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A short vore story about what happened one day to Jimmy when he didn't pay his bully. |
“Stop that! Please! I'll have the money tomorrow! “You know what happens when someone doesn't pay my lunch” “LET GO OFF ME, PLEASE NO, I DONT WAN-...OFH! “There! You wanna try to scream again?! Huh? The boy weeps softly SLAM! “Okey, prepare yourself for me, use this” “sniff... w...what is t..that?” the young lad asks with sobbing in his voice. “You stupid or something? Its a rub, now undress and cover yourself with it” “o..okey” You watch the boy while licking your lips. “a...all done, brrrrh, it is s..so c..cold” The boy wines whimpering “oh, is that so, well, let me take you to a warm and comfy place” you say while a streak of drool travels down you chin. “What do you mean? Where ? What are you doing, please don't hurt me” says the boy, his back hits the tile wall behind him. “Don't worry kid, just relax and go with it” You bend down and begin licking from the boys tummy all the way up to his neck. “Hahaha, pleas-.. Hahaha it tickles!” “mmh, delicious! “what are you go-...” “HUMPF! “AAAH! LET ME GO LET ME GOOO! THIS IS SO DISGUSTING! The boy screams with his head lodged in your throat. “MMMmmmmm, Gulp! Gulp!” the boy descends down your gullet. “Its so tight, I can...t h..hardly b..reath” He complains with his rib cage now in your gullet” “Gulp! Gulp! GROOOAAAN” The boy reach the gastric hell that is your stomach. “Cough! Cough! It stinks in here! Please let me out! I can't be food, I am a boy like you!!” He cries while his head enters your empty and hungry belly. “Gulp! GULP! Aaaaaaah! Smack! That felt great! Damn you were tasty! I am glad it was you that forgot the money” You say and pat your boy filled tummy. “It reeks in here! And the puke hurts my skin! Please I do whatever you want!” “Oh? Is that so? To bad you didn't say that before you became my food, haha” You tease the boy. “If you'd jus-..” “Shut up! You demand and slap the spot were the boy's head bulges out. “Enough of you now, you are my food now, and food doesn't complain, so shut up or I will make you suffer” “y..ye...yes.. sir” The boy begins to softly cry, but its barely audible so you can easily ignore it. You unlock the toilet door and walk towards the cafeteria to join your friends, as you make your way through the cafeteria some pupils grew silent and some followed you wide eyed, your huge belly bulged out in front of you and bounced with every step you took. “I wonder who drew the short straw today” “I heard someone saw him pull Jimmy into the toilet with him” “Who's that?” “Just some sixth grader” “Poor kid, well, rather him than me I guess” You smile to yourself as you overhear some of the hushed comments some students make about you. You sit down with your two best friends. Boy Pov: The slimy walls around you flex and move in on your naked body, it starts massaging acidic liquid into your skin, it stings and hurts immediately, you feel how your consumer begins to walk, the movement makes the acid slosh all over you and drench your hair, witch falls from your head, your skin had begun to turn to mush and fall from your body, witch exposed your nerves, you feel how the boy predator sits down, and for a while everything calms down. Outside Pov: “Hey gu...UUURPH!..guys.. excuse me” you apologize after spraying the table in front of you with spit and some hair” “Haha, don't worry bout it, so I take it by your eeeerm... choice of diet today that you won't be joining us at the skate park after school?” “Ha! You wish! No, I will be there, and I will still out skate you like always! this little wuss will be liquefied by then” you say and slap your belly that squirms some in response. Boy Pov: After some time you reach to scratch your leg that had been hurting for a while, but to your horror when you scratch it your fingers dig into your flesh without any effort at all, the pain is immense, you open your mouth to yell out in pain, but no sound comes, your throat, lungs and vocal chords had almost dissolved, and instead a stream om warm blood came from your throat, then the predator got up, and you slid from side to side in the boiling hell of his belly. Outside Pov: You sat and talked with your friends while they finished their lunch, when they got up to leave you stood up and the contents in your stomach shifted with a “BLOOORP” “Hehe, settle down in there buddy” you say and pat your belly. The meaty soup that had been a sixth grader a little less than three hours ago had now gone through your intestines and been absorbed to be used for your growth and muscles. After the two last classes for the day you head out with your friends to the skate park, most of what used to be a boy had now ended up deep within your bowels, so your stomach was nearly at normal size. One of your friend's skated up to you. “Didn't think you'd show up today, word on school had it that you had put some sixth grader away today” The boy said. “Well, its true, in fact” you lift your leg with a grin “PRRRRFTH!” “he's about ready to come out” “Daaamn, thats naaasty!” The boy says waiving his hand in the air. “whatever, don't think that I can't out skate any of you just because of this little runt” you say while jiggling your abdomen that sloshes in response. You jump on your board and head down the skate lane, you do a couple of jumps and trick's, all the while loud sloshing sounds comes from deep within your guts. You see the boy that taunted you before and you skate towards him and tackle him to the cement ground. “Hey, that kid, what's his name, he wants to tell you something” You say and stands with one foot on either side of your friends head, then you pull down your shorts and briefs and squat down so that his nose and mouth is planted firmly in between your sweaty ass cheeks, you wiggle your butt while sitting down on his face. “PF....PRRRRRRFTH” “Aaaaah, that's what he wanted to say Hahaha!” you stand up and pull your briefs and shorts back on. “GROOOAAAN” “oh man, I really need to use it now” The only option by the skate park was an old outhouse, you quickly ran inside and pulled your shorts and briefs back down and sat. “Time to come out you little shit, I am sorry it had to come to....Ugnnnnh!.. this but you know the rules, pay my lunch or become my brunch, Hahaha” you laugh. “Thump, thump thump,” it took you a solid minute to relive yourself from the boy's remains, you stand up and look down into the old wooden hole, in it were just a solid smooth pile of shit, every bone, even the skull had digested fully. You pat your stomach with a giggle, then run out to skate with your buddy's. Da End |