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An alien? A Goddess? Final question do you have the imagination to continue? If so read on |
Close your eyes and try to picture, an adorable cartoon like drawing of a pig humanoid creature. Something like short 3ft tall, big beady eyes that were shielded behind clear lens, a perfect snout, cheeks that blush, hoofs on her feet she has little Powerpuff arms. Her hair is as red as the closest sun on her home planet, her eyes are as purple as the sky. Before proceeding The Author would like to give you a warning, if you DO NOT have ANY imagination DO NOT READ FURTHER! The Author would also like to let her....I mean its audience know that this story might seem outlandish but this story will take your imagination to its limits. This is not a story for the weak-minded, think...a creature so powerful she destroyed an entire race and kept some as slippers...just use your imagination. Before we start on this Journey The Author has some more......words. "Piggitons!" the narrator whispers in The Authors ear....clearing her throat she continues "Humans of Earth! I come in peace! Piggitons died I do apologized for confusing your species....sad day...oh well. Any-who", her innocent sounding high pitch continues,"Today is the day I shall speak of my legend! The legend about me! Thank you humans for celebrating this wonderous day with me! Shall we ring true in loyalty and truth! All praise Piggy!"......Pokey Piggles leaned over to the narrator whispering,"Why are they not cheering my name? Is this day not about me?" the narrator replied back to The Author, Piggy. "My Queen, today isn't your day....they are just here to read the story not praise your Holiness on this day". Piggys' face turned red and she squeezed her eyes shut, held in her anger. The narrator could see her fuming. "I'm fine", Piggy's eyes slowly opened. "Let them read it". The red sun slowly lowered behind the purple skies. Piggy could feel her skin baking under the sun,"I smell like bacon...gross". Leaning over smelling her flowers she hears a crunch. Piggy closes her eyes....she sniffs. "Chocolate". "Who is eating my chocolate?" The steam started shooting out of Piggys' ears. "WHO. IS. EATING. MY. FOOD!?" Her whole body all 3ft of it turned red with steams shooting out of her ears. "Wait!" a high pitch voice flowed through the words. "Stop reading!" Piggy! You wanted the story read by humans! "They can't know my bad before my good, they will make me a villain". Her voice sad and broken. Because you are one. "Readers the narrator is taking a nice long....break right now. Continue reading the wonderful story of me!" "I did not kill the narrator! Just have to say that. It is a nap. Just a nap. Enjoy!" The day Earth got its first Piggles was the day Jupiter got its new rings. It did throw off the gravity for the surrounding planets but Piggles wanted to put a ring on it. *Enter crowd laughter* "Can I make you laugh?" a disturbing smile spread across her face as her eyes narrows "Of course I can". Stating as a matter of fact. As the story was going, Jupiter got its new rings and a wave of pressure shook the planets in the up coming days but Jupiter needed the new rings lime green and pink. This shows how powerful this creature is, can you imagine, a creature so powerful she can give a planet new rings with a giggle and snap of her pigners (piggy fingers). Reptilia on Jupiter will eventually appreciates it because Piggy only does things for the good of all living animals. That is to show humans Piggies are all vegetarians. "I would only eat Homosapians on a dare I would never eat one for fun to gummy. Not that I have thought about it. Continue reading". As her spacecraft entered the atmosphere an astronomer named Chuck registered it on his computer at NASA. "Tom! Tom!", the tall chiseled man yelled over to his colleague, "TOM! dammit!" "What?" the british man answered back. "I found something big. Look. It's a giant pig head!" Piggy small spacecraft fell into a firey crash through out own atmosphere. It was huge purple and had a giant snout. The eyes on the spacecraft seemed....alive. Like it was a real creature trapped in pain....pleaing with its eyes to be destroyed. She crashed into India that day made a crater 500 miles wide and killed every human in that radius but not to worry she remembered to keep the animals safe beaming them to new land outside the radius miles. |