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by Tslar
Rated: 18+ · Fiction · Sci-fi · #2239397
A story about a boy being humiliated and eaten by his stepmother.

World of Shrunks - Allergies

By Tslar


This is a shrunken people vore and cruelty story. The story is about a boy being humiliated and eaten by his stepmother.

Contains: Vore, shrunken people, swallow whole, digestion, food, humiliation, cruelty, stepmother, stepsister, F/m.


"Hey Tom! Wanna try some of the cookies I baked? Wait, no! Aren't you allergic to some nuts or something?" my friend, Hanna, asked me.

"Hehe, no! I'm allergic to Avocado, remember? Nuts are fine, I'll be happy to try your cookies, they look delicious!" I replied.

"Oh right, I forgot... and they are Vegan too! Even without Tinies if you even consider them as a "precious life" which should not be eaten. Not that it's matter, I do eat Tinies here and there I mean, just some weird people actually believe they deserve to live and not be eaten."

"Yeah don't worry." I replied and took a bite of a cookie. Delicious indeed! "See you tomorrow Hanna! Beatrice doesn't like when I hang around after school too much."

"You mean your mother? Even though she only your stepmom, it's weird when you call her by name and not 'mom'."

"Listen, Hanna, I had a mom. She was shrunken when I was 5, and I didn't see her ever since. If my father married another woman, good for him, but she is NOT my mother."

"Whatever, see ya!"

With that, I went straight home. My family consists with 4 people other than me. There is my biological father, James. After my own biological mother, Miranda, shrunk when I was 5, he married another woman, Beatrice. I don't know what happened to my mother after she shrunk, or even why shy got shrunk, and nobody would tell me. Now that I'm 18 years old, in my final year of high school, I can guess that most likely she's already dead, probably eaten by someone. I try not to think of it too much, it is not the most pleasant thought.

My stepmother for the last 12 years or so is Beatrice. She is 47 years old, a brunette with lightly chubby body, and very bitchy attitude. She doesn't like me very much, but she does a great job of hiding it from my father. One of the things that made me antagonize Beatrice is the fact that she just LOVED eating Tinies, which felt unsettling considering my family history. She has two daughters from her previous marriage, which are now my stepsisters, their names are Lucy and Stephany, or Steph. Needless to say, they both inherited their mother appetite for Tinies.

Lucy is older than me, she is 23 years old. In the last few years she was at college, and now she lives nearby but only visits our house on weekends. I didn't like growing up in her shadow too much. From being a single child with normal family, to live with half a step family and no longer be the only child was tough at first. In addition, when my parents were not looking, she liked to tease and bully me.

Steph, my other stepsister is younger than me at 16 years old. She has not grown up and out of the brat-ness phase of puberty, which most if not all teenage girls go through. Naturally, she has way better connection with her biological sister than with me. Not that it is too much over the line, but she too does not treat me well. I do not know if it is like this with all brothers and sisters, but knowing that we do not shar blood relations somehow make it easier for them to not treat me kindly.


Next day at school.

"I can swear you look shorter than yesterday!" Hanna said to me. Hanna was one of my closest friends at school. I'm pretty sure I have some sort of crush on her, but I never get the courage to do something about it, so internal friendzone for me.

"Whaaat? What are you talking about? If already speaking, biologically I suppose to by slightly bigger, or more developed from yesterday." I replied.

"Nope, you better go to the nurse just to make sure you haven't got the Shrinking virus or something."

"Yeah yeah, whatever..." I disrespected my friend's advice. What a mistake, because by tomorrow morning, I woke up 2 cm tall.


No! this can not be happening! Please! I don't want to be a "Shrinkie"! I want to be a Norm! I have my whole life ahead of me, plans for college and bright future and stuff!

"Tom! You are going to be late for school! If you don't come out of your stinky room in two minutes, I'm going to wake you up with a bucket of icy cold water!" Beatrice shouted from behind my room's closed door. "Ho shit!" I thought to myself. "If she comes in and find me like this, it will surely be my bitter end! I gotta escape or hide somewhere!"

Being so small at my new current size, I barely made any significant distance before Beatrice abruptly opened my room's door and rushed in. her steps boomed and her voice was loud. "Where are you Tom? Are you trying to pull a dirty trick on me?" her angered voice boomed. Then she looked at my bed and her praying eyes located my minuscule body.

"OH MY GOD!" Beatrice said as she made haste into my bed and grab me with her gigantic fingers. She lowered her voice and continued talking, holding me in front of her huge face. "No way! you actually shrunk! HA! I hoped this day will come! I have waited for this so much. I guess it sucks for you, but apparently the shrinking gene runs in your family, at least from you mother's side."

I was shocked to hear those words from Beatrice. Although she was only my stepmother, she still had some morally obligation to take care of me, even if I am to be shrunk (which I just did), right? Well it does not seem like it. She looks way too satisfied with the current situation, like she truly hoped this terrible thing would happen. There is nothing I can do at my current state. My muscle strength and voice are insignificant in comparison to her gigantic Norm size. All I can do is just sit tight as she shoves me into her pocket and walks away.


In the next few days, Beatrice made a careful effort to keep me hidden from the rest of the family. Naturally, my father was worried and made all efforts he can to try and find me. After few days of working with the police, they have come to a conclusion that I must have been shrunk, and as a Tiny the laws regards me as nothing more than an insect and the case closed. From the muffled voces I've heard around the house, my father wasn't happy about it but had no choice but to accept that I was probably shrunk like my mother and got lost somewhere.

During this time, Beatrice kept me hidden somewhere, smuggling some food crumbs and foul water drops for me to live on. She didn't want to draw too much attention and have someone else discovering me. About a week this whole saga lasted before my father gave up and Beatrice could pull me out. She could easily and quickly just get rid of me for good, and ending my misery short, but she had other evil plans in mind.

"So, it's no secret that I didn't love you as a mother should, because you are not my son. Now that you have shrunk, there is nothing more legitimate for me to do than dispose of you quickly. There are countless ways I can do that even. For instance, I can drop you in the toilet, do my business on you and flush you away for good. Or, I can step on you with my shoe, wipe whatever is left of you with a tissue and throw it to the trash. Another thing is I can donate you at one of the shrunken people dropping points, and you will end up somewhere in the food industry, eaten by a random person. But no. I want you to myself. Both me and my daughters have dreamed of this moment, and all three of us are going to enjoy it!"

Hearing those words coming out of my stepmother's lips scared me senseless, I was terrified. I am not stupid, I know for sure that whatever Lucy and Steph had planned for me in case I would be shrunk, wasn't anything good. Furthermore, definitely whatever Beatrice herself had planed for me in my current shrunken size included my inevitable end. Unfortunately, I was not wrong about this, and in the next few days I discovered exactly how.

First to torment me was my younger stepsister, Stephany. She wanted to use me as some sort of sex toy. She used me while masturbating, rubbing me against her clitoris. To clean me up after each session, she just spat on me and dried me with a rough tissue paper. This was very humiliating. I did not wanted to go anywhere near her nether regions, and the fact that she didn't had to make any special effort for me, meant that I was smothered against her cunt even at its stinkiest, foulest states.

Lucy was the next one to torture me. Being after college, she grew old of all the sex related Tinies tortures and had different things in mind planed for me. Being an intern at her new office job, she had a lot of pressure on her and not a lot of time for herself. That situation made her bring me along with her to work and use me as a stress relief toy. She used to smush me between her fingers, poke me with a pen or something similar, and her favorite was to throw me int her flats and play me with her toes.

Less than a week went on like that, and the sisters handed me back to their mother. Beatrice did not have long and lasting tortures in mind for me. Instead, she just wanted to get rid of me for good yet drawing the most fun she can out of it.

"I'm glad it had happened and that I get a chance to lawfully and legitimately get rid of you once and for all. All of that money James and you had saved for your never coming college, will now be spent on me! besides, I already told you I never liked you, I only married you father for his very welcomed financial support, an you were a nuisance I had to put out with. Now, all of my problems are solved. Lucy and Steph wanted me to tell you that they are pleased with the situation too, and they are sorry they cannot be the ones who end you.

I was devastated. I couldn't believe my own stepmother could be such cruel. Sure, her and me did not get along very much when I was Norm. But there is a big difference between that to maliciously end my life. Knowing that Tinies were one of her most favorite delicacies, I guessed that eating me in some way was primarily in her mind. Just thinking of it sent shivers all over my body. I didn't want to be eaten by her, or be eaten by any person, or to have my life ended at all! Well, if I must think of it, maybe if Hanna, my crush from school were the one to do it, I might have felt a bit different, but that is not the case.


A girls night party, that will be my last day alive. Beatrice invited few of her friends for a girls night at our house. The guests were some coworkers, old friends, her sister, and our neighbor. The coffee table at the living room was filled with whine bottles and glasses, as well as some other alcoholic beverages. To accompany that, there were plates with snack and refreshments. This included a platter of cheese, some nachos and chips with salsa and guacamole, some sweets, and some salt flavored tinies.

I was placed inside an empty shot glass in the middle of the table, able to see all of those lusting women eating, drinking, and laughing, having a great night while clearly I was mere moment from my end, and nobody cared. The contrary, the wanted to end me that night. One of the reasons for this whole party in first place was to celebrate my demise. The women ate, drank and joked while I shook in terror inside my glassy prison.

"So, Beatrice, tells us again about that loser coworker you had few years ago!" one of the women said.

"Yeah, the one you said that she told only you on her shrinking genes, and you took advantage of her state to have her shrink faster." Another woman added.

"... MMM, yes... didn't you said you end up marring her husband or something?" Beatrice's sister asked with a mouth full of a Tiny and salsa sauce.

"Hehe okay, let me tell it from the beginning. So, there was that pathetic loser Miranda, who was a new employee at my company, and I had to show her the ropes. That stupid bitch was clingy and saw me as her only friend or something, I don't know..."

"Hehe what a loser!" on of the women commented. "HA! She deserves you squashed her!" added another. Beatrice smiled and continued.

"Quite! It is my story, and I didn't squash her, Kat. Anyway, so I don't know why, but somehow that loser decided to tell me that she carry the shrinking gene, and she would trust me to take care of her if she would be instantly shrinking at work. So, I read somewhere that extreme stress can induce the shrinkage, so I made a special effort to put as much as work pressure on her as I can. Eventually she did shrink at the end of one workday, and boy oh boy I took care of her haha! I just picked her up and said to her "thanks for the snack! I really needed a pick me up for the end of the day!" and popped her into my mouth. God, she was one of the tastiest I've ever had!"

"Nice! I bet she had it coming!" a woman said.

"That's not the end, tell them what happened next." Beatrice's sister said.

"Well okay. So, I knew from knowing that pathetic bitch that she left a rich husband for me to charm, marry, and take over, and so I did! That single little Tiny twerp in the glass on the table is his only son, which has been my annoying stepson for the last few years. Fortunately for me though, the shrinking genes that his stupid loser mother possessed, moved on to him and he too shrank two weeks ago. And now I'm going to eat him too hehe!"

Hearing this conversation, finding out about this story for the first time, made my blood boil in anger. Alas, I didn't have too much time to sooth in my furious thoughts, because a giant hand grabbed my glass and brought me in front of a woman's huge smiling face. When she talked to me or laughed at me, I could feel her warm stinky breath, scented with wine and whatever she ate engulfing me.

"Ha ha little loser! Serves you right! You have the loser genes and deserve this!"

Another woman brought me in front of her face. "Ha! I hope you enjoy being eaten by her, it is your fucking fate!"

Beatrice's sister grabbed my glass next and brought me close to her gigantic face. She took a salted tiny from the plate with her other hand and brought him to her mouth. "look closely at this, because this is going to be your fate in few minutes. I hope you eat shit all the way and honestly I glad that Beatrice managed to get you, it would be a shame if you got a merciful quick death flatten beneath someone's shoe." With that, she put the frightened crying Tiny in her mouth, and sucked on him good before chewing a bit, then she swallowed. When she finished, she opened her mouth, stretching her tongue out to prove me that the Tiny was gone, as well as to tease me about my upcoming fate.

Without any more delay, Beatrice took my glass from her sister and brought me in front of her mouth. Her warm stinky breath wasn't pleasant either. "Can someone take out her phone and film me? I want to show it to my daughters later, I'm sure they'll be glad to see their little loser stepbrother being disposed of."

"Say goodbye little worm! Honestly, I hope you'll suffer from any second in my mouth and stomach! Knowing that you are in agonize will make me fell even better! Bye bye!"

The giant fingers holding the shot glass positioned it above Beatrice's parted lips, and the glass was tilted down. I slide down into the big mouth. Inside, I immediately feel the sticky wet tongue engulfing me. The damp air inside is foul, reeking of Beatrice's own scent, wine, cheese, and salsa. Her saliva is quick to coat me in disgusting wetness. I look up to see the inner part of her teeth and lips closing on me, leaving me in darkness.

The deafening sound of Beatrice's voice is blowing my ears when she moans in pleasure of my taste. I'm being sloshed around her mouth, drowning in saliva and mushed by fleshy walls. Trying as hard as I can to breath and stay alive, I accidently ingest some of the foul saliva liquid. I cannot believe she is actually eating me. The sloshing and twisting stops, and light floods my eyes again. Beatrice pulled her tongue out saying "ahhhh", presenting me to the phone camera and her friends.

This is so humiliating. Not only that she eats me and ending my life, not only that she chose this moment to let me discover what really happened to my mother, she also have to draw the most of it and humiliate me. The big tongue retracted back inside her mouth and her lips were closed on me, this was the last time I ever saw light. With a loud GULP, I was swallowed down Beatrice's throat.

I slide and slide all the way down to her stomach, hearing the muffled cheers of the group. I plop into the pool of mush in the stomach. The air here is way worse than the stench of the mouth breath. The smells of rotting food, wine, and vomit are assaulting my nose and driving me mad. My tiny body is drenched in mush of chewed digesting food and stomach acids. Surprisingly, the acids don't burn too much, I don't feel their effect quickly. It is immensely disgusting though. I feel like I want to vomit by myself.

My wish is semi granted. There is some movement around and I'm being tossed all around, which make the repulsive stomach mixture to enter my mouth. Involuntary, I swallow some of it. I lost track of time, but every now and then a splash of whatever Beatrice ate or drank would splash all over me. Sometimes it was wine, sometimes cheese, or something with salsa sauce. And then, when I thought that there is no way that the situation can get any worse, it just did.

Some chips or nachos with guacamole sauce landed into the stomach, splashing on me. if you remember, I am allergic to avocado. I know it, and Beatrice surely knew. She did that on purpose. She wanted me to suffer even more, and that was her way. In no time, my body produced a severe allergic reaction to being engulfed by the avocado based dip. All around my body itched, my face stated to swell, my breathing got nearly impossible, and I was in great pain. My ears could still hear the hysterical laughter of the women though.

While Beatrice was in shear bliss, I was in shear agonize. I was drowning, suffocating, burning, humiliated, and what not. If I would have to imagine the worst way to end it would not have come halfway to this. More wine, and food, and guacamole filled her stomach. I slipped into and under the mush, that was the end for me.


Beatrice showed the vid her friend captured the Lucy and Steph. They both liked it very much and were thrilled to see their annoying, useless, stepbrother being sent down their mother's throat. To celebrate that cheerful event all together, the three went to a restaurant that specials in Tinies.

Lucy made a GIF out of this vid of her mother eating Tom, watching it whenever she wanted something to laugh at. Stephany, however, went as far as to masturbate to it, sometimes while eating a Tiny herself.

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