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Rated: 13+ · Short Story · Dark · #2240447
Does Bloody Mary even exist...?
All of the girls followed me to the bathroom holding the scented candles from Harper’s room. A thunder storm had started outside that shook the whole house, it made me even more uneasy.

The way we silently moved down the hallway each carrying a single candle makes me feel as if we are preparing for a sacred ritual. The cold, unwalked on wooden floor sent shivers through my body, even holding a candle I can not regain my warmth.

When we approached the bathroom, Ginger opened the door and flicked the lights on without entering. I have to be the only one to enter the bathroom. Each of the girls handed me their candles and I neatly arranged them on the small bathroom counter.

“Good luck soldier,” said Amber giving me a salute.

“Thanks.” I said quietly.

“Do you remember the rules?” Asked Harper.

I have never played this silly game so of course I don’t know the rules! “You might want to refresh my memory.”

“You and only you can enter the bathroom, once you do close the door and turn the lights off. In the dark light each candle with the matches. Look at your face in the mirror, make direct eye contact with yourself. Then call out her name thirteen times, no more, no less. And remember to stand out of arms reach from the mirror. If you stand on the mat in front of the sink you should be okay.

Remember, if she comes she will scream at you. If you stand close enough she will get you. Do you understand Emma?”

I could not tell what, but something seemed off with Harper’s expression. Did she really think that Bloody Mary was real? That she could actually get you? Even I’m not that ignorant! I keep telling myself that its going to be okay, everything will be fine, its just a silly game after all, right?

“Yes, I understand.” I finally said to Harper.

“Okay, we will all wait here until you come out. Have fun!”

I stepped into the bathroom and closed the door. Compared to the rest of the house, this bathroom is small. There is a big black mat in front if the sink, I make sure I am centred on it. As I go to turn off the bathroom light I can hear them all giggle and run off down the hall. So much for loyalty, they’re probably going to dress up in a costume and try to scare me when I come out.

I light a match and turn out the light, I am engulfed in darkness, except for the little flame I’m holding in my hands. I struggle for a minute to try and find the candles, but when I do the bathroom fills up with dim light. I put out the match and throw it in the empty sink, I stare at it, scared to look at mirror.

Why did they do this to me? Because I ratted them out? Because I made them all look bad? Why would they even invite me if they didn’t want me here? For someone to torment, laugh at for no reason? Did they just want to prove that I’m a no good scaredy cat? Why did I not fight back, make one of them do this instead? I can stop, leave right now! But then they would just make fun of me more. I know the game is not real! Its just a myth, a folklore! Harper acted as if she was sacrificing me. I know its not real, and its only a game to scare people and bring out their weaknesses but… I feel scared, and I’m ashamed to admit that.

You are brave Emma, you can do this, as soon as you say Bloody Mary’s name you can turn on the lights and leave, then laugh in everyone’s face’s that nothing showed up.

I bit my tongue and look up at the mirror. I could see the terror in my own eyes. I looked at myself, my short brown hair tied back, the sleeves on my grey shirt were rolled up, I am sweating. I am brave.

“Bloody Mary.”

Come on Emma you can turn back now!

“Bloody Mary.”

No, I have to do this!

“Bloody Mary.”

I should rethink this!

“Bloody Mary.”

There is no shame in turning back!

“Bloody Mary.”

Who cares if they make fun of me?

“Bloody Mary.”

Or if they think I’m a cry baby?

“Bloody Mary.”

I can see the sweat on my face get more intense.

“Bloody Mary.”

My hands start to shake.

“Bloody Mary.”

The thunder outside gets louder.

“Bloody Mary.”

I can hear their giggles echo throughout the house.

“Bloody Mary.”

My heart is racing.

“Bloody Merry.”

I can turn back right now!

“Bloody Mary…”

I did it, I acutely did it! My eyes hurt from looking so intensely at the mirror, I’m glad its over. It looks like nothing happened. I only see myself in the mirror, I also hear the girls take their place outside of the door once again. I go to open the door, but the handle won’t move. I try harder it still won’t move. A brisk wind fills up the bathroom and I see her in the mirror.

A middle aged women wearing a dress of white linen, replaced my reflection. Black gooey tears stained her cheeks, mould covered her face. Her black hair swarmed around her like tentacles, her white lace veil covered most of her face.

I am frozen in fear, I can’t move I can’t speak, I can’t breath. My hand slides towards the door handle again and it still won’t move.

“Are you okay in there Emma?” Called out Harper, she probably noticed I was trying to open the door.

“Please don’t hurt me,” I whisperer to her reflection.

Mary tilted her head in response. Her pale hands reached up to remove her veil, Her skin was so thin I could see every indent of her bones.

The flames in the candles were still lit, even though the bathroom seemed to grow darker.

Mary removed her veil to reveal the rest of her face.

Her eyes were gone, replaced with dark voids of nothingness, her lips were thin and painted with blood, her face was covered in wrinkles.

I wanted to scream but the air in my lungs got trapped without warning.

I looked away from the mirror and tried the handle again, it still would not budge. I look back at the mirror and she starts to scream at me.

Mary’s scream is loud and I presume only I can hear it, her mouth goes so wide her jaw gets dislocated. The screaming just wont stop! It just keeps going and going!

I try the door handle again, and it comes off, now what am I supposed to do? I cover my ears and squeeze my teary eyes shut.

And soon enough, she goes quiet, is she gone? I remove my hands from my ears and open my eyes, and the last thing that I saw before she took me away, was the candle flames go out.
© Copyright 2020 Alice Grim Rose (alice7grimrose at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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