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by Tslar
Rated: 18+ · Fiction · Sci-fi · #2242445
Shrunken people vore story

World of Shrunks - The Article

By Tslar


This is a shrunken people vore story.

Contains: Vore, swallowed whole, digestion, food, chewed, giantess, interview, reporter, Mandalorian, mild references to scat (very light), FM/tiny.


I'm glad the new elected government is more liberal. At my unfortunate current situation at court, the new law they passed not long ago can be very much the difference between life and death for me. let me explain it from the beginning.

In addition to natural shrinkage causes, it became a common thing to artificially shrink down criminals instead of locking them up in a prison. At the beginning, all criminals were shrunk permanently and they were just being handed over to the food industry, or sold in vending as snacks throughout public places. Often their crime they have committed was printed on a small label attached to them. Due to some developments in technology and shrinking science, and the fact that the newly elected government was more liberal, the situation changed a bit, in favor of the shrunken people.

Recent advances in shrinking technology made it possible to reverse the process, granted it was made artificially and not by a natural cause like genes or virus. Furthermore, it is now possible to augment the artificially shrunken people in a way that they are indigestible. It doesn't mean, however, that they are totally invincible. They are still can be killed or injured by being crushed or chewed, but they have high chances of surviving the ride through one's digestive system assuming they were swallowed whole. Families of those who were shrunk by a court order for committing petty crimes like jaywalking, small thievery, not collecting their pet's poop in public parks, and so on, were not fond of the idea their loved ones would become a small snack for such a dumb reason.

Therefore, a new law has been passed, demanding the court to determine a minimum shrinkage period for all of the convicted. For instance, a murderer could be given 25 years of being shrunk, a serial killer could be shrunk for life, and for petty crimes the punishment could be something like 1-3 years or so. After the punishment has been concluded and the time has been served, if the shrunken convicted could re appear in court, they would be unshrunk and restored to their normal dimensions to continue their lives as Norms. A big IF.

Seriously anything more than that, there is not any politician who's dumb enough to suggest, no matter how much they are in favor of shrunken people rights. This new law is as good as it's going to get to shrunken convicted people. The idea is that from now on, those who shrunk for a short time as an answer to a minor crime they have committed, will have a decant chance of surviving through their sentence, and with some luck and help from sympathizing Norms, they can be restored.

And returning back to my story, now I am in court, facing the possible punishment of being shrunk to a period of two years. I'm not rich enough to afford a good lawyer. The stat's lawyer is way better than my own. The verdict is coming closer and closer, and I'm about to lose my mind in fear of the inevitable punishment. And it's not like that I've done something terrible. My only felony is that I watched a pirated version of Mandalorian. I didn't have any choice, I already have a legit account on Netflix, but "Disney +" isn't available in my country. Thinking back on how awesome both seasons were, the judge knocking her wooden hammer and the police is taking me to the shrinking chamber.


I wake up naked, looking at what appears to be some office compound behind a huge glass wall in front of me. I'm currently strapped to a giant metal spring. I do the math in my head and realize that I'm in a vending machine, being offered as a snack to the office workers for some cheap price. I know I cannot be digested, but no one is promising to just swallow me whole and nice. Being a living nice little snack is the most common use of Tinies, but some Norms have other ideas in mind.

Two women approaching, they both dressed like secretaries. As thy come closer to the machine, I start to grasp how gigantic they are to me. I estimate that my size is about 2-3 cm, perfectly suitable to be swallowed whole and not too Tiny to be insignificant. They both look in their late 20's, and beautiful. I can hear them talking to each other. They talk about a coffee break and getting some snacks. One of them, named Natasha, a blonde with glasses, is in the mood for a Tiny. She eyes the selection of Tinies available at the machine among other snacks, me included.

"What about than one?"

"Eww no, she's fat!"

"So, what about the one in the corner, looks tasty."

"Hmm, sure he does. Let's see... it says that he was convicted for driving while being drunk. No! I just want a light snack, to suck for a bit and swallow. That guy deserves a horrible death. Drunken drivers are worse than murderers, I hope Jeanette will take him, she likes to torture those little shits."

"Yeah, you're right, drunken drivers should have been executed even before all of this shrinking. What about the one in the second row?" (points at me).

"let's see, copyrighted material pirate viewing. Yeah, that's total BS, poor little guy. But, a Tiny is a Tiny, and he looks good enough."

The secretary inserted some coins to the machine and typed the numbers for my spot. I try to prepare myself for what is about to happen. I already know that this woman, this hot giantess, wants to swallow me whole. I know that I have very good chances of surviving the journey through her and emerge alive out of her ass at the end. Thinking of this disgusting situation is not easing my mind, yet I try hard to concentrate on the hope that I can actually get through this and earn my old life back.

At the break room, the two colleagues are chatting, having a coffee. They talk about some guys at the office, promotions, about one of the managers sexually harassing his assistant and how he should be shrunk and given to her as a compensation, and a general casual chatting between two girls at the office. I do not pay much attention to their talking, I'm busy convincing myself that it will all be good and being eaten alive isn't as terrifying as it sounds. I am not religious, but right now I wish I had some divine entity to prey to.

Alas, the only realistic divine entity in my life right now is the giant woman with tied blonde hair, eyeglasses, and red lipstick who is about to eat me. I embrace as she nonchalantly brings me to her opening mouth.


Almost two years later.

A young reporter from one of the major TV news channel was conducting a series of interviews for an article about Tinies. For several weeks, she made a researched on the entire subject of shrunken people. She interviewed doctors, scientists, food chains employees, law people, and even Tinies. Her goal was to bring the audience a broad perspective on the reality, and to show all of the sides. Of course, the idea wasn't to make Norms feel pity with Tinies, but to educate the folks back home in a same matter where they make an article about how smartphones are being designed and sold.

Suzan contacted me two weeks ago. She stumbled upon me by pure chance. I was sold as an ice cream topping among 5 other Tinies and some other sweets, for the purpose of her enjoying my taste as many other Norms did before her in the last couple of years. Suzan is a beautiful woman in her early 30's. She has a long wavey hair, and blue eyes. To my surprise however, right before she went in for the first lick, she stopped and looked at the Tinies and I in a strange, questioning look. She asked us then if by any chance one of us is one of those convicted shrunken people who were shrunk for a supposedly limited time and made indigestible. I waved my hands, screaming to her that I am. She carefully pinched me out of the cold substance and stored me in her purse. The rest of the Tinies were sent to her mouth to be eaten, coated by vanilla ice cream.

At her office, she told me about this article she is working on and asked if I'm willing to let her interview and then show me on TV during the broadcast. That's a new one, I thought to myself. Obviously, I agreed. Participating in something like this means fewer Norms that will eat me, and being so close to the end of my sentence, I felt the salvation closer then ever.

Suzan: "So, tell me about yourself a little, who were you before you were shrunk?"

Me: "Well, I was a college student, nothing out of the ordinary."

Suzan: "Tell me about your sentence. What was your felony? How much shrinkage time did you get? How much is left to see it out?"

The first few questions were general background, the real deal is my story of what happened next. It starts whit me telling on the first time I was being eaten. The entire interview was captured by a camera and special modified microphone so I can be heard properly.

Me: "So, I was placed inside a snacks vending machine at some office compound. One of the women working there got me as a snack on her break. I remember being terrified. I knew I couldn't be digested, but it is still not much of a comfort. Try to look at it like being involved in a car accident while wearing a seatbelt and having airbags in the car. Sure, you'll survive, but it is still a car crush. That's how I felt."

Suzan: "Hmm, I see... can you describe what it is like to be eaten? What you felt while entering that woman's mouth? What it was like to actually be her food?"

Me: "Hmphh, like asking a veteran to talk about the first time he was under fire. The first sight of that secretary opening mouth is a pretty scary one. As you can see, I'm no more than what? 3 cm tall? Her tongue alone is bigger than my entire body. Being inside her mouth, laying on the tongue is a feeling like I never felt in my life before. It's all wet and constantly moving. Every person who kissed someone before and felt someone else's tongue, it's something like that but thousand times more intense. Not to mention the smell. You know how when sometimes you talk to a person and want to keep some safe distance from their mouth to avoid catching the scent of their breath? So being shoved into someone's mouth doesn't leave you any chance. You are literally in it."

Suzan: "Fascinating! It's the first time we're talking to someone who has been eaten and came to report what's it like. So, does every person's mouth smells different? Or it's all feels similar?"

Me: "Well, yeah. It depends on the person's mouth hygiene I guess, and also in whatever they ate beside me. At the first time I was eaten that woman drank coffee, so her mouth smelled like coffee. But in other occasions it was really whatever you can imagine- mint, salads, hot or spicy stuff, chocolate, even you almost ate me in a vanilla ice cream."

Suzan: "Yeah I almost did! What it is like to be swallowed? What happens in the stomach?"

Me: "sliding down the esophagus is reminding riding a big waterslide in a waterpark. Only this time it is all pitch black, and your entire body is covered in fleshy tissue. Also, you don't lend in a small cyan pool of water, you splash into a pool of digestive acids and mushed food. In addition, the walls are made of slippery flesh and constantly moving. The smell in there is even worse than the worst mouth I've been in."

Suzan: "What's it looks like? Does it hurt?"

Me: "well, I have no idea what's it looks like, because there is no light source and you can't see a thing. Does it hurt? Well, not so much. It is tingly yet doesn't hurt as I am resistible to digestion. If there are very loud noises from outside, like on a raging party, I can sometimes hear them through. But usually it's just stomach noises."

Suzan: "Can I ask what happens next?"

Me: "Sure you can, hehe. Well, I'm assuming we all know what generally happens to food after it leaves the stomach. the riding through the intestines is unique. Try to imagine being shoved into a very long sleeve of plastic bag. Together with you, there are mushy wet chunks of melted food. The plastic is tightly covering you and the mess, and you're being pushed and shoved through a very long track like this."

Suzan: "let's save the audience from over describing this phase, but what happens when you exit?"

Me: "Yeah, that part is highly disgusting no matter the circumstances. I usually just plop down into the toilet with the rest of the "business". Nobody give's much attention to me at this point and I'm simply being flushed away with the rest of the excrement. I'll spare you the description of how it feels."

Suzan: "Wait, if you're being flushed down to the sewers, how do you find yourself back at someone else's plate?"

Me: "Ok, this is probably new to the broad audience, but there are facilities that monitor and treat sewer waters. It doesn't just being flushed to the ocean, it's being treated before, to not contaminate the environment. At these centers there are devices to "fish" and collect indigestible Tinies. There is ever so small chance that you'll avoid that and get free, but trying to survive alone out there is a quick way to find yourself becoming a red stain under someone's shoe. In this opportunity I must say that baby wipes are a real menace. They are NOT suitable for flushing down the toilet. I nearly got buried in a massive chunk of them couple of times."

Suzan: "So, you're telling that someone collect you from the sewer and send you right back to be eaten again?"

Me: "No, it's not like that. They first send us to a special treating factory where we are being "recycled". We undergo a thorough process of disinfection and cleaning. Only then we are being shipped back to the food industry. It might sound disturbing at first, to eat a tiny that was washed in the sewers, but the recycling process is so advanced, that at the end of it I was as clean as I ever been in mt life. The average Tiny you can find in fast food chains is way less cleaned."

Suzan: "How much time does it take to find yourself back at someone's mouth?"

Me: "Hmm, usually a week or so."

Suzan: "How many times you have been eaten?"

Me: "Do the math. On average it's once every week, and there are 52 weeks in a year, and it almost have been two years since I was shrunk, so, it is safe to say that about a hundred people ate me. Wow, saying it like this out loud sounds strange."

Suzan: "You told me about the first time you were eaten. Can you tell us about different occasions? Were there any unique ones, or some that left a stronger memory?"

Me: "Hmm, let's see... I was eaten mostly by women but sometimes men. I was eaten by Norms of all ages, from 17 year old high schoolers, to nearly 70 year old grandmas. One time a young couple shared me on a kiss..."

Suzan: "Hoo, tell us about it!"

Me: "Hehe ok. Umm, the girl put me inside her mouth, and instead of suck on and swallow me as usual, I suddenly felt the scent of another person's mouth, and I was being passed from mouth to mouth in a kiss. One of them swallowed me eventually. Hmm, should I continue?"

Suzan: "Yes please! Tell us about more occasions like this! This is the first time our viewers are seeing an interview with someone who has been eaten and survived to tell us what's it like. Most of the Norms who eat Tinies, don't do it for simply the taste. That experience of swallowing a living being who deserves to be eaten is extraordinary! So, hearing your side of this only intensify the fun! Please continue."

Me: "I see... well, I can tell you that being eaten with food that I don't like is never fun. Being eaten with something spicy is very unpleasant. Getting buried by a vast amount of food inside someone's stomach won't kill me, but it surely not a great experience. One guy ate me once first thing in the morning, before brushing his teeth, that was disgusting! Few times I was swallowed by a party goer, along large volumes of alcohol. I had a little party of my own in their stomach, hehe."

Suzan: "Sounds like you had some fun on the way, and it's not all misery."

Me: "Well yeah, it's like when a boxer is learning to take a hit and practice receiving punches. After being swallowed 20 scary times, you start to notice some funny stuff too."

Suzan: "Were you ever eaten by the same person more than once?"

Me: "Oh actually yes. I thought the chances for this are extremely low, but within 4 weeks or so, I was being eaten twice by the same woman. Surprisingly enough, both times were on different restaurants, and I was served to her in two different dishes. The first time was at Italian restaurant, she ate me with Spaghetti Bolognese. The second time I was part of the chocolate souffle she had for dessert. Is it weird that I kinda liked being eaten by her? I mean, she is beautiful after all..."

Suzan: "Wow, so you are telling me that in some cases you like being eaten?"

Me: "I wouldn't put it like that. You see, being inside someone's and all is a very intimate experience. So I guess that if I find that person very attractive, it somehow adds a nice side to this whole mess."

Suzan: "Very interesting to hear. Tell me, have you ever been eaten by something other than a human Norm?"

Me: "Unfortunately yes. One Norm girl fed me as a treat to her dog once. I swear this was one of the scariest moments if not THE scariest moment in my entire life. To begin with, I have a fear of dogs. Even before I was shrunk, I always felt intimidated near one. Additionally, I didn't know for sure that I am durable enough to survive the more aggressive digestive system of the dog. Being eaten by it isn't like anything I encountered before. The smells were out of the scale horrible, and getting out through the rear isn't a moment I like to go back to."

Suzan: "Do you have any food sensitivity or allergies? What happens if someone eats you with something like that?"

Me: "Well, other than being lightly lactose intolerant and thing the tastes and smells of some food items, I don't have any allergy or something. One time I was sent to a diary products factory, to be packed as an add-on for a yogurt. When the girl who bought me upended my small box into the yogurt cup, I tried my best not to ingest it. Unfortunately for me, once I was being swirled by her tongue inside her mouth with a glob of yogurt, I couldn't hold ant longer. Later it did make my stomach feel unwell, but that was a minor problem considering the larger picture."

Suzan: "Have you ever been eaten by someone you know? Did someone ever recognize you?"

Me: "Let me answer the second question first. No. In fact, I found out that no matter who is the Norm who's eating me, every single one of them sees me as nothing but food. You are the first Norm ever to treat me differently."

At this point Suzan sneaks a smirk to herself.

Suzan: "Ahem, did anyone you know ever ate you? A family member perhaps? "

Me: "Actually, yes. And not too long ago. Not a family member, I haven't seen my family since I was shrunk, but one of my former teachers from high school got me once. She didn't recognize me though. She used to teach me math, back when I didn't like that lesson. I guess failing in that exam once came to bite me in the ass when she ate me in her bowl of salad hehe."

Suzan: "Well, I think that's enough material for my article. Do you have anything to add? Any conclusion or summery?"

Me: "Yeah well, you have to remember that for us Tinies we see ourselves as regular human beings. I know that's not how Norms see us, and the law supports that, but whenever you eat one of us, is much more than eating beef or chicken. It was really frustrating when one time I was eaten by an unknown person. I was put inside a sandwich, being pressed between a slice of tomato and a slice of cheese. I was in the middle of it and saw nothing of the outside world. All I could do was lay there as I felt someone taking bites out of the sandwich when eventually one of those bites contained my whole body. I was simply eaten by some Norm, never know who they were or what they looked like. It's a miracle that they took the bite around me and not through me. In another case, I was part of a popcorn bowl for two girls watching a movie. I managed to hold on to the side of the bowl long enough to enjoy most of the movie and got eaten right before the most interesting part. Disappointing."

Suzan: "So in about three weeks you will be able to go to the court and apply for restoration?"

Me: "That's correct. If I will survive until them, which I yearn for, with some luck I will be able to excuse myself out of the food industry cycle and reach the court."

Suzan: "We're broadcasting this interview as part of the big article next week, until then I'll keep you with me, so we can show you on the news panel on live TV."

Although she has just interviewed me like a normal person, I was not. Suzan put me inside a clear jar on a shelf in her kitchen, to be saved for the date of broadcasting her article. Her husband almost ate me by mistake once, but she stopped him in time. I was nothing but a thing to her, just an item to show to the audience.


The studio where they shoot the news panel from is huge. I see the familiar table in the middle, shined by strong lights. The famous reporters and news presenters were gathering in. I've never been on TV before, I'm excited like a little kid. The news report starts with the usual stuff. They talk about politics, economy, recent events, and a small article about some local dispute.

The news presenter, a mature woman with blue jacket is giving the stage to Suzan, to present her article about Tinies. I watch the article plays on a small screen on the side, wile the news crew are having a break to fix their makeup and stuff. The article is broken in the middle for a commercial break. Lacking anything else to do I watch them. The adverts of new foods and snacks containing Tinies, featuring a sexy woman tasting it, are always irritating to watch. Most of the times it's the regular digestible Tinies, who are being eaten only once.

After the filmed and edited article, containing most of my interview was shown, it was the time for debate the matter between the reporters around the table. they all make strong cases that Tinies are nothing but food. One of them go as far as calling them a menace and a threat on humanity, and that they should be disposed of on sight. To make sure the viewers don't get the wrong impression, they had the camera zoom on me, verifying that it is me from the filmed interview.

It was not strange for me, however I did not expect Suzan to shove me into her mouth right then and there on live TV. She swirled me around inside her mouth couple of times and opened it again, to show the camera that I am inside. Her lips shut close again, living me in the familiar darkness of a Norm's giant mouth. Her smelled like mint right now. She quickly swallowed me and showed to the camera her empty mouth as a proof. I should have seen it coming.

About an hour later, I'm still laying in her empty stomach. Something plops on my head. Judging by the smell it's pizza. More and more chewed pieces of pizza drenched in Suzan's saliva are splashing down on me inside her stomach. Occasionally a shower of what I think is a diet Coke showering me too. nothing so far is new to me, but it has been few weeks since the last time I was eaten. Next morning, she expelled me out of her ass and flushed down. Another trip to the water treatment facility. Lt's look at the bright side. It's only one more time of being eaten by someone, one last time and I can head back to the court.

I'm not sure what went wrong during the process this time, but I was sent to a fast food burger chain this time instead of a decant restaurant or a special delicacies section of a supermarket. Lightly fried tinies were something some people preferred over regular French fries. And here I am, sitting in a paper bowl with other lightly fried Tinies and French fries. On the tray next to me there is a huge burger wrapped in paper, and a huge plastic cup with some milkshake. The employee throws packets of ketchup and mayo on the tray nearby.

The giant round face of a fat young woman is looming above my tray. She has a short blonde hair and a pink t-shirt. Her cute lips are quite small in comparison to her chubby face. Ok, one last time. Survive her and you can go free I'm telling myself. I asses that her stomach filled with the mixture of all this won't be the best ride I ever had, but I survived worse. I try to think only positive thoughts, about my forthcoming freedom.

The young woman starts her meal with the milkshake and unwraps her burger. She takes few of the ketchup packs and spread it all over my area. She's grabbing a fry with a Tiny and brings it to her mouth. The chewing motions are not easily distinguished, and obscured by the chubby features of her face. She is nice looking, but still fat. She continues with big bites out of the huge burger.

Occasionally, she sneaks a small, cute burp out. I've already been in messy stomachs before, I can handle her too. She continues reaching for some more tinies smeared with ketchup. It appears that she doesn't take long between bites, which is a good sign to me, it means she swallow them whole without chewing. My turn is about to come any moment now.

A long sip of her milkshake, followed by a big bite of the burger. Mere seconds after she took the bite, with still remnants of the not chewed enough mush in her mouth, she reached her fingers to grab me with a fry. The way to her mouth was quicker than I had anticipated. I came face first to a wet mush of the bite she has just taken and didn't finish chewing.

Obviously, she knows she needs more chewing, but this time I was in her mouth too. Everything starts swirling around. The strong chewing and mushing pressures are enforcing ketchup, saliva, and other chewed food into my mouth. Suddenly in all of that mess, I feel great pain in my legs. I try to somehow respond to that and realize that my legs became flattened. She just crushed my legs between her teeth.

I refuse to give up. I refuse to succumb to the bitter reality that I won't be able to get out of this situation. Common sense is no longer part of me right now. She pauses to swallow some of the chewed enough mush, but not all the contents of her mouth are properly chewed. She takes a sip of her milkshake to help. The cold substance hits me right in the face. I feel her tongue slithering beneath me, and then twisted sideways. I feel hard rigid surface beneath my arm. Crunch.

I can still make it out, I lie to myself. With a loud gulp, what's left of me is being swallowed down. When I splash into her reeking, filling stomach, I finally give up and except the bitter truth. I came so close to making it out. This was supposed to be the last time I'm being eaten. Freedom was never close, literally around the corner. Alas, I'm still a Tiny. And as a Tiny, I have no rights at all. I'm only food for the Norms, to eat me in whatever way they want. This young fat woman decided she feels like chewing. And now, I'm sitting badly injured in the depths of her stomach, destined to become nothing more than few calories and some fat on her body.

Trying to make a list and compare the giant Norms who ate me, she wasn't even at the best 30. I can't help but feel sorry for myself. It was better to have been shrunk and eaten for good one time, rather than suffering this for two long years, living on false hope for it to end someday. With my current injury condition, the protection against digestion isn't efficient. I'm being knocked down by more chunks of chewed food. This is my final resting place.

Hey, at least I got to see Mandalorian. It is a great series.

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