Hello, Power Reviewers!
The theme of January's Review Raid is
Winter Fun 
We will review any winter items. Some of them are listed below or find something else which you might be interested in.
In addition, we want to also start the new year by reviewing items from some of WDC's newest members.
Some newbie ports are also listed below.
Please make a note of this date:
January 13th & 14th
We'll be giving out merit badges and goodies. eyestar~* will be awarding a merit badge to a NEW raider, and Lornda will give our newest merit badge for the BEST newbie review. There's more! Every one who participates will receive a NEW SuperPower Trinket, so let's have some winter fun! 
Also, as always during review raids, each and every review you do will be double credited.
(Your reviews must follow our Power rules of quality, affiliated, public, 250 or more character reviews).
There's no need to post your affiliated reviews on a forum...We'll find them.
The Galactic Guardians have Super Powers, after all. 
Click Here to View Some Newbie Ports ▼
Click Here to View Poems ▼
"Crystalline" E: Written for the 48-Hour Challenge Media Prompt
"Invalid Item" :
"Winter Blooming" E: Prompt Words: snow, fantasy, embers, mesmerizing, floating, twinkles, blooming, melting.
"Winter Snow" 13+: Contest entry
"WINTER REST" E: Winter scene and rest: Stormy's poetry newsletter & contest
"NIGHTMARE IN A DREAM OF REALITY" 13+: A blistering cold winter night, a dream; fright.
"Winter's Nap" E: Stormy's Poetry Newsletter Contest Entry Oct. 2020 - Honorable Mention
"Winter" E: winter is cool
"Invalid Item" :
"FROSTY'S WINTER WONDER LAND" 13+: A Poem From The Dark Side (by somebody who doesn't know how to write poetry!)
"Frosty the Plowman" E: For the Bah Humbug! Contest Dec. 2019
"Invalid Item" :
"Beware the Snowman" ASR: He may not be what he seems to be.
"Throughout The Forest's Frosty Air" E: A Kyrielle of nature for the Poetic Traditions Contest
"Winter Glass" E: A hedge glitters in the morning frost
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"I am a Snowflake!" E: When you fantasize about being a snowflake.
"Cold Water" E: Snow is really just cold water on a slow journey
"Snowy Evening" E: A contest entry for "Quotes Rock"
"Downhill Lift" E: A tribute to a long ago friend
"The Big Wizard" E: A fairy is hurt. A wizard helps her, but there are consequences.
"Taking Flight" E: Winter Olympics ~ an image in verse
"On Frozen Pond" E: Where we would push the limits of skating.
"Invalid Item" :
"Focus" E: She navigates against the wind.
"Skating On The Pond" E: A wistful romantic interlude of wished for love with apologies to Robert Frost
"Invalid Item" :
"My Son " E: A small poem for my son.
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"The Call" 18+: A freeverse poem on what drew the explorers to Antarctica
"Invalid Item" :
"Weather-Bound " E: Stuck in bad weather in December.
"Oh Canada" E: It’s all about Canada.
"Despite Icy Forays" E: Only one defense against icy arctic chills - 24 Syllables Poetry Contest - 1/3/19 "algid"
"If February" E: February considers his final two weeks.
"Regarding Winter" E: Winter's might.
"Flight Sight" E: Picture Taken from International Flight Over Greenland's Southern Mountain Range. Haiku.
"Snow Cones" E: Snowbound sans food.
"Invalid Item" :
"Invalid Item" :
"🏆 Forsaken?" E: After a long blizzard, a rancher's wife emerges to face more fears - WrtrsCrmp/2ndTimeArd
"The Scarf" E: lost and found
"Inside Edition" E: Musing on a January day.
"Snow's Blanket" E: Lady Slipper Form
"Invalid Item" :
"North Pole Proper" E: Pray tell, WHY GO HERE???
"A Polar Bear's Intent" 13+: WC prompt: Write a series of limerick about a polar bear on the North Pole.
"The Mittens" E: An exercise in techniques
"Epitaph to Mittens" ASR: Mittens was my first childhood pet
"Shattered Ice" E: What brings us back is what brings us forward.
"Yukon Panoply" E: Miners go to Alaska and find beauty.
"Wild Horses of White River" E: Passing White River on my way to Anchorage, Alaska, I spotted this herd of wild horses.
"Invalid Item" :
"Lake Moraine" E: A walk in The Valley of Ten Peaks, Banff, Rockies, Alberta, Canada
"North Pole Proper" E: Pray tell, WHY GO HERE???
"Invalid Item" :
"Wild Horses of White River" E: Passing White River on my way to Anchorage, Alaska, I spotted this herd of wild horses.
"Alaska" ASR: Poems, stories, photos, notes about my trip to Alaska
"Invalid Item" :
"Eden Mills Writer's Festival" 13+: Though the day was chilly and rain threatened, the Festival still had a great turn out.
"Invalid Item" :
Click Here to View Stories ▼
"Invalid Item" :
"Invalid Item" :
"Invalid Item" :
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"Freeze Frame " E: An ice skating marathon where the judges get fooled.
"Invalid Item" :
" February Ice Skating Adventures" E: My ice skating adventure on February 17, 2017.
"Jessica's Ice Skating Sagas" ASR: Sagas over the past two weeks at Center Ice in Oaks, PA.
"Cynthia - Sugar and Spice On Ice" ASR: A night of skating changes our view of the fairer sex.
"The Gingerbread Sled" 18+: What Santa does on his off days is no longer a mystery.
"The Turbo Sled 5000" E: 1st Place Winner in 'We Write For Kids' Contest - January 2015
"Winter Fun" E: Join Stephanie and her family on a day of sledding fun.
"Trouble in Antarctica" 18+: Daily Flash Fiction entry
"From Norway with Love 12nov2019 (294w)" 13+: For Daily Flash Contest: prompts for this 300 word flash fiction: ship, balloon, glass.
"Freeze Frame " E: An ice skating marathon where the judges get fooled.
"Invalid Item" :
"Snowboarding Magic" E: Snowboarding short story written for Short Shots December 2015
"Snowboard to Heaven" 13+: An overly competitive man sends his adopted son over the egde
"The Mountains Are Calling" 13+: Healing comes from unusual things
"Invalid Item" :
"A Scolding in the Snow" E: Anthony returns, once again antagonizing his stressed out Mummy. A Dialogue 500 Entry.
"Snowed In" 13+: Stuck alone in the cabin. Dialogue 500 Contest - Dialogue Only, 500 words, max.
"Alone" 13+: Contest entry: Dialog only. Snowed in, cabin fever, ALONE.
"Invalid Item" :
"Snowman" E: Short story about a winters day, snowballs and a snowman.
"The Snowball War" E: Our intrepid hero joins in a snowball fight.
"Return from Alaska" E: An Aircaft Returning from Alaska after being on Lease.
"Secret Lives of North Slope Polar Bears" E: Alaska polar bears. An early chapter book for children interested in Alaska polar bears.
"Snow Thoughts" E: Youth and old age think different snow thoughts, and a civil war still rages on.
"Frozen Stiff" 18+: How cold could it be?
"The Aguta" 13+: A trucker has a frightening encounter on a forest road in the Yukon.
"White Out, Cheyenne, Wyoming" 13+: A fictionalized scary real life experience.
"Reruns" E: February is Montana's coldest month but it is warm by the fire!
"Kudos to Kristoff" E: Chiseling ice can be a most painful process, & it snows again tonight..... - DlyFlFct 2/16
"Ice" E: A 299 word story written for the Daily Flash Fiction Challenge 8/14/19.
"Igloo" 13+: Brian and Jenny must hide
"Penguin Pacin'" E: What animal comes to mind when seeing/hearing 'feet' 'bird', and 'window'?
"A Visit to the Park" 13+: For the Writer's Cramp: fish, penguin, sunny day, umbrella, troll
"Breathe" 13+: Shaye arrives in the no-stoplight Colorado town, alone, with a plan.
"The Impossible Emerald" 18+: Xavier's only god is money until a paranormal event reorients his life.
 This and That  
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{c:navy}Review Raid{/c}{/b}{/size}
 Happy Raiding!