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Rated: XGC · Short Story · Erotica · #2236842
Assignment No. 5

Cheyenne woke first neat morning, rubbing her gritty eyes. She hadn't really got much sleep; a strange bed and a strange companion, although, even so, she hadn't wanted to be anywhere else.

She looked at Jason with an indulgent smile. He wasn’t actively snoring but sizzled gently in his sleep, and Cheyenne felt a deep love for this quirky man. He had spent the previous night in her arms and Cheyenne knew that this was where she wanted him to stay. She knew Jason could be rather coy; he blushed readily when she told him how she felt about him, and Cheyenne sometimes teased him about it. But it was always good natured, and Jason would often grab her and kiss her hard. Not something Cheyenne ever objected to. In spite of this somewhat diffident nature, Cheyenne knew that Jason had a dominant streak which amazed and entranced her. She loved it when he took charge and demanded her obedience - not that she ever had any difficulty obeying him.

Cheyenne had a new idea. She had never given Jason head, and realised that he would almost certainly enjoy it. She felt a powerful need to beguile and enchant Jason, and knew just how to do this. The weather had been warm and Jason slept with only a sheet over him. Cheyenne could see the enticing growth under the sheet; he was a restless sleeper, and as he tossed and turned, she became even more fascinated.

Lifting the sheet with a delicacy as if it was wired to explode, she ran her tongue sweetly along the length of his cock, nibbling at the sensitive area under the head. Jason groaned and grabbed at her head, but Cheyenne held him off and took the sweet tip of his cock into her mouth, licking and sucking and driving him to distraction. She bent and lazily allowed her tongue to trace the length of his cock. Jason moaned with pleasure, and Cheyenne took this as an invitation to go further, much further. She took his rapidly hardening cock in her hand, and was fascinated by the softness and warmth of the skin, but also the underlying rigidity that promised excitement for her.

Cheyenne really couldn’t help herself as she leaned down and stroked a soft, warm hand across his chest. She loved the firm sensation of his skin under her hand and shivered a little at the feeling. That led to Jason groaning as he started to wake up. Cheyenne giggled as he watched her closely, setting her up for a kiss.

Jason grabbed at her head, but Cheyenne held him off and took the sweet tip of his cock into her mouth, licking and sucking and driving him to distraction. She ran her tongue delicately along the length of his cock, nibbling at the sensitive area under the head. Jason groaned and grabbed at her head, but Cheyenne repulsed him again and raked her nails gently across his chest, pinching his nipples and watched enthralled as they hardened to diamond-like tips. She had never known that a man could be aroused through his nipples in the same way a woman could. This opened big opportunities for future entertainment.

This was not the end of the matter, however. Cheyenne took the length of his shaft in her warm little hand and drew it up to her mouth. Opening wide, she engulfed a goodly portion into her hot, wet mouth and licked and sucked on him as she did with lollipops when she was a little girl.

This was enough to waken the slumbrous Jason, who asked, “What are you up to, sweet cheeks?” Jason half mumbled as he gradually regained consciousness. She pushed him back down onto the bed, and squealed when Jason grabbed her in a tight embrace. Cheyenne could see the light in his eyes, and knew exactly what he had in mind.

“Okay, Sir, just exactly what do you think you are about to do to me?" Cheyenne was in no doubt about the answer, and hoped that her dreams were about to come true. She wriggled, displaying her perky, quicksilver breasts to the one guy in the world who mattered to her. She desperately wanted him to take her mercilessly. She could feel her pussy lubricating and entertained a thoroughly enraptured, delirious fantasy of what Jason might do to her. She hoped so very much for the feel of his cock being buried in her pussy. And then she revealed some of her innermost thoughts and feelings.

"I love you so much, Jason. There, I've said it, but it's 100% true."

She felt fulfilled by his response, but a little later, a small teredo of fear burrowed into her mind. "Did Jason intend to rape her? Is this what she wanted, or just to be taken by him in a wild excitement?"She needed to know, and asked him, but his immediate answer caused the teredo to burrow harder

Cheyenne was astonished at his reaction. She threw herself onto he back and grabbed Jason in a fierce embrace. "No, you doofus, you can't rape a willing participant. Just take me hard, use me and make me your woman, make me your slave. I need you, too, Jason, and I want to feel you explode inside me." She gave Jason a suitably submissive answer which seemed to create just the right ambience for their lovemaking. And her demeanor changed as a smile spread across her face. "And just in case you"re wondering, I'm on the pill, so you can ride me bareback."

To say that Cheyenne was delighted when Jason took her, doggy style, would be a gross understatement. She squealed her happiness as he fulfilled her deepest dreams.

Jason was sound asleep, dreaming about beautiful women, with his dream rapidly focusing on Cheyenne. This was unusual, but the sensations flooding through his body made him think only of Cheyenne, and what she was doing to him. Jason felt the sheet pulled slowly and deliberately off his body, and he groaned as he felt a warm, moist experience along his cock.

Jason woke slowly as more and more sensations centred on his groin. He hoped this would never end, but he could hear Cheyenne laughing quietly. Through the fog of sleep that was slowly disappearing, he attempted to grab Cheyenne in a clutching embrace. But the little minx held him off and he then had the most beautiful sensation as she licked along his cock., and eventually it found a home in her warm, liquid mouth.

He sat up on his elbows and watched this beautiful witch fascinating and enthralling him. What she was doing was new to him, he had never experienced oral sex before. He knew that this was the first time she had done so, This succeeded in making his already engorged masculinity totally rigid and needing to find its natural home, within Cheyenne. He knew, without a shadow of a doubt, that she was trying to seduce him, and this was something that he would respond in the virile domination of her new master.

Then he heard Cheyenne tell him that she loved him, something that drew an immediate response from Jason.

"I love you too, Cheyenne, and believe it or not, I want you and need you in my life."

They lay among the tangle of bed linen just watching each other with eyes overflowing with love.

But it was then that a devil appeared on Jason's shoulder. "Don't get all saccharin sweet on her, Jason, you big doofus. She's begging for it, and won't be happy until you rip into her with that magic cock of yours."

Jason thought about this for a moment, and realised that there was some truth in what had been whispered in his ear.

He grabbed Cheyenne, and positioned her on hands an knees.

"Ooh Sir, what are you going to do to this helpless maiden?"

"Helpless maiden? Oh no, you prick-tease, you are going to get what you've been begging for."

"Are you going to rape me, mister?" she inquired in a 'little girl' voice.

"Is that what you really believe, Chey? If you do, I'm out of here without any second thoughts."

Her response caused Jason to sink into the warm embrace. He realised that he loved Cheyenne so much that he would never really hurt her, but if she wanted to be spanked, he was very willing to accommodate her.

Jason positioned her on hands and knees again, and with no obstruction, slid into her as Cheyenne squealed with delight.

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