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Vanessa start to notice the strange behaviour of her neighbor |
Friendly neighbor Vanessa wasn’t the type to spy on her neighbors, but even she couldn’t help but notice that her neighbor James had a steady flow of young hot girls coming with him to his place at least once a week. At first, she thought that he must have been great at picking up girls for one-night stand. Vanessa was even a tiny bit envious of his flourishing sex life. That is until she realized that after couple of months, she was yet to see the same girl twice. “Well I guess he was great at picking them up, but awful in bed” she thought. But then Vanessa noticed something else, she has never seen the girls leave James’s house. Out of curiosity she tried to keep her eyes on his place hoping to catch a glimpse of a disappointed girl leaving in disgust. What she ended up seeing however, slightly disturbed her. One morning after another one-night stand Vanessa saw James load his car with several trash bags before leaving. “Well she must have slipped out while I wasn’t looking and those trash bags have nothing suspicious in them” she told herself, “you overthink a simple situation Vanessa”. But during the course of the next few weeks this exact same pattern was repeated again and again. James would come home with another girl and the only one leaving the house was James with a set of full garbage bags. Vanessa’s suspicions became concrete when she left the camera running in her window throughout the whole night. She never saw the poor girl leave his place, only the garbage bags. Vanessa wanted to go to the police with this information, but she knew that without proof they wont even listen to her. She waited for him to leave for work so that she could sneak into his house and install several hidden cameras. After all this time watching him, she knew that James never locked his back door which was very convenient. His house was absolutely normal on the inside, Vanessa didn’t know what she was expecting to see there but definitely not normal. She installed camera in his bedroom and in his living room expecting to catch James red handed on video. Vanessa was about to leave when she saw the door to the basement and decided to check it just in case. Basement was dark, there was no windows and it took her a few seconds to find the light switch. When she turned the lights on Vanessa saw something that she definitely wasn’t expecting to ever see with her own eyes. Right in the middle of the room was standing fully functioning guillotine. Vanessa slowly stepped closer to it examining this horrible machine. It was obviously recently cleaned, in fact the whole room was spotless. There was no mistake, this is where and how James killed his innocent victims. Vanessa gazed at the blade thinking that it must have took the lives of dozens of poor girls. Her hand slowly reached for it, a small shock of adrenaline went through whole her body when she touched it. This brought Vanessa back to her senses and she installed the rest of the hidden cameras in the basement. After that she took one last look at the guillotine and left the house. All she could do now is wait, wait for James to bring another victim into his house. At first Vanessa felt bad that the only thing she could do is to let another poor girl die for his sadistic pleasure. But then she chased those thoughts away since they were not helping at all. As soon as she would get the footage she needed, Vanessa would go straight to cops, at least that girl would be avenged. During the next few days Vanessa would often check the footage. Most of the time there was nothing out of the ordinary on it, but every now and then James would go down to the basement to stand in front of the guillotine. He always had a smile on his face during those moments and even through his pants Vanessa could clearly see his massive boner. Finally, after several days James returned with another girl. Vanessa sat in front of her laptop and nervously opened the feed. At first they just talked over some wine, it seamed they both were having a good time. About 20 minutes later he escorted the girl to the basement. “This is it Vanessa” she thought, “this is how you nail the bastard”. At first the girl was confused at the sight of the guillotine not understanding why would he show it to her. But then James told her what he planned to do to her and that shocked her. The girl stared at the guillotine for several seconds and then she gently touched her own throat as if imagining what it would feel like to have her own head chopped off. What happened next astonished Vanessa to her core. The girl slowly moved her other hand down and began pleasuring herself. She stood there like in a trans for about a minute doing nothing but masturbate. The almost faint smile on her face stood out for Vanessa the most. There was no other explanation, this girl clearly fantasized about this. “Could this be just a fetish thing?” asked herself Vanessa, “could I have been wrong about this whole thing?”. The girl came back to her senses for a moment and began to undress. With her legs slightly trembling she approached the guillotine and laid on its bench securing her neck in the lunette facing up. At that camera angle it was clear that she was out of her mind with all the pleasure this deadly machine was providing her with. Now fully naked James stepped between her legs and began mercilessly fucking her hard. They were fucking like this for several minutes and judging by girls’ convulsions she came at least three times. After a while she reached for the lever at the side of the guillotine and without hesitation pulled it. The blade came down fast cutting the girl’s head off clean. Right at that moment a few drops appeared on the screen. After a few seconds Vanessa took a deep breath and exhaled. Only then she realized that the drops of liquid on her screen were on her side of it. She looked down and saw her pants down and her own hand on her pussy still slowly massaging it. Vanessa came so hard she squirted and didn’t even noticed it happen. Shocked she stared at the screen for a second then at her fingers covered in her own pussy juice. Did she really just masturbated to a sight of a girl killing herself for pleasure? Vanessa closed her eyes and put her fingers into the mouth greedily sucking on them. It seems that James won’t be getting visit from cops just yet. Vanessa kept watching the feed, she was interested in what he will do to the corpse. James however was still fucking that girl’s headless body. Vanessa found the sight of a corpse of a hot girl being pumped hard very arousing so she continued masturbating. James finished soon and took a minute to catch his breath. After that he carried the body to the table and took out the meat cleaver out of the drawer. James began chopping the corpse into smaller pieces, he clearly had experience doing this. The sight of a hot young girl being reduced into nothing but a pile of meat drove Vanessa over the edge and she came hard this time not missing even the smallest sensation. After he was done cutting the girl up, James picked up her head of the floor, took a look at her face and kissed her dead lips. He then put the meat into the garbage bags and proceeded with cleaning the whole place of blood. In the next several days Vanessa watched the footage again and again. Each time made her horny without a fail and she ended up masturbating. Vanessa was specifically mesmerized with one short moment when the blade of the guillotine was falling towards girl’s throat. She examined every frame of this moment many times. As soon as the girl pulled the lever and the blade began it’s fatal journey down she lost her mind completely with pleasure. Her body started convulsing even before she lost her head, this and her squirting all over James was an indicator of a powerful orgasm. Vanessa decided that although it would be very risky, she needed to witness such beauty with her own eyes. And so, she began waiting for James to bring another willing meat home. Although it was only a several days, for Vanessa it was like an eternity. Watching girls die became her drug and she was in a dire need of a new fix. Vanessa almost jumped screaming when she saw James bring his next victim home, she could barely wait any longer. Vanessa watched them through the feed and rushed to the door the second they went to the basement. As always James didn’t bother locking his back door, even in a moment like this. Vanessa tried to be as silent as possible, she didn’t want to distract them from such a joyful moment. She was to see that he also left the door to the basement wide open. Vanessa peaked inside, luckily for her she could see everything she wanted without being seen herself. It began pretty much the same way as the last time, the girl slowly undressed mesmerized by the prospect of her soon orgasm filled death. In the mean time Vanessa already reached her hand into her panties and began furiously masturbating trying to make as little sound as possible. The girl assumed her final position in the guillotine and James began to pump her fast. Vanessa couldn’t believe what she was about to witness with her own eyes or that she was drawn to it. She realized that this was absolutely, horribly wrong but it was so hypnotizing that she couldn’t do anything, nor did she want to. Same as the girl Vanessa came several times in anticipation of the main event. The girl reached for the lever and pulled it fast cutting her own head off. It caught Vanessa off guard, she wasn’t ready yet to cum again. Girl’s head rolled on the floor and finally stopped facing towards Vanessa. Then she looked straight at Vanessa, smiled and winked at her. This made Vanessa cum like she never cummed before, it took her what little was left of her willpower to not moan loudly. Vanessa kept sitting at the door with her hand slowly working on her pussy when James moved the body to the table and began to chop it into pieces. It took her a minute to come to her senses, Vanessa couldn’t see the process from her position so she decided to return home. Slowly and without making any noise she went the same way she entered this palace of ultimate pleasure. When she came into her room, she caught her own reflection in the mirror. Vanessa looked exhausted, what little make up she had was ruined with her tears, her hands were shaking and her sweatpants were covered in her own pussy juice from being aroused and squirting that it looked like she pissed herself. Vanessa smiled still looking at her reflection, she thought that this is the hottest she ever looked in her life. She went to the kitchen, pulled out a bottle of vodka from the fridge poured herself a full glass and downed it in three gulps. Vanessa went into her room to check the feed, James has already filled the garbage bags with girl meat and began to clean the place of her blood. Initially he used girl’s own clothes until it was all drenched in her own blood, the only thing he spared was her g string which he set aside. Vanessa rewind the footage a bit right to when he moved the body to the table. She once more enjoyed the sight of a gorgeous girl reduced to unwanted formless pieces of meat. Then Vanessa went even further back to when the girl took her clothes off. She watched the part where the girl pulls the lever again and again. Vanessa admitted to herself that she was glad to find out about James’s little secret since now she has access to world’s best sexual stimulant. She could do this every time he brings a girl to die, she just has to be very careful about it. Vanessa imagined her foreseeable future to have a lot of fun in it. That is until she noticed that she herself got caught in the footage. Vanessa rewind the tape one more time right to the moment she appeared in it. She saw herself check that neither James nor the girl could see her and immediately shoved her hand into her pants working it fast. Vanessa found it arousing watching herself cum again and again, she even thought that it was kind of hot when she saw herself drool a little. And then came the moment of truth, when the girl’s head dropped Vanessa saw her own face. She did not expect to see her true desires written so obviously on it. While looking at the rolling head there was nothing but desperate jealousy on Vanessa’s face. Vanessa imagined herself in the guillotine watching the blade rush towards her throat. She suddenly felt fingers caress her throat, it was her own hand. All of this made Vanessa realize that she was exactly like all of those lucky girls James brought to his house to die. She understood what it meant, her fate was sealed by her own desires. Before asking James to let her experience this pleasure, Vanessa wanted to see one more girl lose her head both metaphorically and literally. During her painfully long wait for her voyeuristic opportunity, Vanessa tidied up her house and visited a lawyer to write her will leaving everything she had, including her house, to the next of kin which was her lovely sister Amy. Vanessa loved her very much and wanted only the best for her. After her preparations were done all that was left to do was wait. After a several horribly long and filled with constant masturbation days, Vanessa finally saw her opportunity when James brought his next victim home, the last one Vanessa will ever see that wasn’t her of course. She was looking out her window making sure not to be seen, when the girl stopped, turned her face towards Vanessa’s house and took a look at it. The girl, James’s latest victim who had less than half an hour left to live, was none other than Amy, Vanessa’s sister. She rushed to her laptop to watch the feed, at first things moved as usual. About ten minutes in Amy pointed in the direction of her house, it was obvious she just told James about Vanessa. When they both went towards the basement, she rushed out of the house and trough the backdoor entered James’s place. On her way Vanessa took all of her clothes off leaving her pussy juice drenched panties on the basement door knob. By the time she got there Amy just locked herself into the guillotine and was violently masturbating in anticipation. “Now what do we have here, my neighbor with my own sister” sarcastically stated Vanessa when she walked into the room. Her sudden appearance startled both James and Amy, but they relaxed when they saw that she was fully naked with her hand rubbing her pussy. “Vanessa? What…how…” Amy was confused. “I’m here to get me some fun sis, same as you” answered Vanessa, “I’m glad you haven’t started without me”. “James, you really shouldn’t have” blushed Amy. “Don’t look at me” he answered, “I’m surprised as much as you are!”. “You two talk too much” said Vanessa approaching Amy’s still attached head. Amy looked up and saw her sister looking down at her, her perfect pussy was right in her face. Vanessa was literally dripping her pussy juices all over her sister’s face. A few drops fell on her lips and Amy instinctively liked them, she never thought that one of the last sensations in her life would be enjoying the taste of her own sister’s pussy juice. “Are you going to just stand there like that or are you going to let me eat you out?” asked Amy. Vanessa smiled and adjusted her position in a way that would allow her sister to pleasure her without a trouble. In the mean time James began fucking Amy hard, her sister’s tongue with addition of her neighbor’s pumping shoving her face harder into the pussy was like nothing Vanessa has ever experienced before. She was playing with her nipples when she noticed Amy’s hand reaching for the lever. Vanessa made sure her perfect tits were not in the way of the blade and thought that it would be very awful if she wont cum before her sister will lose her head. As soon as she finished that thought Amy pulled the lever and the blade fell. Vanessa came so hard that she squeezed her thighs hard enough to keep her sister’s chopped off head in the same position. Much to her surprise Vanessa kept feeling Amy’s tongue moving for several seconds more before stopping still in her pussy. James kept fucking Amy’s corpse for almost half a minute more before he finally came inside of it. Vanessa gently grabbed her sister’s head from between her thighs and walked towards him. “Hold her for me, would you” she told him while giving him Amy’s head. Vanessa looked at her sisters’ limp headless body, it was the hottest thing she ever saw. She squatted right in between her legs and smiled at the sight of her now relaxed sphincter dripping with James sperm. Vanessa leaned towards Amy’s still warm pussy and began licking it, she then went down and started giving her a rimjob making sure to collect every single drop of James’s sperm. In the meantime, James was looking at the head in his arms, her face was covered in her own sisters’ pussy juice, he found it hot and began licking it off of her starting with her amazing lips. When she was done with Any’s lifeless sphincter, Vanessa moved her tongue in her mouth enjoying the taste of his cum, she moaned and gulped it down her throat. Vanessa stood up and looked around. “Is this the part where you cut her into pieces?” she asked James. “Yes, right there” he pointed at the table, “you seem to know a lot about me”. “I was watching you for a while” answered Vanessa, “can I do it? Can I cut my own sister?” James wanted to see how it plays out so he agreed to it. He picked up Amy’s body from the guillotine and put it on the table. “Did you loved your sister?” asked James. “Of course, I did! I wanted only the best for her” answered Vanessa. “Then why didn’t you tried to stop it and enjoyed her in her last moments?” he asked another question. “Silly you, just look at her face” Vanessa pointed at the expression of the ultimate pleasure still frozen on her face, “This is the best thing in the world”. Vanessa took a cleaver from the drawer and with one swift motion chopped of Amy’s foot. She then took it, examined her toes and put them in her mouth. Vanessa sucked them for a bit loudly moaning in the process. “Amy always had great toes” stated Vanessa, “I realized how hot they are only now”. She passed Amy’s chopped off foot to James, he examined her toes and sucked on them for a bit. He then approached Vanessa from behind and shoved her dead sister’s toes into her pussy using her foot as a dildo. Vanessa kept shopping her sister into pieces occasionally stopping when the pleasure was a bit too much. She was half way done when Amy’s amazing toes finally made her cum squirting all over the place. James took Amy’s foot out of Vanessa’s pussy, it was all covered in her juices so he put it in his mouth and sucked it off the toes. Vanessa took a moment to come to her senses and continued working. It didn’t take her long to chop Amy up, Vanessa took a step back and looked at the pile of meat that not even a half an hour ago was her sister. “My god this is hot” almost moaned Vanessa, “I never dreamed that I would consider Amy arousing, let alone in this form”. “You want to clean her blood with her own dress now?” asked her James. “No, there is something that needs to be done first” she answered. Vanessa walked towards the guillotine, reset it and lied in it putting her neck in the lunette. James smiled and walked to her, he then bends over and began licking her pussy. Vanessa wasn’t expecting this from him but nevertheless was happy with the gesture. After a several moments and another Vanessa’s orgasm, James suddenly shoved his dick into her ass and began fucking it fast. She never had anal sex before so it was painful, but at the same time it made her feel good. “If I knew it would feel this amazing, I would have had anal long time ago” thought Vanessa. This distracted her for a bit to the point that she closed her eyes moaning in pleasure. When she finally opened her eyes the first thing she saw was the blade above her throat. The mere sight of it almost made her cum. She couldn’t wait anymore, Vanessa grabbed the lever and pulled it fast. The sight of blade moving gave her the grandest orgasm of her entire life. Vanessa’s head dropped to the floor and rolled, it stopped in a convenient position allowing for the sight of James ass fucking her decapitated body to be the last thing Vanessa ever saw. After several more pumps James came hard and pulled his dick out of Vanessa’s dead body. He took a minute to rest and began to chop her body right next to the pile of meat that used to be her sister. James had a lot of work to do, in fact the workload doubled thanks to sisters but James thought that the experience was worth it. Unbeknownst to him Vanessa left her house to the next of kin, she thought it would be Amy that is until she saw her walking towards James’s house. Now the house will go to Vanessa’s cousin Linda who will definitely move in it out of her small apartment. And of course, eventually she will look into Vanessa’s laptop and find all the footage from James’s basement. It would be easy to do since Vanessa made sure to remove any password requirements from her laptop, after all she wanted to share this amazing experience of heavenly pleasure with as many girls as possible. |