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Rated: XGC · Fiction · Erotica · #2240294
My first vore story, a little polished up, Enjoy!
character description.
Roby 1,82 cm height, brown hair, fit physic, shoe size 46.
Carl 1,88 cm height, brown hair, slender body, shoe size 44.
Eric 1,76 height, blond hair, swimmer physicist, well trained shoe size 38.

Story takes place in a world where Vore is possible but frown upon and illegal.

Carl: Hey Roby! whats up?

Roby: not much, just watching some YouTube videos, when did you say you'd come over? and is your cousin coming to?"

Carl: ah okey, well he's with me right now, we've just been watching some movies, well be there at around seven pm we're just finishing this flick.

Roby: Sounds good, see ya soon.
(hangs up)

Roby is having his best friend Carl and his cousin Eric over for some beer's and horror movies, he'd always had a huge crush on Carl, ever since they became friends, he told Carl about his feelings for him after being friends for three weeks and he'd became a bit uncomfortable at first but quickly got used to the idea of having a gay friend that had a crush on him, they now been friends for about six years and their friendship is stronger than ever. Carl have also come to know about Roby's deeper fantasies like vore and foot worshiping, and been goofing with him about that from time to time.

07:00 PM
(door knocks)
Roby: Hey guys! everything's good whit you?

Eric: Hey! yea all good, i brought some beer

Carl: Yeah its all good, witch movie are we watching again?

Roby: Haha no need to bring beer, my fridge is stocked! we are going to watch that Korean movie i told you about, The Host.
They sit down on Roby's couch and start to watch the movie, a little bit into the movie it's this scene were a huge sea monster run into a bus full of people trying to hide and he eats them all.

Carl: Hey Rob, i bet you wished you were in that buss right now haha (winking)

Roby: ah shut up.. (flushes a bit)

Eric looks confusing at Carl and Roby.

Eric: Why would anyone wanna be in a buss with a monster?

Carl: I bet Roby would, he has a fantasy about being eaten alive (snickers)

Eric: Oookaay...

Roby: Carl shut the fuck up! Yes, okey i have a bit of a fetish about the thought about being eaten.

Eric smiles.

Eric: so it wasn't bullshit you told me Carl.

Carl: That's what i said! Why would i lie about a thing like that??

Eric puts his arm around Roby who sits in the middle of the two cousins.

Eric: so how would you like for your inner desires to become reality Roby? (smiling, while licking his lips)

Roby: well i would love to, but you know about the penalty for vore right?

Eric: That's the least of YOUR concern, right now, we could be out in the forest and you just happen to disappear, happens everyday around the world.
The only thing that you have to concern yourself with is pleasing me and my cousin, because this room right now with us is your entire world.
The only purpose you have in it is to satisfy us, before you become food for one of us.
Eric says, looking Roby straight into his eyes. "so why don't you start by undressing?"
Roby does as hes told by his new masters.

While Eric are telling you this, Carl had begun to take of his t-shirt and unzip his pants.

Carl: So why don't you get down on the ground where you belong and start worshiping your new owners.

Carl says with a huge grin on his face.

Roby smiles shyly and gets down on his knees next to Carl's feet and takes of his shoes,
Eric stands up to take off his clothes to, leaving the two cousins sitting only in boxers, as he sits down again he slaps Roby's ass from behind.

Eric: Take care of my feet to while you're at it!

Roby positions himself inn front of both Carl's and Eric's feet, he start to slowly massage them, while he gets a hold of Carl's left foot and start licking between Carl's big toe and index toe, slowly making his way across the entire foot, licking away all the sweat and black sock fluff.
Then going back to the front of Carl's toes and try to engulf all of them at once, but did not manage, Carl's feet are very big and wide.

Almost shocking a bit by the effort. Carl laughs at you.

Carl: Are my feet a bit to much for you to handle? Haha!

Carl lifts his right foot and slaps it on Roby's cheek, laughing.

Carl: you got three more feet to handle so you better get to it !

Eric wanting Roby's attention on his own feet starts stroking his foot alongside Roby's left cheek, sliding it down his face until it reaches his lips, Roby envelops all toes at once and starts sucking and licking between each one of them, Eric's feet being quit a bit smaller than Carl's it was easier to fit all of his toes in your mouth at the same time.
Eric moans softly and smiles down at Roby, he motions for him to continue upwards, with one finger trailing up from his calf to his thigh and up to the edge of his boxers.

Roby starts licking his way up Eric's calf, inner thigh, going all the way up to his groin with his nose smelling and stroking his package, Eric slides down his boxers, his dick is almost fully erect and leaking, he puts one hand at the back of Roby's head and presses it down on his groin, you engulf almost his entire length, he leans back and closes his eyes, just enjoying your warm lips around his cock.
You feel Eric's length getting longer and thicker as you take his cock deep down your throat, you can also taste his sweet salty pre cum on your tongue.
Eric take's hold of your head with both hands, holding it in place as he begin to thrust his hips up and down, skull fucking you harder and harder with each thrust,
he finally let go of your head, allowing you to breath.

Carl has been enjoying the show, but now he wants some cock service to, he pull of his boxers and moves closer to his cousin so their thighs was pressed together.

Carl: Hey Rob, you have quite a bit of work over here.

Carl takes a hold on Roby's hair and guides his head over to his groin, Roby starts stroking Carl's cock with his hand while slowly licking his way up to his balls and shaft, enjoying the smell and taste of his unwashed manhood, slowly making his way up to the swollen purple cock head and envelop it, because Carl's cock were a couple of sizes larger than his cousins, Roby had a really difficult time taking its entire length into his mouth.
as he gets about halfway down it's length he begin to shock and cough.

Haha aren't you man enough to satisfy any part of my body Rob?? Maybe i have to find another use for you?
Why don't you go down a little further and clean your potential exit door. (smiles)

Roby does as he's told and go down further, first to Carl's ball sack and sucks on them for a while, really enjoying the taste of his friend's sweaty balls, then continuing down to his butt hole, (Carl lies down on his back to expose his ass) Roby starts by licking around the hole and then pushes his tongue deep within his friend's hole, riming him and tasting his musky hole, wondering if he really were to leave through this very hole tomorrow, a shiver of excitement went through Roby's body. Roby hear his friends moan, it turns him on even more, this continues for a couple of minutes.

Carl: Hey Rob! can't you see my cousin is getting soft? better get to work on him.

While Roby goes back on Eric's cock Carl stands up from the couch and walks up behind Roby, who is kneeling between Eric's spread thighs, Carl lifts Roby up to his feet while Roby continues sucking Eric's dick.
Then Carl push's his massive cock into Roby's tight hole, the pain takes Roby by surprise and he whimpers a bit but continue to serve Eric's hard leaking cock.

"Ahh! now i found a use for you Rob, uhmm so tight to, nothing better than a virgin hole"

Carl picks the the pace and soon pushes all of his length deep inside of Roby's tight ass, Roby moans around Eric's cock, still in his throat.
After about twenty minutes Carl is ready to come and he slides his cock out of Roby's hole and pulls Roby by the hair pulling him of off Eric's cock, and pushes him down to his knees, Carl then shoves his musky cock in his mouth, Eric stands up and goes to stand beside Carl and start jerking of at Roby's face, Carl climaxes inside Roby while still pushing his cock deep into his throat, Roby greedily gulps down every last drop of semen, then suddenly Eric are about to come and he grips Roby's hair and positions him at his own cock, Roby hardly having any time to catch his breath between the loads, he start blowing Eric again, taking all of its length down his throat, then Eric erupts deep within Roby's throat, Roby gulps down every single drop, sucking Eric's cock clean.

Then the two cousins sits down and lays back in the couch while Roby is still on his knees panting on the floor with a cum filled stomach.

Eric: Whooe you were a really good cocksucker Rob, you must have dun this before (pants)

Carl: Yeah you where even better than my girlfriend at taking cock, but now you're just a cream filled snack waiting to become food mmmh (smiles)

Carl: Shyyst... listen, do you hear that Rob?

Roby shakes his head, Carl beacon's him over to him.

Carl: put your head right here on my belly.

Roby does as hes told, he lay his head on Carl's very warm, soft belly and lingers there for a while, then he hears a soft rumbling sound coming deep from his friend's gut, and it grows louder until he can feel it softly vibrate against his cheek.

Carl: Hear that?,, sure you do, am kinda hungry as you can hear, and i need you to be digested and gone by tomorrow evening when I'm fucking my girlfriend, i cant have a huge lump of melted flesh in front of me by then, so my guts need to get started on you now, so why don't you climb into my mouth and feed yourself to me? (smiles)

Roby nods and creeps up from the floor to Carl's head, he has his mouth wide open, Roby has a good view past his uvula down his throat.

Roby takes hold of Carl's bare shoulders and slowly starts pushing his own head into his mouth, using his shoulders to push his entire head into his throat, from there he starts pushing himself in further with his legs.
He feel his friend's lips slide down over his neck and then his chest, he's halfway down his throat now, the stomach getting closer for each rippling drag by Carl's throat muscles.
Carl enjoys every second of the process of swallowing his friend, feeling his sweaty taste as his tongue probes every inch of his naked upper body.

On the outside Carl is struggling to keep Roby's body upright while hes swallowing him, Eric walks over and helps his cousin by holding Roby's legs up in the air above Carl's head, and slowly helps guiding him down his gullet and into Carl's awaiting stomach.
All Roby can hear is muffled talk on the outside and Carl's heavy breaths and his heart beat, he reaches a stop in the process and feels a tight ring slowly open up beneath his head and his head starts to slide through, he has reached the stomach, and immediately he have to bend his head down against his chest because of the tightness in the sack, the smell hits Roby by surprise though, he knew it would be bad, but he didn't think it would be this bad, the acidic air hurt him by every breath he took.
Roby started to turn his head and trash a bit with his legs, panicking a bit in his cramped situation.

Carl have just gotten past Roby's groin without to much effort and quickly slurps his legs and feet into his mouth and swallows, he guides with one finger the outlines of Roby's legs going down his throat into his stomach.

Carl: Ahhh..URRP! finally i got him, can you imagine the kind of work we would have to deal whit if he wasn't so willing? phuy

Eric: well, i don't think he was that willing the last bit of his journey.

Carl: Hahaha, ye i did notice that to, i think he just realized that this wouldn't turn out to be quite as pleasant as in his fantasies.
Roby! can you hear me?

a muffled yes can be heard.

Carl: Good, how is it in my stomach?

Roby: its really, really cramped and my knees are up to my chin, and the air is burning me everywhere!!

Carl: Hahaha well enjoy it, its what you always dreamed about right? now start to struggle and move as much as you can, it feels so damn good when you move, also i think it would help me speed up the process of digesting you.

Roby: well, perhaps you could just let me out, that way you don't have to worry about digesting me before you go to your girlfriend.
Also its really starting to burn now!

Eric sits beside Carl's stomach with his head to it, trying to hear the digestion, he hear Roby's weak muffled whines, and both cousins jerks of together.

Carl moans in pleasure

Roby: Carl! did you hear me!!?? i changed my mind, this is really disgusting and painful, please!!

Carl: To bad this wasn't as you thought it would be, but there is no way I'm going to even try to let you out, i would probably hurt my self in the process, no, you just sit tight and be my good little meal.
By tomorrow morning you'll be just a fleshy soup in my small intestines, traveling through my body while it absorbs all of your nutrients, and by the afternoon you'll be at your last stop, my bowels, before i shit you out in your own toilet, and the remains of you on my pucker ill smear on some toilet paper before i flush your worthless remains away, survival of the fittest buddy hehe!

On the inside Roby can hear Carl's heart beat begin to wind down slower and more rhythmic and understands that his friend have gone to sleep.
His skin has partly melted away and the acid has begun sizzling through his muscle tissue and dissolve it, as time slowly ticks by huge chunks of muscle tissue starts to slide of Roby's bones and join in a fleshy soup around him, the stomach contracts more for each minute, it begins to mush him into a even tighter ball, his eyes have by long dissolved by the acid filled air, now blind and drifting into unconsciousness he realizes that its over now, and he is about to join his friend's body forever. Then the stomach makes one strong contraction and crunches his whole body together and break's down his bones.

Carl and Eric spends the day after in Roby's apartment watching some tv and eating Robby's food while they wait for him to be ready to come out, pprrrth..

"EW, could you at least not aim your ass at me when you fart!?"

"haha Roby just wanted to say farewell, i think hes about ready soon"

"did he give you any trouble digesting during the night?

"nah, its very rare that any food give my stomach any problems, it can handle most things i put into it, and quickly to! as you can see, there isn't anything left of him, except in my butt hole that is haha"

About five o'clock in the afternoon he's ready, Carl shits him out and rises up to look on the huge logs that only 20 hours ago where his friend, he pulls out his big dick and cleaves one log of shit in half with his warm piss before he flushes and leaves.
He squeezed the hard bulge in his crotch and remembered how good Roby had felt in his belly as he headed of to his girl friend to fuck her and tell her about that looser he'd just put in his place.

The End
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