move to Boruto's left as he slid closer to the wall of the booth. In the time he lifted his feet your head slipped a bit and your mouth slipped under the foot and caused the sandal to press against your cheek bone before they laid back down and Boruto's foot was planted firmly over your lips.

You were now one hundred percent trapped. If you moved at all it would more than likely alert Boruto to your presence and you had no chance of simply writing off the incident.

Boruto thought he felt something in between his feet while waiting for his friends while he dug his handheld game out from his bag but dismissed it for the moment, after all
be trying to get underneath him?

By the time Boruto had pulled out his game and booted it up the others had gotten the food and walked over to the booth.

Boruto dropped his bag on the floor between his legs and then slid over closer to the wall of the place to allow Shikadi to sit next to him while the others sat on the opposite side. With his bag at his feet he dismissed the stray thought of something else there as he brought them a tad closer together, he felt something under his right heel but thought it was just a strap from his bag and ignored it. Taking his tray with his order of burger, frys, and a soda and dug in while talking to the others.

As Boruto and the others ate and hung out in their own world at table level, down below you were in a world of your own with no choice to be in it and no chance of escaping without getting caught.

You had lost track of how much time had passed as you breathed through your nose since Boruto’s sandal clad heel was still contently smashing your lips into the dirty tile of the restaurant as he ate. You were pretty sure that by the time the weight on your lips lifted you would be able to see the indent of Boruto’s heel, Thankfully he didn’t seem to play with his feet much when eating.

Now when playing a game on the other hand proved to be a different story.

After they finished eating the others also pulled out their games and they started playing.

During this time they were playing you learned that while Boruto doesn't play with his feet while he eats, he
do it while he’s playing a game.

You're not sure how much time had passed since you started hearing beeping sounds and other noises from the games but you figured it was about five or so minutes after you first heard the sounds that Boruto’s feet started to move.

Boruto started to lightly bounce his foot up and down repeatedly when they were on a particularly tough part of the game, his heel raised up and down quickly and constantly while you could see the toes at the end of his sandals flex each time the heel lifted.

The good news was that when he started to bounce on the soles of his feet that released your lips from under the bottom of his heel. Immediately pain and soreness enveloped them as you closed them and pulled them in tightly together as not to have a repeat of that pain.

The bad news was that it also released some of the tension that his leg had been putting on your face allowing you head to unintentionally slide forward after a few minutes.

After a point Boruto had shifted his foot just slightly, but it was enough that his heel now came down directly over your eye. At the very least since he was just bouncing his foot it wasn’t smashing into your eye but just lightly stopping above it before lifting again.

This continued off and on for a while until you could make out a shade of orange appear in the back of the area telling you that it was starting to get late.

Pretty soon after you notice this you hear the game noises above you stop and their conversation becomes clearer.

“Alright it's been fun but I gotta call it a day my team’s got a mission tomorrow”. Shikadia said as he packed his game up and got out of the booth.

“Yeah I should probably go as well, I got a long mission coming up and I need to prepare for it” Boruto says as he packs up his bag and pushes his feet sideways into the ground of the booth to help project himself out of the booth seat a tad quicker.

Shouldering his bag he walks out of the Thunder Burger and heads home for the day.

You hear the others get up and leave and feel Boruto reach down and unzip his bag and drop his handheld in it. Finally after what had been nearly three hours Boruto lifted his bag from your head allowing you to see more than the bottom of it.

You fully expected that this was the moment Boruto noticed you and expected him to flip out!.

To your shock and complete surprise as soon as he moved the back, his feet blocked your vision and the sandals smashed down painfully against your head and shoved your head back against the wall as Boruto forcefully pushed off of your face. The push was fast and hard, Leaving your head spinning as he pushed your head to bang painfully against the wall.

You feel the feet leave your face a moment later but have to blink a few times to clear your starry vision. When you do you have just enough time to see Boruto finish standing up from the booth before turning to the left and walking out of view.

Never knowing that he had trapped a person in between his legs for a few hours effortlessly.

Sliding back out to your booth you stand up and make your way to the bathroom to clean up.

Once you were set you walked out and glanced at the clock the company had on the wall. Over three hours had passed! That you had been at the feet of the young Genin ninja.

Heading home you got prepared to meet the team you hired from the Leaf Village to guard you on your journey tomorrow. Having a feeling that Boruto kid was going to be in it judging by his words earlier.

This would be an interesting mission.

It’s been three days.. Three long and hot days of just traveling non-stop for you and the young ninja known as Boruto Uzumaki.

You had hired Team Seven, Genin shinobi from Konoha to protect you as you traveled from the village to the edge of the continent to deliver a ceremonial sword to your village.

The trip itself was a fourteen day journey as a round trip as you only had to deliver it and you were planning on moving to Konoha after this anyway.

You reached the end of the border of the land of fire when the group was ambushed by a very large group of bandits scattering the group.

Konohamaru sent word to you and Boruto to keep heading towards the nearby village and laylow while the rest of them will lead the bandits away with a fake sword and they'll rendezvous there in 3 days, if they can't meet up keep heading towards the main objective.

Boruto trying to take charge has the two of you speed off immediately.

This leads to now.

“Man I’m totally exhausted!” Boruto exclaimed loudly, putting his hands on the back of his head bordley. He really wasn’t expecting to be traveling this long without stopping and it was taxing on him.

You on the other hand were used to traveling for two or three weeks at a time while only stopping to eat, so there wasn’t even a twinge of fatigue on you yet.

Looking up you notice the sun is setting over head and decided to call it a day.

“Hey Boruto, we should stop and make camp for the night.”

“What, why?” Boruto asked incredulously.

“We still have three days till we reach the village and both of us need to eat and sleep in case any more trouble comes.”

“Tch fine.” Boruto muttered before dropping his bag on the ground and started walking off. “ I’ll get the fire going if you can get the tent up”.

“Fine with me.” you said watching him go.

You quickly pulled out a scroll and made a hand sign.

“Summoning Jutsu!”
Thrusting you hand palm down onto the scroll a puff of smoke was created and a giant tent appeared out of thin air.

Rolling up the scroll you picked up Boruto’s bag and went inside. Setting down the bag you pulled out his sleeping bag and set it up and put yours on the ground as well.

After about ten minutes of just mindless tasks you hear the scratching sound only wood rubbing together makes.

Opening the tent flap you see Boruto just finishing bringing the fire to life in a brilliant blaze.

“Perfect!” he said triumphantly.

“Awesome now all we need is to go fishing and catch dinner.”

“Alright let's go!”

The two of you go to the nearby stream and walk on to the water.

“Hmph I bet I can catch a bigger fish than you!” Boruto stated pointing a finger in your direction.

“A bet huh? What are the terms?” you smirk.

“Huh? Ooh... I hadn’t actually thought of any.”

“Well how about the winner can order the loser to do anything they want for the rest of the round trip. I mean that’s over a week and it could be interesting.

“Okay and the loser has too.. Hmm let’s see” Boruto looked at the camp area for a moment and noticed something was missing, a big log to sit on while eating and stoking the fire.

He glances at you real quick

Boruto locks eyes with you while wearing a shit eating smirk.

“The loser has to substitute the campfire spot log with themselves!”

“Umm okay sure.. Wait that means you forgot to grab big enough logs didn’t you!” you exclaimed pointing an accusatory finger.

“Heh, all the more reason not to lose right?”

“Fine.” you decide to go under the water to try catching a fish while Boruto walks on top of the water with a kunai in hand waiting for a fish to jump out.

It was dark enough out now that just under the surface of the water was completely black. Using chakra filtered to your eyes you actually go under Boruto and float just under his sandals letting the bridge of your nose trace the bottom of his left foot.

Looking down you see a few fish under you and moving your body just right you send the bigger one purposely to the surface. You quietly pull your head out of the water behind the blond and watch as the fish explodes from the water.

“ARLIGHT!” Boruto shouted while tossing the Kunai at the fish.

What you hadn’t predicted was that when he went to throw the knife was for him to haul his foot back, the heel plowing into your eye and the kickback force pushing you under the water. Fortunately Boruto hadn’t seemed to notice as he did a victory dance unknowingly on your face as the chakra on the soles of his feet kept your eye glued to his right sandal. Since Boruto’s chakra was being focused on the surface of the water it was also being connected by the point at which his foot is connected to your eye to your chakra allowing him to walk forward to the giant fish while dragging you along and pulling you out of the water only to stomp you back down under it every time he took a step with his right foot without any feeling under him.

Once he reached the tree and pulled out the fish you finally got over your daze and released your chakra and slipped into the water to catch a smaller one.

You came out of the water two minutes later and walked to the camp to see Boruto grinning while holding up his’ giant catch.

“Looks like I won,” he says mockingly, looking at your smaller catch.

“Yeah yeah go put it on the fire and i’ll dry off real quick.”

“Sure dry off but I want you under my butt by the time I got the fish on the flame.”

He walked into the tent to grab the skewers.

Making the proper hand signs you say a command. “Water style Water repellant!”

All the water and collected moisture on you from the stream bursts off around you leaving you clean and dried off.

You laid down just as Boruto re-emerged from the tent holding the fish diced and separated on several different skewers.

“There we go,” He says, walking out. You notice he’s already taken off his weapons pouch and his shuriken holster.

Walking towards the fire Boruto didn’t even spare you a glance as he stepped directly over your head and stopped in front of the fire.

Turning your head as Boruto walks over you, you meet the back of his sandals as he squats down and puts the fish on the fire. His heels lift up to the point where even the sole of the sandal is slightly lifted from the ground.

Boruto takes a few minutes to put the fish in the fire well enough to cook without burning it and stoking the fire

In the few minutes he does this your watch as a spider scurries into view and chases another small bug forwards and under the blondes left foot and traps it.

Before the spider can begin to inject the venom into its meal Boruto stands back up causing his heels to come back to the ground, crushing the two insects under his heel with a quite crunch.

"There we go all ready and cooking” Boruto finally sat down on his substitute bench's stomach. “That’s good, nice and soft just like I was hoping” He gives you a few pats on your chest.

“You know since I won the bet and I'm protecting you, how bout you give your new Master a foot rub?”

”Uh sure thing"

Boruto grins before spinning on your stomach, pulls his legs close to his stomach and rests his heels together on your chest, giving you a full view of the bottoms of his sandals.

Then pushing his heels into your chest he scoots back and unintentionally right over your groin before stopping on your knees.

“Thanks! And since you so readily accepted you can take off my sandals as well. “

Shrugging your shoulders you move your arms and hands and are about to unstrap the right one when he stops you.

“Hold on.. Prove your loyalty to our deal. Why don't you give my sandals a kiss each and make one at least ten seconds for each one and two more for my feet themselves after you're done of course.”

You lean your head up and slowly press your lips against the right sandal before taking it off and repeating the same with the left foot

Not sure where to put them, you set the sandals on each side of your head while you finally start the foot rub.

Boruto let out a huge sigh of satisfaction as he felt your hands digging into his feet and toes Expertly massaging them.

After about two minutes Boruto speaks.

“Man you're pretty good at this… OH the fish is done! “ he reaches over and grabs a stick and begins chowing down. “I'll save you some for when you get done.”

Continuing the foot rub for the next few minutes in mutual silence, the two of you simply enjoyed the moment.

After ten minutes you finally stop the foot rub and plant a small kiss on the arches of his feet which made his toes curl from the tickle sensation.

“Heh you did a great job thanks” Boruto said while shifting to face the fire while reaching out and grabbing you a piece of the fish. Handing it to you he gave a smile as you took it and began chowing down. He turned to look up to the sky and put his hands to his sides and leaned back on them as he watched the stars.

As he did his right hand pressed itself onto the top of your chest and you could feel the tips of his fingers on the bottom of your throat. His left hand landed on the top of your left leg at the end of your thigh muscles, his thumb was curved in and was pressing into a portion of the inner thigh sending waves of electricity up the thigh and straight to your slowly hardening member.

He only held the position for a few moments before closing his eyes and sighing while looking at the ground. Blood runs to your face as you try to ignore it but the fact that he’s not even acknowledging you is making it very hard while you eat.

Hearing you finishing your piece of fish he opens his eyes and looks down at you again.

“Alright I’ll take the first shift” He moved his hand and reached his arm over you to grasp the tops of his sandals. He pulls them up and they rub against your cheeks before lightly tapping together against your nose lifting above you giving you a good view of the soles.

He sets them down on your upper chest before shifting his butt around on your stomach and bringing his legs in towards him and placing his feet behind the sandals on the top of your rib cage. His butt shifts right on top of your groin and you don’t even have a chance to register it before he stands up. He presses his weight on your ribs as he steps back with his right foot and places it just above your navel on the center of your stomach squashing it down as he lifts his left foot over the sandals.

“Well pet I’m not going to wait around” He says with a fake coldness to his tone.

You get the hint and grab his left sandal and slip it on his foot and tightly set the clasps.

What happens next makes you bite your tongue as to hold your moan as you know Boruto did this subconsciously but once the sandal was clasped he pulled it back and tapped the tip of it onto the ground to get the foot a little more comfy and make sure it was on properly. Ironically the ‘ground’ he tapped it on was right on your fully erect groin several times, none too lightly directly on the sensitive head.

He then swapped the positions of the feet and as the left one now wearing the footwear was firmly pressing into your stomach and you were sure it was going to leave a mark. He hovered his right foot over you now and you did the same thing for that as well, to once again be rewarded with a small unintentional foot job.

Placing his foot down alongside his other on your stomach you feel his young preteen weight pressing the air out of your lungs

“Alright try to get some sleep 'cause I’m probably gonna want another massage when you wake up” He said while scratching the back of his head.

Nodding you go into the tent and over to your sleeping bag. Pulling it out you slip off your shoes and shirt but decide to keep your pants on just in case.

Lying down in the sleeping bag you close your eyes and quickly fall asleep wondering what awaits you tomorrow.

You thankfully got plenty of sleep because a few hours later you were awoken by your head being flipped side to side harshly while a heavy weight rested on your mouth forcing you to breathe in through your nose it wasn't painful or crushing just heavy to keep you from opening your lips. Opening your eyes blearily, you see a black mass planted on you.

Not sure what exactly you were looking at, you blink several times to clear the fog from your eyes.
The mass comes into focus as it's quite clearly a very familiar sandaled foot, still rocking your head around.

Looking up you trail your vision up the sandal your to where it meets the black pant leg and up to the jacket line where a hand is shoved into a pocket following to the top of the jacket is the visage of Boruto looking down at you, acting like what he was doing to you right now was a perfectly normal action. Like he was rolling a ball under his foot before kicking it

"About time you woke up, I’ve been rolling your head around for a few minutes now, instead of waking up from it you just started kissing the bottom of my foot."

Detaching your lips from his foot you look up at him in amusement. "Well what can I say, I live to serve at my master's feet even when asleep!" You say while giving Boruto a wink.

He blushes while looking away from you and putting his foot back on your face and teasingly pushes your head to the side causing you to laugh and making him blush even more.

"Shut up.." He barely manages to get out. You continue laughing despite him squishing your cheek. "Kuso!.. some servant you are! So I guess I’ll have to punish you!

"Yes master Boruto. I assume you'll still want the massage now?"

"After I get some rest. Hey your hearing is what allows you to find people near us right?"

"Yeah, why?"

"Good! Cause I really don't want to sleep in my clothes so you are going to be my clothes rack while I take my nap as your punishment got it?"

"Okay but how?"

"Simple, just stand up hold out your arms palms up"

Doing so you stand up and hold out your arms.

"Great I'm only gonna take a two to three hour nap so till then just relax and get used to my scent cause by the time we're done you'll be begging to get as much of it as you can."

You watch as he takes off his jacket and tosses it on you making your world go dark.

With your great hearing you hear him slip off his shirt and feel it placed across your left arm.

You hear him pull off his sandals before slipping his pants off and feeling them draped across your right arm before feeling the bottom of his sandals being laid on each of your palms.

"Alright now if anything is not the same as it is now you'll have to be punished even further. "

Closing your eyes you focus on holding still and breathing through your nose as you listen to Boruto settle in for sleep.

The night continued on and you seriously almost couldn’t be anymore content with your situation right now. Boruto’s scent surrounds you on the inside of his warm jacket, at the core it has a fragrance like a warm day after a good spar. Slight sweaty musk overlay with a steeliness to it that might’ve been a deodorant or cologne, there was also just the tiniest hint of an earthy undertone.

Unfortunately, you were unable to relax as you could hear Boruto tossing and turning uncomfortably in his sleep.

Sighing you know that he would punish you by probably making you clean his sandals or something, but you couldn’t in good conscience let your
continue like this.

Gently lowering yourself to the ground of the tent you slip Boruto’s clothes off yourself and put them in a folded pile on the floor. Looking at Boruto you pause as you see him shivering as his feet were exposed from under a very thin blanket. It was chilly outside so you're not sure why he packed such a light one.

Curiosity getting the better of you, you placed your hand palm opened less than an inch from Boruto’s feet and waited. In a matter of moments his legs stretched out slightly and pushed against your hand. You got a chill yourself feeling how cold his feet were and decided to slowly lay down right next to his legs.

Almost instantaneously Boruto turned to the side and one foot dug into your collar bone as the other was roughly rammed into your throat under your Adam's apple. Taking a second to move to a breathable distance you start to slide further up the lightly tanned legs slowly massaging them as you go up focusing on warming Boruto up. Once nearing his knee caps he turned back to the side showing you the backs of his legs.

You continued up and planned on stopping just before you reached Boruto’s boxer clad rear. Stopping you simply kept gently massaging him from his lower thighs down to his toes to make sure he was getting warmed up.

What you didn’t expect was that after a few minutes of the massage Boruto flipped back around and you were plunged into darkness as he covered your head with the blanket while turning over.

You feel your face pushed into a soft fabric and the unmistakable scent of Male musk hits you before you feel something twitching against the bridge of your nose. Getting a sense of your bearings knew what was pressing against you. You felt your arm stuck between Boruto's legs.

Unable to escape without waking him you lay there and accept the blondes member twitching into your face.

Closing your eyes and trying to fall asleep proved unsuccessful as within a few short minutes you feel Boruto's member rub up your forehead and back down your nose to stop right on your mouth.

Holy not expecting this you also were unprepared when a strong force caught the back of your head and forced your slightly opened lips around Boruto's member.

It seemed that when he had rubbed up and down your face his dick had hardened and caused it to protrude from the front of the boxers.

You tried to move but every time the force which you guessed was Boruto's hands forced you hard back onto his dick.

Boruto then proceeded to unconsciously force you to give a blow job by very fast and very roughly fucking your mouth.

Every thrust forced Boruto's dick into and down the back of your throat leaving it raw and sore.

After almost ten long minutes you feel Boruto give you several extra forceful rams before your feel his entire body tense up and with a final thrust his dick reaches farther down your throat than the rest and is held there as he ejaculates and you don't even taste it as his load is blown. Your nose is still deeply buried just under Boruto’s Navel as he holds the position until you feel the tension in his hand and his member relax.

Instead of letting you go though, his hands dropped to the back of your neck and locked together keeping his dick nice and warm inside your moist mouth.

Not seeing any option due to being facially molested and being held in place you close your eyes and lull yourself to sleep listening to Boruto’s now calm and relaxed breathing. The air around the two of you was now comfortably warm so falling into a light sleep was easy enough.

Waking up an hour or so later you find yourself still pinned to Boruto's body but at least his hands had released their tight grip. The position you were in wasn't all that bad but you figured that Boruto wouldn't be exactly happy to find you pressed into his crotch when he wakes up, so you stealthily remove yourself from him and went to grab the clothes you placed on the floor from the night before.

You place the sandals side by side before putting Boruto's jacket back on your head.

Carefully leaning down blind, you slip your hands under the heels of the sandals doing your best to keep them balanced and not tip over.

Ever so slowly you keep going until your fingers lift out the bottom of the toe section.

Letting out a breath you stand up and allow yourself to relax for ten or so minutes before you hear groaning nearby.

Boruto woke up nice and warm a few minutes after a strange source of heat had disappeared around him.

Letting out a yawn he stretched out before standing up.

Still kind of groggy, he simply grabbed his pants and slipped them on while proceeding to grab his shirt and pull it over his head.

Finally grabbing his jacket and allowing you to see him, he tosses it on.

"Good morning Boruto!" You greet with a smile.

"Mornin…" he sleepily mumbles before stopping and looking at the pair sandals neatly held in your hands.

Fronts facing forwards..

Getting an idea a small smirk forms on his face

He grabs the sandals and swaps them between your hands and rotates them around.

"Alright first off I guess you finished your punishment, so no massage till later but I want you to lay down and keep your arms outstretched. And don't you dare drop a sandal!"

Doing as he demands you lie down while stretching out your arms, your head resting on your chin.

"Good now hold still"

You watch Boruto walk behind you and out of your field of view.

A moment later a warm weight sets down on your lower back, right on your tailbone!

Following this the weight increases immensely and forces your hips into the floor of the tent and causes you legs to try to splay starfish style.

It wasn't exactly a painful crushing weight but just enough to demobilize you.

You could feel the weight slightly shift and five small things lightly scratching along the bottom of your spine.

Figuring out that it must be Boruto's foot you brace as you feel another warm weight settle down right in front of the previous weight and now you can feel Boruto balancing himself on top of your lower back.

It actually felt
feeling the warm weight on your back shift your muscles around.

You felt the weight move forward and the back foot being placed right in front of the other and a very light popping sound echoed as Boruto settled his weight forward on you mid back just below your shoulder blades.

“Mmmm..” you couldn’t help but let out a small moan as a feeling of lightness was released from the popping sound.

“You're not supposed to be enjoying this” Boruto attempted to chastise you but it came out with a bit of laughter in it and he let out a goofy smile.

“Sorry it just feels really warm and after you popped my back.” You replied sheepishly.

Giving an amused grunt in response Boruto took another step forward and the foot landed at mid center between your shoulder blades.

The feeling of your shoulders being pushed out involuntarily was weird but still felt good.

The weight increased until Boruto’s left foot entered your peripheral and pushed against the side of your head until you turned on to your left cheek with him resting his foot on your right cheek.

The sole of his foot rested on your cheek bone with his toes just above your eye and nose.

From this spot all you could see with your right eye was Boruto’s toes and feel his big toe lightly resting on your nose, your left eye could only see your arm and Borutos right sandal rested on your hand.

You had to bite your tongue as he feel the weight from Boruto’s back foot lessen quickly as at the same time the weight from the on your face increases to a borderline painful degree, the worst point was when you feel the back foot lift of your back completely as now all of Boruto’s young healthy shinobi weight is balanced on your face.

The weight is definitely becoming unbearable as you see a shadow cross your vision from your left eye and can tell from the slight shift of the foot above you that it must be Boruto’s other foot going to his sandal.

Your guess is confirmed as you see and feel the sandal in your hand shift a bit and a moment later see his toes come through the toe end before the weight of his leg weighs your hand down.

you think, as you expected Boruto to step off of you to slip his left sandal on.

Much to your pained dismay Boruto didn’t remove his left foot, but brought back his right foot and placed it down next to his left on your jawline, the treads digging deeply into your cheek. He waits for a moment before finally moving his left leg off of you to put the sandal on.

With your eye no longer focused on the underside of Boruto’s big toe you're able to watch the bottom of his legs bend down as he slips on his left sandal acting like it's his regular morning routine.

Boruto stands back up and brings his left foot back next his right on the top of your head.

Boruto's weight was painfully digging the treads of his sandals into your reddening skin.

Deciding to meet the day, Boruto did some light stretches. He started by stretching his arms above his head and standing on his toes.

This pushed the front of his feet down HARD on your face pushing your nose into your face and the souls to scrape down your cheeks and stop over your mouth. With his left sandal smashing your nose flat into your face and the treads on his right foot's sandal grinding into your smashed lips left you unable to breath as he did his stretch.

Boruto held the stretch for around thirty seconds before breathing out then stretching his upper body down to the ground and began touching the tips of his fingers to the toes of his sandals and while actively ignoring the head he was currently standing on and whose face he was smashing underneath him, held that position for thirty seconds as well.

Under Boruto you had no idea what your master was doing above you as every inch of your face was being pressed and crushed into his treads and was just focusing on not suffocating as he was doing whatever it was that he was doing.

Finally giving a satisfied sigh, Boruto stood up to his full height and put his hands on his hips while shifting his weight from his toes to his arches and heels FINALLY releasing the crushing pressure along your reddening and abused face.

Taking in a few breaths of fresh air from your still smooshed face, you listen as Boruto speaks down to you.

“Alright let's pack up the tent and get a move on, we still got four days of traveling till we get to the objective!”

Stepping off of you he allows you to stand up as he walks out of the tent, But stopping to take a quick glance back at you.

“Damn Looks like I really did a number on you, but you're softer than the ground so I might just make you my new training matt.

You quickly gather all the supplies that are inside the tent before walking out into the sun.

Walking out you see Boruto turn to face you a few feet away just after finishing up cleaning the fire spot.

He looked at your face and immediately burst out laughing at you.

“Damn! I didn’t think I did such a number on your face!”

Walking over to the water while Boruto followed trying to calm himself down, you looked into the water at your reflection. Running across the entirety of your face was dark purple and red bruising that was perfectly in the outline of the bottoms of Boruto’ sandals.

“That looks suits you though. It’ll make sure you know where you stand compared to me.”

“Okay Master” you say, surprisingly not finding yourself uncomfortable with how Boruto is so willing to treat you as a peace of property

“Since I got the fire pit done you seal away the tent and we’ll head off.”

“Understood Master, and may I suggest something?”

“Uhh ..sure?” he replies slightly confused. “what’s up?”

“Well in the direction that we’re traveling in there's a hot spring town just under a day's journey ahead that would make a good place to spend the night."

"Sounds like a plan!"

It only took a few minutes and the tent was sealed away and the two of you were ready to go.

"Okay let's get a move on!" Boruto shouts before leaping off into the forest with you following behind him.

To be continued...
© Copyright 2021 Male Stomper (vashorchihide at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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