Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/2239188-Rethinking-the-Options-Chapter-1
Rated: GC · Chapter · Dark · #2239188
Free from school Nicky look to the future. Will it hold a dream girl or her brother?
It was the last last class of that year. Not to mention the day of school for him ever. So when the bell rang he waited till everyone was out before walking to the door. Then popping out his skates he starts out into the emptying hall way. But he came to a fat stop hearing "Mr. Tylor, please shut those till you're outside."

"Last day I'll ever be in here, Mrs. Ruger. Let me have my fun."

"No can do. Either put them back up, or have your last detention this weekend." So he sighed and knelt putting up his left shoe wheels. Then the right. He stands and she says" Have a good summer, Nicky. I'll stop in at the family restaurant some time. Tell them I say 'hi'." He nods and starts out again. He wasn't happy that he was again told not to skate in the halls.

Making it outside he again put down his wheels and stared off. He starts off along the sea shore block towards his parents restaurant. Then getting to the park area he sees the one person that made his heart flutter. Then as his head turned towards her the full way she stands and points ahead of her. He was too late to turn away from the on coming tree.

Laying out flat on the ground he sees nothing but light. Then it was blocked by a shadow and he hears" You ok?" He blinks a few times trying to clear his vision as he tried to figure out who the person was. Then lightly he hears" Hello? Earth to Nicky."

"Nicky...?" He blinks again and starts seeing the person more clearer. Then sits up fast saying" Crap. I'm sorry. I must look really stupid at the moment."

"No. You look dazed and confused. Not stupid at all. Plus your forehead is bleeding. Let me get something on it to stop the bleeding."

He shakes his head and says standing. "No. I'll be fine. No need to be all worried. I've had worse."

"I know. My brothers dating you're sister."

"I know. He brings you over all the time when he visits."

He then looked away as she finally pulled out a Band-Aid and says" Yeah. I kind like hanging out with you. You're kind of cool. Really neat."

"You think I'm neat? Cool even?"

"Just said that."

He then looked at his watch and said" I need to get going. I need to be at the restaurant in like fifteen minutes. I'm twenty away."

"I'll take you in. I'll get you there in ten. So let me fix you up and we can go."

"I told you I'm fine. It's just a scratch. I'll be ok. Just need to get to work."

"Not letting you go till I have a Band-Aid on that. So sit still and let me fix you up. Just a fast tissue to clean up the blood and a Band-Aid. Nothing more then that."

So he nods saying" Ok. I'll let you do that. Just don't make a fuss over it. It's nothing big at all." She shakes her head and sighs, then starts cleaning him up.

Finally at the restaurant he slipped out saying" Thanks. I look like a kid again. But thanks."

"Anytime. But next time... Don't run into a tree. That's embarrassing."

"I was looking at something. Not my fault." He started for the door saying" Later, Ember. Tell that ass hat of a brother Lynn works late tonight."

"Rubin isn't an ass."

" No. He's an asshat." He then pushed open the door and walked in.

Clocked in and going to the register after the morning shift worker left he started getting jumpy for some reason. Then as two of the schools biggest jerks walked in and he deflated. What were they going to do now?

Watching them after they ordered he started getting an even worse feeling. Then one of the turned from view he started getting worried. They then jumped up and ran out laughing. Seconds later he smelt smoke.

Getting the flames put out he looked at the doors and glared. His father then walked out saying" You see them again call the cops. I don't want trouble in my restaurant. Don't let them back in."

"But dad... They catch me alone after telling on them that I'll be beat down."

"Then you work the kitchen. I'll tell them not to come back. Paying customers or not. I'm not letting a couple of punks ruin my place. I'm not giving into trouble makers."

"No dad. I'm not working the back. I'll tell them their not permitted in."

"No. You will listen to me for once. You're going to work the back and like it. So get back there after your finished out here. And I want you to work to your fullest while back there. Because I know you know how to cook. So don't be pissing around back there. Get moving."

So he turned back to the spot and again did a sweep. Then putting a sign up that read 'Out of Use' he started for the back. Then looking over the kitchen he started getting worried. Could he do as his father said? Was he able to do a good job?

Still shaky after the first three hours he started telling himself everything was going to be ok. Then as the night rush started he was getting worried again. But he calmed fast hearing from the front" Break in twenty, Nicky." So he finished up the two orders he was working on then started back for the office.

Sitting in the back room when he was come to by Lynn he started feeling bad about calling her boyfriend an ass. So he pulled his cell, looked through his call list, then called a number. Then hearing the tired 'yeah' he said" Hey, why don't you come in and cheer up your girl? Lynn's not looking good. Like she's about to have a break down."

"Because I'm the reason for that."

He sits forward. "What did you do?"

"No of you business. It's between her and me. But I do have a question for you."

"Don't want to hear it. Just keep your ignorant comments to yourself, prick." He then hung up whispered" God. Why is he so annoying when I'm trying to be serious? Shit. I hate him."

Lynn then walked in asking" What's going on? Who do you hate?"

"One of the guys. No need to worry." He then grabbed a sub from the fridge, then said opening it" They never take what I say to heart. I hate it."

"Sounds like someone I know..."

Looking another with worried eyes he asks" You ok?"

"It's nothing." She shakes her head. Then bites her lip thinking. He's looked in the eyes and asked" Do you think Rubin really loves me?"

Smiling sadly he says" You're his girl. But that doesn't mean anything. You could be his girl and just be a possession. So what does he see you as? His lover? Or a possession?"

"I'm not an item. I'm not a possession. So you're wrong about him. So wrong." She then walked away and he sighed heavily. What was he to do?
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