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by Tslar
Rated: 18+ · Fiction · Sci-fi · #2241991
A shrunken girl vore story.

World of Shrunks - Baked in a Cake

By Tslar

WARNING: This is a shrunken girl vore story.

Contains: Vore, shrunken woman, swallowed alive, digestion, food, mild reference to scat F/f.


Danna woke up inside a black room. There were voices of other people in the room, some general crying and murmur. In addition, she was naked, and the floor felt like it is made of cardboard. She was deeply confused, none of it made any sense. When someone near her said something that sounded like "nobody gives a shit about us in this size", it triggered her memory back. It became clear where she is and what happened to her, it all came back.

Packed inside a cardboard box with some other shrunken people, Danna has just made it to the shipment line of the Tinies sorting factory. For the last couple of hours, she underwent through the entire process, resulting in her being in this specific box, ready to be shipped somewhere any moment now. The process wasn't that painful or intruding too much, but the psychological effect it had on her and other shrunken people like her was vast. It made it crystal clear that her life is no longer hers, and that her only value is the nutrient value her body possess.

The sorting process began with getting rid of any cloth if there are any. No matter where the Tiny is going to be shipped later, they can only be covered or dressed in edible cloths if necessary but naked was default. The next step was cleanup and wash, not something gentle but not too rough. Then it was the sorting itself. A machine with laser scanner scanned the holding cups with Tinies for things like size, skin tone, and sometimes gender. Not every shrinkage happens the same way, and shrunken people end up in various sizes. The computer knows where to drop each Tiny to the correct subline for packing, according to the orders the manager inserts.

Danna happened to be shrunk to the size of about 2 cm, which is considered very small, but not the smallest. The box she was packed in is to be delivered to "Nancy's cafquot;, according to the printed sticker on its side. Due to their extra small size, in difference of the larger, 5-7 cm Tinies, coffee shops and bakeries used a lot of this size Tinies because they went well as add-ons to iced coffees, as decorations to pastries, or as a replacement for chocolate chips or raisins. At this size, the Shrunks can be easily swallowed whole, yet not too small to be enjoyed crunching them for those who prefer chewing first.


"Mom? What are you doing here? I told you I'm coming home for next weekend!" said Maya, a 22 year old brunette.

"What? Can't a mom miss her daughter and stop by to visit her in college?" answered a blonde woman in her forties. Although more than twice her age, Angela looked as beautiful as her daughter.

"Well, umm sure, I guess... so, what's up?"

"Why don't we go to a nice cafor something? Surely you know a nice place nearby. Also, it's good for you to take a break from studying every once in a while."

"Yeah, you're right, it's been a rough few days. My friends are always talking about Nancy's, but I haven't gone there myself yet. They say they have an excellent Latte, specially imported from Italy, plus a variety of cakes with high quality Tinies. Since you're already here mom, I think it would be nice to check it out together."

"Mmmm, sounds good! You know how much I love to eat those little Shrunks. Did I tell you about the new buffet restaurant they opened near my work?"

"No, what's it like?"

"It's fantastic! I've gone there twice already, one time with your father and second time with the girls from book club. The Tinies Nagiri and fried Tinies with noodles were my favorite!"

"Sounds nice! I don't get to go to restaurants too much here, so I have to settle with the lower quality Tinies they offer in fast food places."

"Let's go dear, I'm buying!"


Danna's box was being opened. The sight of a girl with black ponytail and white apron looming over the other Tinies and her welcomed her eyes. The box was being lifted and turned upside down. Having no floor to support her feet, Danna fell down into a metallic bowl. From what she managed to see, they were in some sort of industrial kitchen. Nice strong smells of chocolate, cakes, and other baked pastries filled the air. The pleasant smells were comforting, but then Danna remembered that the air smells good because it is originated in things that she likes to eat, but now she herself is going to be part of the food. This thought was not comforting.

The employee had headphones in her ears, listening to music. She was oblivious to the unheard screams coming out ow the metallic bowl filled with Tinies. Even without the earphones, the screams were nearly inaudible, not that she cared anyway. It was her job the cook with these Tinies, and if it wasn't her job, she liked to eat those anyway. She started mixing ingredients in the large mixer.

This time she was making muffins. While the flour, eggs, butter, sugar, and the rest of the ingredients were mixing in the large industrial mixer, she prepared bowls with the intended add-ons. In front of her there were bowels of chocolate chips, cranberries, and the bowl of Tinies Danna was in, just filled with the fresh ones from the cardboard box. She intended to make one batch with cranberries, one with chocolate chips, one with Tinies, and one with a mix of chocolate chips and a single Tiny somewhere inside.

Danna wasn't aware of all this. All she could see was the employee working, giving zero concern to the shrunken people's misery. It was scary as hell when the employee sent her fingers down the bowl to pinch a handful Tinies at a time. Danna couldn't see this but the employee added them to the mixer to be mixed with the muffins dough. The employee poured the mixtures to the baking cups.

Next, she grabbed another handful of Tinies from the bowl, this time containing Danna. She used her fingers to carefully throw only one Tiny to each cup, for the muffins with chocolate chips and a tiny. Danna was plunged into the sticky wet dough, and drowned in. She was completely covered, however for some reason she wasn't suffocating. Not all Tinies were resilient as her, some drowned to death in the mixture of dough few minutes later.

A disturbing thought crossed Danna's mind. There is no question that this is her end, but how would it play out? Is she going to die due to the intense heat of baking? Is she going to drown and suffocate later? What if she survives all this only to be crushed between someone's teeth? And if not that, being digested alive, burning in stomach acids didn't sound like fun either. What if no one will buy this particular cupcake? Will she be thrown to the trash, trapped forever in her spongy prison, left to rot under a pile of stinky garbage? So many questions and only one way to find out, and the whole thing was out of her hands in any matter.

After she finished preparing the muffins, it was time to put all the trays in the oven for baking. In the meantime, she noticed there were several tinies left over in the bowl. She supposes to either save them to be used in some future recipe if needed, or to throw them to the trash with the rest of leftover ingredients. However, there were no pending plans for making something that required Tinies for the rest of the day. If that so, she felt it was a shame to throw away such good quality Tinies, the manager isn't here today so she can treat herself to the few Tinies left. One by one, she popped them into her mouth for a short suck, then swallowed them whole.

At the same time, Danna was going through the intense hellish heat of the oven. 175 degrees Celsius is no joke, especially when your whole little poor body is surrounded by thick creamy muffin mixture. She felt the heat gradually growing stronger, as it transmitted to her through the mixture, contracting the hot oven's air. Nevertheless, as much as the heat was intense and unbearable, Danna somehow survived it. She made it alive all the way to the point she felt movement and realized her tray is being pulled out of the oven. After some time to cool off, the employee extracted the baked muffin cups out of the pan and placed them on decorative trays to be displayed under the glass in the store.

It was not totally dark for Danna, although she couldn't see a thing and her view was obscured by the spongy texture of the muffin, small amount of light managed to slip through. She felt movement but had no idea what's happening and where she and the muffin she's in are being placed. She vaguely heard the muffled voices of a coffee shop, but she couldn't quite figure out where she is. One thing is for sure, she is food now, and there is nothing she can do about it. She can't even try to talk her way out of this, no one is going to hear her at this size.


"Wow! This place looks amazing! Your friends know what they talk about, Maya."

"Yes, mom, it looks good. I'm actually in the mood for some latte and muffins or something."

"Yeah, sounds good dear! Why won't you find us a seat and I'll go get us some treats?"

The young adult and her mom entered "Nancy's cafquot;. The atmosphere inside was warm and welcoming, exactly like it should be on a place where you come to have a nice calm sit-down. All around there were sights of people having a coffee with a Tiny as a stirrer, cake slices with Tinies laying on the frosting, one woman used a special augmented Tiny as a straw to sip her hot chocolate through, another man was chewing on a Tiny girl, and the general sight of people having a drink or a treat, not necessarily with a Tiny. Maya and Angela looked forward to have their own treat.


Danna felt movement. It felt like a motion upwards and then a descend down which was stopped instantly. Then some wavey motion and another descend which was stopped instantly. Lucky for her, the spongy prison engulfing her made the blow go easy. She heard the voices of two women conversing. She could barely understand, but she did manage to pick up some words. Sounds like they are admiring some muffins. Is her muffin being represented among others and they decide which one to take? Or was she already served to these ladies? Danna grows scared, the thought of being eaten by one of those unknown ladies is terrifying.

She heard the women talking about some latte that tastes delicious, following by comments of the great taste of some cakes. Additionally, she heard a conversation that sounded like it is between mother and daughter, some stuff about college, something about finding a boyfriend. Not being able to see something useful, her mind conjured up an imaginary image of the two women. The longer the time passed, the closer Danna came to the realization that she's going to be eaten by one of these unknown, mysterious women.

Does she have any preference? Not really. Her only true preference is not to be eaten, and not being killed otherwise. Alas, that wasn't the way things worked for shrunken people like her. However bizarre it was, the mystery of who among the two is going to eat her kept her mind busy. Trying to think about it as some sort of a game, to wager and see if she's right, is somewhat better than drowning in self misery and the thought of her benevolent doom. A movement is interrupting her thoughts.

This is it, she thinks to herself. She felt a short movement upwards. Following that came a felling of some pressure on the spongy surroundings. The pressure was relieved with a clicking sound of collision between two solid objects. Danna realized to her horror it is probably teeth biting that she has just heard. Having a piece of the cake removed, made an area where the amount of cake above her was thinner than before, and a bit more light slipped through. Yet, she still hadn't the faintest idea of who's eating her own muffin and what she looks like.

Couple of more bites were as same as the first. Then, the fourth one felt significantly different. Instead of feeling the squeezing teeth pressure above or in front of her, she felt it below her. The woman who currently eats her is taking bites large enough to engulf her whole. Danna didn't know if it is good or bad luck that the giant teeth didn't come to cut her in half right there. Darkness surrounded her once more, and she embraced for the worst.

People usually don't go on and chew cakes like when they chew on something harder like crackers, or some crispy vegetables. They just place the piece of cake in their mouth, laying on their tongue. The unknown woman who's eating Danna was no different. She placed the piece on her tongue and shut her lips close. Letting her saliva slowly melt the delicious piece, she gently mushed the soft bite of cake between her wet tongue and palate. She wanted to savor every moment of this.

Danna felt the soft spongy surroundings being pressed hard into her small body. She felt it getting soaked wet with saliva. This is it, she is inside some woman's mouth, being mushed by her tongue, coated by her disgusting saliva. Sloshing around was next. Danna was being pushed here and there by the massive tongue. Clearly, the woman noticed her and took great pleasure in tasting her. Danna was coated with wet mushed cake as well as the woman's saliva. Occasionally she felt herself hitting something hard, probably the teeth. The woman enjoyed sloshing her around and licking her all over.

Something that sounded like a bucket full of water being instantly emptied on the floor accompanied the feeling of sliding down. Danna just realized she has been swallowed. With wet chunks of cake and saliva coating he entire body, some has even got into her mouth, she was sliding or rather being pushed down the esophagus. During the way down, the sounds of heart beating, and breathing were extra loud, obscuring any other noises from outside.

With a plop, she dropped down into the pool of the stomach. the first thing that crossed Danna's mind was "Eww, disgusting!". Immediately she was drenched in a mushy pool that felt sticky and slimy yet tingling. strong smells of chocolate, vanilla, coffee, and vomit immediately assaulted her nose. It was absolutely dark, so she couldn't see anything. Danna expected the stomach acids to be much more aggressive, feeling now that it doesn't immediately burn her skin off signaled that it's going to take a while.

A shower of warm latte splashed all over Danna, reminding her where she is and what her purpose is. The loud bodily sounds of heart beating, air flowing, and now also bubbling and digestion noises was all that she could hear, nothing from the outside. So, here it comes, this is the end, Danna thought to herself. This is the last place she's going to be still alive at. There are some advantages of this. For instance, it means the nightmare is ending, another thing is she won't have to live through the rest of process and feel herself literally being turned into feces.

A wet mush of chewed cake dropping o her head interrupted her again. She was just shrunk and eaten. Just like that. No matter why and how she was shrunk, to the Norms she was nothing but food. Fate didn't even have the decency to let her know who has just ate her. All she knows is that it is probably a woman, might be a college girl, might be her mother, but she still can't tell.

There is this person, who took great pleasure in in savoring her taste, who's really enjoying this entire situation. Danna's own miniscule body is going to be digested by this unknown random giantess, providing her body with small amount of nutrients. Her death is going to be slow and agonizing, as she slowly starts to feel sensitive place like her eyes, nose, lips, and vagina starting to burn a little due to the stomach acid. All of that and she still doesn't know who is the woman who ate her, not what her name is, how old she is, or even what she looks like. All she can tell is that it is most likely a woman, and that she likes lattes and cakes with Tinies.

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